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EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:34 AM
*Awakens a few hours after Boromir finished practicing. Her cloths are soaking wet. She stands and sinks into the mud a little. She rings the water from her cloths and notices that she slept a little TOO close to the water front. She shakes her head and splashes water on her face then heads back into the inn*

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/22/08 03:19 PM
*Steps outside the inn and looks around for a moment before heading across the street to the peir*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 04/22/08 03:24 PM
Edited by Rathil_Thads on Tue 04/22/08 03:25 PM
*Rathil follows her out and sees her walking towards the pier as she is staring off into the water he comes up from behind*

You are right of course, apologies are really rather meaningless. The action is already done and cannot be changed. I do just want you to know however that you can trust me. I may interact with the drow but I am nothing like them. I don't enjoy the misery of others. I don't hope to profit from anothers untimely death, and I don't kill others for the sake of money like that drow Onumorid who joined with the assassins.

I tried to give them the benefit of the doubt but they have shown me time and time again that they can't be trusted and I see where your dislike for them comes from. Although I am not like that

*Not wanting to disrupt the wood elf any more he turns around and begins walking away.*

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/22/08 03:28 PM
*Stops and turns to Rathil. She speaks softly but with a sharp tone* I Honestly don't know what ANY of you want from me. You, that elf in there *Motions twards the inn* or even Boromir.
I just want things to make sence.

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/22/08 03:30 PM
*Angerly turns back to the peir and punches a crate as hard as she can with her gloved hand. A loud crack can be heard but the crate isnt damaged*

Rathil_Thads's photo
Tue 04/22/08 03:31 PM
*Without turning back he responds*

The world doesn't make sense. never has and never will. You just have to take things as they come at you and all life if is a series of rooms. You have to make the best of what you can with who you are stuck in that room with.

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/22/08 03:35 PM
*rubs a hand angerly and takes a breath to try to relax. She sighs and sits on the crate to think*

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/22/08 03:40 PM
*Slowly stands gaining her composure. She fixes her outfit and cloak. She makes sure she has all her weapondry and everything else and slowly moves back into the inn, her composure back to its normal, deadpan demeanor*

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 05:26 PM

Building 19


An old man with a huge pipe smokes as you enter the Daily Chronicle. He sits at a table busy scribbling some words onto a parchment. The huge room is filled with rolled parchments in bookshelves and some on tables stacked almost to the ceiling. He then looks up and holds his pipe to speak. “If you are looking for daily news from previous days then go take a look,” he finishes before looking back down on his parchment trying to get the next days work done.


XI (day 91) of the time of the sun era:

WARNING: The neighboring Red Lamp's Tavern has been robbed in the early mornings when it was closed. Investigation is still underway. Guard your gold for there are some clever rogues in town. Lord Elkinsinan ordered his Marshall to put use his soldiers to keep a watch out. If you know anything about this incident then visits Captain Bengalsen's quarters.

XI (day 92) of the time of sun era:

WARNING: The "Wise Staffs Shop" has been robbed! Many powerful staffs have been stolen in the early mornings today. Although the town's Marshall has increased in the town's guards this cunning rogue manages to break in! Watch your purses adventurer's! Perhaps it is a group of rogues in the action. Investigations continue. If you have any news or have witnessed any unusual suspects please report to the either the captain's quarters or the Marshall’s magistrate.

XI (day 93) of the time of the sun era:

A Griffon has crashed into the Green Dragon’s Inn! Many store owners have witnessed the event and are shocked to see such a magnificent beast so close to town. It lies on the roof screeching an eerie sound for help. It may have broken one of its wings. The town’s guards are trying to calm it down as they climbed up a ladder to get near it. Clerics are sent to try to heal and mend the wounds yet it snaps with its beak trying to make sure none come close. Captain Bengalson of the town’s guard is confused of how such a rare beast would be in these parts of the lands. Something odd is happening to these lands, yet what could it be?

XI (day 94) of the time of the sun era

The treasury of the town has been robbed. Lord Elkinsinian asks for a reward of 2000 gold pieces for any witnesses of the event. The king has sent a brigade of knights to help the lord resolve the problem. Captain Bengalson is posting a curfew. All those who disobey them will be arrested!

