Topic: Throw down - part 2 | |
Ok here you go, here is a guy who is an evolutionary Biologist AND a Christian, maybe this will make you feel more comfortable, then watching atheists. |
It is my understanding that there are many modern day Christians who do accept natural selection, Darwinism and human evolution either in its entirety or they might mix it up a little with creationism. Would the fundamentalists hunt them down as non-believers or simply reject them as being too radical and not true god-fearing Christians? How is that handled?
Bushi & Krimsa
I haven't seen all the utubes you posted but I will tell this much. We have been down this road several time. Feral can't seem to see the little stuff. It the animal she wants to see is not as big as a horse she will dispute that it has evolved sufficiently to be considered evolution. There was one of the threads in which the idea came out to prove evolution to Feral in another way. Someone attempte to explain the ages of certain animals based only on their remains. They offered the fact that we can see the kinds of animals that have lived within certain date ranges. From there is was shown that whole new species of animals suddenly popped into existence. While evolution Theory suggests we should be able to see this evolution, all science currently had were suggestions as bones had not been found indicating the change. This was a long involved process and many of us were adding to the information. Feral had all kinds of explanations. God never stopped creating, I think was one of them. Another was that carbon dating was way off and yet another idea she had was that Satan burried the bones to get people away from god, and the list goes on and on. I have spent hours going back to find her words in those past posts to prove to her she said them. To prove to her she was never right and never proved anything. I have even gone back, taking hours of my time, to show her own inconsistancies or to prove to her that she DID or DIDN'T say something. I will not do it again. Deb will be who she is. I very much encourage her to go on to seminary. If anything can help her it might be that. It is, afterall, what she love most in the world, in the universe. Perhaps there will be some there, with whom she can relate and from whom she can finally open up to and learn. |
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Mon 08/11/08 07:43 PM
OK HERE YA GO......DID THIS ABOUT 9 MONTHS AGO... Creationlists have offered for more than 15 years a 1/4 million dollars to anyone who has real scientific evidence for evolution. There has been no claim of the money because there is no evidence. I understand that people believe in it, but that does not make it science. I am hoping to strengthen you faith in the Word of God and build your confidence in the Creator God, to help you stand up to the evolution bullies who try to intimidate you and deny your trust in God. You cannot buy into the lie that evolution had anything to do with your existence, or the lie that claims that God kick started evolution and then took a huge vacation only to come around to find human beings polluting His planet. You know, there are Christian Scientist claiming to be evolutionist as well. This angers me,, but not as much as the canvoluted-belief angers the atheists. Pultzer Prize winning sociobiologist Edward Wilson barks "humankind evolved by Darwinian, natural selection, genetic chance and environmental necessity, not God, made the species." Another leading evolutionist, and one time ordained priest, Francisco Ayala, said in a recent interview, Darwin’s "greatest accomplishment was to show that: living beings can be explained as the result of a natural process, natural selection, without any need to resort to a Creator or other external agent. In essence, he attempted to nullify the scriptures and the writings of Moses, King David, the Apostles John, & Paul. Paul told Colossians that God created all things in heaven and earth visible and invisible, all things were created by Him and for Him. There are two ways to look at this world. That is called your world-view. If you follow Darwinian thinking, I wold like to change your world view. How do you view this world? Some people look at the world from this direction (up) Some look at it the other way (down) The way you view the world is how you answer the Four Great Questions of life. There are 4 fundamental question regarding life that every single religion on earth tries to answer. The way you answer those questions is totally determined by your world-view. Some people look at the world and say “It’s amazing – a big bang made this world from nothing! “That is a humanist world-view based on the theory of evolution. Other people look at the world and say, “It’s is incredibly designed. There must be an intelligent designer! That is the creationist world- view based on creation by God. And those two world-views are at war with each other. I tell you straight out- “Somebody is wrong!” I don’t have a problem showing the evolutionist that he is wrong even though he might not accept it. If the evolution theory were true, how would you answer the Great Questions of Life? Who am I? What am I worth? Well if evolution is true you are nothing important. You are just a piece of protoplasm that washed up on the beach. You are not worth a thing. Actually, you are part of the problem because you are one of the poluters of the environment. Just breathing you and contributing to the global warming crisis. You are creating green house gases and taking us back before the ice age. Environmentalist want you gone. The more humans gone the happier the environment. And that is normal thinking