Topic: The Matrix of Life | |
Last night I had a dream and in that dream I saw a quantum matrix of energy in which our reality existed.
This energy held precise information which had repeating patterns. Within these repeating patterns life existed and grew in a three (or more) dimensional space of an unknown shape. The thing that stood out most was that these were repeating patterns, exact and precise in their movements, and the life forms within this matrix moved about withing these patterns, and yet the patterns remained the same. I don't know what it meant, if it meant anything at all. It was like the Matrix, only it was a multi-dimensional set of patterns. Like a computer program that was turned on. I got the feeling that in the twinkle of an eye, someone could turn it off and unplug it and everything would just disappear. JB |
Last night I had a dream and in that dream I saw a quantum matrix of energy in which our reality existed. This energy held precise information which had repeating patterns. Within these repeating patterns life existed and grew in a three (or more) dimensional space of an unknown shape. The thing that stood out most was that these were repeating patterns, exact and precise in their movements, and the life forms within this matrix moved about withing these patterns, and yet the patterns remained the same. I don't know what it meant, if it meant anything at all. It was like the Matrix, only it was a multi-dimensional set of patterns. Like a computer program that was turned on. I got the feeling that in the twinkle of an eye, someone could turn it off and unplug it and everything would just disappear. JB I found that if I stopped eating pizza before going to bed that I slept a lot better. ![]() ![]() |
Last night I had a dream and in that dream I saw a quantum matrix of energy in which our reality existed. This energy held precise information which had repeating patterns. Within these repeating patterns life existed and grew in a three (or more) dimensional space of an unknown shape. The thing that stood out most was that these were repeating patterns, exact and precise in their movements, and the life forms within this matrix moved about withing these patterns, and yet the patterns remained the same. I don't know what it meant, if it meant anything at all. It was like the Matrix, only it was a multi-dimensional set of patterns. Like a computer program that was turned on. I got the feeling that in the twinkle of an eye, someone could turn it off and unplug it and everything would just disappear. JB ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I found that if I stopped eating pizza before going to bed that I slept a lot better. ![]() ![]() I used to eat pizza before I went to bed. I stopped doing that a few months ago. I have been eating corn nuts and almonds. mmmmmm.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 05/11/08 10:58 PM
Last night I had a dream and in that dream I saw a quantum matrix of energy in which our reality existed. This energy held precise information which had repeating patterns. Within these repeating patterns life existed and grew in a three (or more) dimensional space of an unknown shape. The thing that stood out most was that these were repeating patterns, exact and precise in their movements, and the life forms within this matrix moved about withing these patterns, and yet the patterns remained the same. I don't know what it meant, if it meant anything at all. It was like the Matrix, only it was a multi-dimensional set of patterns. Like a computer program that was turned on. I got the feeling that in the twinkle of an eye, someone could turn it off and unplug it and everything would just disappear. JB Here is an interesting article , Jeannie...on quantum physics found in the bible. ![]() EVERYTHING has an answer...Found in the BIBLE. Also...just thought I'd mention this.... we've been discussing in church lately... about God and Light and Sound . For instance, God SAID ," Let there be LIGHT".... Also..God Himself is LIGHT. And the bible says, God is a Consuming FIRE . Cloven tongues of FIRE came down on all those gatherd in the Upper Room ,during Pentecost. And the SOUND as of a Mighty RUSHING Wind came.... and God SPOKE the worlds into existence... God TELLS us to SPEAK the Word..... God SAYS the stars SANG(see job 38 and psalm 19 for just a couple of instances of sound ,shown) )... The Bible says also.... the trees of the field shall CLAP their hands... God SAYS to Make a Joyful NOISE unto the Lord. God SAYS SPEAK unto that Mountain... God SAYS Life and Death are in the Power of the TONGUE. God Says You Can Have What You SAY. God HEARS the PRAISES of His people... When the SOUND of Our Praises Go Up... God's Glory Comes Down. has found that even our DNA has SOUND...everything i all creation has SOUND.... In other words, everthing in the universe Praises God..... Everything.... is making a "SOUND of Praise".... continuously unto the Lord. We humans just can't hear it....different frequencies... Interesting , eh? ![]() And also....when things on earth are AS things are in heaven...then miracles CAN happen here on earth.... that is what God meant, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven... When Our Earnest Prayer and out Praises Go Up, God's Glory and Miracles can come down.... ![]() Oh ....the VAST Richness of Wisdom and Knowledge Contained in God's Word.. ![]() The Bible is Full of Treasure !! |
Yes very interesting.
