Topic: Perfect... | |
Edited by
Thu 06/05/08 05:17 PM
It's not a painting.....sorry it again be careful about those stones you throw.....and it's not your friends......gezzzzzzz dude you need to take a chill.....
God doesn't choose for us to do wrong.....yes he gave us freewill and that was to choose to follow him or not...And you have choices to make the decisions you make....So yes the consequences of those decisions are also yours. God GAVE us freewill and yes satan also had the choice.....he chose to think he was better then GOD big big mistake. And I explained already what was satan to God and where his downfall no need to do again. And what an interesting way to look at it...God should of left everyone and everything for dead with the flood.....But see God is a God of love and tried again with Noah. And again think it's a book of lies...your choice......just as I choose to believe it's the word of God...pretty simple huh. You show me where God repents for anything.....chances yes....God repenting I think not. When God cast satan to earth hate to be the bearer of bad news...but that is where all the bad, nasty and ugly are from.......not GOD.....And as far as your friend and his picture....wrong's candy and not a portrait.......and the artist is a friend of again those who throw rocks at glass houses... here is the you can see who is lying here. |
![]() Thank you Tribo. You are a man who knows the Bible and knows what he is talking about. ![]() ![]() Jeannie no actually he doesn't....... |
Sorry JB, Tribo wants women from other countries that are even more desperate than you. Can you believe that is even possible?
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"My argument here has been that one who was perfect had to know that creating a less than perfect being/human would result in exactly that. So, was the design perfect or was there a flaw?"
First of all the human race was not meant to be perfect. We were created as a race that had the potential to grow, evolve, and gain attributes that would eventually over the course of millinia evolve into higher beings we just never made that leap. It is quite possible that the whole progress was forseen before it ever started, adn that even the incident with banishment from Eden was part of the plan for human kind to evolve spiritually. So far as the God depicted in the bible goes who made that god, or that bible? As much as some claim the bible is the word of god it is in truth written by men who lived in ancient times and had a different way of seeing the universe. Words that made sense to them and meant something may mean something else completely to us. Even at the times they were written many of the books were likely open to interpretation. A great aunt of mine once said before I get all steamed up about the contents of the bible I should remember it was written by old men with failing memories trying to interpret the message of God. My point is that perfect can be a relative term. In the Ancient world any mind more civilized than the brute people we were would be considered perfect. The God of the Hewbrews was a god that was written about by many inspired men and women. Then some other people long after the fact took a bunch of letters or theme papers and called them books, and decided that THEY signified the will and existance of God better than any other books. No modern teachings are accepted as word of god by the same people that take on faith without thought that the bible is the direct word of god. When I find the rare Christian that follows the true christian beliefs rather than what is taught in most churches I am impressed by them. Christian means believe it or not follower of Christ. Relatively few churches follow Christ because he was a heretic for his time, encouraging others to go against spiritual establishement and examine their own hearts and spirits. He spoke against seperatism and judgement or control of others. He spoke against false worship, and the system of dogma that turned religion into a profit empire. Then his own "followers" killed his teachings by forming the church which from the first days was never able to follow or even by large encourage the followings of it's own icon because he encourage people to think and feel, instead of follow blindly. He gave his life in the name of spiritual freedom yet over the centuries the church was one of spiritual freedom's worst enemies. Many laws and rules in the bible were written for the times. They were for the good and the salvation of the people as well as their souls. Most writtings were for the safety of the people whether it was social rules, or health rules (such as eating pork in an ancient world where many did not proerly wash or cook their meat, or divorce being denounced in a world where men could get bored with their wives and ship them off and abandon them to poverty or ruin without cause or reason). It is strange that so many remember these simple rules that are now outdated in appropriateness, yet the very important rules and the nature of how the bible was made is not remembered. Show me a good Christian and I will show you one very uncomfortable with many churches. Show me a Christian that takes the whole bible as the word of God from God's point of view and I will show you someone who hasn't read the whole thing and noticed the contradictions. |