XI (day 95) of the time of the sun era

A brigade of the King’s knights has entered the town of Sinatorium. Many of the inhabitants cheer as they ride their magnificent armored warhorses. They dismount to enter the Green Dragon's Inn taking every seat available and gulping down Goblin's Brew. Criani (Green Dragon's Inn owner) had to hire extra staff to keep up with the demand. It will be hard to get a seat or fast service I am afraid today!
As you enter the tavern you see you have no other choice but to stand at the bar hoping one of the busy barkeeps gets you a drink.

XI (day 96) of the time of the sun era

The legendary cleric (level 20) Milanitor Seriner has entered the town and is selling his special healing potions to any interested. He is good friends with Criani Peracien the Green Dragon’s Inns owner as he sits at the corner of the tavern eating the special meal of the day and having a nice glass of grapan (sweet liquor from the hobbits). Perhaps if you speak with him he will offer you a healing potion for a small price.

XI (day 97) of the time of the sun era

Yet another sunny and beautiful day hits the roofs of the buildings in Sinatorium in the town. The streets are filled with knights and royal guards patrolling and watching every building. The inhabitants slowly leave their homes to open up the many stores scattered throughout town. The Green Dragon’s Inn barkeep hangs up the meal of the day and opens all the windows to allow fresh air to enter the murky tavern. The sign reads “Poached Sunfish freshly caught from the waters off Sinatorium’s harbor. It is served with steamed vegetables.
The legendary Cleric (level 20) Milanitor Seriner farewell and leaves the town of Sinatorium to head towards the neighboring town of Nurenhill.
Many of the inhabitants of the town are preparing for the upcoming festival. The first day of the fall era will begin in a few days as many races from all over the lands will come to visit the special event. It is rumored that it will beat the current record of a half a million from foreign lands will visit it!
Lord Elkinsinan is enraged as his only daughter has been kidnapped. The only evidence of how it happened is a scroll he found in his daughters room> The ransom demands 10,000 gold pieces in return of her daughter. The lord demands triple effort from the king’s knights to find this shrewd man.

XI (day 98) of the time of the sun era

A new day begins as it rains heavily in the streets of Sinatorium. Lightning flashes, which is followed by a loud thunder. Many of the inhabitants stay indoors with their fireplaces lit enjoying a hot cup of dark chocolate cocoa. Many of the storeowners close their stores early. The young barkeep hangs the recipe of the day at the window ledge and walks back in to get the Green Dragon’s Inn ready. The sign reads:
Blackened Catfish
Spices are rubbed on the outside of a large catfish, which is then pan-fried until the skin is dark and crispy. It is served with roasted vegetables.
A finely dressed merchant walks in and sits at the bar. He orders a glass of elvin wine and sips on it enjoying the interior design the tavern offers.

XI(day 99) of the time of the sun era

Many hobbits enter the Green Dragon’s Inn as it is the only establishment that offers rooms for their size. These 3 feet halfling’s enjoy their root liquor grapan and are excited for the upcoming Fall Festival.
Five inhabitants have been arrested in the late hours yesterday for not obeying the curfew laws.
The market place is being transformed as many tents are being set up for the special event. This is the only time in the year where all races actually help each other make this event unique and interesting. A grand firework show will start off as the days come closer!

XI (day 100) of the time of the sun era

The last day of the sun era begins as it begins to rain again outside the Sinatorium streets. The young barkeep opens the tavern and hangs the menu of the day.
The Menu reads: Today’s special for dark elves:
Spicy battered fried Scorpion; once you get past the fact that its scorpion, the meat is quite tender and flavorful. As a desert we serve Blood Pudding; the contents of this boiled sausage are best left undisclosed.
The many hobbits are resting in their rooms from a hard night of celebration. It will not be long before they come downstairs to continue with the celebration. Four human warriors enter the tavern. They demand Goblin’s Brew and scowl at any who look at them. The town is full of people from foreign lands setting up their stands and ready to sell their goods. Rides are being also set up for the children as many of those who worked at theaters are preparing for the parade.

XI (day 1) of the time of the fall era

The streets are so packed with people that everyone is shoulder to shoulder and feet to feet trying to walk towards the markets center. A circus is entertaining the people as of various rides are functioning for the children of the town. Many merchant stands are selling sweets, candy, and grilled meat on the bone. The big event will happen when a parade of entertainers will march around the town blowing their trumpets and beating their drums. In the evening fireworks will highlight the beginning of this night’s celebration. The hobbits from Hills of Dilan run down the stairs and leave the tavern to mix themselves with the many inhabitants and newcomers to witness the huge event. The barkeep sulks as he wearily walks down the stairs and hangs up the meal of the day. The menu reads: Blackened Catfish with boiled turnips. He slumps his shoulder as the first customers already enter the tavern. They take a seat and order the meals of the day. He knows the day will be busy as many will come to the tavern to have good food and drink.

