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Topic: final post - a statement
tribo's photo
Sat 06/07/08 02:25 PM
notup for debate - but write what you will - i wont be back to discuss it, by guy's and good luck or whatever- it was nice meeting you all - i'll be in the jokes forum from now on - now that's reality - hahahahaflowerforyou if your foolish enough to post after this - then your foolish indeed - bigsmile

BOOK OF TRUTH'S (c) 1996 cl


Good health is just the slowest natural way you can die

1) life is sexually transmitted
2) all of us could take a lesson from the weather, it pays no attention to criticism !

9 ) Do not lend, but when you are able, give freely and you will have peace of mind and peace of heart.
10) If or when you lend it is an act that the lender expect you to return either shortly or at some time in the future. if for some reason you are unable to return what was lent it creates all kinds of emotional problems with the lender that may be just, but never the less avoidable, if you in stead give with out thought of recompense for your giving, letting the other know that he is not expected to return the gift in like. Usually I tell some one that I give to, if they say or try to give back later to "find someone in need and do what I have done with you". Or I give anonymously thru a 3rd party and then they have no way to know where the gift came from. This is giving as it ought to be. It affects no one's pride or ego, and helps resolve the person,s problem or need that they had without evoking negativity of any kind. Core logic.

12) Organized religion is one of the greatest hindrances to mankind. It preaches consolidation, but instead divides itself into a myriad of sectarian factions for selfish reasons as pride reigns king amongst both it's followers and leaders. It preaches healing while it itself festers with spiritual disease and corruption within. It preaches giving, sharing, and caring while accumulating vast wealth for itself and selfishly spends and hordes all that it procures on non essentials. It is the epitome of self - centeredness masked in the semblance of hope love, charity, and unity. And God turns away from it all to keep the stench from His nostrils.

13) Common and natural laws are the only true laws. Man kinds imposed laws have selfish reasons and motifs behind them.

14) Influences make us what we are and how we are. Change the influences we both have or had in our lives and we would all be different people than we are now.

15) Very few people if any really love someone, They only love things about them. Their features, their sense of humor, their energy, intelligence, power, etc.. Yet on the same hand their may be many things they don�t like about them and this is why so few relationships last at present. Best friends make the best life partners.

16) There are no such thing as soul mates, ancient Greek mythology a lie, fable, fabrication, carried on by later cultures and glamorized by the media. There is however such a thing as a life mate - One who loves and accepts you just the way you are as you do in return. Though you may never find them in your lifetime. Still those who are so fortunate enough to do so, can look forward to a happy life together.

17) You can only truly love some one if the love you have is totally unselfish. If so, you will not want to change anything about them. You will and do except them just the way they are. And if you are fortunate enough to find someone who feels the same way you do, you already have a marriage. There will be no need for paper contracts, rings or ceremony, no desire or need to own that which can never be owned. People, contrary to belief, are not pieces of property. People do not belong to each other. But when you love each other unselfishly you are going to do what ever it takes to remain happily together for it is this union that brings you such great joy and comfort to begin with. When you are that close, you are as one and no priest, rabbi, minister, judge or law can strengthen that bond by their official power to pronounce it or declare it to be so. True love does not exist because anyone has the power to declare it, IT JUST IS!!! And people who feel they half to have ceremony, rings, vows and paper contracts to be married in the eyes of God or human powers, have other hidden criteria and motifs in mind than just loving each other deeply and wanting to be together for the rest of their lives. Yet unselfish love will not hesitate to unite under mans laws, for it has no fear or concern of what the eternal outcome will be, it already knows.

18) A people or nation, no matter how wealthy, cannot take care of the worlds hurting masses. Nor will it really know how to until it can properly take care of it�s own hurting masses. When ALL of ones own nation are being well fed, dressed, housed, educated, and kept healthy and employed making an adequate income to meet all their needs, then it will be so clear as to how the rest of the world can be helped to bring them to the same point. Until then, we will all suffer needlessly.

19) Racial prejudice or bigotry is stupid and childish And those who practice or condone it immature and foolish in their reasoning and common sense. It may be a natural thing to hate someone who has harmed or damaged you or loved ones but it is not a reason for racial hatred. I grew up in a small town in Ohio, everyone at that time who lived there was white Anglo Saxon. And everyone who injured me while I lived there, be it verbally, physically, or spiritually, was white. If I had a reason to be prejudiced, bigoted, or hateful as a young man, then I would have hated white people for sure But in reality it was only a tiny percentage of people in my town that injured me in one sense or another. And truthfully I did hate and was prejudiced against those particular people at the time. But not all the others, not everyone else. To have felt so would have been stupid, ignorant, and uncalled for. To hate all of a kind because of the actions of one or some would be as stupid as hating all food because you had a few or more terrible tasting meals. Both things will lead to nothing but starvation and death - spiritually, emotionally and physically.

