Topic: Playing the victim...
redhead44613's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:53 PM

noway people are stupid... I'm slowly losing my faith in humanitygrumble

You are the smartest person I have met on this web site yet. You and the person who started this forum. People do suck ...well a lot of people do but not all. I have noticed that our society has become more and more self centered over my life time. Political correctness has become a crutch and a way for groups to deflect any real discussion that people may want to have about inferior cultures and concealed hate. You know what I’m talking about. Me me me society. My way is right and all who disagree must bend to my will even if I don’t do what I say as long as you do what I say its ok…said the spider to the flies.

I agree with you, hard to find people who would drop what they are doing to help you out. my car broke down one day an I was waiting for someone to stop to help for about 5hrs cops even passed by, I had my 4ways on an the hood an truck open.. its pretty bad.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:54 PM
People suck, get a dog.smokin

writer_gurl's photo
Sat 08/23/08 12:57 PM

People suck, get a dog.smokin

I soooo agree with you there:thumbsup:

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:01 PM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 08/23/08 01:30 PM

why do u think people r like this? if i knew the answer to that question, i would be rich.
people r the way they r, because that is the way they r, and nothing in between.
political correctness? what is that? what is correct these days.????????noway
What is politically correct these days…well lets see:

Don’t question the value systems of minority’s

Don’t say Global warming is a fraud.

Don’t speak out against poor illegal aliens.. they just want to do the jobs that us fat ,lazy Americans wont do ..don’t cha know.

If you have money you should feel guilty and support any effort by government or leftist organizations to get a hold of that filthy money you have. Bad bad bad.

Don’t tell anyone you have property rights what’s yours is everyones.. we are just letting you hold on to it until you croke or until the government wants to build a highway through your front room.

Ya know this is politically correct get it now.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:03 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 08/23/08 01:03 PM

why do u think people r like this? if i knew the answer to that question, i would be rich.
people r the way they r, because that is the way they r, and nothing in between.
political correctness? what is that? what is correct these days.????????noway
What is politically correct these days…well lets see:

Don’t question the value systems of minority’s

Don’t say Global warming is a fraud.

Don’t speak out against poor illegal aliens.. they just want to do the jobs that us fat ,lazy Americans wont do ..don’t cha know.

If you have money you should feel guilty and support any effort by government or leftist organizations to get a hold of that filthy money you have. Bad bad bad.

Don’t tell anyone you have property rights what’s your is evryones.. we are just letting you hold on to it until you croke or until the government wants to build a highway through your front room.

Ya know this is politically correct get it now.

huh Who has an inferior culture?huh

izzie's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:04 PM
it because in society today we have come accoustomed to getting what we want without consequences, and when we DO get consequinces ther is always a way out..

we can get a good lawyer and get out of jail for almost everything..

taking responsibility for our actions has become a thing of the past...
if something goes wrong..well it wasnt MY fault.. it was the fault of something or someone else..

i didnt mean to kill the guy with the gun that i was pointing at him with the safety off.. it just went off when i squeezed the trigger...

jury said.. in that case.. you are free....

society... we can live with it.. or we can change it.. its a choice we all make each and every day.

mixie629's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:11 PM

noway people are stupid... I'm slowly losing my faith in humanitygrumble

You are the smartest person I have met on this web site yet. You and the person who started this forum. People do suck ...well a lot of people do but not all. I have noticed that our society has become more and more self centered over my life time. Political correctness has become a crutch and a way for groups to deflect any real discussion that people may want to have about inferior cultures and concealed hate. You know what I’m talking about. Me me me society. My way is right and all who disagree must bend to my will even if I don’t do what I say as long as you do what I say its ok…said the spider to the flies.

