Topic: Beliefs
MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:52 PM
flowerforyou How important is it to you for your partner to share you religious beliefs ?flowerforyou

Etrain's photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:53 PM
notdevil devil devil

no photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:53 PM
don't matter much to me

dooby's photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:54 PM
It matters to me a tiny bit, but really I look at the heart and not the Religion beliefs.

grneyedldy1967's photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:54 PM
I want to know if Tom is ever gonna fall off that couch on top of his head... :tongue:

somewhatshy2's photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:55 PM
not that important...

heartofgold321's photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:56 PM
A little important. They do not need to be exactly alike but close enough were we could agree on some beliefs.

mwood125's photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:57 PM
It's about relationship not releigionhappy

no photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:57 PM
it isn't important.

Jamesdei07's photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:58 PM
not important

no photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:58 PM
I'm flexible as long as their is mutual respect :smile:

krobin02's photo
Mon 06/30/08 07:02 PM

I'm flexible as long as their is mutual respect :smile:


no photo
Tue 07/01/08 12:56 AM

flowerforyou How important is it to you for your partner to share you religious beliefs ?flowerforyou

I'm more interested in their quality of character. Wife #1 was a wiccan, Wife #2 a christian.

Blaze1978's photo
Tue 07/01/08 06:20 PM

flowerforyou How important is it to you for your partner to share you religious beliefs ?flowerforyou

I don't have any religious beliefs.oops

FearandLoathing's photo
Tue 07/01/08 06:21 PM
I don't have my ideas can always change.smokin

No1sLove's photo
Tue 07/01/08 06:22 PM

no photo
Tue 07/01/08 10:06 PM

flowerforyou How important is it to you for your partner to share you religious beliefs ?flowerforyou

not big on religion
so that shouldn't be a deal breaker