20) One only has a few true friends in life, that are for life.

22) Defining a true friend is like trying to define God.

23) If you want to help yourself, stay away from the self help books. They substitute intellect for wisdom which along with their emotions and ego, stand in the way of even the author�s ever really being able to know how to help themselves, yet alone others.

24) Never are lies more convincing than when hidden amongst truths.

25) Truth�s need no explanation, they are self evident.

26) When mans lies are mixed with real truths so he can gain from his deceit, it is like ( in a severely destructive way), those who put terrible tasting medicine (lies) in their animals food that they like ( truths), so they will partake of it and digest it without complaint.

27) Plagues, famines, and all other natural disasters, will never cause as much misery as mans selfishness has caused or will continue to cause.

28) To have civilization, one must be civilized. To be civilized, one must understand the meaning of the word civil or civility. Then one has to know and understand who and what he is. If he does, the realization will be that there can be no lasting civilization while we inhabit this flesh. Civility, in the tracks of time, is fleeting.

29) You can never really know someone by their language ( what they say or how they phrase their communications ). Only by their actions can they truly be known. For example � if someone tells you daily that they love you truly, but their routines are filled with non loving actions � which will you consider to be the real truth?? This is why so many relationships fail today whether marriage or friendship.

30) Core thinking, core reasoning, the only possible cure for mans selfishness.

31) To stockpile trillions of dollars of weaponry is as insane as actually using them.

32) Natural consequences are true and just. Consequences imposed by man are not. They neither heal, reform or transform - they destroy. Natural consequences also destroy but they are not based on social, political, or emotional bias, Therefore they are just.

33) Mankind is a malignant cancer upon the earth. And unless he can mutate into a harmless non evasive species, he will either destroy nature or more than likely it will destroy him.

34) Outside of keeping the body sound, competitive sports are an unnecessary and destructive force upon society. They build class divisions, false pride, false accomplishments, give false hope, and breed at the same time both success and failure of something that should not even play apart in a society that is already in decline and has no need to worship or idolize fleeting and meaningless achievements that in the long run will only matter to the present audience - that has raised the participants up to a level of worship that no one or thing deserves. A perfect example of why and what we are and why the people of this country as well as others are in the state and condition they are in. Wake up people, competition is destructive, it is a strong reason why we are in the decline we are in. It is the I am better than you syndrome we all suffer from and it is destroying us, dividing us, and ruling over an otherwise relatively sane

37) If you were to play the three or four year old�s game of WHY? With the greatest scientific minds of today in every field of study, eventually they would all reach a point where they would have to admit � they didn�t know� all the why�s or how�s of things studied. This is because outside of what is readily knowable of something at any given point in time, the rest of science is based on theoretical conjecture, hypothesis , and a great deal of what I call - accidental science - DUMB LUCK. Will they, can they, do they guess rightly at times? Yes of course they do. Just as all of us would in our own fields of endeavor if given enough time, chances, and allowed to make enough attempts, most everyone would eventually guess correctly at some things or occasionally happen upon something by dumb luck. But to think or expect that we are ever going to know the macro and micro of those things studied is absurd. Until mankind learns how to properly approach the study of things he desires answers to in a correct way, and applies core logic and reasoning to his search for real answers at the beginning of his search without any preconceived ideas of what he wishes to find, he will continue to play the role of intellectual educated fool.

38) Love with out wisdom is carnal, Wisdom with out love is empty, Wisdom with love is complete and lasting love. Separately no union will hold together.

robert1652's photo
Sat 06/07/08 02:28 PM
There's a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hall
And the bells in the steeple too
And up in the nursery an absurd little bird
Is popping out to say "cuckoo"
[Marta, Gretl, Brigitta:]
Cuckoo, cuckoo

[Children: Marta, Gretl, Brigitta: ]
Regretfully they tell us Cuckoo, cuckoo
But firmly they compel us Cuckoo, cuckoo
To say goodbye . . .
[Marta, Gretl, Brigitta:]
. . . to you

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night
I hate to go and leave this pretty sight

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu
Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu

So long, farewell, au revoir, auf wiedersehen
I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye -- Goodbye!
I'm glad to go, I cannot tell a lie
I flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I fly
The sun has gone to bed and so must I

