Topic: country raised
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Fri 06/20/08 12:10 AM

listen you crazy ass canuck, dont make me fry some canadian bacon,,,,, meaning your ass,,,,,

a friend from Vancouver once said, "grumble DON'T CALL SOMEONE A CANUCK UNLESS YOU KNOW WHAT THAT IS!"

I said, "ohwell Gosh Sorry..what is it?"

He said, "laugh Hell if I know."

grumble Crazy Canucks!
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:11 AM

i know i have an accent, anyone from the true south has one, mine is not that heavy though. and you can understand what i say when i say it.
So what??? Everyone here has an accent of some you think that it makes you sound uneducated?huh

thumper95's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:12 AM
i have been to canada, 2 provences, and ill tell you i am deff a duck out of water in montreal,,, everythings in french, and i dont speak much of it, and try communicating with someone whos used to talking to people from ny when your from the south,,, yeah,,its as easy as getting a refund from the government

Beachfarmer's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:12 AM
smokin Ya Dude! Like anyone from any crib can like totally sound like smart.

izzie's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:13 AM

i know i have an accent, anyone from the true south has one, mine is not that heavy though. and you can understand what i say when i say it.
i know i was teazin ya.. silly boy...
im off to bed...
nitey nite..

thumper95's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:14 AM
it seems like if you have a southern accent and you go anywhere in the north specially ny or mass, they automaticly think you rode the short bus and married your sister/aunt

no photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:14 AM

i have been to canada, 2 provences, and ill tell you i am deff a duck out of water in montreal,,, everythings in french, and i dont speak much of it, and try communicating with someone whos used to talking to people from ny when your from the south,,, yeah,,its as easy as getting a refund from the government
wEll Montreal would be different even for me.....dont sweat it!!! Im on the western part and we speak english here. Montreal wants everyone to speak french!!!noway noway

izzie's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:14 AM
oh and as my lil bro is relly named john... my older bro is aucutualy named jr.. and im really elizabeth walton...
i have the right to do this...

nite ma.. nite pa.. nite johnboy.. nite elizabeht...

Beachfarmer's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:15 AM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Fri 06/20/08 12:15 AM
Nah....there's window lickers EVERYWHERE thumper.

no photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:17 AM

it seems like if you have a southern accent and you go anywhere in the north specially ny or mass, they automaticly think you rode the short bus and married your sister/aunt
haha just be happy youre not a newfie in Canada!!! They are hilarious to listen to!!! But I do see what you are getting at!!! Thumper, you cant change who you are to please other people who have no idea what the world is like outside of their own neighbourhood!!! I like diversity and if I bug you Im only teasing.....:wink: laugh drinker

thumper95's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:19 AM
i dont worry bout you gypsy, its the people who think im wrong for the way i was raised, and put anyone raised in the way i was down for being raised the way they were. i wish they could have half the guts to do what we did when we were young. while they were playing with their game systems and getting mommy and daddys money we were earning our money and getting morals they will never know of

no photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:22 AM
WEll this is how I think.......if they arent paying your rent.....then they have no say in what or how or why you are the way you are!!!bigsmile drinker

thumper95's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:38 AM
theres a country saying,, til you have hoed the row that a man has done, dont judge him

Beachfarmer's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:41 AM
that goes for rowin a man's ho too

no photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:41 AM
Walk a mile in his shoes.........bigsmile

no photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:42 AM
Lets hope its not his high heels though!!!noway laugh noway

Beachfarmer's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:43 AM
won't be walkin in thumper's pumps anytime soon

thumper95's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:44 AM
i wear either tennis shoes, boots or cleats,, take yer pick

no photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:47 AM
haha ITS FUNNY TO ME......americans call running shoes, tennis shoes!!! Like......are you supposed to play tennis in them???


thumper95's photo
Fri 06/20/08 12:59 AM
they are shoes to me,, and i dont run cept in cleats, and on grass,, on a football field.