It is resonance and vibration. Everything has it. Sound and light. (Eckankar called itself the Religion of Light and Sound.) I suspect the "word" refers to the "sound" and vibration of life. JB |
The book "The holographic Universe" explains how all paranormal things and all miracles yet unexplained can be explained in a holographic universe.
It is a most amazing book. JB |
Edited by
Sun 05/11/08 11:51 PM
Jeannie... man will always STRIVE towards God..and may even touch upon some of the mysteries and truths about God....cause man was MADE to reach out to God..cause God PUT that hunger in man's heart for God...
But man cannot Fully Understand God, OR have Fellowship with God ,Except he Be Born Again..and THEN and ONLY Then, Can the Holy Spirit FULLY Reveal the Truth of God's Word to man. Also.... when man is born again, the emptiness in his soul is made complete ..and is finally filled.....but no other "attempt" made at "striving towards God" , can fill this empty void in man...only Jesus can fill that void. Man CANNOT COME to HOLY GOD...except by WAY of Christ Jesus. Man CANNOT Have FELLOWSHIP with Holy God, again....except thru Christ Jesus. How Foolish of man(Ecks for instance ) ,to even think that they can come to God any OTHER way. None can Come into the Presence of God except thru Christ Jesus ....Who is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Cause God is also a Consuming Fire. By the way, this somewhere...will post it here when I find it again.. Some Eckankars, in their soul travel ,passed over a house of praying christians.....and saw shining bright LIGHTS in these praying people.....but these ecks did NOT see any LIGHTS at all , when they later on , also passed over a house of some eckankars. There was only darkness in these eckankars. God said , "I AM the LIGHT of the World". God said, " Let your LIGHT So Shine Before Men, that that Too , May Glorify God." ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Well everyone is entitled to their opinion. ![]() |
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Sun 05/11/08 11:50 PM
Some Eckankars, in their soul travel ,passed over a house of praying christians.....and saw shining bright LIGHTS in these praying people.....but these ecks did NOT see any LIGHTS at all , when they later on , also passed over a house of some eckankars.
There was only darkness in these eckankars. There is light and dark in all religions. I have seen a lot of dark in both Eckankar and Christianity. Neither have the whole truth. |
Edited by
Sun 05/11/08 11:52 PM
Man CANNOT COME to HOLY GOD...except by WAY of Christ Jesus.
I disagree. I am a pantheist. God is here now. One does not have to come to God or go to God. God IS. God is Love. ![]() JB |
Yes....God is Love.
![]() And God is Light. There is No Darkness Found in God. Goodnight Jeannie...gonna go grab 40 winks now... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
| Matrix, simulation... Can someone hook me up with a cheatcode or at the very least, a walkthrough? |
Last night I had a dream and in that dream I saw a quantum matrix of energy in which our reality existed. This energy held precise information which had repeating patterns. Within these repeating patterns life existed and grew in a three (or more) dimensional space of an unknown shape. The thing that stood out most was that these were repeating patterns, exact and precise in their movements, and the life forms within this matrix moved about withing these patterns, and yet the patterns remained the same. I don't know what it meant, if it meant anything at all. It was like the Matrix, only it was a multi-dimensional set of patterns. Like a computer program that was turned on. I got the feeling that in the twinkle of an eye, someone could turn it off and unplug it and everything would just disappear. JB sounds like you went to sleep with the television on |
Last night I had a dream and in that dream I saw a quantum matrix of energy in which our reality existed. This energy held precise information which had repeating patterns. Within these repeating patterns life existed and grew in a three (or more) dimensional space of an unknown shape. The thing that stood out most was that these were repeating patterns, exact and precise in their movements, and the life forms within this matrix moved about withing these patterns, and yet the patterns remained the same. I don't know what it meant, if it meant anything at all. It was like the Matrix, only it was a multi-dimensional set of patterns. Like a computer program that was turned on. I got the feeling that in the twinkle of an eye, someone could turn it off and unplug it and everything would just disappear. JB sounds like you went to sleep with the television on ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
J-bean... Did you click the links provided? I think everyone should, not as a tool to cause them to question their faith, because faith is a beautiful thing when applied with a good heart,but it gives perspective.
