no photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:49 PM
Your mother sends you to the market with a list of goods to buy. After you finish you find that by mistake a shopkeeper has given you too much gold back in exchange for one of the items.

1. Return to the store and give the shopkeeper his hard earned gold, explaining to him the mistakes.

2. Pocket the extra gold, knowing that shopkeepers in general tend to overcharge customers anyway?

3. Decide to put the extra gold to good use and purchase items that would help your family.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:50 PM
1. Return to the store and give the shopkeeper his hard earned gold, explaining to him the mistakes.

unicorngal's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:51 PM

Your mother sends you to the market with a list of goods to buy. After you finish you find that by mistake a shopkeeper has given you too much gold back in exchange for one of the items.

1. Return to the store and give the shopkeeper his hard earned gold, explaining to him the mistakes.

2. Pocket the extra gold, knowing that shopkeepers in general tend to overcharge customers anyway?

3. Decide to put the extra gold to good use and purchase items that would help your family.

1. Return to the store and give the shopkeeper his hard earned gold, explaining to him the mistakes

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:51 PM
While in a market place you witness a thief cut a purse from a noble. Even as he does so, the noble notices and calls for the city guards. In his haste to get away, the thief drops the purse near you. Surprisingly, no one seems to notice the bag of coins at your feet. What do you do?

1. Leave the bag there, knowing that it is better not to get involved.

2. Pick up the bag and pocket it, knowing that the extra windfall will help your family in times of trouble.

3. Pick up the bag and signal to the guard, knowing that only honorable thing to do is return the coins to its rightful owner.

unicorngal's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:52 PM
3. Pick up the bag and signal to the guard, knowing that only honorable thing to do is return the coins to its rightful owner

silverwaya's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:52 PM
3. Pick up the bag and signal to the guard, knowing that only honorable thing to do is return the coins to its rightful owner.

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:53 PM
Your father sends you on a task which you loathe, cleaning the stabile. On the way there, pitchfork in hand, you run into your friend from the homestead near your own. He offers to do it for you, in return for a future favor of his own. What do you do?

1. Decline his offer, knowing that your father expects you to do the work, and it is better not to be in debt?

2. Ask him to help you, knowing that two people can do the job faster than one, and agree to help him with one task of this choosing in the future.

3. Accept his offer, reasoning that as long as the stables are cleaned, it matters not who does the cleaning.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:54 PM
2. Ask him to help you, knowing that two people can do the job faster than one, and agree to help him with one task of this choosing in the future.

unicorngal's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:54 PM
2. Ask him to help you, knowing that two people can do the job faster than one, and agree to help him with one task of this choosing in the future

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:54 PM
Your mother asks you to help fix the store. While you are working, a very hot pipe slips its moorings and falls towards her. What do you do?

1. Position yourself between the pipe and your mother.

2. Push your mother out of the way.

3. Grab the hot pipe and try to push it away.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:55 PM
2. Push your mother out of the way.

unicorngal's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:55 PM
2. Push your mother out of the way.

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:56 PM
While in town the baker gives you a sweet roll. Delighted, you take it into an alley to enjoy, only to be intercepted by a gang of low life thugs. The leader demands the sweet roll, or else he and his friends will beat you and take it. What do you do?

1. Act like you are going to give him the sweet roll, but at the last moment throw it in the air, hoping that they will pay attention to it long enough for you to get a shot at the leader.

2. Give him the sweet roll without argument, knowing that later this afternoon you will have all your friend with you and can come and take whatever he owes you.

3. Drop the sweet roll and step on it, and then get ready for the fight.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:57 PM
2. Give him the sweet roll without argument, knowing that later this afternoon you will have all your friend with you and can come and take whatever he owes you.

unicorngal's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:58 PM
2. Give him the sweet roll without argument, knowing that later this afternoon you will have all your friend with you and can come and take whatever he owes you.

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:58 PM
Entering town you find that you are witness to a very well dressed man running from a crowd. He screams to you for help. The crowd behind him seems very angry. What do you do?

1. Rush to the mans aid immediately, despite your lack of knowledge of the circumstances.

2. Stand aside and allow the man and mob to pass, realizing that it is probably best not to get involved.

3. Rush to the town’s aid immediately, despite your lack of knowledge of the circumstances.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:59 PM
2. Stand aside and allow the man and mob to pass, realizing that it is probably best not to get involved.

unicorngal's photo
Tue 04/22/08 09:59 PM
. Stand aside and allow the man and mob to pass, realizing that it is probably best not to get involved.

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:02 PM
The crystal ball rises to the sky as it shoots out electricity hitting both Re'Anna and Spirit. It then falls back down and the gypsy regains her conscious.

The strange surge made Re'Anna and Spirit feel better.


Re'Anna gain +5 to intelligence
Spirit gain +5 to intelligence

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:00 PM
*slips outside and when the coast is clear heads to the peir*