Topic: Critical thinking - to the point
no photo
Thu 07/10/08 08:57 PM
This is just the beginning of the latter rain mentioned in the bible......

So far the revival already taking place , is just the beginning of what is still to come.....not only for America, but for the whole wide world.

The following is just one example:

Be Blessed Reddy and Everyone.....

God Loves You....

So Do I:heart:

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:03 PM

Why is it people EXPECT Christians to be so kind, careing, loving and accepting?

Why is it, whenever we see a Christian doing something that seems, judgemntal, prejudiced, hateful or belittling, the first thing we say is

"and you're a Christian?"

Personally I EXPECT no difference from people based on their religion. The greatest number of examples, of any one kind, of behavior that I've witnessed from Christians as a whole has CERTAINLY NOT been what people seem to EXPECT.

So what is it that we EXPECT from Christians and Why?
flowerforyou Because there are a lot of cretins that go around calling themselves Christiansflowerforyou

tribo's photo
Thu 07/10/08 09:15 PM
Edited by tribo on Thu 07/10/08 09:16 PM


Since Christians are so happy to point out that they believe they are the largest world religion and still growing, wouldn't we expect the world to be a better place than it is? America is a terrible example as the population is considered to be predominently Christian and it has the just about the worst statisitcs of violence per capita in the world.

What does that say to you?
What does that say to Christians?

As a Christian I'd say "who are you talking to that you get this information? And "don't believe everything you hear."

Largest religion in the world? Hardly. I believe that the Pseudo-christians (those who are so in name only - as it were) outnumber the "church on earth" by about 2 to 1. Closer examination of the conrgregations who claim to have "exclusive rights" to Christianity, such as The Church of Christ, Jehovah witnesses, Catholicism, Mormans, Baptists, United Church of Christ, Unity Church of Chistianity, the list goes on - each one of these denominations does NOT recognize the other as the "true church" here on earth. Yet the secularists lump them all together into one statistic. Odd, is it not? No member of the Church of Christ - anywhere on the planet recognises Mormanism is part of the "church" They are seen as a CULT. Same with Jehovah Witness', Unity Church of Christ - all Cults. Even Catholicism is seen to be a Cult to the Church of Christ. No Morman accepts that a Jehovah Witness will share the kingdom of heaven with them, and vice versa.

Christians are certainly NOT the majority of the population in America. Back in the 1700's this was true. These days - hardly.

i agree, really i dont think more than 1% of all christians are really true devout types. But then again your book says only a remnant will be saved anyway.

no photo
Thu 07/10/08 10:12 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 07/10/08 10:27 PM


Since Christians are so happy to point out that they believe they are the largest world religion and still growing, wouldn't we expect the world to be a better place than it is? America is a terrible example as the population is considered to be predominently Christian and it has the just about the worst statisitcs of violence per capita in the world.

What does that say to you?
What does that say to Christians?

As a Christian I'd say "who are you talking to that you get this information? And "don't believe everything you hear."

Largest religion in the world? Hardly. I believe that the Pseudo-christians (those who are so in name only - as it were) outnumber the "church on earth" by about 2 to 1. Closer examination of the conrgregations who claim to have "exclusive rights" to Christianity, such as The Church of Christ, Jehovah witnesses, Catholicism, Mormans, Baptists, United Church of Christ, Unity Church of Chistianity, the list goes on - each one of these denominations does NOT recognize the other as the "true church" here on earth. Yet the secularists lump them all together into one statistic. Odd, is it not? No member of the Church of Christ - anywhere on the planet recognises Mormanism is part of the "church" They are seen as a CULT. Same with Jehovah Witness', Unity Church of Christ - all Cults. Even Catholicism is seen to be a Cult to the Church of Christ. No Morman accepts that a Jehovah Witness will share the kingdom of heaven with them, and vice versa.

Christians are certainly NOT the majority of the population in America. Back in the 1700's this was true. These days - hardly.

i agree, really i dont think more than 1% of all christians are really true devout types. But then again your book says only a remnant will be saved anyway.

