Topic: Unequally Yoked
Akinyahalo's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:00 PM
This is a bibical term. It is talking about not dating or marrying outside of your denomination or religion. I am trying so hard to live by this but it is so hard to do cause there are so few Adventist women who are not already taken. I can understand why considering how beautiful most of them are because of how incredibly healthy we live but I would so love to find myself a good Adventist woman.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:01 PM
smokin Im looking for a robot womansmokin

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:03 PM
mannequins do it for me love love love :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

grneyedldy1967's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:04 PM
Don't know anything about that religion but good luck on your search!

Thomas27's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:04 PM
Try the Air Force... Perhaps there's a few single women Aviators in there!laugh

Good luck with that one...huh

hikerchick's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:05 PM
You are trolling for Adventists in the relationship forum? Yikes. good luck.

ljcc1964's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:13 PM
I want Aquaman.

h_dubbaya's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:20 PM
This is mainly advice talkin about a saved person not marrying an unsaved person. Or it also applies to any kind of relationship with someone else - like a business or friendship - to make sure that the two people are in agreement and going in the same direction.

Akinyahalo's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:37 PM
I do agree that that is a big part of what the verse speaks of but if you really look at and what it is then you will see where i come from as well. If you have ever tried to be with someone who is of a different denomiation then you should know how at times that can get in the way especially for an adventist who have many beliefs(bible founded0 that are different from most churches

krobin02's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:42 PM

...If you have ever tried to be with someone who is of a different denomiation...

I have been with people of the same denomination, different, and also different religions completely. For me, being of different religions or of differing religious backgrounds is the best. There is so much to learn about yourself, your beliefs, and your partner this way.

h_dubbaya's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:42 PM

I do agree that that is a big part of what the verse speaks of but if you really look at and what it is then you will see where i come from as well. If you have ever tried to be with someone who is of a different denomiation then you should know how at times that can get in the way especially for an adventist who have many beliefs(bible founded0 that are different from most churches

yea i see what you're saying. i think anytime you come together with a different denomination there is going to be some sort of controversy/confusion...especially if you decide to have kids. then you end up being torn as to which belief gets taught to the children.

Akinyahalo's photo
Sun 06/01/08 08:45 PM
Yeah it is so very true. That is one thing that tore me and my ex wife apart cause she wanted to raise her kids eating pork and other unclean meats and i wanted them to learn what the bible says about it bt since they were fully her kids and not mine she won.

no photo
Sun 06/01/08 11:13 PM

This is mainly advice talkin about a saved person not marrying an unsaved person. Or it also applies to any kind of relationship with someone else - like a business or friendship - to make sure that the two people are in agreement and going in the same direction.

That moral highground is one of perceptions. I'd most likely be happy with any woman capable of thinking of other people besides herself, and I expect at least that much of myself. "Do unto others" is probably the simplest common ground a person could have, unless said person is self-destructive, in which case that's not attractive in the first place.

no photo
Sun 06/15/08 01:57 PM
Actually unevenly yoaked means do not marry and unbeliever, an athiest or an unsaved person. The denominations have nothing to do with it at all, all that matters really is if your both Christians.

Fade2Black's photo
Sun 06/15/08 02:25 PM

This is a bibical term. It is talking about not dating or marrying outside of your denomination or religion. I am trying so hard to live by this but it is so hard to do cause there are so few Adventist women who are not already taken. I can understand why considering how beautiful most of them are because of how incredibly healthy we live but I would so love to find myself a good Adventist woman.

I was reading there is some sect of SDA in some area in the country that has a record number of Adventists. Why not move there. :wink: