Topic: a legit question
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Wed 08/20/08 04:09 PM

I see a big difference in personal insult and attack on a person as compared to attacking dogma of religions and lies.

A person who believes they are telling the truth, but are just passing on a lie are sincere; but they are still passing on the lie.

A doctrine that misleads and lies is what I will attack, for it is like a beast that is eating the believers. The believers are just a meal for this lie and they sustain this lie and have for 2000 years.

I love the believers, but I hate the lie.


no photo
Wed 08/20/08 05:49 PM

if jesus is god then god is not invisible?

Colossians 1:15-17

(Jesus) Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature: For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him: And he is before all things, and by him all things consist.

Jesus is the visible image of the invisible God.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 08/20/08 06:02 PM
Edited by Redykeulous on Wed 08/20/08 06:04 PM
Tribo, I havn't read the whole thread, but I here's a little more to ponder.'

Doesn't it say that Adam was made from dust. Depending on the version of Genesis Eve was likewise made of dust OR made from Adam's rib. Either way, both Adam & Eve were made from SOME THING.

I don't know the verses but there are a couple that I'm told say that. One in Genesis in the creation story and one somewhere else, something like, From dust you were made and to dust you shall return. I think that was a punishment for the disobedience.

This is interesting to note because, if Adam and Eve were made in god's image, than is the dust in someway part of god's being or is the dust an inherent part of any new solar system? If it's a part of god's being, would that not be indicadive of the pantheistic point of view?

Also, is the question, did god create the dust from nothing? Or is the dust god?


no photo
Wed 08/20/08 06:22 PM

Tribo, I havn't read the whole thread, but I here's a little more to ponder.'

Doesn't it say that Adam was made from dust. Depending on the version of Genesis Eve was likewise made of dust OR made from Adam's rib. Either way, both Adam & Eve were made from SOME THING.

I don't know the verses but there are a couple that I'm told say that. One in Genesis in the creation story and one somewhere else, something like, From dust you were made and to dust you shall return. I think that was a punishment for the disobedience.

This is interesting to note because, if Adam and Eve were made in god's image, than is the dust in someway part of god's being or is the dust an inherent part of any new solar system? If it's a part of god's being, would that not be indicadive of the pantheistic point of view?

Also, is the question, did god create the dust from nothing? Or is the dust god?


God's invisible and a spirit. God isn't made of matter. The image in which mankind is made is a spiritual image. God is triune (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and humans are triune (soul, body and spirit). At our best, our emotions and motivations are the image of God.

tribo's photo
Wed 08/20/08 06:45 PM
boy you confuse me spider your answers are so adamant yet it says in the book god is seen as a bright light many times - light is not invisible - unless you have an explanation for his light also being invisible?

either he is >invisible< or he's not - which is it? it can't be stating someplaces he's this bright light or that moses see's his back or other statements and then you declare that he is >>invisible<<? it also says the angels see this .light. of god? make up your mind or explain.

Redykeulous's photo
Wed 08/20/08 07:04 PM
humans are triune (soul, body and spirit).

Please define soul and spirit?

LAMom's photo
Wed 08/20/08 07:42 PM

humans are triune (soul, body and spirit).

Please define soul and spirit?

Spirit as in the Air we breathe set in motion,,
Floating amoung all
Rising above Mother Earth ,,, thriving on the clouds,, basking upon the Sun and basking in the rays of the moon,,,
A song set sail

Soul My inner thoughts, emotions, my Engine of my Body
Sorta like my Heart Beating my Soul connects the wires of
my shell and flows freely with some ups and downs allowing
those who really see into a deeper part of me,,,

Soul as in Soullllllllllllllllllllll trainnnnnn a song of life moving,flowing all through me

Hugs (( Red )))

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I shall go ponder some more on the whole, soul spirit thingyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 08/20/08 08:43 PM
This is a friendly reminder please stay on the Topic in hand. Please keep threads to a debate form and do not attack others personally. I have deleted some of the post that seemed to be directed towards others in a personal matter. Everyone has and opinion and should get the chance to voice that opinion. But when it comes to the point of attacking others for what they have to say your opinion is no longer heard. So with that in mind please stay on topic and in a debate form.