Once more, you are taking scripture OUT of context.
This remnant is NOT referring to the WHOLE body of Christ.

tribo's photo
Thu 07/10/08 11:17 PM


Since Christians are so happy to point out that they believe they are the largest world religion and still growing, wouldn't we expect the world to be a better place than it is? America is a terrible example as the population is considered to be predominently Christian and it has the just about the worst statisitcs of violence per capita in the world.

What does that say to you?
What does that say to Christians?

As a Christian I'd say "who are you talking to that you get this information? And "don't believe everything you hear."

Largest religion in the world? Hardly. I believe that the Pseudo-christians (those who are so in name only - as it were) outnumber the "church on earth" by about 2 to 1. Closer examination of the conrgregations who claim to have "exclusive rights" to Christianity, such as The Church of Christ, Jehovah witnesses, Catholicism, Mormans, Baptists, United Church of Christ, Unity Church of Chistianity, the list goes on - each one of these denominations does NOT recognize the other as the "true church" here on earth. Yet the secularists lump them all together into one statistic. Odd, is it not? No member of the Church of Christ - anywhere on the planet recognises Mormanism is part of the "church" They are seen as a CULT. Same with Jehovah Witness', Unity Church of Christ - all Cults. Even Catholicism is seen to be a Cult to the Church of Christ. No Morman accepts that a Jehovah Witness will share the kingdom of heaven with them, and vice versa.

Christians are certainly NOT the majority of the population in America. Back in the 1700's this was true. These days - hardly.

i agree, really i dont think more than 1% of all christians are really true devout types. But then again your book says only a remnant will be saved anyway.

Once more, you are taking scripture OUT of context.
This remnant is NOT referring to the WHOLE body of Christ.

it does if you dont hold to a futurist view

no photo
Thu 07/10/08 11:24 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 07/10/08 11:30 PM
God Loves Us all way way way toooo toooo much, to just allow just a handful of people to be saved.

God said in His Word, "He would that not one should perish".

Not one.

God waits patiently for all to come to Him,with a willing and loving heart one day.

God is LOVE...He LOVES Us ALL!!!


We as humans ,can't even begin to fanthom God's Great Great Love for Us.:heart:

And because of God living in the heart of us christians, we LOVE You All Too, Tribo!!:heart:

tribo's photo
Thu 07/10/08 11:30 PM

God Loves Us all way way way toooo toooo much, to just allow just a handful of people to be saved.

God said in His Word, "He would that not one should perish".

Not one.

God waits patiently for all to come to Him,with a willing and loving heart one day.

God is LOVE...He LOVES Us!!!

We as humans can't even begin to fanthom God's Great Love for Us.:heart:

laugh laugh laugh your correct i cant.

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 07/11/08 02:22 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Fri 07/11/08 02:29 PM

Quikstepper, I agree with your thought but I have to disagree with the idea of the born again because it is very often the born again that are the quickest to judge and worse, to pass sentence.
Of course as I said, I expect no better of people who claim to be religious for the mere fact that we are all human.

Man...redy...I don't get you? Do you think religion & God are something to just talk about when you have nothing to do? LOL

People can know that God exists...though many here want to bash those who have a faith from experience...not just words but life & miracles etc etc... so much more.

I don't judge people but I will say the truth about there being only One true God. To speak of sin is not judging anyone either. Others want to call it hate just because they say it is. That's a down right lie.

These are what God thinks. I have no objective to saying what His word says if someone asks. Then they can't say I hate them if THEY are doing the asking.

So now...getting back to you. What do you want to get out of all this?

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 07/11/08 02:27 PM


Since Christians are so happy to point out that they believe they are the largest world religion and still growing, wouldn't we expect the world to be a better place than it is? America is a terrible example as the population is considered to be predominently Christian and it has the just about the worst statisitcs of violence per capita in the world.

What does that say to you?
What does that say to Christians?

Uh redy? ... it's secular attitudes about sin that are causing the decline in our society... not faith.

If people actually did what was in God's word we would have the great society we once had when everyone was on the same page...morally that is.