if the evolution theory is true. Where did I come from? Well if evolution is true, you came from a cosmic burb about 20 billion years ago. Why am I here? What is the purpose of life? Well if evolution is true, there is not purpose to life; you might as well have loads of fun, if it feels good, go ahead and do it. There would be no divine authority to watch over you and keep you accountable. Where am I going when I die? Well, if evolution is true, you are going to the grave to be recycled into a worm or into a plant. You see, the Bible says, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth (Gen 1:1) So if that is true, that puts a whole different set of answers to those questions. That means we better try to figure out who God is, and find out what He wants and do what He says. Because he created this place, which means He owns it, which means He makes the rules. We better find out what He wants while we are alive. And if you are not obeying His rules, you may be in trouble on of these days. Satan doesn’t like this idea that God created this earth. So he came to Eve in the Garden of Eden. The first thing he said to the woman was, “has God really said.” He is trying to raise doubts about God’s world. Satan always tries to raise doubts and that is one of the reasons we have confusion over Bible versions. Which version can we trust; which versions are inaccurate? I will ascend about the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the most high. You see, satan wants to be God. But the job is not available and he is all upset that he can not be God, so he lied to Eve and told her she could be like God. Satan loathes us almost as much as he hates God because we are made in God’s image. That is why he went after Even and she fell for it because it sounded to good. “Wow I get to be God! Hitler was used by satan. Let me share a quote from him. “If you tell a lie long enough, loud enough, and often enough the people will believe it.” The second thing he said to Even “You will not really die if you eat the fruit.” Basically, he is calling God a liar. And the third thing he said to the woman is the thing I am most interested in for this message. He said, “Eve if you eat from that tree you will be like God.” Right there is where the whole idea of evolution got started. If didn’t start with Darwin, it started with satan and the Garden of Eden. Several religions teach that you will become like God when you die. Even key religious leaders believe we are more than God’s created beings. “Gods reason for creating Adam was the desire to reproduce himself. (Adam) was not a little like God. He as not almost like God. He was not subordinate to God even Adam was as much like God as you can get, the same as Jesus. Adam in the Garden of Eden was God manifest in the flesh. You don’t have a God in you, you are one.” I don’t know that he was retracted that statement which is on tape. Kenneth Hagin said, “The believer is as much an incarnation as as Jesus of Nazareth. The believer is called Christ. That who we are; were Christ! No Kenneth, Jesus is the one and only true God, we are nothing like God and we couldn’t do His job. The job is taken. If you think you are Christ, try walking on water, someday. Lucifer is the one who wants to be God. In this section I will talk about science. If you go to a large library, you will find many books about science. If you go to a large library, you will find Good science books. You will also find many, which have a little poison mixed in with the truths about nature and the universe. It is not the 98% good food I am against, it is the poison mixed in. I like to read about nature but I can’t always trust the books because to often facts are ignored to endorse an agenda. I am not against science books just the ones that contain the poison. Let me read to you what is published in a 1st grade text book. “The earth has changed much since its formation 4.5 billion years ago. Some life on earth has adapted to these changes.” Come on, is the earth 4.5 billion years old? Absolutely not! But if you tell that to a 1st grader, he/she is going to believe you. 1st graders believe everything you tell them. Dr. Stephen Meyer the outspoken creationist say buy the time a young adult figures out evolution is a lie, supported by nothing, they are humanists much of the time and could care less about faith in something else that could let them down. Atheists know, you keep poisoning the young mind until it believes whatever you say. 2nd grade science book read, “since it formation 4.5 billion years ago, there is organic evolution, Original life . Life has to get started from non-living material, even today, nobody has said how that could happen. Then we are told about macro-evolution that is where an animal changes to a different kind of animal. Has anyone here ever witnessed the birth of an animal? Even human? Did the animal resemble its mother’s kind? No one has ever seen a dog produce anything but dogs. Dogs are probably the animal more people pay attention too then any other animal, even if the dog, wolf, coyote had a common ancestor every 1st grader knows they are the same kind of animal. The bible says the animals are going to bring forth after their KIND. The dog the wold are the same kind of animal but there are different species. Darwin tried to fool everybody in his book Origin of Species by changing the work KIND to Species. Then lastly, we are encouraged to believe in micro-evolution. This is changes with the KINDS. Animals can produce a whole variety of offspring, long hair, short hair, long legged, short legged, that happens. But the first five are purely religious. Cosmic evolution, chemical evolution, stellar