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Mon 04/21/08 09:08 PM
1 Nifleheim. 2 The Rainbow. 3 Valhalla. That is correct! Good job! Wait for results. thank you ![]() |
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Mon 04/21/08 09:15 PM
************* YOUR ENEMY Giant Rat Strength 10 Dexterity 15 Hit points dead! Giant Rat Strength 10 Dexterity 15 Hit points: 130/200 Giant Rat Strength 10 Dexterity 15 Hit points 200 ************* NAME: Re’Anna hits the rat for 80 hit points and with the help of her wolf another 50 hit points making a total of 130 hit point damage. STRENGTH: 14 (+4 against enemy) DEXTERITY: 16 (+1 against enemy) HIT POINTS: 505/850 MAGICAL ABILITIES: SUMMON SILVERWAYA: You are able to summon your companion into battle to give an additional 50 hit point damage to the enemy for two combat rounds. (2 time used for next round!) SUMMON WOLF PACK: This spell allows a pack of ferocious wolves to aid the spellcaster. The enemy loses 125 Hit points per round until battle is completed. This spell can only be casted once per day. ADMANTIUM SHIELD: When this spell is cast you suffer half the damage given to you from an enemy opponent. This spell lasts two rounds. This spell can be casted once per battle. ARMOR: Black leather armor 45% - deflects 10HP per round WEAPON: two knives BATTLE ROUND EXPLANATION: ************* NAME: Max Darkling hits the rat with a astonishing 90 hit points + 25 for weaponskills for a total damage of 115 damage~! The rat squeels in pain. STRENGTH: 18 (+8 against enemy) DEXTERITY: 18 (+3 against enemy) HIT POINTS: 680 / 1000 SPECIAL ABILITIES: WEAPON SKILLS - The ability to draw and use daggers or short swords more efficiently while in battle. You are also able to use two weapons at the same time in intense situations. (Add 25 hit point damage to enemy if you have the appropriate weapon) ARMOR: 100% Chainmail– deflect 20HP per battle round WEAPON: scimitar ************* Round 3! Trivia Questions 1. Who is Odin's eldest son? 2. Who are the messengers of Odin? time in: 12:15 time out 12:20 |
1 Thor & Tor. Thor, possessor of the hammer is Odin's oldest son.
2The Valkyrior. The Valkyrior (often anglicized as the Valkyries) search battlefields choosing warriors who will be admitted to Valhalla. |
Max's hit points should be 650 and not 680 from first round. thanks
1 Thor & Tor. Thor, possessor of the hammer is Odin's oldest son. 2The Valkyrior. The Valkyrior (often anglicized as the Valkyries) search battlefields choosing warriors who will be admitted to Valhalla. That is correct. now wasn't that easy. lol ![]() please wait to adjust. |
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Mon 04/21/08 09:19 PM
************* YOUR ENEMY Giant Rat Strength 10 Dexterity 15 Hit points dead! Giant Rat Strength 10 Dexterity 15 Hit points: dead Giant Rat Strength 10 Dexterity 15 Hit points dead ************* NAME: Re’Anna hits the rat for 80 hit points and with the help of her wolf another 50 hit points making a total of 130 hit point damage. STRENGTH: 14 (+4 against enemy) DEXTERITY: 16 (+1 against enemy) HIT POINTS: 505/850 MAGICAL ABILITIES: SUMMON SILVERWAYA: You are able to summon your companion into battle to give an additional 50 hit point damage to the enemy for two combat rounds. (2 time used for next round!) SUMMON WOLF PACK: This spell allows a pack of ferocious wolves to aid the spellcaster. The enemy loses 125 Hit points per round until battle is completed. This spell can only be casted once per day. ADMANTIUM SHIELD: When this spell is cast you suffer half the damage given to you from an enemy opponent. This spell lasts two rounds. This spell can be casted once per battle. ARMOR: Black leather armor 45% - deflects 10HP per round WEAPON: two knives BATTLE ROUND EXPLANATION: ************* NAME: Max Darkling hits the rat with a astonishing (critical damage) of 140 hit points + 25 for weaponskills for a total damage of 165 damage~! The rat squeels in pain. STRENGTH: 18 (+8 against enemy) DEXTERITY: 18 (+3 against enemy) HIT POINTS: 650 / 1000 SPECIAL ABILITIES: WEAPON SKILLS - The ability to draw and use daggers or short swords more efficiently while in battle. You are also able to use two weapons at the same time in intense situations. (Add 25 hit point damage to enemy if you have the appropriate weapon) ARMOR: 95% Chainmail– deflect 20HP per battle round WEAPON: scimitar |
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Mon 04/21/08 09:21 PM
Rodents Of Unusual Size... I didn't think they existed...
The cellar is scattered with tipped over chairs and tables. These rats where almost 4 feet long and 2 feet high. It smells badly as cheese and other foods have been partially knawed on. Some broken bottles are laying around.
After searching further if anymore rats are there the group is satisfied and walks back to the hobbit to get the reward.
"Is it possible! Did you kill them? How many were there? I am so excited! I can actually go back down there and fix my cellar!" he says excitingly jumping up and down.
"Is it possible! Did you kill them? How many were there? I am so excited! I can actually go back down there and fix my cellar!" he says excitingly jumping up and down. It IS possible, well they did I was around to heal them and I'll continue in a bit, and there were 3. |
Those were some huge rats
*Is intending to go magic crazy up in here. Casting Master Heal (50) twice on Re'Anna, Twice on Max then Healing Touch (25) once on Max and twice on Re'Anna.
That will tap me out for the day but heal them nicely.* |
Everyone please add 300 experience points for this event. thank you
what about our reward
*Is intending to go magic crazy up in here. Casting Master Heal (50) twice on Re'Anna, Twice on Max then Healing Touch (25) once on Max and twice on Re'Anna. That will tap me out for the day but heal them nicely.* yes very true and please make sure you put the exact amount healed on your character sheets. thank you |
"Is it possible! Did you kill them? How many were there? I am so excited! I can actually go back down there and fix my cellar!" he says excitingly jumping up and down. when you finish jumping up and down may we hve our reward please. Those rat bites are nasty |
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Mon 04/21/08 09:36 PM
what about our reward "Ah I never thought you would ask," says the hobbit. I was actually hoping you forget. I am joking and thank you dearly for the tremendous help and hands over the gold pieces and bottle. Everyone add 100 gold pieces to their character sheet. A bottle of grapan vintage liquor (value 200 gold pieces) will have to be determined who gets it. |
Re'anna reads the scroll for cure and takes the reward money
Re'anna reads the scroll for cure and takes the reward money Subtract the scroll and put healthy instead of diseased on your character sheet. |