Morals come from knowing God. Political correctness comes from man.

One of our founders actually said...

"A nation that cannot be ruled by God will be ruled by tyranny."

It couldn't be more true.

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 07/11/08 02:42 PM
So now...getting back to you. What do you want to get out of all this?

So what are you talking about?

The OP question was "why do we expect Christians to bahave any differently than anyone else?"

That was what I hoped people would respond to.

At this point, from all that was posted, it seems that those who profess to be Christian do so with the understanding that they place themselves in a higher moral and ethical position than others do.

Of course that does not stop Christians from making judgements, beginning with judging the beliefs of others who profess to be Christian.

So in some respect there is an answer here, and that is that Christians themselves don't agree on the proper actions, based on belief, that they should be following, much less on the proper way to belief in the first place. But they will defend their belief to the point of violence.

All of that simply to prove the point, to those outside the faith, who would find themselves believing what some Christians claim in the first place. That their belief places them in a position of higher morality and ethicality than anyone else.

Therefore, the conclusion - we cannot expect any better or worse behavior from any who profess to be Christian than of anyone else. In fact, it seems MORE likely that the MORE Christians there are, the more violence there is likely to be.

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 07/11/08 03:46 PM
Edited by Quikstepper on Fri 07/11/08 03:49 PM

So now...getting back to you. What do you want to get out of all this?

So what are you talking about?

The OP question was "why do we expect Christians to bahave any differently than anyone else?"

That was what I hoped people would respond to.

At this point, from all that was posted, it seems that those who profess to be Christian do so with the understanding that they place themselves in a higher moral and ethical position than others do.

Of course that does not stop Christians from making judgements, beginning with judging the beliefs of others who profess to be Christian.

So in some respect there is an answer here, and that is that Christians themselves don't agree on the proper actions, based on belief, that they should be following, much less on the proper way to belief in the first place. But they will defend their belief to the point of violence.

All of that simply to prove the point, to those outside the faith, who would find themselves believing what some Christians claim in the first place. That their belief places them in a position of higher morality and ethicality than anyone else.

Therefore, the conclusion - we cannot expect any better or worse behavior from any who profess to be Christian than of anyone else. In fact, it seems MORE likely that the MORE Christians there are, the more violence there is likely to be.

You assume they know what God thinks...not all who profess Christianity really get to honest to goodness faith in God. That leaves alot up to man, there is where the problem is...but not in God or those He restores.

You talk about dogma...well absent God's spirit to lead, we get man made rules & its oppressions. Again...that is not God but mankind who warp what is being said with their own carnal thoughts.

Back to the question... on a board like this it's very hard to express faith to others in any real way. We can bash eachother till the cows come home but the only way you will see Christian faith in action is to get around people of faith.

It's very apparent to me that many here just want to prove or disprove someone else. I find it ruins my glory glow so I am going to shine it up & stop trying to hard to discuss anything unless I think someone is really seeking answers.

I'm really about sharing my faith & experiences, not getting into arguements with people or trying to defend myself. I certainly don't get into doctrinal tits for tats either. They do nothing to edify the inner man.

Hope YOU find what you're looking for.

Redykeulous's photo
Fri 07/11/08 04:08 PM
You assume they know what God thinks...not all who profess Christianity really get to honest to goodness faith in God. That leaves alot up to man, there is where the problem is...but not in God or those He restores.

I assume no such thing. There is no question in my mind that any who believe in the existence of gods or goddesses have been appaulingly misled.

My greatest desire is would be to free the minds of those in whom the delusions have created a mindset capable of damaging the individual and/or others as well.

It is my opinion that those who believe we are better off under the rule of a god, over that of man, hashing out such rules with logic and sincerity for the benefit of all, are in that dangerous mindset defined above.

Mind you, I have absolutely NOTHING against a 'personal' belief, no matter what it's in,as long as that belief in no way interferes with man's sincerest attempts to rule themselves with care, concern, debate, discussion and logic.

As far as selling one's own set of mythological, personal tales to another for the purpose of sharing the delusion, that's just a way for those who can't come to terms with the idea that he or she is the only one in the whole world with their own particular set of beleifs.

