Topic: Is Voodo a cult or a religion?
Lily0923's photo
Mon 05/05/08 02:24 PM

But I think to blame everything on "Satan" is a bit of a cop out. I think people should take more responsibility for their bad decisions and stop blaming it on to Satan.

Now to THAT I will give you a HEAR HEAR!!!!
drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

Me too...drinker drinker

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 05/05/08 02:25 PM

Monotheistic polyrealism never heard of polydualism......but it is not's more what a pantiest again I ask what is the is satan.....and you can have many names and ways to look at it...but it boils down to the same is of satan....which all evil and chaos are.

Think what you want.

I'm not going to argue with someone who can't see beyond what they were "taught" to see.

Religion is a path to enlightenment. We are all on different paths to the same place, doesn't make anyone any better than the other.

Answer me this then feral, if your God is the supream power why does Satan exsist? Why doesn't your God destroy him, and canser, and floods, and all other destruction?

Lilith Lilith......I have studied it all....what I know doesn't come from being taught by parents it comes from looking and learning. And did I ever claim to be better....nope.....You need to read the Bible it's all there.....and once again the same questions over and over.....Satan was God's right hand man..satan thought he was better then God...big mistake.....God banished him to the earth for 2000 years....He is here folks and all the bad and ugly is satan.......When Christ comes back he will reclaim His place as the Almighty Power and satan will be banished for ever and ever and ever.

As much as people want to think the Bible a book of fairy tales.....all the worlds questions can be answered if people would just read it.

I have read the bible. I know what it says. So why would God allow death and destruction on the people he claims to love?

and it's Lily, not lillith...but no worries.flowerforyou

If you have read the bible then these questions would not be asked...because all the answers are there.....

Lily0923's photo
Mon 05/05/08 02:28 PM

If you have read the bible then these questions would not be asked...because all the answers are there.....

I'm not asking you what the bible says, I'm asking you what you say about the subject.

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 05/05/08 03:06 PM

Monotheistic polyrealism never heard of polydualism......but it is not's more what a pantiest again I ask what is the is satan.....and you can have many names and ways to look at it...but it boils down to the same is of satan....which all evil and chaos are.

Think what you want.

I'm not going to argue with someone who can't see beyond what they were "taught" to see.

Religion is a path to enlightenment. We are all on different paths to the same place, doesn't make anyone any better than the other.

Answer me this then feral, if your God is the supream power why does Satan exsist? Why doesn't your God destroy him, and canser, and floods, and all other destruction?

Lilith Lilith......I have studied it all....what I know doesn't come from being taught by parents it comes from looking and learning. And did I ever claim to be better....nope.....You need to read the Bible it's all there.....and once again the same questions over and over.....Satan was God's right hand man..satan thought he was better then God...big mistake.....God banished him to the earth for 2000 years....He is here folks and all the bad and ugly is satan.......When Christ comes back he will reclaim His place as the Almighty Power and satan will be banished for ever and ever and ever.

As much as people want to think the Bible a book of fairy tales.....all the worlds questions can be answered if people would just read it.

I have read the bible. I know what it says. So why would God allow death and destruction on the people he claims to love?

and it's Lily, not lillith...but no worries.flowerforyou

If you have read the bible then these questions would not be asked...because all the answers are there.....

Sorry for calling you Lilith.......

God is a patient and a loving God....but look at it this way.....If people keep not listening over and over and over......He doesn't want bad.......but people don't listen and so the reap what they sow.

There is time after time in the Bible of God's people not listening......and God was patient time after time after time....and then that was it....It is done and they have to live with the consequences of their actions....

Lily0923's photo
Mon 05/05/08 03:10 PM

Sorry for calling you Lilith.......

God is a patient and a loving God....but look at it this way.....If people keep not listening over and over and over......He doesn't want bad.......but people don't listen and so the reap what they sow.

There is time after time in the Bible of God's people not listening......and God was patient time after time after time....and then that was it....It is done and they have to live with the consequences of their actions....

But is it fair to punish a child that was never told right from wrong?

Look at the children with canser and aids.. what did they do to deserver that?

feralcatlady's photo
Mon 05/05/08 03:25 PM

Sorry for calling you Lilith.......

God is a patient and a loving God....but look at it this way.....If people keep not listening over and over and over......He doesn't want bad.......but people don't listen and so the reap what they sow.

There is time after time in the Bible of God's people not listening......and God was patient time after time after time....and then that was it....It is done and they have to live with the consequences of their actions....

But is it fair to punish a child that was never told right from wrong?

Look at the children with canser and aids.. what did they do to deserver that?

But you don't know later on down the line what could of happen because of that child dying of cancer......Know one knows except God why he does what he does. I just know that there is always a reason and that there is always something else that comes from what people look as bad. Also I do believe with all my heart and soul on generational curses. This is stemming from people not listening to God. In my family it was alcohol....I can trace it back 300 + years all the way to my ancestors in England....It has plagued my family....But I also knnow beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was broken with me. All my immediate family died from alcohol and alcohol related incidents. I could of easily but I gave my life to Christ....I actually listened and I don't drink and I know my kids you have to look at the overall picture....and again all these are in the Bible.....Tell me something Lily....Why is it that when people have all good in their life they don't thank God?...but when bad happens he is the first they blame.......

toastedoranges's photo
Mon 05/05/08 03:38 PM
religion = socially acceptable
cult = the crazies

it's all perception and all the same

michiganman3's photo
Mon 05/05/08 03:56 PM

Lily0923's photo
Mon 05/05/08 04:26 PM

Tell me something Lily....Why is it that when people have all good in their life they don't thank God?...but when bad happens he is the first they blame.......

hey, I'm with you there.

