Always respect glass cause glass never respects you.
(Grandfather told me this cause I work in the glass field) |
Too much of anything isn't good for ya. Yeah yeah, tell that to the bikers' I grew up with. They would ask if too much of and A$$ kicking would be too much...hahah, if they even bothered to ask. ![]() |
"Son, you'll be a journeyman in this trade when you learn to see with your hand's and feel with you eye's" (WOOD FINISHING) " there is no such thing as people that are good - only people that do good. " never are lies more convincing then when hidden among truth's" " truth's need no explanations, they are self evident" "Defining a true friend is like trying to define god" " Influences make us what we are and how we are> Change the influences we have had in our lives and we would all be different people than we are now" BOOK OF TRUTH"S (c) 1996 ![]() |
...don't bite the hand that feeds you
...don't bite the hand that feeds you ![]() |
Try not to convert as an adult if you haven't been circumsized.
Try not to convert as an adult if you haven't been circumsized. ![]() |
My favorite and surprised no one said it yet of what I've seen Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya Oh yeah, that is a good one! ![]() ![]() |
Don't sneeze while drinking diet coke
also, Tapatio is NOT a thirst quencher, repeat NOT
If you don't like where you're going, you better change roads
Don't sneeze while drinking diet coke ![]() |
ive told my daughter many things....
1. pass it on....what i mean by that is when you do something for someone and they want to repay you but you have done it out of the kindness of your tell them to pass it the next guy out along the way, that is repayment for me. 2. you always have the right to your opinion and to speak your mind, you never have the right to be hurtful, rude or disrespectful about it 3. love yourself, if you dont love you, how can anyone else. there's alot.... but there's a few great post and im still waiting for my COOKIES hahaha ![]() |
Life is not about how fast you run, or how high you climb, but how well you bounce..
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Edited by
Fri 05/23/08 07:41 PM
ive told my daughter many things.... 1. pass it on....what i mean by that is when you do something for someone and they want to repay you but you have done it out of the kindness of your tell them to pass it the next guy out along the way, that is repayment for me. 2. you always have the right to your opinion and to speak your mind, you never have the right to be hurtful, rude or disrespectful about it 3. love yourself, if you dont love you, how can anyone else. there's alot.... but there's a few great post and im still waiting for my COOKIES hahaha ![]() A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand. ![]() ![]() |
ive told my daughter many things.... 1. pass it on....what i mean by that is when you do something for someone and they want to repay you but you have done it out of the kindness of your tell them to pass it the next guy out along the way, that is repayment for me. 2. you always have the right to your opinion and to speak your mind, you never have the right to be hurtful, rude or disrespectful about it 3. love yourself, if you dont love you, how can anyone else. there's alot.... but there's a few great post and im still waiting for my COOKIES hahaha ![]() A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand. ![]() ![]() im sooooooooo lovin that one!!!!!!! ![]() |
got a couple more for ya ..
Don't corner something meaner than you. ![]() Don't skinny dip with snapping turtles. ![]() |
"a virgin doesn't ever drive a Z-28"
"never threaten a man in camoflouge" "never put the moves on the bosses wife" "don't ridicule a biker about his tattoos" "Cosmo is never in a happy home" "a tank top is never worn by a billionaire" to be continued..... |
im lovin this a hillbilly and as you might know, we are full of sayings that most people would look at you like HUH? lmao
"a virgin doesn't ever drive a Z-28" "never threaten a man in camoflouge" "never put the moves on the bosses wife" "don't ridicule a biker about his tattoos" "Cosmo is never in a happy home" "a tank top is never worn by a billionaire" to be continued..... sounds like a little true life experience... lol |