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Topic: name calling
Unique2468's photo
Sun 06/29/08 10:49 PM
This is something that has bugged me, as well as quite a few people for a long time. It's the holier then thou attitude. It's not just limited to christians, though they seem the most guilty of it. Muslims to, and to a lesser extent the jews, but thats a way lesser extent.

Everytime i see a post that address people that are not of the same belief as christians (jeaniebean excluded) they are refered to in a derogitory fashion. Names like 'heathens', 'unbelievers' and 'sinners'. These are hurtful terms, designed to degrade, dehumanize and disavow people. It is then covered by saying 'we are just trying to share our faith'.

calling someone names 'unbelievers', 'heathens' is not sharing your faith. It's attacking another person. If i called you an uptight b*tch because of the 'values' and 'morals' that you followed where differnt then mine, you would be offended as well.

It's the same if i called you delusional. If i don't find you attractive, and your not what i look for in a partner, is it ok to call you undesireable and ugly? just switch attractive with beliefs and values, it's the same thing.

What makes matters worse, is it is religious doctrine to call people these names. Just because the bible calls others names, does it really make it acceptable to say hurtful things?

I've long since gotten use to these names, though they still annoy me. Then i asked myself is it really ok to get use to someone calling you names?

What are your thoughts and views?

no photo
Sun 06/29/08 10:55 PM
Everytime i see a post that address people that are not of the same belief as christians (jeaniebean excluded) they are refered to in a derogitory fashion. Names like 'heathens', 'unbelievers' and 'sinners'.

Waaaaaaa! I wanna be a heathen too! sad sad sad sad tears tears tears

Please, can I, can I, can I be a heathen too? Or at the very least a heretic. :cry:

:banana: pitchfork :banana: pitchfork :banana: pitchfork :banana: pitchfork I'm a dancing heathen! laugh laugh laugh laugh

mark5222's photo
Sun 06/29/08 11:12 PM
i am a christian. i apologize if you have been offended by other christians.i dont think i would personaly call you a you tell me how to refer to somone who is a nonbeliever without hurting there feelings.the bible refers to nobelievers as such. no disrespect intended.christians are cut down on a daily basis in america.i to could take being called a believer as a cutdown which it is most the time.but i know that as you are a nonbeliever i am a believer.i dont piont at you and yell nonbeliever.i may refer to the poulation of nonbelievers as well,nonbelievers.i dont know a true chrstian who would piont a finger at you to try to hurt your feelings.but the whole christian community takes a hit for one selfrightious.who do i blame when my feelings are hurt everytime a tv show depicts a christian as stupid.or everytime i am cut down for my belief or standing up for morales i believe in ?once again im sorry if your feelings have been hurt. i know how you feel.

Unique2468's photo
Mon 06/30/08 12:35 AM

i am a christian. i apologize if you have been offended by other christians.i dont think i would personaly call you a you tell me how to refer to somone who is a nonbeliever without hurting there feelings.

non christians.

non believer has never been acurate. People that are not christian believe in things to.

the bible refers to nobelievers as such. no disrespect intended.

How is it not disrespectful. If i called someone pro death instead of pro choice or murders of freedom instead of pro life, it's still disrespectful. Sure it's your beliefs, it's also putting a pretty negative conitation to it.

They also call people heathens. Here is the literal definition of heathens

hea·then (hn)
n. pl. hea·thens or heathen
a. One who adheres to the religion of a people or nation that does not acknowledge the God of Judaism, Christianity, or Islam.
b. Such persons considered as a group; the unconverted.
a. One who is regarded as irreligious, uncivilized, or unenlightened.
b. Such persons considered as a group.

someone who isn't civilized, isnt wise.

it's used so much by jews, christians and muslims that it's become synonamous with it.

Further more, there is no place in the bible where it is used to describe anyone good. The majority describes them as lost people who will should and will get screwed. How is that not disrespectul?

christians are cut down on a daily basis in america.i to could take being called a believer as a cutdown which it is most the time.but i know that as you are a nonbeliever i am a believer.i dont piont at you and yell nonbeliever.