XI (day 2) of the time of the fall era

The last day of the fall festival continues as Sinatorium is full of newcomers. Many complaints have occurred during the yesterday’s ceremony. Such complaints include stealing of valuable necklaces, rings, and leather pouches of gold.
Perhaps this could have something to do with the same person or group who had plundered “The Red Lamp’s Tavern, The Wise Staff’s Shop, and the town’s treasury. The Marshall has ordered to make the festivities the last day today to ensure everyone a safe passage back to their homes.
A group of hobbits run down the stairs and greet the barkeep before running out the door to enjoy another day at the festivities.
The barkeep hangs up the menu of the day as it reads fried pigs ears served in green sauce. It comes with boiled potatoes covered with chopped chives.

XI (day 3) of the time of the fall era

Borimor Riniken the barkeep is up in the early mornings to hang up the menu of the day and to get the tavern ready for customers. The menu reads: Fried Borak Beast liver chunks sautéed in grapan liquor and various herbs. The meal is served with mixed vegetables.
Complaints continue at the Marshall’s office this morning as more stealings have happened in yesterday’s festivities. It has been many days now and no one has a clue who or what is able to plunder and steal without being seen.
Much of the town is filled with debris from the Fall Festival. The inhabitants of the town are busy trying to clean it to living standards. The day is cloudy, chilly, and a bit windy as many of the trees scattered around town have lost their leaves. Howling of wolves just outside of town have occurred frequently.

XI (day 4) of the time of the fall era

A fast riding messenger rides in the midnight hours quickly up the hill of Sinatorium to deliver a message to Lord Elkinsinan.
It reads:
Dear Lord Elkinsinan,
Please put up your best defenses the town has to offer for demons have entered the lands. Our army has finally lost control of the situation after 90 days of fighting. It will not be long before we have to retreat from the cave of Mora****ar unless we get immediate reinforcements from our king.
We hope that the demon hordes will not reach your town soon as we put in our best efforts to push them back into the undergrounds where they belong. If you have any men to spare send them immediately to us.
Lord Denonimas
Post signs are distributed everywhere throughout the town of Sinatorium.
It reads:
None may enter or leave town by orders of Lord Elkinsinan. An evil without mercy is fighting to enter the surface of these lands and could reach the town in one era’s time.
May we pray the gods for protection.
Signed – the Marshall
*** continue
Borimor opens the tavern like any other day. He stretches and yawns a few times before finishing to write the special of the day. It reads: Fried liver sautéed with apple slices and grilled onions.
The day is quiet then usual as many of the inhabitants are worried of the recent news given to them. Many begin to board up their windows and hope for better times. The day is colder then usual as the winds howl around building corners. The continuous howling of wolf packs brings additional uneasiness in town.

XI (day 5) of the time of the fall era

Last nights business has been extremely slow in the Green Dragon’s Inn. Boromir didn’t do much besides sweep, polish, and clean out the fireplace for once. He then continued to clean the kitchen to finish off the day.
Many of the stores are only open half days. Most of the inhabitants stay in their houses keeping their doors locked and their shutters closed. Royal Guards are primarily the only ones who are walking the many cobblestone roads the town has to offer. Occasionally a group of knights gallop through on their warhorses to the front main gate to ensure. It is reported from scouts that orcs are creating camps not far from the town.
Many remember the festivities a few days ago and fear it will be the last festivities they will ever enjoy for a long time. Many sad and depressed citizens have no energy to leave their homes.
Boromir hangs up the menu of the day. Boiled Boar’s feet with sautéed moreen green leaves, which are mixed with tomatoes and garlic.