and planetary evolution, organic evolution, macro evolution, are all religion not science. We never have observed any of those in action. So to be a good witness for the Creator and stand firm in a debate, define first what you are debating as far as these evolution theories go? You will find that evolutionist give examples of # 6 only, micro evolution. Changes with the dog family. Problem is the debater usually implies micro-evolution is evidence for the other 5. It is not evidence. The teachers are taught to stress the earth is billions of years old, make sure the kids believe this since the intention is that if you have enough time anything can happen. But if these haven’t happened in all the years man has been observing creation why should anyone believe it is going to happen tomorrow. Don’t you think in science class, we should be teaching science. The results, of clear observations. Things we can observe and test and study and demonstrate. Things like the 1st law of thermodynamics. The scientific law, not theory, tells us “Matter cannot be created or destroyed.” If matter cannot be created or destroyed then how did the world get here? “Were here, you know” So that leaves on 2 choices. 1) Somebody made the world or 2) The world made itself. You can believe the Bible, which says God made the world with his hands, or can believe the humanists who say the world created itself. Humanists regard the universe as “self-existing and not created.” This quote is from the Humanist Manifesto Tenet#1. Well, if the world made itself how could this happen? The devil thought for along time and finally he came up with the big bang theory. It is rather obsurd what is published today and being taught to our kids. “Earth has changed.” In addition to (the planets) physical changes, life too, has evolved on earth.” The word evolved is a very tricky word. There are 6 meanings to the word and only one meaning is scientific. When someone speaks to you regarding evolution ask them what they mean? For some speak of cosmic evolution: The origin of time, space and matter. Also referred to as the Big Bang. Some believe it, I don’t. Then there is chemical evolution: The origin of higher elements from hydrogen the big band was to produce hydrogen and some helium, but how did we get the other 105 elements? Did they evolve? Are we to believe uranium evolved from hydrogen? The 3rd theory is stellar and planetary evolution: The origin of stars and planets. How did the star form? No one has even seen a star form. Scientists don’t even have a clue how a star could form. There are not even good theories on how a star could form. What happens all the time is vona and supernova, and that is when a star explodes. Man is constantly looking into the heavens and we see the stars exploding, not forming. Did you know that there are enough stars that every person on earth could claim 1 trillion stars for their own. Those are the ones we know about, thanks to the Hubble Telescope and fast computers. (psalm 147) tells us the “Lord determines the number of the stars and calls each by name. Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding has no limit.” Wow he named them all, has anyone named 11 trillion? Fourthly there is organic evolution: the origin of life. Life had to get started from non-living material. Even today, nobody has a clue how that could happen. Then are are told about macro-evolution. That is where an animal changes to different kinds of animals. Nobody has ever seen a dog produce anything but dogs. The Pretae Hall General Science book say “about 18 to 20 billion years ago all the matter in the universe was concentrated into one very dense, very hot region that may have been smaller then a period on this page. For some unknown reason the region exploded. This explosion called the Big Bang goes on to say this is how the galaxies formed in the universe. By the way universe is form from 2 latin words uni-means single verse- means spoken sentence. Did you know we live in a single spoken sentence? “God said let there be.” But that is so different from the public school science book which says 18 to 20 billion years ago all the matter in the universe was concentrated into a dot on this page. What? That is one crowded dot. Do you see this planet squished into the tip of your pen? That isn’t the end of it. EarthScience text book say after many billions of years, all the matter and energy will once again be packed into a small area. This area may be no longer then the period at the end of this sentence. Then another big bang will occur. Can you believe they cut down a tree to print that? Where’s Al Gore when you need him. Honestly if you believe that then what is the use of living anyway if were just going to explode. Those words are not from the God that loves you, but your enemy who hates you, who says if your are told lies over and over you will believe them. This text book author was brilliant, he says, “Nothing really means nothing.” He said not only would mass and energy disappear, but also space and time. However, physicists theorize that from the state of nothingness the universe began. The universe began in a gigantic explosion. What? He is telling us that one day nothing exploded and here we are. Discover Magazine a few years ago wrote, “The universe burst into something from absolutely nothing, zero, nada. And as it got bigger, it became filled with even more stuff that came from absolutely nothing /nowhere. How is that possible? Ask Alan Guth. His theory of inflation helps explain everything! He went on to say in Scientific American, “We all came from a dot and a dot came from nothing, they call that science. We got it 