I don't agree with making fun of anyone based on there beliefs. I do think there is a bit of backlash from the people that have pointed and yelled unbeliever. Yet the worst i've heard is someone snickering that they are a bibble thumper. In my expierence they usually are the people that had been laughed at for not believing in christianity in the past. or made to feel like crap about their beliefs.

i may refer to the poulation of nonbelievers as well,nonbelievers.i dont know a true chrstian who would piont a finger at you to try to hurt your feelings.

Calling someone a sinner isn't designed to give them warm and fuzzy feelings.

Non-believers (those that lack belief) is condasending, and derogitory. It basicly says if you don't believe the way i do, you don't have beliefs...there not valid.

but the whole christian community takes a hit for one selfrightious.who do i blame when my feelings are hurt everytime a tv show depicts a christian as stupid.

while considering the are depicting a specific character and not EVERYONE who doesn't believe what they believe, it's kinda a mute point.

or everytime i am cut down for my belief or standing up for morales i believe in ?once again im sorry if your feelings have been hurt. i know how you feel.

I'm not trying to minamize your feelings here. when your talking about standing up for yourself, and christians are abused, it's by the 13% of the people in america who don't believe the same thing you do. Vs those 13% who have had to deal with the 87% pulling that. I could be wrong.

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 06/30/08 01:27 AM
Bigotry and hatred is fundamental to the biblical religion. The Bible teaches bigotry especially in regard to religious intolerance. In fact, for anyone who actually reads the Bible they should know that the bible takes a horrid stance against people who do not worship the God of Abraham.

Here is a colorful cartoon version of the horrible bigotry contained in the Bible, and although this was made into a cartoon it is not inaccurate. It is a direct example of the kinds of things that the Bible stands for.

It’s the laws of man that keep people semi-civilized today. If people were still practicing the laws given in the Bible the world would be a horribly terrible place. There would be no freedom of religion at all. And anyone who mentioned the name of Jesus Christ would instantly be put to death by the followers of the Bible. The New Testament would have never been allowed to gain a foothold.

Christians can than God that people didn’t truly follow what the original Bible actually taught!

In fact the bible also teachers to stone unruly children to death, again, let me share the colorful Brick Testament.

In fact, what most people don’t realize is that Jesus had actually reprimanded the Pharisees for not obeying God’s word in this matter. Everyone seems to be aware of the parable of the woman at the well. The men were going to stone her to death for the sin of fornication, but Jesus stepped in and said that the man without sin should cast the first stone. So everyone takes that to mean that Jesus was against stoning people to do death. That would be a bit ironic anyway if he was supposed to be the same unchanging God. But never mind that. He did accuse the Pharisees for not obeying God’s law in this matter. I guess there was no town stoning committee and it just wasn’t being carried out properly when mobs were taking it upon themselves to stone people at watering holes.

So according to both the Old Testament and the New Testament, believers in the Bible should be stoning their unruly children to death.

There are so many other things that they don’t obey anymore either. Like women not being allowed to speak in public on important matters. Clearly most people who claim to be followers of the Biblical God are already heathens in their own right anyway. They certainly have no business calling other people such names.

no photo
Mon 06/30/08 01:28 AM
For us christians...flowerforyou

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels

and have not :heart:LOVE:heart:

I am become as sounding brass

or a tinkling cymbal.

And though I have the gift of prophecy

and understand all mysteries

and all knowledge

and though I have all faith

so that I could remove mountains

and have not :heart:LOVE:heart:

I am nothing.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor

and though I give my body to be burned

and have not :heart:LOVE:heart:

it profiteth me nothing.

:heart:LOVE:heart: suffereth long

and is KIND

:heart:LOVE:heart: envieth not

:heart:LOVE:heart: VAUNTETH NOT itself

NOR is puffed up

:heart:LOVE:heart: Doth Not behave itself unseemly

and seeketh Not her own

and is not easily PROVOKED


:heart:LOVE:heart: Rejoiceth NOT in iniquity

but rejoiceth in the Truth

:heart:LOVE:heart: Beareth all things

Believeth all things

Hopeth all things

Endureth all things

:heart:LOVE:heart: never Fails.

But whether there be prophecies

they shall fail

whether there be tongues

they shall cease

whether there be knowledge

it shall vanish away

For we know in part

and we prophesy in part

But when that which is perfect is come

then that which is in part shall be done away.

When I was a child

I spake as a child

I understood as a child

I thought as a child

but when I became a man

I put away childish things.