It must be such a lonely, fearsome place to be and unforltunatley being the socially evolved creature that we are, people feel they MUST share their experiences with some belief attached so that other will believe them too.

All of which is another reason why we cannot expect Christians to act any better than the norm, just becasue they are Christians.

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/12/08 03:24 AM
Edited by Quikstepper on Sat 07/12/08 03:26 AM

You assume they know what God thinks...not all who profess Christianity really get to honest to goodness faith in God. That leaves alot up to man, there is where the problem is...but not in God or those He restores.

I assume no such thing. There is no question in my mind that any who believe in the existence of gods or goddesses have been appaulingly misled.

My greatest desire is would be to free the minds of those in whom the delusions have created a mindset capable of damaging the individual and/or others as well.

It is my opinion that those who believe we are better off under the rule of a god, over that of man, hashing out such rules with logic and sincerity for the benefit of all, are in that dangerous mindset defined above.

Mind you, I have absolutely NOTHING against a 'personal' belief, no matter what it's in,as long as that belief in no way interferes with man's sincerest attempts to rule themselves with care, concern, debate, discussion and logic.

As far as selling one's own set of mythological, personal tales to another for the purpose of sharing the delusion, that's just a way for those who can't come to terms with the idea that he or she is the only one in the whole world with their own particular set of beleifs.

It must be such a lonely, fearsome place to be and unforltunatley being the socially evolved creature that we are, people feel they MUST share their experiences with some belief attached so that other will believe them too.

All of which is another reason why we cannot expect Christians to act any better than the norm, just becasue they are Christians.

Fearful? I have no fear of what I believe in. I don't mind sharing it either...I want others to experience the love of God for them too.

Fearful??? Do you know what you just posted????? hahahahaha

LOL...that my dear is exactly what YOU are doing.

ENJOY! laugh laugh laugh

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 07/12/08 03:37 AM

You assume they know what God thinks...not all who profess Christianity really get to honest to goodness faith in God. That leaves alot up to man, there is where the problem is...but not in God or those He restores.

I assume no such thing. There is no question in my mind that any who believe in the existence of gods or goddesses have been appaulingly misled.

My greatest desire is would be to free the minds of those in whom the delusions have created a mindset capable of damaging the individual and/or others as well.

It is my opinion that those who believe we are better off under the rule of a god, over that of man, hashing out such rules with logic and sincerity for the benefit of all, are in that dangerous mindset defined above.

Mind you, I have absolutely NOTHING against a 'personal' belief, no matter what it's in,as long as that belief in no way interferes with man's sincerest attempts to rule themselves with care, concern, debate, discussion and logic.

As far as selling one's own set of mythological, personal tales to another for the purpose of sharing the delusion, that's just a way for those who can't come to terms with the idea that he or she is the only one in the whole world with their own particular set of beleifs.

It must be such a lonely, fearsome place to be and unforltunatley being the socially evolved creature that we are, people feel they MUST share their experiences with some belief attached so that other will believe them too.

All of which is another reason why we cannot expect Christians to act any better than the norm, just becasue they are Christians.

Fearful? I have no fear of what I believe in. I don't mind sharing it either...I want others to experience the love of God for them too.

Fearful??? Do you know what you just posted????? hahahahaha

LOL...that my dear is exactly what YOU are doing.

ENJOY! laugh laugh laugh
laugh Your fear Muslims Quickstepper ,even though you are just like one.laugh

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/12/08 05:16 AM

You assume they know what God thinks...not all who profess Christianity really get to honest to goodness faith in God. That leaves alot up to man, there is where the problem is...but not in God or those He restores.

I assume no such thing. There is no question in my mind that any who believe in the existence of gods or goddesses have been appaulingly misled.

My greatest desire is would be to free the minds of those in whom the delusions have created a mindset capable of damaging the individual and/or others as well.

It is my opinion that those who believe we are better off under the rule of a god, over that of man, hashing out such rules with logic and sincerity for the benefit of all, are in that dangerous mindset defined above.