I agree with you, hard to find people who would drop what they are doing to help you out. my car broke down one day an I was waiting for someone to stop to help for about 5hrs cops even passed by, I had my 4ways on an the hood an truck open.. its pretty bad.
that is why there is such a thing as AAA

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:15 PM

noway people are stupid... I'm slowly losing my faith in humanitygrumble

You are the smartest person I have met on this web site yet. You and the person who started this forum. People do suck ...well a lot of people do but not all. I have noticed that our society has become more and more self centered over my life time. Political correctness has become a crutch and a way for groups to deflect any real discussion that people may want to have about inferior cultures and concealed hate. You know what I’m talking about. Me me me society. My way is right and all who disagree must bend to my will even if I don’t do what I say as long as you do what I say its ok…said the spider to the flies.

I agree with you, hard to find people who would drop what they are doing to help you out. my car broke down one day an I was waiting for someone to stop to help for about 5hrs cops even passed by, I had my 4ways on an the hood an truck open.. its pretty bad.

I helped a coworker drive a car back from North Dakota to Georgia. I didn’t charge him ..I just like to travel and thought it would be nice to see some of the country. I didn’t expect anything in return. A month later I asked the guy about a truck he was going to sell.. he says he will sell it to me for $2,500 then he raises the price to $3,500. I tell him ok I will buy it with 2,500 down and then pay off the other grand in installments. He says ok. 2 weeks later I have the money and he tells me he bought a boat and wants to keep the truck. I understand that but hell he could have said something earlier. What an a$$hole. That’s ok though because now his wife is divorcing him . what you do comes back to haunt you. sell the boat and truck cause ex wifey will be taken half.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:24 PM

why do u think people r like this? if i knew the answer to that question, i would be rich.
people r the way they r, because that is the way they r, and nothing in between.
political correctness? what is that? what is correct these days.????????noway
What is politically correct these days…well lets see:

Don’t question the value systems of minority’s

Don’t say Global warming is a fraud.

Don’t speak out against poor illegal aliens.. they just want to do the jobs that us fat ,lazy Americans wont do ..don’t cha know.

If you have money you should feel guilty and support any effort by government or leftist organizations to get a hold of that filthy money you have. Bad bad bad.

Don’t tell anyone you have property rights what’s your is evryones.. we are just letting you hold on to it until you croke or until the government wants to build a highway through your front room.

Ya know this is politically correct get it now.

huh Who has an inferior culture?huh

Inferior VALUES in a culture.

Sky rocketing birth rates in single parent homes. The embracing of violence, theft, drugs. .gangster mentality. Very very high incarceration percentage compared to other coulters in that same society.

Tell me I am wrong!!!!

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:28 PM

why do u think people r like this? if i knew the answer to that question, i would be rich.
people r the way they r, because that is the way they r, and nothing in between.
political correctness? what is that? what is correct these days.????????noway
What is politically correct these days…well lets see:

Don’t question the value systems of minority’s

Don’t say Global warming is a fraud.

Don’t speak out against poor illegal aliens.. they just want to do the jobs that us fat ,lazy Americans wont do ..don’t cha know.

If you have money you should feel guilty and support any effort by government or leftist organizations to get a hold of that filthy money you have. Bad bad bad.

Don’t tell anyone you have property rights what’s your is evryones.. we are just letting you hold on to it until you croke or until the government wants to build a highway through your front room.

Ya know this is politically correct get it now.

huh Who has an inferior culture?huh

Inferior VALUES in a culture.

Sky rocketing birth rates in single parent homes. The embracing of violence, theft, drugs. .gangster mentality. Very very high incarceration percentage compared to other cultures in that same society.

Tell me I am wrong!!!!

no photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:28 PM

WTH!?!?! Poking a dog is not cool, and I don't blame it for being mean to the person who did it...The dog shouldn't be put down...It's the other one who should be punished:angry:

That's kind of her point.

michiganman3's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:44 PM
There are no victims, only volunteers

mixie629's photo
Sat 08/23/08 01:51 PM
Edited by mixie629 on Sat 08/23/08 01:51 PM

why do u think people r like this? if i knew the answer to that question, i would be rich.
people r the way they r, because that is the way they r, and nothing in between.
political correctness? what is that? what is correct these days.????????noway
What is politically correct these days…well lets see:

Don’t question the value systems of minority’s

Don’t say Global warming is a fraud.

