Topic: The Matrix of Life
Abracadabra's photo
Mon 05/12/08 11:28 AM
Here is an interesting article , Jeannie...on quantum physics found in the bible.
EVERYTHING has an answer...Found in the BIBLE.

I read the article at this link, and I have no clue what you are talking about. This article does suggest that anything was “Found in the Bible”. On the contrary the author of the article simple suggests that because quantum physics appears to be suggesting that the universe can be manipulated by pure thought that he feels that is reason enough to believe that anything can happen and thus he chooses to believe that the stories of the Bible are true.

This is a far cry from claiming that something was actually FOUND in the Bible?

When people blow things like this way out of proportion and attempt to turn them around into meaning something different from what was actually stated in the article it only causes me to feel that they have an agenda and will twist anything they can find to fit that agenda.

So my first issue is that noting about the article you pointed to suggests that any answers were FOUND in the Bible. On the contrary a man is learning something about quantum physics (in a religion class I might add) and then he extrapolates that to convince himself that miracles are possible.

The thing that I would like to point out here, is that based on the quantum leap this man has made, his conclusions can apply to any and all claims of magic. Not just to claims of miracles in the Bible.

Moreover, what he seems to have miss ALTOGETHER, is that if he TRULY BELIEVES that quantum physics is saying that this world can be affected and changed by OUR THOUGHTS, then what he must ultimately face is the fact that ANYONE can perform a miracle and there’s no need for an external God to be the magician.

By using quantum physics, he actually eliminated the need for an external Godhead. But he doesn’t even seem to realize that he’s done that!

If you accept that Quantum Physics is saying that the world is affected by OUR THOUGHTS, then you better go check with Jeanniebean for more information on the Law of Attraction because that’s precisely what she’s been saying all along.

If if the nothing that Quantum Physics is saying that we can change reality by our thoughts, then we must be creating our own universe as we go.

Just the opposite of what the Biblical picture is claiming.

I think the article you pointed to just shows once again that many religious people just can’t think outside of the box. Rather than looking at the TRUE implications of quantum physics, the man who wrote the article was trying to just use it to support his faith in a religion. But in truth it doesn’t support it at all, on the contrary it suggests that all humans have the power of psychokinesis. There’s no need for a God to perform miracles if you are going to accept that quantum physics is true.

I think the man’s article backfired on him and he just doesn’t realize it yet.

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 01:09 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 05/12/08 01:20 PM

Last night I had a dream and in that dream I saw a quantum matrix of energy in which our reality existed.

This energy held precise information which had repeating patterns.

Within these repeating patterns life existed and grew in a three (or more) dimensional space of an unknown shape.

The thing that stood out most was that these were repeating patterns, exact and precise in their movements, and the life forms within this matrix moved about withing these patterns, and yet the patterns remained the same.

I don't know what it meant, if it meant anything at all. It was like the Matrix, only it was a multi-dimensional set of patterns. Like a computer program that was turned on.

I got the feeling that in the twinkle of an eye, someone could turn it off and unplug it and everything would just disappear.


Personally Jeaniebean I would see this as you were looking back at your self through your brain. Your brain being the 3 dimintional matrics. The repeating would be your life as you continue to repeat those things you wish not to. But the deminsion is caught in this pattern with the light switch knowing at any time you could cease to exist. My quess would be something is telling you to change what is deep rooted in you which will change the matrics.before the light is turned out. Blessings of Shalom..Miles

Thanks for you psychoanalysis of me Miles. bigsmile

Yes, I have been thinking I need to return to doing the five rites before I go the way of the nursing home fate. huh

But I'm quite sure the vision was NOT the inside of my brain. (It's just not that well organized. laugh laugh )

I try not to repeat the big mistakes in my life, (like bad relationships..etc.) But I still can't seem to put things back where they belong. laugh

But no, I will have to say that I don't think the meaning of the dream was so simple or shallow as you have described.

I like Abra's interpretation of it much better. drinker flowerforyou


no photo
Mon 05/12/08 01:16 PM

Here is an interesting article , Jeannie...on quantum physics found in the bible.
EVERYTHING has an answer...Found in the BIBLE.

I read the article at this link, and I have no clue what you are talking about. This article does suggest that anything was “Found in the Bible”. On the contrary the author of the article simple suggests that because quantum physics appears to be suggesting that the universe can be manipulated by pure thought that he feels that is reason enough to believe that anything can happen and thus he chooses to believe that the stories of the Bible are true.