Thank You
Site Mod

tribo's photo
Wed 08/20/08 10:05 PM

2 legit
2 legit
2 quit

Please Tribo, don't hurt 'em!

Creatio Ex Nihilo

You've asked this question before and I have answered it before, I suppose you didn't like my answer the first time, but here it is again.

John 1:3

All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

spidey, it is not that i didn't like your answer, but what it says though to me is not clear as to if there was just god and "nothing else" or if there was matter of any kind around him before he started to create? what john states is that all things? came into being but it does not state there was nothing in the universe to begin with, only that nothing he created has come into being. I understand you taking that to mean nothing existed, but i do not. to me that only means john is talking of gods creation of what he states he created, hes saying [to me] god and god alone created everything he created and nothing[no other god] had apart in doing so, it was strictly his doing, no one else's.

I'm asking on the other hand was there any matter/substance.sub-quark material that existed along with god from eternity, or was god it? nothing else what so ever? absolute blankness,nothingness, or what ever else you may describe it as?? Was god absolutely and infinitely the "only" thing that existed at one time??


What John is saying is that everything which exists was created by God. That verse leaves no wiggle room. This is the Biblical answer. There is no way around it. As for what you believe, you can believe whatever you choose to believe. But the answer in the Bible is that God created everything that exists.

of course there is room to contemplate what is being stated spidey, what john is commenting on is "jesus" as the "word" The word spoke things into existance - Et al - jesus.he's not describing the creation - he is describing jesus as the word that brought forth all that exist - by no means does this state that nothing else existed when he spoke the words. In my reading what i get out of john is that everything we can see or sense with our senses was created, no more no less. As you tell me your free to understand it that way as you do, but by no means do i see it as conformation of every sub paticle having not existed before god/jesus/spirit started the process we now sense with all our senses.

doesn't your teachings also take into account that god thought it, jesus spoke it, spirit created it? seems to me thats what i was told along time ago.

no photo
Wed 08/20/08 10:12 PM

boy you confuse me spider your answers are so adamant yet it says in the book god is seen as a bright light many times - light is not invisible - unless you have an explanation for his light also being invisible?

either he is >invisible< or he's not - which is it? it can't be stating someplaces he's this bright light or that moses see's his back or other statements and then you declare that he is >>invisible<<? it also says the angels see this .light. of god? make up your mind or explain.

John 1:18

No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

Those who have seen God, have seen Jesus.

no photo
Wed 08/20/08 10:14 PM

humans are triune (soul, body and spirit).

Please define soul and spirit?

Spirit is our link to God.
Soul is our life force and personality.

no photo
Wed 08/20/08 10:15 PM

boy you confuse me spider your answers are so adamant yet it says in the book god is seen as a bright light many times - light is not invisible - unless you have an explanation for his light also being invisible?

either he is >invisible< or he's not - which is it? it can't be stating someplaces he's this bright light or that moses see's his back or other statements and then you declare that he is >>invisible<<? it also says the angels see this .light. of god? make up your mind or explain.

John 1:18

No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

Those who have seen God, have seen Jesus.

Also, the fact that God is light doesn't mean God isn't invisible. God calls the light about himself his glory.

tribo's photo
Wed 08/20/08 10:16 PM

Tribo, I havn't read the whole thread, but I here's a little more to ponder.'

Doesn't it say that Adam was made from dust. Depending on the version of Genesis Eve was likewise made of dust OR made from Adam's rib. Either way, both Adam & Eve were made from SOME THING.

I don't know the verses but there are a couple that I'm told say that. One in Genesis in the creation story and one somewhere else, something like, From dust you were made and to dust you shall return. I think that was a punishment for the disobedience.

This is interesting to note because, if Adam and Eve were made in god's image, than is the dust in someway part of god's being or is the dust an inherent part of any new solar system? If it's a part of god's being, would that not be indicadive of the pantheistic point of view?

Also, is the question, did god create the dust from nothing? Or is the dust god?