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye


robert1652's photo
Sat 06/07/08 02:28 PM
There's a sad sort of clanging from the clock in the hall
And the bells in the steeple too
And up in the nursery an absurd little bird
Is popping out to say "cuckoo"
[Marta, Gretl, Brigitta:]
Cuckoo, cuckoo

[Children: Marta, Gretl, Brigitta: ]
Regretfully they tell us Cuckoo, cuckoo
But firmly they compel us Cuckoo, cuckoo
To say goodbye . . .
[Marta, Gretl, Brigitta:]
. . . to you

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, good night
I hate to go and leave this pretty sight

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu
Adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu and yieu

So long, farewell, au revoir, auf wiedersehen
I'd like to stay and taste my first champagne

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
I leave and heave a sigh and say goodbye -- Goodbye!
I'm glad to go, I cannot tell a lie
I flit, I float, I fleetly flee, I fly
The sun has gone to bed and so must I

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye


Silntstrnger's photo
Sat 06/07/08 02:29 PM
did u not post u were going back to the joke forums earlier? why arent u there already?

Silntstrnger's photo
Sat 06/07/08 02:31 PM
i hope he didnt expect me to read all that..haha

Abracadabra's photo
Sat 06/07/08 03:11 PM

12) Organized religion is one of the greatest hindrances to mankind. It preaches consolidation, but instead divides itself into a myriad of sectarian factions for selfish reasons as pride reigns king amongst both it's followers and leaders. It preaches healing while it itself festers with spiritual disease and corruption within. It preaches giving, sharing, and caring while accumulating vast wealth for itself and selfishly spends and hordes all that it procures on non essentials. It is the epitome of self - centeredness masked in the semblance of hope love, charity, and unity. And God turns away from it all to keep the stench from His nostrils.

Amen brother!

Have fun in the jokes forum.

But don't even try to tell me that you didn't come back to read this reply. laugh drinker smokin

Silntstrnger's photo
Sat 06/07/08 05:44 PM
laugh laugh

12) Organized religion is one of the greatest hindrances to mankind. It preaches consolidation, but instead divides itself into a myriad of sectarian factions for selfish reasons as pride reigns king amongst both it's followers and leaders. It preaches healing while it itself festers with spiritual disease and corruption within. It preaches giving, sharing, and caring while accumulating vast wealth for itself and selfishly spends and hordes all that it procures on non essentials. It is the

TheLonelyWalker's photo
Sat 06/07/08 05:58 PM

It preaches giving, sharing, and caring while accumulating vast wealth for itself and selfishly spends and hordes all that it procures on non essentials.

Amen brother!

yet some consciences apease themselves sending 20 dollars to a charity organization, and they imagine they are helping. meanwhile those who are characterized as selfish pigs who the ignorant affirms that are accumulating vast wealth, are the ones who are in the battlefield in Africa taking care of the sick and hungry.
Taking care of the leppers in India.
With the money collected in Sunday mass.
The ignorance is arrogant per se. The mouth is too big, yet the knowledge is so limited. That is why we open our mouth to say nonsense that just a hypocrite conscience can come up.

no photo
Sun 06/08/08 03:24 PM

notup for debate - but write what you will - i wont be back to discuss it, by guy's and good luck or whatever- it was nice meeting you all - i'll be in the jokes forum from now on - now that's reality - hahahahaflowerforyou if your foolish enough to post after this - then your foolish indeed - bigsmile

BOOK OF TRUTH'S (c) 1996 cl

hey tribo ...dude what's up ..I leave for a couple of days and on my return I see you made yet another "I'm not going to respond to your post anymore threads"

also you just stated here that you are no longer going to post here in the religion forum then why are you still here posting in the religion forum? ...but anyway we know you were just blowing off steam welcome back you even leave?

tribo's photo
Mon 06/09/08 03:25 PM

notup for debate - but write what you will - i wont be back to discuss it, by guy's and good luck or whatever- it was nice meeting you all - i'll be in the jokes forum from now on - now that's reality - hahahahaflowerforyou if your foolish enough to post after this - then your foolish indeed - bigsmile

BOOK OF TRUTH'S (c) 1996 cl

hey tribo ...dude what's up ..I leave for a couple of days and on my return I see you made yet another "I'm not going to respond to your post anymore threads"

also you just stated here that you are no longer going to post here in the religion forum then why are you still here posting in the religion forum? ...but anyway we know you were just blowing off steam welcome back you even leave?

hey - bunches of funches is back - hahaha joke
to your question - yes and no

yes i was blowing off steam - no im not thru posting quite yet - but!! i'm not going to debate you funches, especially over something i don't believe myself. as i said i just took that up because i had never heard anyone make the points you or abra had made about the nudity thing. no one??? ever!!

so i hope someone else may come along to discuss that with you glad your backbigsmile

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 06/09/08 03:59 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Mon 06/09/08 04:06 PM
i had never heard anyone make the points you or abra had made about the nudity thing. no one??? ever!!

