Topic: stupidity at it's best
Jill298's photo
Wed 04/30/08 08:54 AM
Edited by Jill298 on Wed 04/30/08 09:02 AM
So I was at a hotel talking to one of the staff memebers (whom I did not hire by the way) she came with the hotel when I got herelaugh laugh and I happened to mention I was travelling somewhere the next morning but at least I was heading west and the sun so the sun wouldn't be in my eyes while I was driving. Her response " how do you know??"
laugh laugh laugh I told her I had a calander in my office and checked which way the sun rises every morninglaugh laugh
Common sense is very uncommon these days... grumble grumble

rush2001's photo
Wed 04/30/08 08:54 AM
laugh laugh That would be me.:cry:

me2g's photo
Wed 04/30/08 08:59 AM
WOW!!! they got a calandar that tells that? Does it tell you which way the sun sets too? Where do I get one?laugh laugh laugh laugh

Jill298's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:01 AM

WOW!!! they got a calandar that tells that? Does it tell you which way the sun sets too? Where do I get one?laugh laugh laugh laugh
laugh laugh yep, sure doesdrinker oh I don't know where to get one again, they sell pretty fastlaugh maybe try ebay:tongue:

franshade's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:01 AM
laugh laugh

michiganman3's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:03 AM
WTF!laugh laugh laugh

SimplyElla's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:04 AM
laugh laugh nice

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:04 AM
ROFL. What did she say when you used the calendar line?

CATBW56's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:11 AM
yeah, I have one of those dim lite bulbs that works for me's amazing sometimes how they have made it this far in lifelaugh laugh laugh

No1sLove's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:13 AM
Oh, tell me you made that up! laugh

oldsage's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:20 AM
Familys & schools don't teach common sense, anymore. I am amazed at the people I meet, don't know the four points on a map. Use a dictionary, why, just google it.explode grumble grumble ohwell

Jill298's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:20 AM

ROFL. What did she say when you used the calendar line?
laugh laugh she believed me and said "oh that's cool, I should check it out"laugh

Jill298's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:21 AM

Oh, tell me you made that up! laugh
True story I swearlaugh

MarsNeverSleeps's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:22 AM
Edited by MarsNeverSleeps on Wed 04/30/08 09:23 AM

laugh laugh she believed me and said "oh that's cool, I should check it out"laugh

HAH! That's priceless.

Familys & schools don't teach common sense, anymore. I am amazed at the people I meet, don't know the four points on a map. Use a dictionary, why, just google it. explode grumble grumble ohwell

Why am I reminded strangely of the last days of Rome?

wiley's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:32 AM
I know someone who actually thinks that it depends on which coast you're on for the sun to rise/set in different directions. laugh

Jill298's photo
Wed 04/30/08 09:33 AM

I know someone who actually thinks that it depends on which coast you're on for the sun to rise/set in different directions. laugh
laugh laugh

Nurseguy08's photo
Wed 04/30/08 10:03 AM
Which way is west again?

Jill298's photo
Wed 04/30/08 10:11 AM

Which way is west again?
laugh laugh opposit of east

Jill298's photo
Wed 04/30/08 10:12 AM
laugh she's probably one of those people that always thinks north is straight aheadlaugh