Topic: Pet Peeves, what is yours?
no photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:38 PM
when someone assumes something

Natty68's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:38 PM
Not rinsing your dirty dishes!!!

mcattygarnett's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:39 PM
rude people:angry:
judgemental peoplemad
bad driversnoway
people that dont take care of their kidsgrumble

sum14u2c's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:39 PM
ppl that will reach right in front of your face in the grocery store & not say "excuse me"

no photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:40 PM
People who feel the need to insult and mock the less fortunate.

People who insult others when they are not around to defend themselves. High school ended years ago!

People who feel they have a right to pry into anothers life without the facts!

Natty68's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:40 PM
Sorry I really needed those tortilla chips...LOLlaugh

BettyB's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:40 PM
I have a friend who drives me nuts on the phone. She will call me and right in the middle of a sentice she will start talking to her huband, cooing with her baby , putting me on hold while she goes to the bathroom . empties the dishwasher . eats a bag of Doritos , which means I hear her chomping in my ear , puts me on hold again while she takes another call ..then tells me she has to go cause she has been on the phone toolong. Meanwhile I got 2 words in.noway Aren,t you glad you askedlaugh

bastet126's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:41 PM
people crossing the street in a crosswalk while you're waiting to turn and if they were going any slower they'd be going backwards...grumble

and then those people who walk out in front of moving cars to cross the street and give YOU the look like you're doing something wrong. huh

willfen's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:41 PM
Control freaks, intolerance, profiling, stereotypes, and those who attempt to force their egocentric views upon others just about does it for me.

willfen's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:42 PM

people crossing the street in a crosswalk while you're waiting to turn and if they were going any slower they'd be going backwards...grumble

and then those people who walk out in front of moving cars to cross the street and give YOU the look like you're doing something wrong. huh

I HATE when they do that!!drinker drinker drinker

LadyOfMagic's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:43 PM first answer was a joke..I'll be for real this time..1.racism..2.people who look at disabled people as a "nothing" or a piece of um..I'll be nice and say "trash".

boneyjoe's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:43 PM
i agree with ya

hauveralan's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:44 PM

ppl that will reach right in front of your face in the grocery store & not say "excuse me"

how bout the people who reach across your plate when you are eating

island_boy26's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:45 PM
ppl who just wont wipe the snot from a childs poor lil nose......


no photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:50 PM

I have a friend who drives me nuts on the phone. She will call me and right in the middle of a sentice she will start talking to her huband, cooing with her baby , putting me on hold while she goes to the bathroom . empties the dishwasher . eats a bag of Doritos , which means I hear her chomping in my ear , puts me on hold again while she takes another call ..then tells me she has to go cause she has been on the phone toolong. Meanwhile I got 2 words in.noway Aren,t you glad you askedlaugh

Dam! I hate people to call me and put me on hold. Next time she calls you, put her on hold. Tell her someone is at the door, then never get back to her. That'll teach her. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

lilangel2's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:50 PM
People that don't laugh at my jokes :cry: sad

hauveralan's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:52 PM

People that don't laugh at my jokes :cry: sad
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh :lalaugh: laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh ugh: :lalaugh: laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh ugh: laugh laugh laugh: laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:53 PM

ppl who just wont wipe the snot from a childs poor lil nose......


Or people with an adorable child at the supermarked, who has dirt or chocolate all over her face, and they think its cute.

eeeewwww. Clean the kids face !!!

sum14u2c's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:54 PM

ppl that will reach right in front of your face in the grocery store & not say "excuse me"

how bout the people who reach across your plate when you are eating
....that one frosts my cupcakes too!

island_boy26's photo
Sat 05/17/08 06:54 PM