That's actually a pretty huge debate in theological and philosophical circles.

Not so much the nudity (that's just a specific example).

The root of the problem is this,...

If biblical sin is defined as disobedience to God (which it ultimately must be), then the question is simple,... How could Adam and Eve know that disobeying God was wrong before they ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil?

Evil, in biblical terms, is nothing more than sin. It's disobedience to God.

Sin cannot be the act!

If a storm kills a small child, no sin has been committed. No evil has occurred. No sentient being disobeyed God's laws. Storms are not evil.

If a lion eats a small child, again no sin has been committed. No evil has occurred. A lion doesn't understand God's laws. A lion is not evil.

However, if a man kills a small child, then a sin has been committed. The man is said to be evil. He knowingly disobeyed God's laws!

Unless of course the small child was being insubordinate and the man stoned the child to death. That would be ok because God told people to do that.

So it all comes down to obeying the wishes and desires of God. That the very definition of evil in a biblical sense. There can be no distinction between evil and sin in a biblical sense. They are one in the same thing. Disobedience to the wishes and desires of God.

So it would be impossible for Adam and Eve to know the difference between good and evil before they ate the fruit from he tree of he knowledge of good and evil.

In other words, they couldn't know that disobeying God was wrong before they ate the fruit that gave them that knowledge!!!

That's a huge important concept.

How can you knowingly commit the first 'sin' if it is claimed that the very first sin was to eat a fruit that will awaken you to the very notion of sin????

It's a circular oxymoron.

That's where the nudity thing comes into play. Adam and Eve were always nude and didn't think there was anything wrong with that (obviously God didn't tell them it was against his wishes).

But once they ate the fruit then they were instantly enlightened to the fact that they were naked and that isn't good. Now why would they all of a sudden know what it's against god's wishes to be naked? Cleary it wasn't a problem before they ate the fruit.

In fact, once they ate the fruit they must have been instantly endowed with the knowledge of what God does and doesn't like.

If that's the case, then all humans from that point forward should have an innate knowledge of what God does and doesn't approve of and there would not be any need for any book of rules.

There are just all sorts of logistic problems associated with the whole story.

If humans now have an innate sense of good and evil they shouldn't need a rule book.

Moreover, if their innate sense of good and evil doesn't match up with what the rule book claims the rules are, then we have an even bigger conflict. Because the knowledge of good and evil was supposedly what humans have been endowed with when Adam and Eve ate the apple!

It extremely problematic and full of holes and contradictions.

For example, if sex outside of wedlock is a sin, then why don't I innately know this? Clearly I don't. I don't feel that having sex outside of wedlock is wrong. That flies in the face of the idea that humans have been endowed with an absolute knowledge of good and evil.

Thus it can't be true.

no photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:04 PM

yes i was blowing off steam - no im not thru posting quite yet - but!! i'm not going to debate you funches, especially over something i don't believe myself. as i said i just took that up because i had never heard anyone make the points you or abra had made about the nudity thing. no one??? ever!!

geez are you still harping on that one post? ...that was so last christians sure do hold grudges

no photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:10 PM

yes i was blowing off steam - no im not thru posting quite yet - but!! i'm not going to debate you funches, especially over something i don't believe myself. as i said i just took that up because i had never heard anyone make the points you or abra had made about the nudity thing. no one??? ever!!

geez are you still harping on that one post? ...that was so last christians sure do hold grudges

Are you calling Tribo a Christian? laugh laugh laugh
You are so clueless.laugh laugh

no photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:13 PM

yes i was blowing off steam - no im not thru posting quite yet - but!! i'm not going to debate you funches, especially over something i don't believe myself. as i said i just took that up because i had never heard anyone make the points you or abra had made about the nudity thing. no one??? ever!!

geez are you still harping on that one post? ...that was so last christians sure do hold grudges

Are you calling Tribo a Christian? laugh laugh laugh
You are so clueless.laugh laugh if I say ex-christian in denial that he still is a christian

no photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:25 PM
If biblical sin is defined as disobedience to God (which it ultimately must be), then the question is simple,... How could Adam and Eve know that disobeying God was wrong before they ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil?