'feral', ... you believe what you believe!!! ... but please kee reminding yourself of one simple and inescapable THRUTH: beliefs are not based on facts. ... read the bible all day long. Believe in it!!! All the power to you for your beliefs. But stop, FOR YOUR OWN SAKE, mixing-up FACTS AND FAITH!!! This only leads to one satanic destination: DELUSION!!! There is no creationist vs evolution war 'feral'. It takes 2 parties for a war to exist. Creationists are alone. They are delusional about this idea of 'warring' the evil 'evolutionists'. Evolusionists don't exist. It is the a creation of creationists. They are fighting a ghost, a delusion!!! Why??? Why must they fight this ghost you ask??? Because they must!!! Their faith, and their physical reality have collapsed, that's why. They can no longer exist physically (they believe) without the physical delusion of 'material faith'!!! The most deadly oxymoron that is: their factless faith, must be materially factual?!?!?! The foundation of their delusion, you keep asking??? Very simple: bible inerrancy. Everyone's PESONNAL interpretation of the word, MUST be THE TRUTH!!! ... And you thought evolution is a hard one to understand?!?!?! Believing in the bible PERSONNALLY is not enough for the delusional one. It MUST BE THE TRUTH, and 'HIS PERSONNAL THRUTH, MUST BE THE TRUTH FOR EVERYONE!!! Totally absurd you say!!! I agree!!! But here is the good news: there are very very few of those 'bible delusionists' around the globe. It is but an insignificant proportion of Chrstians that are 'bible delusionists'. Unfortunately, the largest and most incoherent concentration of them, are in the US. It gives US citizens te impression they'are everywhere. But that is another 'illusion'!!! Catholics, the largest group of Christians by far are not 'biblical delusionists'. They believe in the bible, for the parables and morals, but wouldn't argue one second over the 'word-for-word' of it all. So, worse case scenario, bible 'inerrancy' DIES !!! Not the FAITH BASED bible itself. Not christians. Not christianity. Not Anglicans, or Catholics, or non-fundamentalist Protestants, ... BIBLE INERRANCY, WOULD GO THE WAY OF 'FLAT-EARTHERS'!!! That is what I believe! That is what I pray for!!! That is my sincere heartfelt wish for you 'feral' !!! |
Voil wrote:
Creationists are alone. They're are delusional about this idea of 'warring' the evil 'evolutionists'. Evolusionists don't exist. It is the a creation of creationists. They are fighting a ghost, a delusion!!! Hallelujah! So true. Evolution isn't even a religion! There's no such thing as an "Evolutionist". It's a discovery by modern scientist working independently all over the whole globe in many differnt countries. They all agree. No conspiracies, not hoaxes, no need to be paranoid. It's just an honest intellectual discovering of humankind. Religions are the ones who have to deal with it if they feel their doctine is in conflict with reality. It's a non-issue in the science world. Evolution is accepted as fact because the evidence for it is overwelming and clear. It doesn't rule out 'Intelligent Design' but if intelligent designed occurred it occurred though evolution. ![]() It's a non-topic. ![]() |
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Mon 08/11/08 07:51 PM
Bushi & Krimsa I haven't seen all the utubes you posted but I will tell this much. We have been down this road several time. Feral can't seem to see the little stuff. It the animal she wants to see is not as big as a horse she will dispute that it has evolved sufficiently to be considered evolution. There was one of the threads in which the idea came out to prove evolution to Feral in another way. Someone attempte to explain the ages of certain animals based only on their remains. They offered the fact that we can see the kinds of animals that have lived within certain date ranges. From there is was shown that whole new species of animals suddenly popped into existence. While evolution Theory suggests we should be able to see this evolution, all science currently had were suggestions as bones had not been found indicating the change. This was a long involved process and many of us were adding to the information. Feral had all kinds of explanations. God never stopped creating, I think was one of them. Another was that carbon dating was way off and yet another idea she had was that Satan burried the bones to get people away from god, and the list goes on and on. I have spent hours going back to find her words in those past posts to prove to her she said them. To prove to her she was never right and never proved anything. I have even gone back, taking hours of my time, to show her own inconsistancies or to prove to her that she DID or DIDN'T say something. I will not do it again. Deb will be who she is. I very much encourage her to go on to seminary. If anything can help her it might be that. It is, afterall, what she love most in the world, in the universe. Perhaps there will be some there, with whom she can relate and from whom she can finally open up to and learn. That’s crazy. I tried to kind of start and realized she would not listen at all. I even tried to make a deal with her and she just argued. Now I realize its impossible with comments being made like "Satan burying bones." Thats like something a young child would say. |
I have finished watching all the utubes you have offerd. I really do enjoy that stuff. I learn alot too. Thans so much for bringing them to our attention. Post new ones anything you think they fit the case. Terrific, happy to watch them all. |
Yeah I would watch those myself but no sound on this puter. I gotta see if I can find a speaker. Im broke at the moment.
