Topic: Perfect... | |
The world was perfect initially. God didn't change that. Man, who was tricked into thinking he could know what God knows and see what God sees is what destroyed perfection. Catch my drift?
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Keep it up Belushi. Keep playing . Go on.... ![]() ![]() |
Intelligence requires knowledge.
Not true. A new born child is "intelligent" and has no knowledge. If it were not intelligent, it could not learn anything. If one cannot reason, then intelligence is not there.
I don't think so. Reasoning is a learned activity. It takes intelligence to learn. So one must first be intelligent in order to learn to reason. JB I'm in absolute agreement with Jeannie here. Intelligence does not require knowledge. I don't know where you came up with that one Michael. If you're using that as a premised you should rethink it. If you arrived at it as a conclusion you so go back and reexamine your logical process to get there because it must necessarily be flawed. It requires intelligence to understand knowledge. But it doesn't require knowledge to be intelligent. In fact, if that were the case, we become more and more intelligent as we became more and more knowledgeable. That clearly isn't the case. I could give examples, but that really shouldn't be necessary. This should be obvious. I agree with Jeannie also that reasoning is a learned activity. However, the ability to learn reasoning is related to intelligence. It's a proven fact that you can change your IQ. Most people don't realize this. They think that an IQ is a fixed rigid thing. You're born with a certain IQ and that's that. Nothing could be further from the truth. IQ is ultimately a measure of the ability to reason. And a person can indeed improve their ability to reason. They can also lose their ability to reason by becoming mentally lethargic. The brain isn't all that much different from muscles in that regard. The more you use it to reason the greater you skills at reasoning will become. Some people have the erroneous idea that if they merely use their brains they will become better at reasoning. This isn't necessarily true. A person can read a ton of book and just be accepting the knowledge that they contain without truly reasoning through it. In those cases they will have a brain full of data but they will have almost no ability to actually reason at all. Questioning why the data is where the ability to reason come into play. Following the reasoning of why things have to be true is the real workout. If the data is just accepted as presented then no reasoning skills have been learned or exercised. Extracting data from a book without reasoning through it for yourself would be like laying on a bed watching an exercise video. That's not going to make your muscles strong. ![]() I think this is a really good analogy too because it shows why knowledge does not equate to intelligence. Knowing a lot of data is considered knowledge. Yet a person can know a lot of data and still have no clue how it all fits together (no reasoning). And reasoning is a learned skill. Intelligence itself (the ability to learn to reason) is innate. And like muscles, it can be improved upon, or allowed to turn to fat. So I totally disagree that knowledge is intelligence. Like JB says, we are born with intelligence (the ability to makes sense of the world or learn reasoning) but we are not born with knowledge. So intelligence cannot require knowledge. It's the ability to assimilate knowledge and learn reasoning. In fact, for this reason, it is possible for an "empty mind", that contains no knowledge, to be "intelligent". It is plausible that all things can come from mind. From pure thought without any preexisting data, or form. Other than whatever form might be required for the mind to exist in the first place. You enjoy pure thought experiments. Imagine this. You have a human being and aliens come and completely erase the entire content of the human's memory so that the human is now like a new born baby. Will the human die? Of course not. Babies don't die automatically just because they don't yet have any knowledge. In fact, the human would be precisely like a new born baby mentally. Thus proving that intelligence does not require knowledge. That person with the erased memory could, in theory, make a complete and full comeback. Not to what they used to know, but to whatever they experience and learn form that point forward. So a mind that is totally blank of knowledge can still be intelligent. Intelligence does not require knowledge, nor experience. |
Extracting data from a book without reasoning through it for yourself would be like laying on a bed watching an exercise video. That's not going to make your muscles strong.
![]() You mean all those hours I spent watching my exercise video are not going to help me to loose weight and get in shape? Darn. ![]() |
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Tue 06/03/08 07:19 PM
Often 'God' is claimed to be a perfect entity, especially considering the 'God' of Abraham. I wonder of the nature of perfect then, specifically concerning the world at hand. It is obviously not perfect... The world is not perfect and has never been perfect : whoever designed it , screwed things somewhere and in some ways . Keep on searching . ![]() |
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Tue 06/03/08 07:24 PM
The perfect designer is an imaginary word and the proof is all the problems we have at hands . We have babies born in a state of hell whatever hell means . |
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Tue 06/03/08 11:37 PM
![]() Awareness(the ability to think consciously) requires perceptual capability... Perceptual capability is completely contingient upon the physiological constructs of the five senses. Try to visualize something without having vision nor touch. ![]() Consciousness is bi-product of having a physiological existence. Thought is non-existent without the five senses. That has been proven over and over. Therefore... One must be able to perceive, in some way, shape, or form, in order to think... Perception requires experience(s). A completely physiological concept. Thus, the pantheistic notion of 'God' perceiving itself through this temporary separate and physiological existence does not stand up on it's own two feet. Because it must then follow that this 'God' had no ability to perceive this need until after the physiological existence. So then it could not have purposefully caused this illusion of separation, for it could not perceive the need. No 'God' at all... an accident, perhaps. JB, Regarding your response... ![]() Not true. A new born child is "intelligent" and has no knowledge. If it were not intelligent, it could not learn anything.