It's not a painting.....sorry it again be careful about those stones you throw.....and it's not your friends......gezzzzzzz dude you need to take a chill..... God doesn't choose for us to do wrong.....yes he gave us freewill and that was to choose to follow him or not...And you have choices to make the decisions you make....So yes the consequences of those decisions are also yours. God GAVE us freewill and yes satan also had the choice.....he chose to think he was better then GOD big big mistake. And I explained already what was satan to God and where his downfall no need to do again. And what an interesting way to look at it...God should of left everyone and everything for dead with the flood.....But see God is a God of love and tried again with Noah. And again think it's a book of lies...your choice......just as I choose to believe it's the word of God...pretty simple huh. You show me where God repents for anything.....chances yes....God repenting I think not. When God cast satan to earth hate to be the bearer of bad news...but that is where all the bad, nasty and ugly are from.......not GOD.....And as far as your friend and his picture....wrong's candy and not a portrait.......and the artist is a friend of again those who throw rocks at glass houses... here is the you can see who is lying here. Evidently you flustered him feral. ![]() Notice the use of all Caps, and the contradictions he makes in his sentences one after the other. Making false claims and accusing you of lying. ![]() God is good! ![]() Love and Light to you lady! ![]() The bible is not full of contradictions. The contradictions are in ones comprehension and the devil whispering in the ear of ones soul. God is good ![]() ![]() |
Often 'God' is claimed to be a perfect entity, especially considering the 'God' of Abraham. I wonder of the nature of perfect then, specifically concerning the world at hand. It is obviously not perfect... Creative ![]() But when you speak of the obvious imperfection of the world I *think* it is implied that you are referencing things like disease and death and destruction. These things are difficult to embrace yes.. but the world is imperfect in other ways as well... chaos and overgrowth and frenzy and excitement. Perfect? Perfect implies static to me. No change. Boring. ![]() Maybe a perfect god made it all. Maybe not. I am so imperfect I have no idea what god is really like. ![]() |
It's not a painting.....sorry it again be careful about those stones you throw.....and it's not your friends......gezzzzzzz dude you need to take a chill..... God doesn't choose for us to do wrong.....yes he gave us freewill and that was to choose to follow him or not...And you have choices to make the decisions you make....So yes the consequences of those decisions are also yours. God GAVE us freewill and yes satan also had the choice.....he chose to think he was better then GOD big big mistake. And I explained already what was satan to God and where his downfall no need to do again. And what an interesting way to look at it...God should of left everyone and everything for dead with the flood.....But see God is a God of love and tried again with Noah. And again think it's a book of lies...your choice......just as I choose to believe it's the word of God...pretty simple huh. You show me where God repents for anything.....chances yes....God repenting I think not. When God cast satan to earth hate to be the bearer of bad news...but that is where all the bad, nasty and ugly are from.......not GOD.....And as far as your friend and his picture....wrong's candy and not a portrait.......and the artist is a friend of again those who throw rocks at glass houses... here is the you can see who is lying here. 4 times ive copied and pasted your link only to get its not found - so either check it and post it again or find another way to get me to your info on it - if im wrong i will apologize and call my friend the liar - til then no comments now - im not talking about god "choosing for us" to do wrong i am talking about god being the creative force behind his creation - satan - man - creation and the choice to give man free will and satan also - was "his" choice - man could not bring this about for himself in your book! Only god had that power! not man. So if god is creator and he bestow's upon man the ability to dis-obey him - and he does - then how is that mans fault?? its like blaming a kid for what his dad did?? stupidity!! by that i mean because i bring a child into this world and tell him certain rules and regulations i want him to observe and he goes against them - the disobedience may lay with the child, but the fault is mine - why? - because i gave him enough freedom to allow him to disobey to begin with. "I" gave the child - he did not give himself that freedom - i believed he was old enough and smart enough to understand what i did not want him to do !!! Now put this in a christian bible context - god is worse because he "knew " before hand that man would be diobedient - and satan, so he is more guilty of stupidity than i am. if i had known without doubt my son was going to disobey me then i would not have gave him the freedom to do so until i was absolutely sure he did understand and would be obedient to my wishes. OR - if i had known for sure that he would never be obedient ( and that was my ultimate desire) then i would not have bought him into this world - evidentallly he foreknew (he in jesus) would be obedient to death because it states he was whether thats true or not - it states he was. So its not a matter of debate from what's written to presume god has the ability to bring into exsistence a being that would be perfectly obedient - correct? - correct!!!! so to argue that gods not responsable for mans acts of sin is like saying gods not capable of creating a perfectly obedient yet free willed person like jesus? but he did!! so if he could do it with him - why not with all men - why put them to a test that is useless and then turn around and punish them when he foreknew what the outcome was going to be??? if he knew the outcome with jesus then he would have known the outcome for mankind!! like many i dont mind playing a game but it cant be one where the rules change as the game proceed's! you cant make em up as you go along - genisis 6 - vs 5, 6, and 7 - not out of context - 5) and god saw that the "wickedness" of "man" was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. 6) and it "repented" - (hebrew - "nacham" - to pity be sorry or avenge - strongs exhaustive concordance )- the lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him in his heart. 