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Mon 08/11/08 08:01 PM
Voil wrote:
Creationists are alone. They're are delusional about this idea of 'warring' the evil 'evolutionists'. Evolusionists don't exist. It is the a creation of creationists. They are fighting a ghost, a delusion!!! Hallelujah! So true. Evolution isn't even a religion! There's no such thing as an "Evolutionist". It's a discovery by modern scientist working independently all over the whole globe in many differnt countries. They all agree. No conspiracies, not hoaxes, no need to be paranoid. It's just an honest intellectual discovering of humankind. Religions are the ones who have to deal with it if they feel their doctine is in conflict with reality. It's a non-issue in the science world. Evolution is accepted as fact because the evidence for it is overwelming and clear. It doesn't rule out 'Intelligent Design' but if intelligent designed occurred it occurred though evolution. ![]() It's a non-topic. ![]() This is so true. I have never met a scientist who felt he was in a battle with a creationist. What Creationists do is take a little basic science (to pretend that they are scientists) and then make a few well known scientific statements that everyone agrees on, then they ignore the rest of the science that conflicts with their belief in what is told in the Bible about the age of the earth etc. I sincerely believe that if the Pope had not finally admitted that the earth was round there would be people to this day that still insist it is flat, and they would be pitching a fit about the study of the planets in school. I think the problem lies that when the truth is realized and accepted, there will be many people who loose their faith in their religion hence their faith in God. They will realize that the Bible is not flawless literal facts. This will cause them to doubt everything that is in the Bible because they have been taught that if any of it is a lie then all of it is a lie. This is a very destructive belief. One little chip and the entire thing falls apart. I believe this is happening with Christianity. I suspect that the Urantia Book was written to catch the fallout of Christians who still want to follow Christ but can no longer defend the Bible. JB |
But here is the good news: there are very very few of those 'bible delusionists' around the globe.
It is but an insignificant proportion of Chrstians that are 'bible delusionists'. Unfortunately, the largest and most incoherent concentration of them, are in the US. It gives US citizens te impression they'are everywhere. But that is another 'illusion'!!! Catholics, the largest group of Christians by far are not 'biblical delusionists'. They believe in the bible, for the parables and morals, but wouldn't argue one second over the 'word-for-word' of it all. So, worse case scenario, bible 'inerrancy' DIES !!! Not the FAITH BASED bible itself. Not christians. Not christianity. Not Anglicans, or Catholics, or non-fundamentalist Protestants, ... BIBLE INERRANCY, WOULD GO THE WAY OF 'FLAT-EARTHERS'!!! That is what I believe! That is what I pray for!!! That is my sincere heartfelt wish for you 'feral' !!! You always manage to stay just under radar with your posts. How political you are and how word savoy as well. |
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Mon 08/11/08 08:17 PM
Redykeulous wrote:
Voil But here is the good news: there are very very few of those 'bible delusionists' around the globe.
It is but an insignificant proportion of Chrstians that are 'bible delusionists'. Unfortunately, the largest and most incoherent concentration of them, are in the US. It gives US citizens te impression they'are everywhere. But that is another 'illusion'!!! Catholics, the largest group of Christians by far are not 'biblical delusionists'. They believe in the bible, for the parables and morals, but wouldn't argue one second over the 'word-for-word' of it all. So, worse case scenario, bible 'inerrancy' DIES !!! Not the FAITH BASED bible itself. Not christians. Not christianity. Not Anglicans, or Catholics, or non-fundamentalist Protestants, ... BIBLE INERRANCY, WOULD GO THE WAY OF 'FLAT-EARTHERS'!!! That is what I believe! That is what I pray for!!! That is my sincere heartfelt wish for you 'feral' !!! You always manage to stay just under radar with your posts. How political you are and how word savoy as well. ... just been studying your masterfull form and substance Di. You just never stop insiring me!!! Keep being you !!! I can't get enough of it!!! |
Science has a great role in our develement and destruction.
