Topic: The Matrix of Life | |
J-bean... Did you click the links provided? I think everyone should, not as a tool to cause them to question their faith, because faith is a beautiful thing when applied with a good heart,but it gives perspective. I just went to both links you gave above. Very interesting indeed. The look of the matrix patterns in the video looked very much like my dream except in my dream it was three (or more)dimensional. The article was interesting, although not quite what I envision. Quantum physics confirms that everything is energy and information, light and vibration (sound) to include our physical bodies. An enormous amount of programing information would have to be in effect to design even the smallest life forms, but if you consider that we have infinity in which to work, anything is possible. The characters in the matrix would have to each have a thinking center counterpart outside the matrix in order to operate or maintain their existence. This thinking center counter part is what we would call the will. When a virtual character is simply following programing and not actively using their will, they are no in direct contact with their thinking center counterpart, and they simply react and respond to stimuli. Unusual and free thinking kind of behavior (use of the conscious will and creativity) indicates that they are in contact with their user. Every other kind of reaction and behavior are simply part of the individual character's programing, (genetics, DNA, characteristics of the character given at birth, or astrology influences.) This massive matrix could have, matrix's within other matrix's. (worlds within worlds) created for fun and entertainment. This could indeed all be a game. ![]() It's an interesting concept. I particularly enjoyed Olbermann's line of "Why don't we all just stop and hold up signs saying, we know this is a game?" |
It's an interesting concept. I particularly enjoyed Olbermann's line of "Why don't we all just stop and hold up signs saying, we know this is a game?"
I don't think very many people would be convinced that this is a game. There are a few who know it. (The leading edge research group) When people expose the game for what it is, the players that know it is a game will work very hard to convince them that this is NOT a game. They will even say so very loudly. Have you ever heard someone say this? "This is not a game!" I have heard it many times. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
In a nutshell, Scientology teaches that all humans descended from a race of uncreated, omnipotent gods called Thetans, who gave up their powers to enter the Material-Energy-Space-Time (MEST) world of Earth. [Hubbard's Dianetics and Scientology: Technical Dictionary explains, "The Thetan is immortal and is possessed of capabilities well in excess of those hitherto predicted for man. In the final analysis what is this thing called Thetan? It is simply you before you mocked yourself up and that is the handiest definition I know of" (p. 432). The Thetan is thus that part of each individual which is immortal and which has become contaminated or debased by the influences of MEST.] Gradually, they evolved upward by reincarnation to become humans who could not remember their deified state. Scientologists are encouraged to awaken their dormant Thetan potential by removing all mental blocks called engrams. By doing so, they can realize their true personhood, achieving total power and control over MEST. Scientology offers a psychotherapeutic process for breaking through the engrams "picked up from traumas in prior lives," to "realize" once again one's true identity as an "operating Thetan" (God) beyond the limitations of MEST.
Summary of Scientology Theology. In the beginning were the Thetans. These were to eventually create the MEST, which in actuality would not be the best thing they could have done. For when the Thetan, who inhabits the MEST, comes into conflict with other MEST, an engram is recorded in the reactive mind. This engram, whether it be remembered or not, due to unconsciousness which accompanies every engram, is stored in the reactive mind and causes the Thetan to believe false data [erroneous ideas]. It is the purpose of Scientology, through its auditing efforts, to rid the Thetan of all engrams so that in turn that Thetan, who now possesses a new educational perspective on reality, as a result of the auditing, may advance to a higher state of being or Clear. Once one reaches "Clear" (a 38-step process), there are 20 more steps before one reaches "OT," when one supposedly doesn't need a body to exist and is clear of all "engrams."
Thus, Man in his true nature is an immortal Thetan. However, the Thetan is responsible for the creation of MEST. Though the Thetan created the MEST, sometimes the MEST collides with the Thetan resulting in the acquisition of an engram. Because every engram is accompanied by unconsciousness to a greater or lesser degree, not all engrams are known to exist by the Thetan's analytical mind. As a result of the build-up of thousands of known and unknown engrams, stored in his reactive mind, man seems to experience problems throughout his life. These engrams have accumulated not only in this life but in many past lives as well through reincarnation. Thus, it is Scientology's purpose to rid the Thetan of these unwanted engrams. How is this accomplished? By becoming Clear
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