XI (day 6) of the time of the fall era

Elvin archers have been granted access to enter the town of Sinatorium. A company of over 150 of some of the finest archers the lands knows enter gallantly and are saluted by Captain Bengalson. He then leads them to the Marshall to contact Lord Elkinsinan. Shortly after the lord in golden ebony platemail armor sees the huge brigade of archers. He salutes the leader and welcomes them to the town of Sinatorium.
“It brings me great honor to have you here,” says the lord. “We need the help as we are uncertain when these demons may come,” he finishes. “No race will be safe if demons enter them and it is a pleasure to help a once great ally who has helped defeated the harpies’ invasion 349 eras ago,” replies the leader of the high elfin archers.The inhabitants cheer at the newcomers and welcome them by throwing flower petals and inviting them to their shops.
The towns lock down had many of the inhabitants locked in their own houses. Slowly the shops open as many look for a chance to live a normal life in town again.Boromir not having a day off slowly walks down the taverns steps to open up the Green Dragon’s Inn as usual. He hangs up the menu and just writes on it Special today” Leftovers – don’t ask just eat. It is free!He then walks back to put down the chairs he usually puts up each night before closing and to get the mugs ready to pour the many amounts of brew the customers cherish each night.
The Warlock
It was the middle of the night, when Xaviour Schrykesnight, reared his ugly head, Well known about the kingdom for practicing in the dark arts, ever the meglomaniac, Xaviour, has a ravenous appetite for power, not just power over people like a king or queen, but magical powers, he thinks nobody below himself deserves to have any powers what so ever, so he took it upon himself to make a raid on Sinatorium and the surrounding area, sucking the magic out of everybody he could find, starting out with following all of the patrons of the Red Lantern Inn, and The Green Dragon Inn, Luck Has it, Barbus, Criani and the barkeep were out unloading the carriage of new goods for the tavern, and caught the warlock on his way out of the Green Dragon Inn, where a bloody battle had insued, Criani and Barbus were able to subdue the warlock long enough for the Barkeep to escape and find a member of the Royal Guard. Barbus, summons a magical holding cell, and Criani locks Xaviour into it, knowing that no magic may enter or leave the walls of the cell, Barbus then freezes the lock just as an extra measure of security, only the breath of an Emerald Dragon will defrost that lock.
The Boromir returns with a member of the Royal Guard, and a leather sack, in the sack was the reward for Schrykesnight's Capture.

Days pass, nobody has their powers back, people start asking questions, and finally, Barbus and his friend the Shamen have come up with answers. "It is unfortunate your loss, but unlike physical items, your abilities cannot be positively identified," The Shamen began, "and knowing you, each of you, you will relearn any of your lost skills, in a matter of no time." Barbus adds, "Take it from me, I have lost my powers many times in the last 550 years, I keep getting them back and then some, just go out there and eventually they will come back."

XI (day 7) of the time of the fall era

Adventurers who are accustomed to travel and exploring different parts of the lands sit frustrated in taverns waiting for the lord to lift the ban from leaving to and from the town’s main gates. Merchants struggle to make ends meet as they cannot travel to other towns to buy and sell new goods essential to their businesses.

The fifty feet tall main gate is opened for a brief moment to allow a messenger from the king to enter the town. He rides swiftly towards the lord’s manor. It has not been revealed to the inhabitants of what the news may be about as of yet.

Lord Elkinsinan still mourns for his daughter who is still under hostage from the mysterious rogue or rogue band that had plundered before the knights came the Wise Staff Shop, the Red Lamp’s Tavern, and the town’s treasury.

Boromir opens the tavern as usual in the early mornings. The rain is heavy outside and thunder and lightning follow. Winds are harsh as odd sounds are heard outside the main gates. Wolves howl as the inhabitants begin to slowly get use to the unusual sounds everyday knowing that the times of the lands are changing.

An elderly man with a heavy wooden walking stick enters the tavern. He only orders the meal of the day and some water. By the look of his gray robes one can see he is a historian and can give some historical events of how these lands evolved.

It is reported that orc camps are not far from Sinatorium. They are of a race that usually lives in the underground and where forced by the demons to live on the surface. It is rumored that the orcs have their eyes fixed on Sinatorium as a possible town to plunder and rebuild to their suitings. They are not to be trusted as Captain Bengalson sends out scouts regularly to keep an eye on them.

XI (day 8) of the time of the fall era

It has been reported that a dangerous warlock roams the streets of Sinatorium. His name goes by Xaviour Schrykesnight and there is a reward for any who find him. The Marshall warns that this warlock is highly dangerous as he seeks only magical powers to gain.

Boromir walks down the steps of the tavern. It looks like it will be a great day as the sun finally comes out after so many days of rain and thunder. Boromir sniffles a little as he has caught a small cold. He wonders when Criani will give him a day off to rest. To just have the opportunity to sink into a warm tub of healing herbs and to do nothing for one day. He sighs as he reads Sinatorium’s Chronicle of the day. It seems the town is just a magnet for trouble as of the last few days. Rogues plundering shops, demons forcing a lock down, and now a warlock roaming the streets. He shakes his head once more before hanging the menu of the day. It reads Roasted Boar’s Sausage Links with caramelized onions and savory gravy. It is served with mashed mixed vegetable puree. He then walks back in the tavern to get the bar ready for customers. A small note is pinned on the countertop.