Yes it is not a religion. It is a defactor. A defector of sorts from religion being viable. The scriptures no where say the earth is only 6000 years old. The very mention of the earth being void and without form and the Elohim went about the darkness of the earth tells us quite a bit. Why would a religion whose focus is on the light. Start his time out as dark? We know through science that if the earth was darkened for not 2 many years all mamals would die. Probally from starvation or the ice age. Science i do not believe has yet to tell us why the dinasors all of a sudden died. Many therories but no conclusive evidence. In the beginning when man was created on the 6th day after the earth had been recreated for habitation. What was special about Adam? Neathrothal man was pretty much formed in the image of Elohim. Yet his evolving from what scientists have found was very little over tens of thousands of years. What was different. It says Yahweh breathed and Adam became a living soul. The Holy spirit is said to have been given to man at pentecost. Which is true. But the 1st Adam was childlike.He did not know evil. He had the Spirit of Yahweh that gives life in him and from him came the worlds people..Not to forget eve. Yahshua said unless we become as a child again estrewing evil we can not enter and take on that once again Breath of Yahweh. the Holy Spirit. The scriptures speak of in Isa that Yahweh sits on the circle of the earth and its inhabitants are as grasshoppers. He also calls this circle a tent. What is a greenhouse? Is it not like a tent? Science for how many years believed the world was flat? If you sailed out to sea you would end up falling off the earth. Where did they come up with that? Any student of the scriptures would of known the world was round. Columbus did? He understood from the bible the earth was round and ventured off to a new world. Science would of for years been stuck in England or spain and the United States history would not be as it is today and we may very well be under communism rule if not for a bible believer. Not a scientist. So when we say that can never be. Remember the flat earth thereory that was facto to the scientists. And thank a Bible believer. Blessings...Miles |
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Mon 08/11/08 09:42 PM
... just been studying your masterful form and substance Di. You just never stop inspiring me!!! Keep being you !!! I can't get enough of it!!! Quoted for truth. In the little time I have spent reading here I can tell an open mind when I see one. Not because you agree with me . . . I am really not sure what I believe. But because you have a clarity of thought and can declare it without hesitation. Thank you. ______________________ PS Miles, there was no real science behind the flat world idea, it was a idea held to be true based on tradition, not science. Always question people regardless of if they call themselves scientists, in fact more so when they do. You might find they have a vested interest in there beliefs . . . . like keeping there heads. |
Do you think plastic existed when god made everything? No - but cars didn't exist either. Man did not invent or create plastic - he discovered it. |
Seriously no need to recreate the wheel all of this has been answered for other like minded creationist. Watch and learn. The reason this is a lot of vids is because its condensing 200 years of knowledge into about 1hr . . . so don't be too sad. I wont be sad when you say you watched it and don't. and again how do you explain plastic eating bacteria . . . how do you explain all of the viruses like aids that mutate and gain advantage . . . the simple truth is you don't consider this evolution, the problem is your wrong. ___________________________________ Edited for correct use of forum TOS Perhaps you have not been around long enough, but the issue is not evolution - it is Darwinian evolution as an explination of the existance of the universe and all that is in it. You have a utube reference that gives proof and evidence of the big bang? |
Bushi & Krimsa I haven't seen all the utubes you posted but I will tell this much. We have been down this road several time. Feral can't seem to see the little stuff. It the animal she wants to see is not as big as a horse she will dispute that it has evolved sufficiently to be considered evolution. There was one of the threads in which the idea came out to prove evolution to Feral in another way. Someone attempte to explain the ages of certain animals based only on their remains. They offered the fact that we can see the kinds of animals that have lived within certain date ranges. From there is was shown that whole new species of animals suddenly popped into existence. While evolution Theory suggests we should be able to see this evolution, all science currently had were suggestions as bones had not been found indicating the change. This was a long involved process and many of us were adding to the information. Feral had all kinds of explanations. God never stopped creating, I think was one of them. Another was that carbon dating was way off and yet another idea she had was that Satan burried the bones to get people away from god, and the list goes on and on. I have spent hours going back to find her words in those past posts to prove to her she said them. To