Mind you, I have absolutely NOTHING against a 'personal' belief, no matter what it's in,as long as that belief in no way interferes with man's sincerest attempts to rule themselves with care, concern, debate, discussion and logic.

As far as selling one's own set of mythological, personal tales to another for the purpose of sharing the delusion, that's just a way for those who can't come to terms with the idea that he or she is the only one in the whole world with their own particular set of beleifs.

It must be such a lonely, fearsome place to be and unforltunatley being the socially evolved creature that we are, people feel they MUST share their experiences with some belief attached so that other will believe them too.

All of which is another reason why we cannot expect Christians to act any better than the norm, just becasue they are Christians.

Fearful? I have no fear of what I believe in. I don't mind sharing it either...I want others to experience the love of God for them too.

Fearful??? Do you know what you just posted????? hahahahaha

LOL...that my dear is exactly what YOU are doing.

ENJOY! laugh laugh laugh
laugh Your fear Muslims Quickstepper ,even though you are just like one.laugh

No... that a REAL threat..unlike your irrational hatred toward Jews. Now that's anti sematic bigotry.

...but that's your problem not mine. :wink:

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:35 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 07/12/08 07:33 AM

You assume they know what God thinks...not all who profess Christianity really get to honest to goodness faith in God. That leaves alot up to man, there is where the problem is...but not in God or those He restores.

I assume no such thing. There is no question in my mind that any who believe in the existence of gods or goddesses have been appaulingly misled.

My greatest desire is would be to free the minds of those in whom the delusions have created a mindset capable of damaging the individual and/or others as well.

It is my opinion that those who believe we are better off under the rule of a god, over that of man, hashing out such rules with logic and sincerity for the benefit of all, are in that dangerous mindset defined above.

Mind you, I have absolutely NOTHING against a 'personal' belief, no matter what it's in,as long as that belief in no way interferes with man's sincerest attempts to rule themselves with care, concern, debate, discussion and logic.

As far as selling one's own set of mythological, personal tales to another for the purpose of sharing the delusion, that's just a way for those who can't come to terms with the idea that he or she is the only one in the whole world with their own particular set of beleifs.

It must be such a lonely, fearsome place to be and unforltunatley being the socially evolved creature that we are, people feel they MUST share their experiences with some belief attached so that other will believe them too.

All of which is another reason why we cannot expect Christians to act any better than the norm, just becasue they are Christians.

Fearful? I have no fear of what I believe in. I don't mind sharing it either...I want others to experience the love of God for them too.

Fearful??? Do you know what you just posted????? hahahahaha

LOL...that my dear is exactly what YOU are doing.

ENJOY! laugh laugh laugh
laugh Your fear Muslims Quickstepper ,even though you are just like one.laugh

No... that a REAL threat..unlike your irrational hatred toward Jews. Now that's anti sematic bigotry.

...but that's your problem not mine. :wink:
huh what the hell are you talking about??huh I NEVER SAID ANYTHING OF THE SORTnoway

huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh huh

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 07/12/08 06:38 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 07/12/08 06:55 AM
huh Why did you slander me?huh

Quikstepper's photo
Sat 07/12/08 07:03 AM

huh Why did you slander me?huh

It's not slander...weren't you in agreement with JB ...the whole Zionist thread...

If you weren't then I apologize, but I'm pretty sure I knew what I was reading.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 07/12/08 07:09 AM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Sat 07/12/08 08:01 AM
happy I dont want your stupid apologyhappy

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 07/12/08 07:17 AM

It started when

prayer was taken out of schools.

We need God in America again.

Thank God people are realizing this , and many are praying for America.

Revival is on the way.

God is not done with America.:heart:

What a silly concept. Prayer/faith/relegion is a function of the family not a public school. My kids pray in school or wherever they happen to be when they feel the need to pray. BECAUSE I RAISED THEM IN FAITH. That is my responsibility as a parent and in no way is the rsponsibility of the government or a teacher. We will allways have god in america as long as people of faith walk the earth.