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Topic: Love's Highway...
lilangel2's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:11 AM
If you are comfortable going about 35MPH on the great online relationship turnpike but your interest is more comfortable going 75-100MPH...who speeds up? Slows down? Or do you just both take the off ramp? :-/

wyatt1844's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:13 AM
I'll just stay off the turnpike and cruise the back roads.

robert1652's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:14 AM

If you are comfortable going about 35MPH on the great online relationship turnpike but your interest is more comfortable going 75-100MPH...who speeds up? Slows down? Or do you just both take the off ramp? :-/

Are trying to say who takes the inititivelaugh (I made the mistake but it was funny I lef tit) to get horizontal?

no photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:15 AM
laugh i like to travel in the breakdown lane myself.......its where we usually end up anyway!!!laugh laugh laugh

lilangel2's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:26 AM

If you are comfortable going about 35MPH on the great online relationship turnpike but your interest is more comfortable going 75-100MPH...who speeds up? Slows down? Or do you just both take the off ramp? :-/

Are trying to say who takes the inititivelaugh (I made the mistake but it was funny I lef tit) to get horizontal?

No, this isn't about is about a serious relationship.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:26 AM
smokin I'd get road ragehappy

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:27 AM
Shshsshs just be yourself and let them be them and see what happens at times when one is more aggressive in life the other seems to follow and enjoys. Have fun and just see what happens. But never forget compassion going down that road for we are not all the same and that is what makes us all unique. We take the good with the bad and learn to enjoy the in- betweens.bigsmile

robert1652's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:30 AM

If you are comfortable going about 35MPH on the great online relationship turnpike but your interest is more comfortable going 75-100MPH...who speeds up? Slows down? Or do you just both take the off ramp? :-/

Are trying to say who takes the inititivelaugh (I made the mistake but it was funny I lef tit) to get horizontal?

No, this isn't about is about a serious relationship.

In which case a 35 mile an hour on the net I don't consider that relationship it is a chat and talk is cheap as you well know so I guess you are trying to say who takes the first step to make it more serious am I getting there? 0-60 eventually in my car:smile:

robert1652's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:30 AM

If you are comfortable going about 35MPH on the great online relationship turnpike but your interest is more comfortable going 75-100MPH...who speeds up? Slows down? Or do you just both take the off ramp? :-/

Are trying to say who takes the inititivelaugh (I made the mistake but it was funny I lef tit) to get horizontal?

No, this isn't about is about a serious relationship.

In which case a 35 mile an hour on the net I don't consider that relationship it is a chat and talk is cheap as you well know so I guess you are trying to say who takes the first step to make it more serious am I getting there? 0-60 eventually in my car:smile:

lilangel2's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:31 AM

Shshsshs just be yourself and let them be them and see what happens at times when one is more aggressive in life the other seems to follow and enjoys. Have fun and just see what happens. But never forget compassion going down that road for we are not all the same and that is what makes us all unique. We take the good with the bad and learn to enjoy the in- betweens.bigsmile

But being myself leaves me at the 9 mile marker while he has almost reached the city limits! frown

no photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:31 AM
id get stuck and run out of gas down a deadend mud road..... then brad paisley would show up and start

auburngirl's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:34 AM
The speeder slows down OR gets a ticket! :tongue:

robert1652's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:36 AM

The speeder slows down OR gets a ticket! :tongue:

the handle bar is broke and it seems I can not get started and she is given up on mesad

auburngirl's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:37 AM
then peddle faster

robert1652's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:37 AM

then peddle faster

I guess I was a peddlerlaugh laugh laugh

lilangel2's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:38 AM

The speeder slows down OR gets a ticket! :tongue:

I LIKE THAT! I'm Gonna USE it toooo!!! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

auburngirl's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:39 AM

The speeder slows down OR gets a ticket! :tongue:

I LIKE THAT! I'm Gonna USE it toooo!!! flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Hey Twin, remind the gentleman that there are speed traps along the way if one is not careful! :wink: flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:49 AM

Shshsshs just be yourself and let them be them and see what happens at times when one is more aggressive in life the other seems to follow and enjoys. Have fun and just see what happens. But never forget compassion going down that road for we are not all the same and that is what makes us all unique. We take the good with the bad and learn to enjoy the in- betweens.bigsmile

But being myself leaves me at the 9 mile marker while he has almost reached the city limits! frown

Aww but I promise if they are the one that makes you smile and destined to be with they will slow down turn around and come back and not leave you behind. In the long run you may pick up speed and not even realize it but they will slow down also for it is the in between and meeting at the middle is where two finally discover each other.bigsmile

No1sLove's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:51 AM
I think you have to go the pace of the slower party or they will become uncomfortable with the speed and we can't have them jumping from a moving vehicle now can we? noway

wyatt1844's photo
Sat 05/24/08 07:53 AM

I think you have to go the pace of the slower party or they will become uncomfortable with the speed and we can't have them jumping from a moving vehicle now can we? noway

OUCH!!! laugh laugh laugh

Love shouldn't cause "road rash"...noway

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