He grabs it as it reads:

A old friend and a famous bard will be entering the tavern tonight. He will entertain the customers as he carries a magical harp. Everything he eats and drinks goes on the house.


Boromir lays the note down and smiles. Ah some music for a change and great storytelling. I am excited as he grabs a rag and blows his nose. I bet Eststar the Gray Wizard gave me this cold as I saw him blowing his nose all night yesterday. He shakes his head and gets out mugs from the shrank to prepare for a great night of entertainment.
XI (day 9) of the time of the fall era
Xaviour Schrykesnight the elusive Warlock is still terrorizing the streets of Sinatorium. The Marshall is rewarding 2000 gold pieces to any who can capture him.
Lord Elkinsinan has raised the bar to 50,000 gold pieces to any who can save his daughter from this mysterious rogue or rogue band.
Orc brigades are multiplying 40 leagues away from the town’s gate. Scouts mention that there are about 4000 orc warriors and a dozen of siege rams in the area. It is assumed that they want to take over Sinatorium in the near future.
Boromir had a great night enjoying the songs and riddles Telecontar the bard offered. He anticipates his company and realizes the bard sleeps long hours. Boromir feels better today as he hangs up the menu of the day. It reads spiced rib rack with shredded cabbage salad. Criani stops in the tavern to pick up the hard earned gold it has been making and leaves once again to Mesa’s Trading Company to pay outstanding debts.

XI (day 10) of the time of the fall era

Xaviour Schrykesnight the elusive warlock is still terrorizing the streets of Sinatorium. The Marshall has raised the reward to 4000 gold pieces to any who can capture him.
Lord Elkinsinan has raised the bar to 60,000 gold pieces to any who can save his daughter from this mysterious rogue or rogue band. He asks for any information and promises to keep it confidential to ensure safety of the individual who reports any signs of who this rogue could be.
Orc brigades continue to multiple 40 leagues away from the town’s gate. Scouts mention that there are about 4000 orc warriors and a dozen of siege rams in the area. It is assumed that they want to take over Sinatorium in the near future. An additional 2000 orcs have joined the already 4000 orc warriors making it a total of 6000 orcs. Lord Elkinsinan has requested more troops from the Empire hoping to get reinforcements soon.
Boromir opens the tavern as usual hanging up the menu of the day encouraging many to come in and enjoy a good day’s meal. The sign reads: Breaded Schnitzel served with elvin wine induced red cabbage and knoedel (bread dumplings).
An unusual customer enters the Green Dragon’s Inn shortly as a donkey walks in. Boromir was about to help the lost and poor animal out of the building as it suddenly spoke. “Please let me wait here until Esthar the Gray Wizard is able to accept people into his manor,” the donkey pleads before snorting a shrill sound that donkeys always do. Boromir looks at the animal with a surprised look and guides the donkey to the corner of the room where the fireplace sits.

XI (day 11) of the time of the fall era

New brigades of 3000 orcs are 40 leagues away from the west gates of town. It looks like the orcs are trying to find a strategy to plunder Sinatorium. The Marshall is seeking urgently new recruits to join the royal guard to protect the town. There is still no word of the king of sending reinforcements.
A total of 9000 orcs have gathered 40 leagues away from town. **4 leagues = 1 mile**
Building 37 has been inspected by the royal guard. Chairs, tables, and a bookshelf have been scattered throughout the room. Hexaderia the town’s seer (witch) has been murdered in her house. If any know who is responsible for this autracity then please report to the Marshall immediately to issue an arrest.
Boromir walks down the stairs after a good nights rest. The tavern has a musty smell that annoys his sensitive nose, so he opens all the windows to get much needed fresh air inside. He then writes on the menue the meal of the day. It reads: Rouladen (thin slices of red wine marinated beef and filled with egg, pickle, mustard that is carefully rolled to form a filling). It is covered in dark gravy and served with spaetzle(floating noodles boiled in water).
He then unlocks the tavern door and sits at the counter to read the Sinatorium’s Chronicle that is always available because Criani wakes up earlier to read it before going to Mesa’s Trade Company to buy things needed for her tavern.