7) and the lord said - i will destroy man whom "I" have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast and creeping thing and the fowls of the air (What the hell did they do??) for it ""repenteth"" me that i have made them. """god gone wild""" 19.95 at god gone the story word for word my notations - so god is saying what "he" created he was sorry for, he pitied himself and his decision to crate this life and was about to avenge what?? the outcome? but if god knows all - he knew the outcome!! if he did not then he is not perfect and if he is not perfect then he can not expect his creation to be. and if he did not know this before creation and satan and man and i guess the animals also - then your god is stupid. or should i say the the writers of the book of lies are stupid!! either way your fuc*ed if you do or F**ked if you don't - there is no pleasing a god that wants his cake and eats it to and supposedly can have both and then f**ks up when he goes ahaed with his creative plans and whines and crys over the outcome - thats what man does not an almighty perfect being!! |
tiffanyraquel wrote:
Are you serious? I bet your lonely right now. I bet you wish you had someone that loved you, but you cannot be loved. You are unlovable. Your too angry. That is why your husband left. He could not handle you craziness. You lie. First you question Christianity, then you claim to be one! Read your tarrot cards and you will see an old lady with many cats hiding behind death. Talk about someone who is full of hate. A married woman who has logged onto a dating site and has been making extremely uncouth an ignorant quips about single people being pathetic because they are single? The things you said in your above quote are beneath contempt. They are utterly dispicable careless personal accusations intended to be degrading. And you call yourself a Christian???? ![]() You sound more like Satan himself with your hateful personal insults. I truly feel sorry for you girl. Someone must have really hurt you bad that you feel such a great need to lash out at others the way you have been doing since you got here. What are you doing on a dating sight cutting people down for being single and making terrible accusation about why their spouses left them when you don't even have a clue who the people are you are personally attacking? Is this how they taught you to behave in Sunday School? You can call yourself a Christian till the cows come home. Your behavior here is an insult to the name of Christ. You tell Jeannie that she cannot be loved? She is unlovable? And that's why her husband left her? I think you need to get a life kiddo. ![]() You have no clue who you are even talking to much less be in a possition to be passing judgments on people. |
It's not a painting.....sorry it again be careful about those stones you throw.....and it's not your friends......gezzzzzzz dude you need to take a chill..... God doesn't choose for us to do wrong.....yes he gave us freewill and that was to choose to follow him or not...And you have choices to make the decisions you make....So yes the consequences of those decisions are also yours. God GAVE us freewill and yes satan also had the choice.....he chose to think he was better then GOD big big mistake. And I explained already what was satan to God and where his downfall no need to do again. And what an interesting way to look at it...God should of left everyone and everything for dead with the flood.....But see God is a God of love and tried again with Noah. And again think it's a book of lies...your choice......just as I choose to believe it's the word of God...pretty simple huh. You show me where God repents for anything.....chances yes....God repenting I think not. When God cast satan to earth hate to be the bearer of bad news...but that is where all the bad, nasty and ugly are from.......not GOD.....And as far as your friend and his picture....wrong's candy and not a portrait.......and the artist is a friend of again those who throw rocks at glass houses... here is the you can see who is lying here. Evidently you flustered him feral. ![]() Notice the use of all Caps, and the contradictions he makes in his sentences one after the other. Making false claims and accusing you of lying. ![]() God is good! ![]() Love and Light to you lady! ![]() The bible is not full of contradictions. The contradictions are in ones comprehension and the devil whispering in the ear of ones soul. God is good ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Sorry JB, Tribo wants women from other countries that are even more desperate than you. Can you believe that is even possible? ![]() hahahaa just the reason im looking for someone not from here - you could not be a better spokesb**ch for why i donot like women from here. no emoticons |
Often 'God' is claimed to be a perfect entity, especially considering the 'God' of Abraham. I wonder of the nature of perfect then, specifically concerning the world at hand. It is obviously not perfect... Creative ![]() But when you speak of the obvious imperfection of the world I *think* it is implied that you are referencing things like disease and death and destruction. These things are difficult to embrace yes.. but the world is imperfect in other ways as well... chaos and overgrowth and frenzy and excitement. Perfect? Perfect implies static to me. No change. Boring. ![]() Maybe a perfect god made it all. Maybe not. I am so imperfect I have no idea what god is really like. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The idea of perfection creating less than itself is like a person surrounding themselves with people they consider less attractive than themselves so they can always be the peach of the group, it is sick. It comes down to a person creating an ant farm and lighting the ants on fire on occasion to see what they do or a kid with a play globe with tiny creatures on it and he plays with it when he feels like it or ignores it when he feels like it. There cannot be a perfect creature of such love and adoration that would create something less than itself and manipulate it by placing it in harms way (devil) and see how the cards fall. It is just a sick idea all the way around.
