Topic: Drug test
Knightime's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:01 PM
Edited by Knightime on Fri 04/25/08 04:01 PM

I know of someone who needs a pre-employment drug test. This person is considering cheating on this test. My opinion is that this would show a lack of integrity. I am curious to hear your opinions.

O really who might that be ? so you know them personally huh ?
wow... sounds like a BIG FAT LIE TOO ME ....LMAO @ U laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh noway

PATSFAN's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:01 PM
Just say no to drugs!!

IndnPrncs's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:02 PM
I agree Hiker... I guess there is more to it as well... do they need the job and will they stop doing drugs, why, what drug, do the do drugs at work, etc... but cheating is cheating...

hikerchick's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:02 PM

I know of someone who needs a pre-employment drug test. This person is considering cheating on this test. My opinion is that this would show a lack of integrity. I am curious to hear your opinions.

O really who might that be ? so you know them personally huh ?
wow... sounds like a BIG FAT LIE TOO ME ....LMAO @ U laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh noway

actually I made no reference to knowing them personally. I said "I know of" which is true.

Not a big fat lie.

astrosfan's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:03 PM
they check the temp of the urine .. so its not a good idea!!

Knightime's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:04 PM

I know of someone who needs a pre-employment drug test. This person is considering cheating on this test. My opinion is that this would show a lack of integrity. I am curious to hear your opinions.

O really who might that be ? so you know them personally huh ?
wow... sounds like a BIG FAT LIE TOO ME ....LMAO @ U laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh noway

and you cant even get the storie right he has the job its a random test and hes been their for friggin ten years ... omg yeah he should just have his family starve and loose their home over some stupid mistake ... GET A LIFE >>>

hikerchick's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:06 PM

I know of someone who needs a pre-employment drug test. This person is considering cheating on this test. My opinion is that this would show a lack of integrity. I am curious to hear your opinions.

O really who might that be ? so you know them personally huh ?
wow... sounds like a BIG FAT LIE TOO ME ....LMAO @ U laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh noway

and you cant even get the storie right he has the job its a random test and hes been their for friggin ten years ... omg yeah he should just have his family starve and loose their home over some stupid mistake ... GET A LIFE >>>

He was gonna go to work
but then he got high

It was his choice.

these are his consequences.

Why does it upset you so much if it is not you?

And why do I not have a right to an opinion on this?

Knightime's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:08 PM

I agree Hiker... I guess there is more to it as well... do they need the job and will they stop doing drugs, why, what drug, do the do drugs at work, etc... but cheating is cheating...

see someones thinking ,,, he did this once and once only hadnt for 3years and know he should just give it ? this lady has lost her mind ... omg!
ppl check out the abuse she gave me under hair test ... then judge me shes not telling you the whole storie ...

LaughaLittle101's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:08 PM
I just got pop on a random and failed do what you gotta do to stay up in life fudge everyone else look out 4 yourself

hikerchick's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:08 PM
Why is my opinion so upsetting to some people? I think cheating on a drug test shows lack of integrity. Quite a few people have agreed.

why must some take issue with this?

hikerchick's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:09 PM
Edited by hikerchick on Fri 04/25/08 04:09 PM

I agree Hiker... I guess there is more to it as well... do they need the job and will they stop doing drugs, why, what drug, do the do drugs at work, etc... but cheating is cheating...

see someones thinking ,,, he did this once and once only hadnt for 3years and know he should just give it ? this lady has lost her mind ... omg!
ppl check out the abuse she gave me under hair test ... then judge me shes not telling you the whole storie ...

yes please do. And check out how he treated me.

Knightime's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:10 PM

I know of someone who needs a pre-employment drug test. This person is considering cheating on this test. My opinion is that this would show a lack of integrity. I am curious to hear your opinions.

O really who might that be ? so you know them personally huh ?
wow... sounds like a BIG FAT LIE TOO ME ....LMAO @ U laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh noway

and you cant even get the storie right he has the job its a random test and hes been their for friggin ten years ... omg yeah he should just have his family starve and loose their home over some stupid mistake ... GET A LIFE >>>

He was gonna go to work
but then he got high

It was his choice.

these are his consequences.