prove to her she was never right and never proved anything. I have even gone back, taking hours of my time, to show her own inconsistancies or to prove to her that she DID or DIDN'T say something. I will not do it again. Deb will be who she is. I very much encourage her to go on to seminary. If anything can help her it might be that. It is, afterall, what she love most in the world, in the universe. Perhaps there will be some there, with whom she can relate and from whom she can finally open up to and learn. Redy - do you think that if you disprove Ferals comments that that proves yours are true? There are some things Deb says that I know what she intends - but her wording, when taken literally (by the fundie non-believers) are not representative of all of the christians on this thread. For me - evolutionary science is not an issue. Darwinian Evolution as an origin of the species is a fairy tale. You are aware I can see the difference I hope. As for carbon dating - I've seen numerous examples of it's inaccuracy in reports for years. I just don't believe in its accuracy. So it isn't about what "christians" believe, or those who feel intelligent design has more credence than origin of the species. It has everything to do with the individuals on the site think - we are nothing more than a super micro-cosm of the particular theories that are represented with too broad a brush here. Abra does not speak for all Pantheistic Belief. Jeannie is not a recognized expert on aliens and UFO's. You are not the representative of all Lesbians, Feral is not a representative of all Christians. Pleas - use a smaller brush. ![]() |
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Mon 08/11/08 10:24 PM
I don't know much about Darwinian evolution or even evolution in general. I don't know how true it is or isn't. I can certainly see how animals change and evolve within their own species. Look at the Chihuahua as compared to the primitive extinct wolf. Damn that is amazing. You can change the look and size of a dog in a very short time.
Tigers have cross bread with lions. I don't know if the result was sterile or not. Recently there was a case of so-called sterile mule who got pregnant and gave birth, so its not out of the question for that to happen. If a mule can do it, maybe a liger can. (A liger is a cross breed tiger and lion.) This may not be "evolution" but it shows us what is possible in nature. ****************************************** THE ARTICLE: GO TO THE LINK BELOW AND SEE SOME REALLY CUTE PICTURES OF OFFSPRING AND MOTHER MULE. When a female horse meets a male donkey, the pitter-patter of little mule hooves often follows. Yet the offspring have an odd number of chromosomes, which nearly always means that they are sterile and can't reproduce. But a female mule in Colbran, Colo., has recently become a mother, and her owners are trying to figure out how it happened. In late April, Laura and Larry Amos discovered that a mule called Kate had a newborn foal. The Amos family runs a wilderness outfitter and owns a large herd of mules. Laura Amos tells Robert Siegel that she and her husband realized the birth was a rare event and knew that there would be skeptics. Hair samples sent to the University of Kentucky and blood work submitted to the University of California, Davis, verified yielded the same results: verifying that the samples came from a mule and her offspring. Amos says that further genetic testing will provide more answers about the unnamed foal's origins, and much will depend on what genetic information his mother passed on. Horses have 64 chromosomes, and donkeys have 62. Amos says the baby could be a mule (with 63 chromosomes), a donkey (with 62 chromosomes) or a chimera — an animal that has genetic material from different species. Until the mystery of the foal's birth is resolved, Amos says that mother Kate will no longer work as a pack animal. "Maybe I'll look for an agent for her," she says. |
Well, what about it folks?
Does the Mule who gave birth qualify as a new species? Feral has asked for an example of one animal. This one is definitely as large as a horse. It can reproduce. How about it Feral? Anyone? JB |
Well, what about it folks? Does the Mule who gave birth qualify as a new species? Feral has asked for an example of one animal. This one is definitely as large as a horse. It can reproduce. How about it Feral? Anyone? JB I guess that settles it. ![]() Good, it's my bedtime anyway. Always nice to go to bed knowing things have been settled. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 08/11/08 11:13 PM
For me - evolutionary science is not an issue. Darwinian Evolution as an origin of the species is a fairy tale. You are aware I can see the difference I hope. ![]() So Eljay, You're going through all this sherade because of the question raised through the 'header' (title) of Darwin's work !?!?!? That's it??? The whole darn creationist circus for a title which raises a question??? A question which your club has judged only the biblical god, as some of you understand him, can raise??? I'm serious Eljay. What do you mean you have no issue with evolutionary science on the one hand, ... but you have an issue with what it might imply?!?!? Hell, call the dogs off, and cross that bridge when you get there!!! Until that moment, just relax and enjoy 'evolution'!!! |