For now we see through a glass, darkly

but then face to face .

now I know in part

but then shall I know

even as also I am known.

And now Abideth Faith



these three

but the greatest of these is............

:heart: L :heart: O :heart: V :heart: E :heart: :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

Quikstepper's photo
Mon 06/30/08 02:21 AM
I think that seculars attack people of faith because it distracts from the fact that they have no argument other than they disagree with Christians. It's become a politically correct way of getting them off the hook when faced with the truth. I make no apology for defending myself with people who want to call names at my beliefs or when they misinterpret what I or other Christians are saying. It's apparent to me that some are just looking for arguements. So when they point a finger there are plenty pointing back at them...including yourself.

davidben1's photo
Mon 06/30/08 02:40 AM
Edited by davidben1 on Mon 06/30/08 02:43 AM

For us christians...flowerforyou

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels

and have not :heart:LOVE:heart:

I am become as sounding brass

or a tinkling cymbal.

And though I have the gift of prophecy

and understand all mysteries

and all knowledge

and though I have all faith

so that I could remove mountains

and have not :heart:LOVE:heart:

I am nothing.

And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor

and though I give my body to be burned

and have not :heart:LOVE:heart:

it profiteth me nothing.

:heart:LOVE:heart: suffereth long

and is KIND

:heart:LOVE:heart: envieth not

:heart:LOVE:heart: VAUNTETH NOT itself

NOR is puffed up

:heart:LOVE:heart: Doth Not behave itself unseemly

and seeketh Not her own

and is not easily PROVOKED


:heart:LOVE:heart: Rejoiceth NOT in iniquity

but rejoiceth in the Truth

:heart:LOVE:heart: Beareth all things

Believeth all things

Hopeth all things

Endureth all things

:heart:LOVE:heart: never Fails.

But whether there be prophecies

they shall fail

whether there be tongues

they shall cease

whether there be knowledge

it shall vanish away

For we know in part

and we prophesy in part

But when that which is perfect is come

then that which is in part shall be done away.

When I was a child

I spake as a child

I understood as a child

I thought as a child

but when I became a man

I put away childish things.

For now we see through a glass, darkly

but then face to face .

now I know in part

but then shall I know

even as also I am known.

And now Abideth Faith



these three

but the greatest of these is............

:heart: L :heart: O :heart: V :heart: E :heart: :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:

every human bring to themself what they have put out.......all christians are stupid just as all humans are stupid, lol.....what man would say he has never acted in stupidity, lol......if something hurt another, it can only be becuase ones own mind has thought the same and taken such as a negative, or there would be no point of reference already established to hear such as negative when spoken by another......

there is no bad word that is spoken, but rather minds that percieve them as offensive.......

should each wear a sign over the neck draping the front and back with a listing of all offenses that all others must OBSERVE before communication is attempted, lol........if offense be taken over words, does this not indicate that there is a potential for possible violence if there were to be god forbid a possible physical offense, lol.......

of course all have been offended, but each hearing their own heart say it is childish brings all to a place where all words and diversity is embraced........

if one make a statement another agrees with, there is mutual nodding in agreement......

if one say a word that is ridiculous there is laughter, lol....

offense can only be if the mind of the hearer fear a possibility of the offending word being true in some way.....

HOW can one be angered or offended by any words......tell me how this can be in a grown up world.....unless we have not proceeded past kinder years and still wish for a hall monitor, for someone to "tell" when another says a wrong word, lol.........PLEASE, for the love of christ, HOW?

no human that has peace can EVER be offended by any words........

no photo
Mon 06/30/08 03:17 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Mon 06/30/08 03:19 AM
True David... no man that has inner peace can be offended....

and as far as Christians are concerned......
true peace can only come , by spending quality time in God's Presence, and allowing God to tranform us....and fill us Up with that the world CAN see , not only God's Peace in us.....but also God's LOVE in us.

:heart: "And they'll Know we are Christians by our Love" :heart:

no photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:06 AM

Everytime i see a post that address people that are not of the same belief as christians (jeaniebean excluded) they are refered to in a derogitory fashion. Names like 'heathens', 'unbelievers' and 'sinners'.