XI (day 12) of the time of the fall era

New brigades of 8000 orcs are 40 leagues away from the northwest gates of town. It looks like the orcs are trying to find a strategy to plunder Sinatorium. The Marshall is seeking urgently new recruits to join the royal guard to protect the town. There is still no word of the king of sending reinforcements. The orcs are multiplying each day and the inhabitants are getting nervous.
A total of 17000 orcs have gathered 40 leagues away from town. **4 leagues = 1 mile**
Building 37 has been inspected by the royal guard. Chairs, tables, and a bookshelf have been scattered throughout the room. Hexaderia the town’s seer (witch) has been murdered in her house. A witness has seen the group who had left the house the day of the death of Hexaderia. He mentions that the group hangs out at the Green Dragon’s Inn. Captain Bengalson and his men will be visiting the tavern to see if they can find anymore clues of the incident that happened a couple of days ago.
Boromir walks down the stairs swinging his short sword he received as a gift from his friend Rathil Thads. He never owned a sword before and wants to learn how to use one. Barbus offered to show him the basics of slashing, thrusting, and even blocking with such a weapon. He then lays the sword on the counter to grab the menu and write the meal of the day. He remembers Barbus got some chicken sent to him and thinks of a great meal for the day.
He then writes on the menu the meal of the day. It reads: Stuffed roasted chicken marinated with a tangy sauce. Wild beef broth mushrooms is served around the chicken.
He then unlocks the tavern door and sits at the counter to read the Sinatorium’s Chronicle that is always available because Criani wakes up earlier to read it before going to Mesa’s Trade Company to buy things needed for her tavern.

XI (day 13) of the time of the fall era

17000 Orcs are gathered 40 leagues from Sinatorium. Reinforcements still have not arrived. The inhabitants grow nervous each passing day.
An unusual event has happened on this day. The skies remain dark in the early hours. As if the sun has disappeared from the skies. Mysterious red clods float adding suspense in the air. The inhabitants are confused as shop owners aren’t sure when to open their stores anymore. The biggest question amongst the inhabitants, scholars, and astronomers is how this is possible and how long it will be before the sun will reemerge.
The Green Dragon’s Inn is closed today.

XI (day 14) of the time of the fall era

Additional brigades of 2000 orcs join the already 17000 orcs gathered 40 leagues away from Sinatorium. They bring battery rams and siege machines with them. The inhabitants grow nervous each passing day.
There single purpose is to take over the town of Sinatorium. Lord Elkinsinan is frustrated that the king doesn’t reply to his urgency of reinforcements. The Marshall is giving a reward of 4000 gold pieces to any who will join as a royal guard to help increase the defenses of the town.
Boromir stretches happy to be allowed to get a day off permitted by Criani Peracien. He then pulls down the stools from the counter and chairs from the table. He gets a few logs from the shed outside and sets them in a rack near the fireplace. He notices a small letter on the counter and reads it. Dear Boromir, Today to much to your disliking make a special for dark elves since we have a few that come regularly. The products are in the kitchen. Signed – Peracien.
He gives out a big sigh just thinking what it could be that is so unnatural for a human to taste or enjoy, yet will never disobey what the owner wants of him and begins to write the meal of the day:
Surstroemming – Primarily a seasonal dish that once was enjoyed in the Underdark by the richer society of dark elves. After hobgoblins managed to get these exotic fishes from the surfaces they traded them in for a shiny mineral rock to the dark elves. This dish is rotten fermented herring that could knock out a wolverine. Dark elves enjoy the smell yet surface dwellers cannot stand the looks and tastes of it. It is served with boiled potatoes covered in chives and sour cream.
The famous master thief Morinkir Talendor has been arrested by the Marshall on XI (day 11) of the fall era in the late evening with the help from a group of young adventurers. He has been questioned yet claims he knows nothing of the group that had plundered the town’s treasury.