Don’t speak out against poor illegal aliens.. they just want to do the jobs that us fat ,lazy Americans wont do ..don’t cha know.

If you have money you should feel guilty and support any effort by government or leftist organizations to get a hold of that filthy money you have. Bad bad bad.

Don’t tell anyone you have property rights what’s your is evryones.. we are just letting you hold on to it until you croke or until the government wants to build a highway through your front room.

Ya know this is politically correct get it now.

huh Who has an inferior culture?huh

Inferior VALUES in a culture.

Sky rocketing birth rates in single parent homes. The embracing of violence, theft, drugs. .gangster mentality. Very very high incarceration percentage compared to other coulters in that same society.

Tell me I am wrong!!!!

These problems are cross-cultural and are driven by societal problems of unemployment, lack of educational opportunity, and poverty.

It's harder to escape than you think; you don't know until you have lived it.

Tell me I am wrong!!!!

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 02:08 PM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 08/23/08 02:11 PM

why do u think people r like this? if i knew the answer to that question, i would be rich.
people r the way they r, because that is the way they r, and nothing in between.
political correctness? what is that? what is correct these days.????????noway
What is politically correct these days…well lets see:

Don’t question the value systems of minority’s

Don’t say Global warming is a fraud.

Don’t speak out against poor illegal aliens.. they just want to do the jobs that us fat ,lazy Americans wont do ..don’t cha know.

If you have money you should feel guilty and support any effort by government or leftist organizations to get a hold of that filthy money you have. Bad bad bad.

Don’t tell anyone you have property rights what’s your is evryones.. we are just letting you hold on to it until you croke or until the government wants to build a highway through your front room.

Ya know this is politically correct get it now.

huh Who has an inferior culture?huh

Inferior VALUES in a culture.

Sky rocketing birth rates in single parent homes. The embracing of violence, theft, drugs. .gangster mentality. Very very high incarceration percentage compared to other coulters in that same society.

Tell me I am wrong!!!!

These problems are cross-cultural and are driven by societal problems of unemployment, lack of educational opportunity, and poverty.

It's harder to escape than you think; you don't know until you have lived it.

Tell me I am wrong!!!!

Thanks !!!you just proved the point that the person who started this forum was making.

It's always someone else’s fault.

Hey I don’t have a job so I think Ill go knock up my girlfriend ...AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. The government will a pay for it anyway...SUCKERS!

Me and my homiees is gonna go hang out and smoke some cronic..F#@k school. I'm gonna be a B-ball player or a rapper anyway. Sling'en cane pays more than Mick-d's ya know.

Here ya go-


Then go to a J.R.. college.

Don’t have six or 20 kids when you are not married and or do not have a job.

Save some money- don’t spend every dime you have.

There I just solved poverty for you.

You know it is always someone else’s fault in your world isn’t it.

By the way I grew up with very modest means.

mixie629's photo
Sat 08/23/08 02:12 PM

why do u think people r like this? if i knew the answer to that question, i would be rich.
people r the way they r, because that is the way they r, and nothing in between.
political correctness? what is that? what is correct these days.????????noway
What is politically correct these days…well lets see:

Don’t question the value systems of minority’s

Don’t say Global warming is a fraud.

Don’t speak out against poor illegal aliens.. they just want to do the jobs that us fat ,lazy Americans wont do ..don’t cha know.

If you have money you should feel guilty and support any effort by government or leftist organizations to get a hold of that filthy money you have. Bad bad bad.

Don’t tell anyone you have property rights what’s your is evryones.. we are just letting you hold on to it until you croke or until the government wants to build a highway through your front room.

Ya know this is politically correct get it now.

huh Who has an inferior culture?huh

Inferior VALUES in a culture.

Sky rocketing birth rates in single parent homes. The embracing of violence, theft, drugs. .gangster mentality. Very very high incarceration percentage compared to other coulters in that same society.

Tell me I am wrong!!!!

These problems are cross-cultural and are driven by societal problems of unemployment, lack of educational opportunity, and poverty.

It's harder to escape than you think; you don't know until you have lived it.