Why does it upset you so much if it is not you?

And why do I not have a right to an opinion on this?

oh you are the drama queen ... I could careless what you think ... I have two jobs neither drug test and I will always stand up for my friends ... lmfao @ you again ... laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

livelife68's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:11 PM
Not a good idea. chances are he'll get caught.

Doing drugs is a lack of integrity.

I drug test people were I work. drinking a lot of water in a short amount of time won't get them to pass the test. especially if it is sent out to a lab.

If the person conducting the test does it properly there will be no way for him to cheat and most places check the temperature of the sample it should be between 90 and 100 degrees.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:12 PM
it will catch up to them

the employer has a right to require drug testing and the employee has the right to not work there if they can't pass or don't want to stop.

plain and closed (slams gavel lol)

hikerchick's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:13 PM

I know of someone who needs a pre-employment drug test. This person is considering cheating on this test. My opinion is that this would show a lack of integrity. I am curious to hear your opinions.

O really who might that be ? so you know them personally huh ?
wow... sounds like a BIG FAT LIE TOO ME ....LMAO @ U laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh noway

and you cant even get the storie right he has the job its a random test and hes been their for friggin ten years ... omg yeah he should just have his family starve and loose their home over some stupid mistake ... GET A LIFE >>>

He was gonna go to work
but then he got high

It was his choice.

these are his consequences.

Why does it upset you so much if it is not you?

And why do I not have a right to an opinion on this?

oh you are the drama queen ... I could careless what you think ... I have two jobs neither drug test and I will always stand up for my friends ... lmfao @ you again ... laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

You are the one ranting. I am just stating an opinion of an action. You are personally attacking me because you don't like what I say. I think you are the one with the problem, sweetie.

auburngirl's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:14 PM
Just reading along here.....I think one point is this guy doesn't do pot on a regular basis, am I right about that? And THEN found out a drug test was coming up? Appears he is afraid it will be positive over something done that is out of the norm for him.

IndnPrncs's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:15 PM

I agree Hiker... I guess there is more to it as well... do they need the job and will they stop doing drugs, why, what drug, do the do drugs at work, etc... but cheating is cheating...

see someones thinking ,,, he did this once and once only hadnt for 3years and know he should just give it ? this lady has lost her mind ... omg!
ppl check out the abuse she gave me under hair test ... then judge me shes not telling you the whole storie ...

I'm not sure who you are or what your "bone" is with Hiker but I can ASSURE you she is telling the whole story or as much as she is allowed to tell... Bringing your anger from another thread to this one just to slam Hiker doesn't speak to well for your character.. Deal with the question at hand and if you want to discuss the hair test go back to that thread and ask her to join you...

LaughaLittle101's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:15 PM

I know of someone who needs a pre-employment drug test. This person is considering cheating on this test. My opinion is that this would show a lack of integrity. I am curious to hear your opinions.

O really who might that be ? so you know them personally huh ?
wow... sounds like a BIG FAT LIE TOO ME ....LMAO @ U laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh noway

and you cant even get the storie right he has the job its a random test and hes been their for friggin ten years ... omg yeah he should just have his family starve and loose their home over some stupid mistake ... GET A LIFE >>>

He was gonna go to work
but then he got high

It was his choice.

these are his consequences.

Why does it upset you so much if it is not you?

And why do I not have a right to an opinion on this?

oh you are the drama queen ... I could careless what you think ... I have two jobs neither drug test and I will always stand up for my friends ... lmfao @ you again ... laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
do what un got nto stay [positive if smoking weed betters your life than do it if a job requires a drug test than u probably deserve it but hey boo boo do what you gota do

Winx's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:16 PM

I agree Hiker... I guess there is more to it as well... do they need the job and will they stop doing drugs, why, what drug, do the do drugs at work, etc... but cheating is cheating...

They may say that they will quit doesn't mean squat until they are clean.

hikerchick's photo
Fri 04/25/08 04:16 PM

Just reading along here.....I think one point is this guy doesn't do pot on a regular basis, am I right about that? And THEN found out a drug test was coming up? Appears he is afraid it will be positive over something done that is out of the norm for him.

Is cheating on the test honest or not?