This is a far cry from claiming that something was actually FOUND in the Bible?

When people blow things like this way out of proportion and attempt to turn them around into meaning something different from what was actually stated in the article it only causes me to feel that they have an agenda and will twist anything they can find to fit that agenda.

So my first issue is that noting about the article you pointed to suggests that any answers were FOUND in the Bible. On the contrary a man is learning something about quantum physics (in a religion class I might add) and then he extrapolates that to convince himself that miracles are possible.

The thing that I would like to point out here, is that based on the quantum leap this man has made, his conclusions can apply to any and all claims of magic. Not just to claims of miracles in the Bible.

Moreover, what he seems to have miss ALTOGETHER, is that if he TRULY BELIEVES that quantum physics is saying that this world can be affected and changed by OUR THOUGHTS, then what he must ultimately face is the fact that ANYONE can perform a miracle and there’s no need for an external God to be the magician.

By using quantum physics, he actually eliminated the need for an external Godhead. But he doesn’t even seem to realize that he’s done that!

If you accept that Quantum Physics is saying that the world is affected by OUR THOUGHTS, then you better go check with Jeanniebean for more information on the Law of Attraction because that’s precisely what she’s been saying all along.

If if the nothing that Quantum Physics is saying that we can change reality by our thoughts, then we must be creating our own universe as we go.

Just the opposite of what the Biblical picture is claiming.

I think the article you pointed to just shows once again that many religious people just can’t think outside of the box. Rather than looking at the TRUE implications of quantum physics, the man who wrote the article was trying to just use it to support his faith in a religion. But in truth it doesn’t support it at all, on the contrary it suggests that all humans have the power of psychokinesis. There’s no need for a God to perform miracles if you are going to accept that quantum physics is true.

I think the man’s article backfired on him and he just doesn’t realize it yet.

Once again, Abra, you have spoken for me. You are my mouthpiece on this one too. I would have answered the exact same way but I just decided it was tiresome and probably useless and would fall on deaf ears.

But if nothing else, I hear you loud and clear and you make me proud. drinker drinker

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 05/12/08 01:21 PM
flowerforyou Perhaps we are already living in the Singularity, JeannieBean?flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 01:29 PM

flowerforyou Perhaps we are already living in the Singularity, JeannieBean?flowerforyou

The "singularity" I think, can be entered and escaped at will.

We will not be "forced" to become one with God, but we will be able to travel the mind and world of God according to our spiritual development as personalities.

The "technical" singularity will not escape the third density worlds where time and space and matter make up reality, therefore it will not be the true singularity.


Abracadabra's photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:17 PM

I think the man’s article backfired on him and he just doesn’t realize it yet.

Once again, Abra, you have spoken for me. You are my mouthpiece on this one too. I would have answered the exact same way but I just decided it was tiresome and probably useless and would fall on deaf ears.

But if nothing else, I hear you loud and clear and you make me proud. drinker drinker

This is the way it is with true wisdom. We can scatter many seeds but only a few will land in fertile minds.

It is for these few that I scatter many seeds. bigsmile

You have clearly sprouted wings long ago. flowerforyou

Certainly not from any seeds that I may have cast. Clearly you have you have learned to soar as the eagle long before I have had the pleasure of making your acquaintance. I am happy to glean from the trail of knowledge that is left in your path as you journey through the jungle of the forums.

From you I have learned much, and I continue to do so as I travel with you through this land of cyberspace.

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:21 PM

I think the man’s article backfired on him and he just doesn’t realize it yet.

Once again, Abra, you have spoken for me. You are my mouthpiece on this one too. I would have answered the exact same way but I just decided it was tiresome and probably useless and would fall on deaf ears.

But if nothing else, I hear you loud and clear and you make me proud. drinker drinker

This is the way it is with true wisdom. We can scatter many seeds but only a few will land in fertile minds.

It is for these few that I scatter many seeds. bigsmile

You have clearly sprouted wings long ago. flowerforyou

Certainly not from any seeds that I may have cast. Clearly you have you have learned to soar as the eagle long before I have had the pleasure of making your acquaintance. I am happy to glean from the trail of knowledge that is left in your path as you journey through the jungle of the forums.

From you I have learned much, and I continue to do so as I travel with you through this land of cyberspace.

flowerforyou flowerforyou :heart: :heart: drinker drinker

On ward and upward we fly!

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:43 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Mon 05/12/08 02:52 PM
Abra.. I think now, that since I mentioned that Quantum physics can be even found in the bible, that maybe man will just think now..that he can just think things into existence now...just like God.
No Faith in God required.
Man does not Need God Afterall.