Obedience and knowing good from evil are not the same thing.

Obedience is just being obedient. It is "just following orders." You do it blindly, and you don't question your master. You do or refrain from doing what ever you are told. You only do it for that reason. You have no sense of it being good or evil, right or wrong. You obey under the threat of punishment. That is the only reason you obey. You don't obey because you know right from wrong. You only know that if you do not obey... that is a sin, and the "wages of sin is death."

You disobey, and you will die.

Now, having established that disobedience to God (the Biblical God) is a "sin" that explains why Jesus was free of sin and could not sin.

He was above sin if he was God. He was the one who made the rules. He does not have to obey them. He, as God, enforces them. If you "sin" by disobeying him or his father, he has the legal and moral right to kill you. Period. Why?

Because the wages of "sin" are death. The punishment for disobedience is DEATH.

So that is why God had the right to destroy the earth by the flood and drown all the sinners. They were sinners after all. Their punishment for that is DEATH.

That is what God's mercy and forgiveness is all about. He (the Biblical Lord and Master) has given you pardon. Jesus has given your pardon from your sins... but ONLY if you agree that he is your lord and Master and follow him and be his servant for eternity in his fathers house.

If you agree to do this, he will not kill you. If you do not agree to do this, well.... "The wages of sin is death."

By all rights, all "sinners" can be killed by this Biblical God because of an ancient rule made for the slaves (mankind) that they should obey their masters ... or else.


no photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:25 PM

yes i was blowing off steam - no im not thru posting quite yet - but!! i'm not going to debate you funches, especially over something i don't believe myself. as i said i just took that up because i had never heard anyone make the points you or abra had made about the nudity thing. no one??? ever!!

geez are you still harping on that one post? ...that was so last christians sure do hold grudges

Are you calling Tribo a Christian? laugh laugh laugh
You are so clueless.laugh laugh if I say ex-christian in denial that he still is a christian

That's a little better.... laugh

Abracadabra's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:39 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Mon 06/09/08 04:40 PM
Obedience and knowing good from evil are not the same thing.

That's exactly right, eating the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil opened the eyes (or minds) of humans and they were endowed with this knowledge,...

Then all humans should be endowed with the knowledge of good and evil.

Not just with a sense of 'ought to obey'.

tribo's photo
Mon 06/09/08 04:48 PM

yes i was blowing off steam - no im not thru posting quite yet - but!! i'm not going to debate you funches, especially over something i don't believe myself. as i said i just took that up because i had never heard anyone make the points you or abra had made about the nudity thing. no one??? ever!!

geez are you still harping on that one post? ...that was so last christians sure do hold grudges

Are you calling Tribo a Christian? laugh laugh laugh
You are so clueless.laugh laugh if I say ex-christian in denial that he still is a christian

That's a little better.... laugh

your both wrong i'm a truist and a very basic diest see the thread - "ok let's try this again" i make my case there wont do it here not interseted - think what you may - as i said - and abra brings more light to the subject now - "i" had never had any discussions wth anyone who held the original concepts you brought forward and believe me - i could care less what anybody chooses to believe, it is not going to affect me one way or the other - but if i see someone using something quoted out of context i will probably let them know that - or not - depending on what mood i might be in - Had the original question been different or stated differently - i would probably have passed it by, as some thing's abra brings up now there are many nore contentous things to discuss than nakedness or whether they were animals or not. though like jellybean i don't agree with the core thoughts abra has on his new post.

no photo
Mon 06/09/08 05:01 PM

your both wrong i'm a truist and a very basic diest see the thread - "ok let's try this again" i make my case there wont do it here not interseted - think what you may - as i said - and abra brings more light to the subject now - "i" had never had any discussions wth anyone who held the original concepts you brought forward and believe me - i could care less what anybody chooses to believe, it is not going to affect me one way or the other - but if i see someone using something quoted out of context i will probably let them know that - or not - depending on what mood i might be in - Had the original question been different or stated differently - i would probably have passed it by, as some thing's abra brings up now there are many nore contentous things to discuss than nakedness or whether they were animals or not. though like jellybean i don't agree with the core thoughts abra has on his new post.

and see "Tribo" the nakedness is what you failed to comprehend..because everything began when Adam and Eve realized they were naked and tried to hide their family jewells afterwards which means that being naked was a sin in God's eyes ..and that is why Man is born into sin and unless a baby pops out with clothes on it was born of sin and into sin and is automatically a sinner

Jess642's photo
Mon 06/09/08 05:13 PM
Whose Book Of Truths???



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