dooby "Looking for a women who will respect me for whom i am."
36 year old man from Clermont, Florida      Looking for dating Last seen over a month ago
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About dooby
About me I will tell you about me. I will tell you what my interest are. The type of skills I have. The type of job. I will let you know what I think on how to be safe. What I plan on doing. This sum up what I will tell you about. I'm a 21 year old. I'm a tell white male. I have brown eyes and hair. I am fun to hang out with. I love all people. I enjoy hanging out. I like to enjoy life. My interest are the following. I like to play basketball. I like to go boating on the Lake/ ocean. I like to go bowling. I like to eat out with people at Restaurants. I like to ride bikes. I like to dance with Ladies I like going to movies and themeparks. I like to go to church. The types of skills I have are: Being defensive at not leting other people score during basketball. Taking care of pets. I can be good at cooking food. I'm very observation about everthing. Taking chances at life. That's about all the skills I can think of for now. The type of job I have: The job is working at a grocey store. I am a bagger. I bag food ,heath and cleaning items. I go outside and Collect carts. I pick trash up and change garbage cans. I help customers who need to find an items. I clean accidents up too. How to be safe. To be safe, you have common sense. Watch where you going all the time. Think befoe you do things. Don't always listen to people. Wear gear if you during a dangrous job. This is how you be safe from what I think at least. What I plan on doing. I plan on studying. You ask why? The reason is so I can p the Ged test. After I p the Ged test, I plan on going to a college. So I can get a AA degree or some type. I will better understand education too. So I can become a teacher perherps. School: West Side Tech
Profession: A bagger at publix
Physical Appearance
5' 1"
Body type
White / Caucasian
Marital Status
Never married
Have Children?
Christian - Other
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