Tell me I am wrong!!!!

Thanks !!!you just proved the point that the person who started this forum was making.

It's always someone else’s fault.

Hey I don’t have a job so I think Ill go knock up my girlfriend ...AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. The government will a pay for it anyway...SUCKERS!

Me and my homes is gonna go hang out and smoke some cronic..F#@k school. I'm gonna be a B-ball player or a rapper anyway. Sling'en cane pays more than Mick-d's ya know.

Here ya go-


Then go to a J.R.. college.

Don’t have six or 20 kids when you are not married and or do not have a job.

Save some money- don’t spend every dime you have.

There I just solved poverty for you.

You know it is always someone else’s fault in your world isn’t it.

By the way I grew up with very modest means.
Um..I grew up in the inner city. My family was hampered by mental illness, addiction, crime.

I am now a professional, and a college graduate. I own my own home and have raised a child by myself; a child who is now in college.

I do recognize, however, that not everyone that I grew up with had the strength or the will to get out the way I did. They don't see that they have to power to change their circumstances.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 02:20 PM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 08/23/08 02:25 PM

why do u think people r like this? if i knew the answer to that question, i would be rich.
people r the way they r, because that is the way they r, and nothing in between.
political correctness? what is that? what is correct these days.????????noway
What is politically correct these days…well lets see:

Don’t question the value systems of minority’s

Don’t say Global warming is a fraud.

Don’t speak out against poor illegal aliens.. they just want to do the jobs that us fat ,lazy Americans wont do ..don’t cha know.

If you have money you should feel guilty and support any effort by government or leftist organizations to get a hold of that filthy money you have. Bad bad bad.

Don’t tell anyone you have property rights what’s your is evryones.. we are just letting you hold on to it until you croke or until the government wants to build a highway through your front room.

Ya know this is politically correct get it now.

huh Who has an inferior culture?huh

Inferior VALUES in a culture.

Sky rocketing birth rates in single parent homes. The embracing of violence, theft, drugs. .gangster mentality. Very very high incarceration percentage compared to other coulters in that same society.

Tell me I am wrong!!!!

These problems are cross-cultural and are driven by societal problems of unemployment, lack of educational opportunity, and poverty.

It's harder to escape than you think; you don't know until you have lived it.

Tell me I am wrong!!!!

Thanks !!!you just proved the point that the person who started this forum was making.

It's always someone else’s fault.

Hey I don’t have a job so I think Ill go knock up my girlfriend ...AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN. The government will a pay for it anyway...SUCKERS!

Me and my homes is gonna go hang out and smoke some cronic..F#@k school. I'm gonna be a B-ball player or a rapper anyway. Sling'en cane pays more than Mick-d's ya know.

Here ya go-


Then go to a J.R.. college.

Don’t have six or 20 kids when you are not married and or do not have a job.

Save some money- don’t spend every dime you have.

There I just solved city poverty for you.

You know it is always someone else’s fault in your world isn’t it.

By the way I grew up with very modest means.
Um..I grew up in the inner city. My family was hampered by mental illness, addiction, crime.

I am now a professional, and a college graduate. I own my own home and have raised a child by myself; a child who is now in college.

I do recognize, however, that not everyone that I grew up with had the strength or the will to get out the way I did. They don't see that they have to power to change their circumstances.

There is a ton of opportunity in this country …laziness and cop outs just are not going to fly anymore. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY say it with me now..P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y.

God bless you. I am glad to hear you made it out. I grew up in Detroit By the way.

mixie629's photo
Sat 08/23/08 02:32 PM
Edited by mixie629 on Sat 08/23/08 02:33 PM
There is a ton of opportunity in this country …laziness and cop outs just are not going to fly anymore. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY say it with me now..P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y.

God bless you. I am glad to hear you made it out. I grew up in Detroit By the way.
I don't want to argue with you; I agree with the concept of personal responsibility. However, I have seen some children that my child befriended, for example. Their parents had them at 16; the father is a drug dealer, the mother is scared, abused, uneducated.

These kids really don't have a chance in hell of making it in society. They never grew up because they were not raised.