I believe there was a Jesus. I just don't believe he was God. I believe he taught wonderful things, he taught love and empowerment.

I believe there is one supreme being, with many different faces. Not all of them are nice and loving.

I am thankful for my blessings every day. I look at MY deeds for what went wrong in my life.

hikerchick's photo
Mon 05/05/08 04:28 PM

I am interested in why this is your second plug for your fantasy game, in a manner surely you think is clever and subdued. Am I stupid? Hmmm......

Oh, it's more than his second. I have seen it several times.

hikerchick's photo
Mon 05/05/08 04:29 PM

religion = socially acceptable
cult = the crazies

it's all perception and all the same

that's my boy!

no photo
Mon 05/05/08 04:33 PM

religion = socially acceptable
cult = the crazies

it's all perception and all the same

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Perception is everything.
We live in a subjective thought universe.

I exist.
Everything else is just an opinion.

The nature of the universe is holographic.
Everything is energy, light and sound.

What were we talking about?? bigsmile

0h yeh, voodoo.

Let me go kill that chicken and light some candles and I'll be back with the answer you seek..... bigsmile

RainbowTrout's photo
Mon 05/05/08 04:37 PM
I would say that to the people who believe in voodoo that it would be a normal religion.

hikerchick's photo
Mon 05/05/08 04:38 PM

You know I leave you guys for a couple of hours and this is what it turns into. Someone gets offended and retaliates by showing off their intellectual and arrogant prowess.

The whole point of religion is that it IS personal and subjective. You cannot truly expect people to see eye to eye because they are raised differently and experience life differently. We are subjective, arrogant creatures.

What started out as a GREAT question has once again turned into a'my religion is better than your religion' debate and now feelings and emotions are involved because SOMEONE decided they did not want to respect another's opinion and made the deliberate decision to take offense to that opinion.

So to that person, while you may be 'defending your faith' and 'calling someone out' to set the record straight, in my humble opinion, you are simply being childish by demeaning any opinion that doesn't agree with yours and you are using your eloquent and educated opinion as a weapon, which takes all the learning, interacting, and fun out of this forum.

People can and should be allowed to express ANY viewpoint and opinion they want in this forum. Get use to it!

I like this dude.

hikerchick's photo
Mon 05/05/08 04:41 PM

all i care about is the zombies.......sick

At least the zombies are stiff. bigsmile

That's more than a lot of living men can lay claim to. laugh

Tell me about it!

anoasis's photo
Mon 05/05/08 05:00 PM

There are supposingly over 1000 or more religious organizations around the world. Would you say that most of them are cults? Would voodoo be a cult or just a fantasy that people enjoy?

I have a fantasy game going if you like to escape reality. It is not voodoo don't worry. More like dragons and knights involved. lol

I would like to hear your thoughts on why we have soo many cults and religions and if voodoo is a religion or not?

I didn't read through the whole thread so I apologize if this is repetitious but...

There are many practitoners of voodoo here- we have large Haitian and DR populations and the religion is quite popular in Haiti and the Dominican Republic and other carribean islands.

Any religion can be called a cult by outsiders but I really don't see how VooDoo in general can be called a cult because to me a cult seeks to entrap people and isolate them. Most voodoo preiests and preistesses do not keep their followers away from family or non-believers.

In general, voodoo (which has various sects and different practices just like christianity or Islam, etc. e.g.) is about how everything is divine and has power that can be tapped by practitioners. In a sense it is therefore primarily a religion of nature.

Like most religions voodoo seeks to answer questions about why things are the way that they are and what happens after death,etc. The main difference between voodoo and most western and many eastern religions is that voodoo practitioners believe that they can change things in practical, immediate ways. They believe that they can use their religious practices to control the actions of other humans and make things happen in the world at large. Voodoo also is about family and tribal histories, genealogy, general history, and fables. Gods and ancestors are both honored and worshipped.

Of course I'm sure that there are cults based on voodoo just like there are cults loosely based on other religions...

hikerchick's photo
Mon 05/05/08 05:01 PM
.....religion is based on usually the Bible....

I don't think this is entirely accurate.

Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.

I don't believe these are Bible-based religions.

They are clearly not cults.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 05/05/08 05:10 PM

.....religion is based on usually the Bible....

I don't think this is entirely accurate.

Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, etc.

I don't believe these are Bible-based religions.

They are clearly not cults.
drinkerI was going to point that outdrinker

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 05/05/08 05:12 PM
flowerforyou A cult isnt neccesarily something bad.flowerforyou Every religion began as a cult.flowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 05/05/08 05:13 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Mon 05/05/08 05:14 PM
flowerforyou Cult is simply a word that is used to persecute newer and smaller religions.flowerforyou