Waaaaaaa! I wanna be a heathen too! sad sad sad sad tears tears tears

Please, can I, can I, can I be a heathen too? Or at the very least a heretic. :cry:

:banana: pitchfork :banana: pitchfork :banana: pitchfork :banana: pitchfork I'm a dancing heathen! laugh laugh laugh laugh

sure "JennieBean" it's no problem ..let's sing the heathen song

I'm a heathen
you're a heathen
we're a heathen
they're a heathen
wouldn't you like to be a heathen too

come on everyone sing

I'm a heathen
you're a heathen
we're a heathen
they're a heathen
wouldn't you like to be a heathen too

be a heathen tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

scttrbrain's photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:12 AM
Whaaaaaaa!!???? "unbeliever" is hurtful? Why? If one does not believe...then are they not an "unbeliever"? The rest.....well, heathens, I have not heard, and "sinners" ha....I thought we were all sinners? Now, if you don't believe in God, then I guess you aren't then. But if one does believe in God, then we are. I believe in God, it doesn't hurt me when someone says I am a sinner, cause I am. It would hurt me if someone said I didn't believe, cause I do.


MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Mon 06/30/08 06:13 AM
well I can't call myself anything but a sinner but at least I know it and admit it. As far as muslin, well if people believe there is 72 virgins waiting for you on the other side good luck. If I were told that I have 72 virgins I would think to myself "well that's going to last for 72 days" and then what?! Hell give me 72 women that know what their doing! As far as Catholic, well the 2 things Catholics disagree with most is homosexual marriage and abortions! Well people if 2 people are homosexual then the last thing you have to worry about is an abortion right!? Ok nuff said

Redykeulous's photo
Mon 06/30/08 07:10 AM
Sorry Unique, I don't see the issue. Calling names is pathetic but it's not really hurtful unless one allows it to fester within their own mind.

So what is a heathen, a sinner, an unbeliever or for that matter, an agnostic or a christian or a fundie or a blind and ingnorant fool? If the shoe fits wear it, if not, forget about it and consider the source.


no photo
Mon 06/30/08 07:50 AM

Whaaaaaaa!!???? "unbeliever" is hurtful? Why? If one does not believe...then are they not an "unbeliever"? The rest.....well, heathens, I have not heard, and "sinners" ha....I thought we were all sinners? Now, if you don't believe in God, then I guess you aren't then. But if one does believe in God, then we are. I believe in God, it doesn't hurt me when someone says I am a sinner, cause I am. It would hurt me if someone said I didn't believe, cause I do.


Un-believer isn't really "hurtful" but it implies that to believe in the dogma is a good thing in the way it is used and it separates people into two groups.

There are many kinds of "un-believers" and it would depend on what group is using that term. In certain circles it might refer to a person who does not believe in and worship aliens or Sananda as Jesus.

As for being sinners, only Christians are sinners because to sin is to disobey their lord and master. The term "sin" is only understood and defined within religious doctrine. No one outside that doctrine can use that word without catching flack from them or connecting with them in their doctrines.

It is true that Christians claim that everyone is a sinner but that is their their perception only. If a person is not a Christian, and they consider them self to be a sinner, then they have been programmed by Christians to accept that term into their vocabulary as a valid word existing outside of their doctrine, which it is not.


no photo
Mon 06/30/08 08:04 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 06/30/08 08:05 AM

I think that seculars attack people of faith because it distracts from the fact that they have no argument other than they disagree with Christians. It's become a politically correct way of getting them off the hook when faced with the truth.

No, its more like when they are faced with untruths being shoved in their faces too much, to often and too automatically.

So believe what ever you want, worship who ever you want, WE DON'T CARE. ~At least speaking for myself and some of us.~

We are simply sick to death of it being shoved in our faces as the TRUTH. It is a religion, a belief based on faith. It cannot be heralded as "the truth" to the world as if it were a scientifically proven fact.

