Topic: Funniest outcome from the games you've played
no photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:00 PM
Edited by cruisin on Mon 07/21/08 10:02 PM
Alright e-hornies, lets not judge from the things we post up here. lets just take some time to admire the funny faults of our love lives (or lack ther of).

I'll start. one time I decided it would be "playa-esque" of me to play hard-to-get with a girly...thought it meant not calling her/talking to her for a week to make her long for my voice/presence (we had a couple dates). That turned into two weeks, etc, etc. outcome = nothing, haha.

another time. I used to also think that being an asshole would get me girls. But after calling this girl a ***** and getting slapped and dissed by her friends, I realized that there are different types of assholes, LOL.

good times.

FearandLoathing's photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:01 PM

no photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:02 PM
Edited by cruisin on Mon 07/21/08 10:10 PM


did I not just say "lets not judge"

reading comprehension > you

missy51970's photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:04 PM

DTHRomeo's photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:23 PM

DTHRomeo's photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:23 PM
Edited by DTHRomeo on Mon 07/21/08 10:25 PM
My bad ... double post

no photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:24 PM

no photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:30 PM
Edited by cruisin on Mon 07/21/08 10:31 PM
LOL, how is this not teh funny? its not like i did these things yesterday or something

seriously, its funny to think how literal and naive i was with those sayings "play hard to get" or "girls like assholez"

ahh, learning experiences.

No1sLove's photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:33 PM
This one band camp... :tongue: nutin to share, just thought I'd stop in and be a smart azz. ohwell

wiley's photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:41 PM
I like cheese...

no photo
Mon 07/21/08 10:52 PM
woah my first thread failure.

bad_girl's photo
Tue 07/22/08 06:15 AM

TheShadow's photo
Tue 07/22/08 11:07 AM
Edited by TheShadow on Tue 07/22/08 11:07 AM

Alright e-hornies, lets not judge from the things we post up here. lets just take some time to admire the funny faults of our love lives (or lack ther of).

I'll start. one time I decided it would be "playa-esque" of me to play hard-to-get with a girly...thought it meant not calling her/talking to her for a week to make her long for my voice/presence (we had a couple dates). That turned into two weeks, etc, etc. outcome = nothing, haha.

another time. I used to also think that being an asshole would get me girls. But after calling this girl a ***** and getting slapped and dissed by her friends, I realized that there are different types of assholes, LOL.

good times.

keep trying, you might find somone that will put up with youlaugh laugh laugh

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 07/22/08 12:48 PM


did I not just say "lets not judge"

reading comprehension > you such a judgement call...english language > you...

BlueskyJ's photo
Tue 07/22/08 01:18 PM
let's see, i once got slapped because i told my date i like to eat cherries...Now what's that about?

One time we were discussing eating habits & i mentioned that sometimes i like to start with dessert first & then i told my date that we should have sex first, that way we know if we are compatible....she replied, only if you like to eat out....the rest is his-tor-yyy....:tongue: