Topic: Depression support - part 3 | |
Karen, I would rather have one good friendship than two half arsed relationships. Friendship has really become important to me lately. My co-worker and me learned today that they are trying to split us up. We work well as a team and we do our job. It is the old divide and conquer technique. One nurse I work for comes in and within five minutes she can piss me off. Like you said, "Drama, drama, drama." Why can't they just leave us alone and let us do our job because it would to me just make their job easier? Don't hardly have any problem with any of the other nurses because when they come in they are team players. I just wanted to ask this one nurse who died and made her God.
![]() ![]() I am beginning to worry about propane, too, Marie. I was getting the child support reimbursement for a long time because I had over paid my child support and the front office caught it. Like week I noticed the reimbursement check wasn't in there. It was only 129 dollars every to weeks but it made a difference. It was helping me to take my days off but now I might have to go back to being a workaholic again or just really cut back. Not getting any dental, health or other types of benefits from my job has me wondering whether I should check into a different line of work even though I wouldn't want to leave my present job right now. I know for me God doesn't close one door but he opens another one so I am encouraged. ![]() |
Wow Roy, I would be scared to death to not have medical coverage at least. I have dental and all that, but can't afford to go to the dentist because the work I need is so expensive, need 4 crowns, and they are $995 each, the dental only pays $450 or so, I have to pay the rest, so obviously not getting them done anytime soon. I don't want to go back to 7 days a week, but looks like I don't have a choice, just can't make it the way things are now. The house and my dad are pulling me under. Would be nice to get a break once in awhile.
You work so hard Roy and you are great at what you do, I wish your employer would provide you with the basics of life. I am sure the nursing homes up here provide benefits. Wish your state did too. |
Pain is a great motivator I have found, Marie. I have one back upper wisdom tooth that has broken down to the gum line. The last time I visited the dentist one of my upper eyetooth had abscessed really bad. My eye was swollen because of it and my dentist was amazed that I could withstand the pain. He was cracking jokes while I was extreme pain and the 70 dollar extraction plus 30 dollars for painkiller I didn't find much humor in either. His bedside manner really sucked if you asked me.
Well they have succeeded in splitting us up almost. At first it was just a rumor that they were trying to split us up and some rumors are based on truth. My friend when she got the job asked for Saturdays and Sundays off so she could spend those days with her grand daughter. That worked for a couple of weeks and then they told her she had the option of having Fridays and Saturdays off or Sundays and Mondays off. Then when the new schedule came out yesterday she looked on the schedule and after having Fridays and Sundays off for a long time they changed it from having Saturdays and Sundays off to having Sundays and Mondays off. She talked to the Director of Nursing who I have recently found out is our advocate against the nurses' power trips. The nurses had gotten together to have a meeting about splitting us up we found out through the grapevine. The Gestapo and KGB techniques are back in effect. It is CYA time again. Big brother is watching. The Director was able to let her keep her same days off but they put her on another section. It goes against what I was taught in maintenance and that is if it works don't fix it. Evidently we are easier to intimidate if we are split up. I feel it is a way to punish the workers who do show up for work and do their jobs. It makes me think of that line from the movie Blazing Saddles where Mongo says, "Mongo is just a small pawn in the game of life."
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Sorry to hear that Roy. I don't understand why people do such stupid things, but they do. Had a run-in with my boss myself this week. I had permission to work for 4 hours on Saturday to make up some hours and get some work caught up from the 2nd in command (my supervisor was on vacation and it has always been to go to the 2nd in command if we needed permission for anything, so I did and she granted permission). Anyways, supervisor comes back Monday and freaks that I worked on Saturday - but it did not cost them any extra money, as I waived the weekend pay differential too, so was just a control issue apparently. She is upset now and has just changed my hours to four 10 hour shifts. Gives me another day off, but I have been looking for an extra job and think I found it, so working 10 hour days at the hospital, then typing for another few hours at night is going to make those days really long. I am just tired of all the crap. Funny, cause I didn't break any rules, went by the book, but oh well.