That is why Christians get so much flack. When are they going to realize this? Probably never.



sec·u·lar (sěk'yə-lər) Pronunciation Key

1. Worldly rather than spiritual.
2. Not specifically relating to religion or to a religious body: secular music.
3. Relating to or advocating secularism.
4. Not bound by monastic restrictions, especially not belonging to a religious order. Used of the clergy.
5. Occurring or observed once in an age or century.
6. Lasting from century to century.

davidben1's photo
Fri 07/04/08 07:08 AM
for anything to claim itself a christian make itself FIRST, and claim it SEE the truth, which is OPPOSED to ALL THE ESSENCE of the teaching and life of jesus, as is done so by those who SAY they believe, but the words that proceed from the mouth show what is truley believed.........

what true loving being sit down to dinner and does not WANT to serve all friends FIRST........

what true loving being does not WANT all others to be saved then first, and does not even consider it's OWN salvation, for what LOVING parent say to their child, I AM SAVED, and you are better save yourself and FIND the truth......nay, not even one thought of self-salvation can enter into true love.

the truth of the real words is even as dead, until such time as it is seen the shoe fits, and then admission within the heart it is being worn.......

plk1966's photo
Fri 07/04/08 07:18 AM
I don't consider myself a religious person more a spiritual one. But in my opinion everyone is entitled to their own beliefs, just because those beliefs are different from yours or mine doesn't make them wrong. I mean not to affend anyone here, so if I do I apologize. But religious beliefs are very much like politics, everyone has an opinion or belief and it is just that your opinion. Doesn't make you better than the next person or the next person better than you. If everyone just let the other person live their life with whatever beliefs and opinions they wanted, this place called earth would be a much better place to live.

Quikstepper's photo
Fri 07/04/08 08:03 AM

Sorry Unique, I don't see the issue. Calling names is pathetic but it's not really hurtful unless one allows it to fester within their own mind.

So what is a heathen, a sinner, an unbeliever or for that matter, an agnostic or a christian or a fundie or a blind and ingnorant fool? If the shoe fits wear it, if not, forget about it and consider the source.


Agreed! Posts about falming only causes more flaming. It's a viscious cycle that some want to just keep fueling.

They should just stick to what they know & stop doing what they accuse others of doing. they are not above making criticisms so they shouldn't be offended when they are challenged.

I think some use this tactic to ignore what the person said. Ah well...

Have a good Fourth... :smile:

wouldee's photo
Fri 07/04/08 08:06 AM
my initial thought to your question asked in the OP is that we are all sinners.

We all make mistakes and weall learn from our conscience.

What we do with that knowledge is quite different for many.

I see it for what it is.


If that is derogatory and demeaning to you, then we have dealt with our consciences quite differently.

Assuming that your opinion about sin and sinners is the end all be all view to take is judgemental and prejudical in and of itself.

I am not offended by that, but I am reminding you that it does go both ways, Unique.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

davidben1's photo
Fri 07/04/08 08:41 AM

my initial thought to your question asked in the OP is that we are all sinners.

We all make mistakes and weall learn from our conscience.

What we do with that knowledge is quite different for many.

I see it for what it is.


If that is derogatory and demeaning to you, then we have dealt with our consciences quite differently.

Assuming that your opinion about sin and sinners is the end all be all view to take is judgemental and prejudical in and of itself.

I am not offended by that, but I am reminding you that it does go both ways, Unique.

flowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

indeed, what human that cannot hear aloud from another the "error" they percieve can ever come to maturity, and why it seems then the only path, allbeit at FIRST "rugged and treacherous", to peace amoung humankind......

if two speak all percieved errors to each other, and these are percieved to be as PEREFECT, then no action is taken, but rather understanding is then held within each ones OWN POWER, then will not all errors soon come to be exhausted, and turned into no errors left, and what is left then but PEACE......

certainally why the founding fathers established "free speech", and seen it ensured peace and unity.......seems only the feeling of a NEED for self-salvation, self love, self protection, self rightness, self-pride, self fear of wrongness, make some words bad, and some good......

seems actions start with words, so if there were seen a GOOD REASON that all words are as perfect, and CONTAIN WISDOM SOMEHOW, and to look HARDER WITHIN TO SEE HOW, then all words spoken could lead to peace, as certainally the so called negative ones left unsaid is what leads to bitterness and strife amoung all, and why laws to "define" what words be good or bad lead the wrong direction......this certainally make even for children who cannot EXPELL the negatives and need then turn to violence, as they have been taught so many WORDS are never to be spoken, which obviously all words come from thoughts, and if one deems themself to be wicked, or bad, will not then they see all others as the SAME........

why indeed religion shall pass away, and be replaced with wisdom and understanding

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