Is that their fault? We tried to show them a better way but they could not see it. They are both hustling and dealing to get by, since they dropped out of high school.

They didn't have a strong parent behind them to support them and teach them how to live.

And they are not "minorities", at least in the sense that I think you mean it. They are caucasian.

hinkypoepoe's photo
Sat 08/23/08 02:49 PM
Edited by hinkypoepoe on Sat 08/23/08 02:56 PM

There is a ton of opportunity in this country …laziness and cop outs just are not going to fly anymore. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY say it with me now..P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y.

God bless you. I am glad to hear you made it out. I grew up in Detroit By the way.
I don't want to argue with you; I agree with the concept of personal responsibility. However, I have seen some children that my child befriended, for example. Their parents had them at 16; the father is a drug dealer, the mother is scared, abused, uneducated.

These kids really don't have a chance in hell of making it in society. They never grew up because they were not raised.

Is that their fault? We tried to show them a better way but they could not see it. They are both hustling and dealing to get by, since they dropped out of high school.

They didn't have a strong parent behind them to support them and teach them how to live.

And they are not "minorities", at least in the sense that I think you mean it. They are caucasian.

We are not arguing. I have a point of view and you have a point of view. The mother failed those children before they were born. So did the father. It all comes down to what I said before- inferior values.

Race issues in America these days are not about color. They are about culture. Some cultures over all values are inferior because they produce inferior results is what I am saying. A person can change their values when ever they want to. A community can decide to change as a whole in fact. It starts with a person then a group and then the whole. Personal Responsibility. As far as the children you mentioned they need to be taken from their environment and put into a positive setting. Also the mother and father should be put on public display in leg irons with a sign that reads "This is what human scum looks like." People should be able to throw garbage at them.Just my Two cents.

mixie629's photo
Sat 08/23/08 02:55 PM
Edited by mixie629 on Sat 08/23/08 03:03 PM

There is a ton of opportunity in this country …laziness and cop outs just are not going to fly anymore. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY say it with me now..P-E-R-S-O-N-A-L R-E-S-P-O-N-S-I-B-I-L-I-T-Y.

God bless you. I am glad to hear you made it out. I grew up in Detroit By the way.
I don't want to argue with you; I agree with the concept of personal responsibility. However, I have seen some children that my child befriended, for example. Their parents had them at 16; the father is a drug dealer, the mother is scared, abused, uneducated.

These kids really don't have a chance in hell of making it in society. They never grew up because they were not raised.

Is that their fault? We tried to show them a better way but they could not see it. They are both hustling and dealing to get by, since they dropped out of high school.

They didn't have a strong parent behind them to support them and teach them how to live.

And they are not "minorities", at least in the sense that I think you mean it. They are caucasian.

We are not arguing. I have a point of view and you have a point of view. The mother failed those children before they were born. So did the father. It all comes down to what I said before- inferior values.

Race issues in America these days are not about color. They are about culture. Some cultures over all values are inferior because they produce inferior results is what I am saying. A person can change their values when ever they want to. A community can decide to change as a whole in fact. It starts with a person then a group and then the whole. Personal Responsibility. As far as the children you mentioned they need to be taken from their environment and put into a positive setting. Just my Two cents.

I agree with you about the children.

But who is going to do it? I have let them into my home before and they not only robbed me blind, their ghetto friends showed up on my doorstep.

It's a serious problem and self-perpetuating. There are a few, like you and myself, who can see beyond their circumstances and do whatever it takes to rise above. But most can't; and so the cycle of poverty and misery continues. I guess this is what you are talking about - the ghetto mentality. It has nothing whatsoever to do with race or skin color. It is a way of life; I know because I come from a family immersed in the ghetto way of thinking. I was the youngest of 8 and the first to graduate high school. The others didn't bother; dropped out and took low-level jobs; and now my sisters think I am "lucky" because I have a good job.

They really don't see that they bring it on themselves.

no photo
Sat 08/23/08 02:57 PM
I don't even try to figure those people out
just cut them out of my life and move on