Also have met a guy on another site who wants to meet me, and I am really nervous about that. He sounds great, says all the right things, but I have trust issues and am working on them, but will see. He seems like a good guy, intelligent, etc., time will tell I guess. Hope you all are having a better week than I am, or Roy and I anyways. Take care. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 09/04/08 07:13 AM
Pain is a great motivator I have found, Marie. I have one back upper wisdom tooth that has broken down to the gum line. The last time I visited the dentist one of my upper eyetooth had abscessed really bad. My eye was swollen because of it and my dentist was amazed that I could withstand the pain. He was cracking jokes while I was extreme pain and the 70 dollar extraction plus 30 dollars for painkiller I didn't find much humor in either. His bedside manner really sucked if you asked me. ![]() |
question maybe someone in here can answer for me?....ive been having dreams all night long short ones just like a kid or worse.. for yrs i didnt have dreams.. just the last couple of months ive been having them.. somewhat tend to be more like mild nightmares... could it be stress? that i didnt realize i had? cause im starting to get stressed a bit now... maybe its partially from a lack of sleep? or do you think i could be depressed?
i know that depression and stress go hand in hand.. or that stress is most likely comes with depression.... but how do you know if it is stress alone or stress with depression?....
Some meds can cause bad dreams. Stress probably can cause them too, and add depression it likely may be your culprit.
I know when I am really stressed I will get migraine auras but only in my retinas of my eyes, they don't turn into full blown headaches, so I know stress can do strange things to our bodies. I will also have panic attacks in my sleep. Hope you feel better soon Buttons. |
Some meds can cause bad dreams. Stress probably can cause them too, and add depression it likely may be your culprit. I know when I am really stressed I will get migraine auras but only in my retinas of my eyes, they don't turn into full blown headaches, so I know stress can do strange things to our bodies. I will also have panic attacks in my sleep. Hope you feel better soon Buttons. |
i have had panic attacks in the past.. for yrs i had them maybe 12 yrs they stopped about 3 yrs ago.. i only got them in a car when i wasnt driving and i cant see at night lol.. my son gets them all the time though hes on meds for them...
Stress with depression reminds me of yesterday. The nurse that we have no trouble with getting a long with yesterday was told before her coming on shift to make sure that we stay on our sections. She just works four hour shifts while the other nurses work twelve hour shifts. She told us to get this one resident up. The resident said she didn't want to get up. So we go back to the nurse and and she says, "I don't care if she doesn't want to get up. She is getting up. She has been in bed all day." The nurse then uses the dementia as a motivator. We have to do that sometimes. The nurse then says to tell the resident that her mother told her she has to get up. You have to realize that this resident is in her eighties. Mother? The resident then says, "Tell my mother to kiss my ass I am not getting up." By this time the other aide and I realize we have no choice but to get the resident up. Resistance is futile because we know if we go back to the nurse who is already as stressed as the resident we are going to be just as stressed. I tell the resident that tells me she doesn't want to get up that I wished we didn't have to get her up and we start getting her up. We have no choice in the matter because the nurse has given us a direct order. It is a case of the resident's health versus the resident's rights. The resident stops fighting us and we get her up. She then is happy because the freaking Alzheimer kicks in and she has completely forgotten that the episode even happened. Later after that nurse goes off shift another nurse comes on shift and she is like the director as she is giving us orders. The aides are literally running trying to answer the call lights and the alarms going off with emergency call lights going off. I had to laugh as she tells me to do one thing then countermands herself and tells me to do something completely different. Sometimes you have to laugh or you will go as crazy as the residents do. And I have to wonder who is crazier the residents or the nurses. Laughing relieves a lot of the tension as sometimes I have to pray without ceasing to keep it together .
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Stress with depression reminds me of yesterday. The nurse that we have no trouble with getting a long with yesterday was told before her coming on shift to make sure that we stay on our sections. She just works four hour shifts while the other nurses work twelve hour shifts. She told us to get this one resident up. The resident said she didn't want to get up. So we go back to the nurse and and she says, "I don't care if she doesn't want to get up. She is getting up. She has been in bed all day." The nurse then uses the dementia as a motivator. We have to do that sometimes. The nurse then says to tell the resident that her mother told her she has to get up. You have to realize that this resident is in her eighties. Mother? The resident then says, "Tell my mother to kiss my ass I am not getting up." By this time the other aide and I realize we have no choice but to get the resident up. Resistance is futile because we know if we go back to the nurse who is already as stressed as the resident we are going to be just as stressed. I tell the resident that tells me she doesn't want to get up that I wished we didn't have to get her up and we start getting her up. We have no choice in the matter because the nurse has given us a direct order. It is a case of the resident's health versus the resident's rights. The resident stops fighting us and we get her up. She then is happy because the freaking Alzheimer kicks in and she has completely forgotten that the episode even happened. Later after that nurse goes off shift another nurse comes on shift and she is like the director as she is giving us orders. The aides are literally running trying to answer the call lights and the alarms going off with emergency call lights going off. I had to laugh as she tells me to do one thing then countermands herself and tells me to do something completely different. Sometimes you have to laugh or you will go as crazy as the residents do. And I have to wonder who is crazier the residents or the nurses. Laughing relieves a lot of the tension as sometimes I have to pray without ceasing to keep it together . ![]() ![]() ![]() |
What helps me at work is Romans 8:28.