As for free will there is no such thing as free will in religion because ALL happenings good or bad, natural or human in nature, in the world are considered a work of god and noone knows god's reasons for what he does, right? |
Sorry JB, Tribo wants women from other countries that are even more desperate than you. Can you believe that is even possible? ![]() hahahaa just the reason im looking for someone not from here - you could not be a better spokesb**ch for why i donot like women from here. no emoticons Hey genius, we can see that you have no emoticons. It is amazing how people feel they can attack others but when it is returned suddenly the "is that how Christians act" comes into play. Well apparently you hold Christians to a higher standard than you do yourself? Can't blame you. ![]() ![]() |
hahahaa just the reason im looking for someone not from here - you could not be a better spokesb**ch for why i donot like women from here. no emoticons Fortunately Tribo, this particular spokesb*tch is hardly representative of the women from this site. Most of the women are on here are actually quite loving. Jeannie certainly being one of them. ![]() Maybe it's just married women who become b*tchy. ![]() |
Sorry JB, Tribo wants women from other countries that are even more desperate than you. Can you believe that is even possible? ![]() hahahaa just the reason im looking for someone not from here - you could not be a better spokesb**ch for why i donot like women from here. no emoticons Hey genius, we can see that you have no emoticons. It is amazing how people feel they can attack others but when it is returned suddenly the "is that how Christians act" comes into play. Well apparently you hold Christians to a higher standard than you do yourself? Can't blame you. ![]() ![]() sorry startinover - i dont hold myself to anyones standard especially not christians or yours - no they dont have a f**k you emoticon - i really dont need one to return the sentiments - i'm sure you cand read my mind on this - without any doubts at all |
Sorry JB, Tribo wants women from other countries that are even more desperate than you. Can you believe that is even possible? ![]() hahahaa just the reason im looking for someone not from here - you could not be a better spokesb**ch for why i donot like women from here. no emoticons Hey genius, we can see that you have no emoticons. It is amazing how people feel they can attack others but when it is returned suddenly the "is that how Christians act" comes into play. Well apparently you hold Christians to a higher standard than you do yourself? Can't blame you. ![]() ![]() sorry startinover - i dont hold myself to anyones standard especially not christians or yours - no they dont have a f**k you emoticon - i really dont need one to return the sentiments - i'm sure you cand read my mind on this - without any doubts at all Sorry bud, You are blind and I can't read braille. I would be willing to learn if you would be willing to use your spell checker. ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 06/05/08 07:42 PM
Triboys, I am trying to go easy on the humor with you.
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tiffanyraquel wrote:
Are you serious? I bet your lonely right now. I bet you wish you had someone that loved you, but you cannot be loved. You are unlovable. Your too angry. That is why your husband left. He could not handle you craziness. You lie. First you question Christianity, then you claim to be one! Read your tarrot cards and you will see an old lady with many cats hiding behind death. Talk about someone who is full of hate. A married woman who has logged onto a dating site and has been making extremely uncouth an ignorant quips about single people being pathetic because they are single? The things you said in your above quote are beneath contempt. They are utterly dispicable careless personal accusations intended to be degrading. And you call yourself a Christian???? ![]() You sound more like Satan himself with your hateful personal insults. I truly feel sorry for you girl. Someone must have really hurt you bad that you feel such a great need to lash out at others the way you have been doing since you got here. What are you doing on a dating sight cutting people down for being single and making terrible accusation about why their spouses left them when you don't even have a clue who the people are you are personally attacking? Is this how they taught you to behave in Sunday School? You can call yourself a Christian till the cows come home. Your behavior here is an insult to the name of Christ. You tell Jeannie that she cannot be loved? She is unlovable? And that's why her husband left her? I think you need to get a life kiddo. ![]() You have no clue who you are even talking to much less be in a possition to be passing judgments on people. My husband is out of town, I am not looking for a date ( as you are ) and I am only reflecting the same feelings being directed at myself and others by her. ![]() |
hahahaa just the reason im looking for someone not from here - you could not be a better spokesb**ch for why i donot like women from here. no emoticons Fortunately Tribo, this particular spokesb*tch is hardly representative of the women from this site. Most of the women are on here are actually quite loving. Jeannie certainly being one of them. ![]() Maybe it's just married women who become b*tchy. ![]() your right tribo - i have many non christian girl friends here in usa - i should have said " your a perfect "example" |
I am a Christian, but I have not been to church in years. Do I need to to be a Christian. Are you saying only churchgoers are good people? Anyway, I never claimed to be a good person...I am a sinner!!!
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