Man can do it all now ..just like God....and become God.
And think into existence anything he wants.
And don't need the God of the Bible after all now.



How foolish ... I mention that quantum physics can be found in the bible(yes scientists are finally realizing , answers are found in the bible afterall)...and yep, I'm sure some foolish people will read something more into that....and think they no longer need God.

Heck, even the anti_christ will do miracles.
And Satan himself, thinks he actually can replace God too.

But God's Power is Greater than any one's attempt to "try to become God or replace God".
Including man's attempt.

Oh foolish man.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 05/12/08 02:47 PM

flowerforyou Perhaps we are already living in the Singularity, JeannieBean?flowerforyou

The "singularity" I think, can be entered and escaped at will.

We will not be "forced" to become one with God, but we will be able to travel the mind and world of God according to our spiritual development as personalities.

The "technical" singularity will not escape the third density worlds where time and space and matter make up reality, therefore it will not be the true singularity.


flowerforyou Im referring to the theory of technological evolutionflowerforyou

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:18 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 05/12/08 04:27 PM

Abra.. I think now, that since I mentioned that Quantum physics can be even found in the bible, that maybe man will just think now..that he can just think things into existence now...just like God.
No Faith in God required.
Man does not Need God Afterall.

Man can do it all now ..just like God....and become God.
And think into existence anything he wants.
And don't need the God of the Bible after all now.



How foolish ... I mention that quantum physics can be found in the bible(yes scientists are finally realizing , answers are found in the bible afterall)...and yep, I'm sure some foolish people will read something more into that....and think they no longer need God.

Heck, even the anti_christ will do miracles.
And Satan himself, thinks he actually can replace God too.

But God's Power is Greater than any one's attempt to "try to become God or replace God".
Including man's attempt.

Oh foolish man.

You cannot "Replace God" (and NO that is NOT what Abra was saying.)

What I have been saying all along about the Law of Attraction and quantum physics and the holographic universe can explain every miracle or occult experience on the books.

Anyone who learns the formula and gains the will and discipline to use his thoughts can perform these miracles and manifest their own reality. That is what we are essentially here to learn how to do.

Neither did he or I state that man does not need God. Our concept of God is an all encompassing being that lives in all things, not a personality written about in ancient scripture who demands to be worshiped.

It is that concept of God we do not need. The God of the Bible, in the eyes of a pantheist, is not the true all encompassing God who lives and gives life to all that exists.

The person who wrote that article discovered quantum physics and found a way to explain the unexplainable in the Bible.

But if he stands by that discovery then he stands with the pantheists and quantum scientist who say that all magic and all so-called miracles will soon be explained and understood by all.

If this is so, then you cannot make claim that a person is God simply because he has performed miracles, because miracles of this sort will be common place and everyone will know how to perform them.

Also, if he stands by this statement, he must also fall in line with the laws of attraction which are available to anyone who learns the formula and gains the training and discipline to use them correctly in manifesting their personal reality.

This is our concept of God. You are entitled to your own concept of God.


no photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:25 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 05/12/08 04:29 PM

flowerforyou Perhaps we are already living in the Singularity, JeannieBean?flowerforyou

The "singularity" I think, can be entered and escaped at will.

We will not be "forced" to become one with God, but we will be able to travel the mind and world of God according to our spiritual development as personalities.

The "technical" singularity will not escape the third density worlds where time and space and matter make up reality, therefore it will not be the true singularity.


flowerforyou Im referring to the theory of technological evolutionflowerforyou

My answer to the question about the technical singularity is the same. It will not escape the third density worlds of matter space and time.

Are we in it now? No. Not on the earth. Perhaps on other planets in other galaxies there are robots who are conscious beings, but still a technical singularity will never escape the third density worlds of time and space.

Material technology is not needed in the higher density worlds because thought manifests everything needed without matter.


no photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:43 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Mon 05/12/08 05:10 PM
No matter how many miracles man can perform ....or will be able still to perform......and no matter how great the technological discoveries man has made...and will continue to make.......

One thing still stands true..and man cannot escape this ..... or deny this.....

and that is....

God said Man must be Born Again, in order to come to God.

All the technology in the world....and miracles and knowledge that man has discovered..and will continue to discover... will ever FILL the Void in Man that ONLY God can FILL.