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. Its not really important for me to know all the whys, hows, whens, wheres or questions. We just do our job in the best way we know how to do it. It all works together for me. My purpose is to do my job and somehow it all makes sense. I don't have to understand it all and I can't do it all. I feel that I have been called to do what I do and it is teaching me a lot in the process. There is a reason for it all or otherwise it wouldn't be happening the way it is happening. It does give my life a lot of purpose and makes me feel useful. Sometimes I have to be the bad guy even though I am trying to be the good guy. ![]() |
Stress with depression reminds me of yesterday. The nurse that we have no trouble with getting a long with yesterday was told before her coming on shift to make sure that we stay on our sections. She just works four hour shifts while the other nurses work twelve hour shifts. She told us to get this one resident up. The resident said she didn't want to get up. So we go back to the nurse and and she says, "I don't care if she doesn't want to get up. She is getting up. She has been in bed all day." The nurse then uses the dementia as a motivator. We have to do that sometimes. The nurse then says to tell the resident that her mother told her she has to get up. You have to realize that this resident is in her eighties. Mother? The resident then says, "Tell my mother to kiss my ass I am not getting up." By this time the other aide and I realize we have no choice but to get the resident up. Resistance is futile because we know if we go back to the nurse who is already as stressed as the resident we are going to be just as stressed. I tell the resident that tells me she doesn't want to get up that I wished we didn't have to get her up and we start getting her up. We have no choice in the matter because the nurse has given us a direct order. It is a case of the resident's health versus the resident's rights. The resident stops fighting us and we get her up. She then is happy because the freaking Alzheimer kicks in and she has completely forgotten that the episode even happened. Later after that nurse goes off shift another nurse comes on shift and she is like the director as she is giving us orders. The aides are literally running trying to answer the call lights and the alarms going off with emergency call lights going off. I had to laugh as she tells me to do one thing then countermands herself and tells me to do something completely different. Sometimes you have to laugh or you will go as crazy as the residents do. And I have to wonder who is crazier the residents or the nurses. Laughing relieves a lot of the tension as sometimes I have to pray without ceasing to keep it together . ![]() ![]() ![]() Has your mom situation been resolved?I was having weird dreams when things at work were going lousy and my son was being impossible..I have panic anxiety and depression. |
i havent spoken to her since that day....just my brother and it continues on....thats just what i dont need in my life....i think he is gonna move though if not i did unomonisly reported it . maybe something will happen there and they will lboth be forced into happiness....and yes work is a stress for me 5 hour today and tomorrow like 8 thats it for the week.... i cant live off that naturally
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Today went better. Just explained to my coworker as my father explained to me at an early age the futility of stirring up crap and how it only makes it smell worse. Since we both have changed many adult briefs and toileted many residents together she was able to see my point of view. She said she felt better after the vent session we had.
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Work. I just wish my mom could find some full time too. They are going to lose thier dream farma nd retirement home ( brandnew ) cuz they sent all the work where she worked over seas to India. Can you believe that? People 1/2 the world away are creating and planning our city...amazing and sick.
I only wish I could work. But, my Dr. says it is out of the question. Everytime I try, I end up in trouble financially and emotionally. That is amazing and sick too. I wish you all the luck and prayers in eternity all of you. For those who hae the work, may it be better and worthwhile, and for those who don't, dear God I pray you find it. Karen |
Just got back from a wonderful totally chaotic A A meeting. There was no sense of structure at all because of all the cross talk. My friend, Michelle after hearing me speak of serenity and venting asked me what venting was because like me she has an anger management problem. My friend, Heather agreed with me that venting is a necessary part of having serenity. That just blew Michele away because she had heard of venting but didn't know what it was. It was like what the hell is venting?
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who the hello is up at 5 am on saturday morining? yep thet would be me.... 3 nightmares later... this is getting old!!! in one of them i puked and out came a peice of chicken with bone but it wasnt chicken it was my insides
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ive read up a little on nightmares in adults.... it did say stress can cause them.. also like marie said meds<but im not on any>.. also said people on cocaine have them....<definately not my case either> |