Edited by
Mon 05/12/08 10:49 AM
J-bean... Did you click the links provided? I think everyone should, not as a tool to cause them to question their faith, because faith is a beautiful thing when applied with a good heart,but it gives perspective. I just went to both links you gave above. Very interesting indeed. The look of the matrix patterns in the video looked very much like my dream except in my dream it was three (or more)dimensional. The article was interesting, although not quite what I envision. Quantum physics confirms that everything is energy and information, light and vibration (sound) to include our physical bodies. An enormous amount of programing information would have to be in effect to design even the smallest life forms, but if you consider that we have infinity in which to work, anything is possible. The characters in the matrix would have to each have a thinking center counterpart outside the matrix in order to operate or maintain their existence. This thinking center counter part is what we would call the will. When a virtual character is simply following programing and not actively using their will, they are no in direct contact with their thinking center counterpart, and they simply react and respond to stimuli. Unusual and free thinking kind of behavior (use of the conscious will and creativity) indicates that they are in contact with their user. Every other kind of reaction and behavior are simply part of the individual character's programing, (genetics, DNA, characteristics of the character given at birth, or astrology influences.) This massive matrix could have, matrix's within other matrix's. (worlds within worlds) created for fun and entertainment. This could indeed all be a game. ![]() |
This energy held precise information which had repeating patterns.
Within these repeating patterns life existed and grew in a three (or more) dimensional space of an unknown shape. The thing that stood out most was that these were repeating patterns, exact and precise in their movements, and the life forms within this matrix moved about within these patterns, and yet the patterns remained the same. Oh wow! I wish I could share with you my vision of the true nature of our essence. This would be very difficult to do with spending much time with you in conversation, potentially over a great span of time. I believe that the precise an exact patterns of energy the were in your vision were actually the laws of physics that govern the manifestations of the quantum fields. Atoms, unlike a solar system have an intrinsic property recombinatory abilities. That is to say that when they are disturbed they will automatically return to their original structure once the disturbance is past. This is quite differnet from a solar system which would not recombine to the way it was before if it were disturbed by, say, a passing star. Yet within this universe of precise and exact patterns of energy (which is all that the atoms really are) there is are infinite possibilities in the ways that they can combine and react with one another. This is why life form within this matrix can move about, yet the exact and precise patterns never change. Those patterns are actually the laws of physics. The ways in which the quantum fields can vibrate. I don't know what it meant, if it meant anything at all. It was like the Matrix, only it was a multi-dimensional set of patterns. Like a computer program that was turned on.
I got the feeling that in the twinkle of an eye, someone could turn it off and unplug it and everything would just disappear. The plug cannot be pulled. The energy does not come from outside, but from within. In other words, there is no plug to pull. The energy source (God if you wish) has become the patterns. The energy source (God if you wish) is not a source at all, but rather the very essence of the matrix itself. There is no plug to pull. Rest safely my dear, and braid me a view more locks of hair. ![]() ![]() |
The plug cannot be pulled. The energy does not come from outside, but from within. In other words, there is no plug to pull. The energy source (God if you wish) has become the patterns. The energy source (God if you wish) is not a source at all, but rather the very essence of the matrix itself.
There is no plug to pull. Rest safely my dear, and braid me a view more locks of hair. That the energy comes from within rings true with me. My own energy (and existence) seems to come from within me and when I trace it back to its beginning I find sort of a black hole of (seemingly) nothing where "something" emerges on a continual basis. This "something" is energy that eventually becomes matter and takes form. I'm glad to know that no one is "out there" getting ready to pull the plug. I think that is correct. I have only to withdraw back into myself to escape this reality and find another. JB |
Last night I had a dream and in that dream I saw a quantum matrix of energy in which our reality existed. This energy held precise information which had repeating patterns. Within these repeating patterns life existed and grew in a three (or more) dimensional space of an unknown shape. The thing that stood out most was that these were repeating patterns, exact and precise in their movements, and the life forms within this matrix moved about withing these patterns, and yet the patterns remained the same. I don't know what it meant, if it meant anything at all. It was like the Matrix, only it was a multi-dimensional set of patterns. Like a computer program that was turned on. I got the feeling that in the twinkle of an eye, someone could turn it off and unplug it and everything would just disappear. JB Personally Jeaniebean I would see this as you were looking back at your self through your brain. Your brain being the 3 dimintional matrics. The repeating would be your life as you continue to repeat those things you wish not to. But the deminsion is caught in this pattern with the light switch knowing at any time you could cease to exist. My quess would be something is telling you to change what is deep rooted in you which will change the matrics.before the light is turned out. Blessings of Shalom..Miles |