God's invisible and a spirit. God isn't made of matter. The image in which mankind is made is a spiritual image. God is triune (Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and humans are triune (soul, body and spirit). At our best, our emotions and motivations are the image of God.

God isn't made of matter??
are not even ghost not made of matter and angels? yet you say god is not? please explain then what god >>>"IS MADE OF ?"<<<

do you think god is just thought? Or emotion?

do you beleive he does not occupy space or have any mass to himself?

please do tell me what you think "spirit" is spidey?

no photo
Wed 08/20/08 10:17 PM

of course there is room to contemplate what is being stated spidey, what john is commenting on is "jesus" as the "word" The word spoke things into existance - Et al - jesus.he's not describing the creation - he is describing jesus as the word that brought forth all that exist - by no means does this state that nothing else existed when he spoke the words. In my reading what i get out of john is that everything we can see or sense with our senses was created, no more no less. As you tell me your free to understand it that way as you do, but by no means do i see it as conformation of every sub paticle having not existed before god/jesus/spirit started the process we now sense with all our senses.

doesn't your teachings also take into account that god thought it, jesus spoke it, spirit created it? seems to me thats what i was told along time ago.

John 1:3

All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being.

Where is the wiggle room? There isn't any. You don't have to believe it. But the Bible says that Jesus created all things. Everything. Nothing exists, which wasn't created by Jesus.

wouldee's photo
Wed 08/20/08 10:23 PM
Edited by wouldee on Wed 08/20/08 10:24 PM
light as in God having no shadow and where God is not, is darkness.

To which Judeo-Christian scripture attributes Jesus as being that true light. John 1: 6-14. esp.vs9

So light, to God, is not the visible light as we know it from lamps.

no photo
Wed 08/20/08 10:28 PM

God isn't made of matter??
are not even ghost not made of matter and angels? yet you say god is not? please explain then what god >>>"IS MADE OF ?"<<<

do you think god is just thought? Or emotion?

do you beleive he does not occupy space or have any mass to himself?

please do tell me what you think "spirit" is spidey?

Spirit isn't of this universe, what it is composed of or if it is composed of anything, I can't say. I'm amazed that you are surprised by this, as it is taught in most branches of Christianity.

If God created all matter, then God cannot be matter. Simple logic. Also, Jesus taught that God is spirit.

tribo's photo
Wed 08/20/08 10:36 PM

boy you confuse me spider your answers are so adamant yet it says in the book god is seen as a bright light many times - light is not invisible - unless you have an explanation for his light also being invisible?

either he is >invisible< or he's not - which is it? it can't be stating someplaces he's this bright light or that moses see's his back or other statements and then you declare that he is >>invisible<<? it also says the angels see this .light. of god? make up your mind or explain.

John 1:18

No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

Those who have seen God, have seen Jesus.

Also, the fact that God is light doesn't mean God isn't invisible. God calls the light about himself his glory.

and how does that explain moses seeing god on the mountain?

no photo
Wed 08/20/08 10:40 PM

and how does that explain moses seeing god on the mountain?

Moses saw allowed to see God's glory, because God said "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live"

tribo's photo
Wed 08/20/08 11:01 PM

and how does that explain moses seeing god on the mountain?

Moses saw allowed to see God's glory, because God said "You cannot see My face, for no man can see Me and live"
and then what did moses and the rest see with thier eyes in chapter 24 - 9, 10 especially, and 11 exodus

Belushi's photo
Wed 08/20/08 11:02 PM

boy you confuse me spider your answers are so adamant yet it says in the book god is seen as a bright light many times - light is not invisible - unless you have an explanation for his light also being invisible?

either he is >invisible< or he's not - which is it? it can't be stating someplaces he's this bright light or that moses see's his back or other statements and then you declare that he is >>invisible<<? it also says the angels see this .light. of god? make up your mind or explain.

John 1:18

No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him.

Those who have seen God, have seen Jesus.

Also, the fact that God is light doesn't mean God isn't invisible. God calls the light about himself his glory.

and how does that explain moses seeing god on the mountain?

Psychotropic acacia bushes, being 80 years old, yomping up a 2000metre mountain and in 40 degC temperature ...

Been there, done that - been called a heathen bigsmile