Ability does not equate to intelligence. <------- Ooopsy! ![]() ![]() Intelligence requires experience(exposure). Using your description, how intelligent is a still-born? ![]() How intelligent is someone born alive but without the use of their five senses? How much brain activity(thought) does that living being have? None. If you want to call that intelligent, then that is your choice. I said this... If one cannot reason, then intelligence is not there.
To which you responded as such... I don't think so.
So then, you believe that one can be intelligent without the ability to reason? ![]() ![]() ![]() Again, your choice... Reasoning is a learned activity. It takes intelligence to learn. So one must first be intelligent in order to learn to reason.
Everything is learned JB... one must be capable of becoming an intelligent being, it is called innate ability, and without the five senses it is moot. One is not born with intelligence. Then I had said this... Thoughts are a bi-product of a physiological system, as is self-awareness, both of which require the system.
To which you responded with... I don't think so. I believe it is the other way around.
(That is like saying that the person is the result of the brain and body, and that consciousness does not rise from spirit, but from the body.) In your perspective... In mine, it is like saying that thought is a product of a physiological existence. See the above concerning the thought(s) of a human born without the use of the five senses. Rather than try to guess what your point is or address each of your assumptive statements above, dare I just ask you what point is it that you are trying to make??
"The core of consciousness is the intent to be." This is all it is. A notion to be. The desire to exist. This is a potential to observe, to see to dream, to be. That entire quote is quite laughable... my assumptive statements??? ![]() The core of consciousness is the intent to be? Puh-leeeze... Do you not realize that the ability to desire is completely contingient upon the ability to perceive? Potential is not sentient. Think as you must. Good day! ![]() |
Hiya drew... Lee... Mirror and your little elven friend... ![]() My dearest of souls... ![]() Perfect is an English term which necessarily means without flaw... The epistemology of which I do not know, although the true meaning may change when translated back to Aramaic... I find that the concept of a perfect 'God' must be either true or false. There is no middle ground. If true, then this world is exactly what this perfect 'God's' intention is/was. If this is the case, then what does that say about the omni-benevolence of this same 'God'? If false then, so much for the dependability and/or truthfulness of the Bible when it concerns the other supposed attributes of this 'God'. it's not of arimaic descent 1per�fect Pronunciation: \ˈpər-fikt\ Function: adjective Etymology: Middle English parfit, from Anglo-French, from Latin perfectus, from past participle of perficere to carry out, perfect, from per- thoroughly + facere to make, do � more at do Date: 14th century 1 a: being entirely without fault or defect : flawless <a perfect diamond> b: satisfying all requirements : accurate c: corresponding to an ideal standard or abstract concept <a perfect gentleman> d: faithfully reproducing the original; specifically : letter-perfect e: legally valid 2: expert, proficient <practice makes perfect> 3 a: pure, total b: lacking in no essential detail : complete cobsolete : sane d: absolute, unequivocal <enjoys perfect happiness> e: of an extreme kind : unmitigated <a perfect brat> <an act of perfect foolishness> 4obsolete : mature 5: of, relating to, or constituting a verb form or verbal that expresses an action or state completed at the time of speaking or at a time spoken of 6obsolete a: certain, sure b: contented, satisfied 7of a musical interval : belonging to the consonances unison, fourth, fifth, and octave which retain their character when inverted and when raised or lowered by a half step become augmented or diminished 8 a: sexually mature and fully differentiated <a perfect insect> b: having both stamens and pistils in the same flower <a perfect flower> � per�fect�ness \-fik(t)-nəs\ noun synonyms perfect, whole, entire, intact mean not lacking or faulty in any particular. perfect implies the soundness and the excellence of every part, element, or quality of a thing frequently as an unattainable or theoretical state <a perfect set of teeth>. whole suggests a completeness or perfection that can be sought, gained, or regained <felt like a whole person again after vacation>. entire implies perfection deriving from integrity, soundness, or completeness of a thing <the entire Beethoven corpus>. intact implies retention of perfection of a thing in its natural or original state <the boat survived the storm intact>. take your pic!!! |
Thanks Tribo...
I did not mean to imply that it was Aramaic, I was referring to the original texts before translation. I believe the oldest copies are Aramaic. The translation may be flawed? ![]() |
One finger cannot point at itself.
Yes it can, just hold it up to a mirror ![]() |
![]() If one is all, one is also that mirror... A mirror cannot reflect itself... ![]() |
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Wed 06/04/08 12:08 AM
So then, you believe that one can be intelligent without the ability to reason?