Nothing man does , in all his great God given abilities, will make man WHOLE and COMPLETE .....and Nothing man does, in all his attempts to reach God, will bring man into a right Relationship with God.

Does God mind our abilities to do these great things?
No...cause God GAVE us those abilities.

But none of our God given abilities, and none of our great technological discoveres....can fill that empty void in every man's soul.

There is Only One Thing that will be able to Fill that Empty Void in Every Man...

and that is....

Man MUST Be Born again.

THEN and ONLY then is Man Made WHOLE....and then and only then, is the Void in man Filled....and man's Search becomes No more....cause he has found what his Soul has longed for so long........and that is , Fellowship restored Back with the Father thru Christ Jesus.


no photo
Mon 05/12/08 04:48 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Mon 05/12/08 04:48 PM

God said Man must be born again, in order to come to God.

You have heard my view on what being born again means, and your claim that "God said" that is not supported by any source that I recognize, and I don't think you ever heard God say that and I have never heard God say that.

That is your opinion and your belief.

In a pantheist view of God man does not need to come to God.

God is already here.

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 05:21 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Mon 05/12/08 05:24 PM



no photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:02 PM
Quote from the website you sent me a link to:

If you don't receive Jesus Christ and become a born again Christian, then you will sadly burn in Hellfire for all eternity

This is the doctrine you continue to spread.

Morningsong, I am fully aware of what you believe.

I am NOT trying to convert you from your faith, so why do you continue to proselytize yours to me?

You are a nice person and I do wish to remain polite without offending or insulting you.

You do not need to continue to preach your doctrine to me.

I do not intend to convert to your faith.

So please understand this.

You can believe what ever you want, allow me to believe what I want.


anoasis's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:08 PM

Last night I had a dream and in that dream I saw a quantum matrix of energy in which our reality existed.

This energy held precise information which had repeating patterns.

Within these repeating patterns life existed and grew in a three (or more) dimensional space of an unknown shape.

The thing that stood out most was that these were repeating patterns, exact and precise in their movements, and the life forms within this matrix moved about withing these patterns, and yet the patterns remained the same.

I don't know what it meant, if it meant anything at all. It was like the Matrix, only it was a multi-dimensional set of patterns. Like a computer program that was turned on.

I got the feeling that in the twinkle of an eye, someone could turn it off and unplug it and everything would just disappear.


Oh Jeannie, you're so un-boring! :smile:

I wish I could remember more of my dreams... mostly they are gone within minutes of waking. Once I kept a notebook by my bed to try to write them down in the morning. But I usually ended up snuggling back in for "10 more minutes" instead. Unless it was a really bad nightmare in which case I didn't always want to remember...

To me your dream of the morphing energy going through repeating cycles makes me think of reincarnation. Being reborn again and again... "precise information with repeating patterns" many think that we are reborn with the same people (family, loved ones) many times...

And yet there may also be a creator who could "turn it all off again"- or maybe that is just entropy. The dying out of the universe.

And your dream also makes me think of aspects of life on this planet... that perhaps there are worlds within worlds... perhaps there is another universe a second away from this one and another and another- layers within layers with subtle affects one upon the other.

Either way or in any of the interpretations it is a very interesting dream. Of course only you will know what it means for you....

Peace and sweet dreams...


TheLonelyWalker's photo
Mon 05/12/08 07:28 PM

Last night I had a dream and in that dream I saw a quantum matrix of energy in which our reality existed.

This energy held precise information which had repeating patterns.

Within these repeating patterns life existed and grew in a three (or more) dimensional space of an unknown shape.

The thing that stood out most was that these were repeating patterns, exact and precise in their movements, and the life forms within this matrix moved about withing these patterns, and yet the patterns remained the same.

I don't know what it meant, if it meant anything at all. It was like the Matrix, only it was a multi-dimensional set of patterns. Like a computer program that was turned on.

I got the feeling that in the twinkle of an eye, someone could turn it off and unplug it and everything would just disappear.


did u see Neo or Morpheus?
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou Just joking

Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 05/12/08 08:05 PM
sorry Jeaniebean

I was not trying to sycroaysis you.. I just see the matrics as our brain.Shalom...Miles

no photo
Mon 05/12/08 08:43 PM

sorry Jeaniebean

I was not trying to sycroaysis you.. I just see the matrics as our brain.Shalom...Miles

sycroaysis = ?

I would look that up but Firefox says it is not spelled correctly and does not have any suggested corrections.


Milesoftheusa's photo
Mon 05/12/08 09:43 PM
well thats my great spelling