XI (day 15) of the time of the fall era

It is the third day of darkness. The skies are pitch black with occasional red lightning revealing dark clouds. Some of the plants have already wilted in town and the farms are suffering also. If this continues life that depends on the sunslight will be scarce and people may start to starve!
Lord Elkinsinan has decided to send out the King’s Knights and try to reduce the evergrowing numbers of orcs 40 leagues away from town. The huge brigades of knights are followed by royal clerics who will bless and heal them during battle. Hopefully this will keep the battle away from town giving additional time for reinforcements. Many of the officials that work closely with the lord disagree with his strategy however.
Boromir has brought a hay block tough and bundle tightly. He is using it to practice with his short sword. He clumsily thrusts and slashes at it trying to get use of the grip of the hilt. He accidently cuts himself in the process screaming in agony. He then covers his wrist with a clothe hoping the bleeding will stop. He is frustrated and throws the short sword on the floor. Fortunately he has a huge pot of boar’s goulash simmering for today’s meal and has the tavern prepared for a new day’s earnings. He waits patiently for all of his customers to leave their room after a good nights rest.

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/22/08 05:27 PM
*looks around and shrugs*

silverwaya's photo
Tue 04/22/08 05:33 PM
she looks around at all the papers and scrolls.
cross referencing the information with what she has heard on the street.

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/22/08 06:38 PM
OOC Everyone if you can refesh the chatroom page it should be working fine

EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:32 PM
*looks at Fain and then at the building*

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:55 PM



A man in black robes with pointy hat stands at the corner of the room. He doesn’t reveal his face. Only a long hooked nose is seen. He waves for everyone to come closer and look at the many scrolls he has to offer. There are many spider webs in the corners of each wall and hanging on the display cases the scrolls lie on. The smell of old oak fills the room as it is dimly lit by a few candles to give enough light to those who want to read.

Scroll of healing – restores 50HP – for 25 gold pieces

Scroll of remove poison – removes poison – 25 gold pieces

Photo 2- the study of fireball granted permanently – you can put under magical skills if you are a magician or sorcerer – 500 gold pieces

Photo 3- the study of levitation permanently – you can put under magical skills if you are a magician, sorcerer, druid, or necromancer – 500 gold pieces

Photo 4- the study of remove poison permanently – you can put under magical skills if you are a magician, sorcerer, druid, or necromancer – 500 gold pieces

unicorngal's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:57 PM




A man in black robes with pointy hat stands at the corner of the room. He doesn’t reveal his face. Only a long hooked nose is seen. He waves for everyone to come closer and look at the many scrolls he has to offer. There are many spider webs in the corners of each wall and hanging on the display cases the scrolls lie on. The smell of old oak fills the room as it is dimly lit by a few candles to give enough light to those who want to read.

Scroll of healing – restores 50HP – for 25 gold pieces

Scroll of remove poison – removes poison – 25 gold pieces

Photo 2- the study of fireball granted permanently – you can put under magical skills if you are a magician or sorcerer – 500 gold pieces

Photo 3- the study of levitation permanently – you can put under magical skills if you are a magician, sorcerer, druid, or necromancer – 500 gold pieces

Photo 4- the study of remove poison permanently – you can put under magical skills if you are a magician, sorcerer, druid, or necromancer – 500 gold pieces

I want to buy Scroll of remove poison – removes poison – 25 gold pieces

joshyfox's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:58 PM
Well, apart from the scrolls there's nothing for me.

silverwaya's photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:59 PM
Re'Anna loks at the scrolls and makes it a point to remember this when she has more gold for the poison cure. She counts out her gold...for 2 healing scrolls.

no photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:59 PM




A man in black robes with pointy hat stands at the corner of the room. He doesn’t reveal his face. Only a long hooked nose is seen. He waves for everyone to come closer and look at the many scrolls he has to offer. There are many spider webs in the corners of each wall and hanging on the display cases the scrolls lie on. The smell of old oak fills the room as it is dimly lit by a few candles to give enough light to those who want to read.

Scroll of healing – restores 50HP – for 25 gold pieces

Scroll of remove poison – removes poison – 25 gold pieces

Photo 2- the study of fireball granted permanently – you can put under magical skills if you are a magician or sorcerer – 500 gold pieces

Photo 3- the study of levitation permanently – you can put under magical skills if you are a magician, sorcerer, druid, or necromancer – 500 gold pieces

Photo 4- the study of remove poison permanently – you can put under magical skills if you are a magician, sorcerer, druid, or necromancer – 500 gold pieces

I want to buy Scroll of remove poison – removes poison – 25 gold pieces


no photo
Tue 04/22/08 07:59 PM

Re'Anna loks at the scrolls and makes it a point to remember this when she has more gold for the poison cure. She counts out her gold...for 2 healing scrolls.


EveningKiss's photo
Tue 04/22/08 08:00 PM
*leans on the doorway reading her book of necromancy waiting for hte group*

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