Yes, apparently this is so. ![]() ![]() Now I would rather you just tell me what point you are trying to make. It would be so much easier than to dance this dance. Do you think you can do that? Just make your point? JB |
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Wed 06/04/08 12:35 AM
The core of consciousness is the intent to be? Puh-leeeze...
Do you not realize that the ability to desire is completely contingient upon the ability to perceive? Potential is not sentient. Think as you must. I imagine that the core of consciousness is the intent to be. It also has the ability to perceive. It perceives its own perception..of self. It cannot ITSELF be identified as "potential." It is that which has potential. Yet it is invisible and formless. It is source. It is what it is. It has no name. This is what I imagine. It is not necessary that you agree. It doesn't matter to me. Peace. ![]() |
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Wed 06/04/08 12:33 AM
Everything is learned JB... one must be capable of becoming an intelligent being, it is called innate ability, and without the five senses it is moot. One is not born with intelligence.
One is not born with intelligence? .....really..? ![]() I have always felt that intelligence is the capacity to learn. Of course there are many definitions for this word "intellligence." Here is the one that I feel is accurate: >"Intelligence (also called intellect) is an umbrella term used to describe a property of the mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason, to plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to comprehend ideas, to use language, and to learn. " >"There are several ways to define intelligence. In some cases, intelligence may include traits such as creativity, personality, character, knowledge, or wisdom. However, some psychologists prefer not to include these traits in the definition of intelligence." It is difficult for me to communicate effectively with you Creative, because we don't agree on simple meanings of words. I find your statements ambiguous and confusing and sometimes meaningless, simply because I think you interpret words completely differently than I do. ********************** I would like to understand you, and what point you are trying to make if that is possible. Just tell me what it is without all the fluffy philosophy please, I would really appreciate that. I just don't like the dance. JB |
![]() If one is all, one is also that mirror... A mirror cannot reflect itself... ![]() that was meant as a joke - not a philisophical statement ![]() ![]() |
Often 'God' is claimed to be a perfect entity, especially considering the 'God' of Abraham. I wonder of the nature of perfect then, specifically concerning the world at hand. It is obviously not perfect... God will always be perfect. its man who makes the choice to deviate from God's plan. adam and eve started that deviation. |
Try to visualize something without having vision nor touch.
![]() You're question here almost seems redundant. But what do you mean by 'visualize'? Clearly we do not need to have physical sight to be able to envision things in the mind. Moreover, we can obviously visualize things that have never before existed. If this wasn't true then we could have on creativity. Sci-fi and fantasy novels and movies would be impossible to construct. No one could even speak of a unicorn, for example, because no one has every had a sensory experience of one. So I don't see your statement here as being meaningful. It think it's perfectly clear that we can visualize things beyond our senses. Thought is non-existent without the five senses.
That has been proven over and over. You say that this has been proven over and over. If that's the case, how about some citations. I'm totally unaware of any such proof and I would like to exam it for myself. If it is a sound and comprehensible proof I'll accept it and understand why it must be so. However, I'm willing to bet that I will find flaws with the proof. If not with the proof itself, perhaps I'll disagree with a premise upon which the proof is resting. Ultimately all proofs must rest upon unproven premises. That the one thing I do know. If one is all, one is also that mirror...
A mirror cannot reflect itself... ![]() What you say sounds good on the surface. But I could suggest that you are thinking too rigidly. You're probably thinking of a glass mirror that is flat and rigid. However, if the mirror is malleable like the surface of water it is conceivable that it most certainly could be undulated in a manner that would allow it to reflect back upon its own self. Wave reflecting wave. This is more in line with how I view the essence of God. Not as a rigid physical thing, but as a flexible spiritual entity. In fact, this idea of God creating the universe in his own image is precisely what Pantheism is all about. It's all done with smoke and mirrors. ![]() Jeanniebean's holographic universe is a manifestation of God herself. ![]() Jeanniebean is a reflection of God. ![]() |
Perceptual capability is completely contingient upon the physiological constructs of the five senses.
i do not think this assertion is true. i believe that perception requires some form of sensation but there is a great variety of sensation in the world exceeding our common notions regarding human sensation. the "seeing" perception of a thousand eyes in some insects or the "feeling sensation" of thousands of tiny hairs as in some arachnids. moreover i do not believe that we are the only thinking, aware beings in the universe. completely independent of a discussion of the nature of god. but as for a pantheistic god, i see no reason why there could not be collective consciousness much as we can view a hive of bees or a colony of ants as having a collective behavior and acting as complex organism. ultimately this train of thought results as the association of Nature with God. (not that there's anything wrong with that) ![]() a mirrored sphere indeed does reflect itself on the interior. ![]() |
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Wed 06/04/08 12:58 PM
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So easy-------God is perfect
People are NOT |