Topic: Depression support - part 3 | |
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Ok, so here is the deal. I am the manager of a public swimming pool that is operated by one company (my employer), but owned by the state park system.
I have only been the manager of this pool for 5 months and the person before didn't know what she was doing. I've been doing my best to clean the place up, but there has been so much going on that my progress is slow. It's slow, but I have been making progress. Well, I'm not getting things done fast enough for the Park Ranger and a few weeks ago he really lit into me. Told me that I was personally liable for everything that was going wrong and that I ought to have my @$$ kicked. I'm about a year out of an abusive relationship so I really didn't take it too well. I called the HR department of my company and filed a report and asked for a leave of absence. I ended up taking a week off and going back to work just after Labor Day. Things seemed to be going ok. Well, Friday, one of my staff left a door when he closed and I got an email from the Park Ranger. I told him that I was having the staff call me every night to verify that they were locking up. Well, I got a call on Sunday, but the building was still unlocked (yes I'm firing that staff person) I got another phone call from the Ranger just laying into me again. He told me how unprofessional I am and it's not right that I just disappeared for a week and that I should just do everyone a favor and quit. Again, this phone call was very verbally abusive. I called and emailed my HR department again, but I haven't heard back from anyone. I'm having doubts that first issue was ever resovled. I think that I should take my complaint to the State Parks, but I'm affraid that they will just think that I am being retalitory because of the problems at the pool. I can't continue to work like this, but I don't know what to do. Does anyone have any suggestions? |
Follow your chain of command until you get satisfactory results. Abuse is abuse and you have rights.
Do I go through my company or his?
My company seems to have atrack record or treating their employees badly. |
I think you should go through the state parks like you thought since he is your employer. That would be the next step in the chain of command I take it.
The State Parks system is his employer, not mine. We work for 2 completely different companies, he's technically not even my boss.
Hmmm. That is a problem. I hope you luck with it.
Honestly, I'm not in bed now because I feel like I'm holding off the ineviateble. If I don't go to bed then I don't have to get up and go to work in the morning.
Oh well, I just got an email setting up an interview for Wednesday. Maybe its for the best. |
I have depression, it stems from my social anxiety. I think the depression is what really kills you. I'm on meds for it now.
Yeah, I was on Citalopram until just a few weeks ago, but I had been doing so well until this happened that I talked with my doctor about stopping. Maybe I was a little premature on that decision. I don't know whether I should start taking it again or not, but I am definately getting into counseling again.
Angie - sorry you are going through these problems. Sounds like you are dealing with them though. I would talk to your doctor about starting your med again, it will help you get through this high stress time. Counseling is good too, I am a fan of groups too. Good luck, hope things work out soon and that ranger gets told to back off.
Spinal - welcome too. I agree, depression will take you down and destroy your life if you let it. I am glad you are dealing with it and not letting it ruin your life. Roy - hope things are going well. Karen - hope your vacation is great, I am jealous, but you really deserve it. Jax - hope you are having a great week. I ran out of work today, really scary, one clinic is on vacation that I type for, my other regular doc that dictates hasn't been, and ended up coming home 3 hours early, that sucks, I need the money. Started a 2nd job this week, typing for another clinic after hours, is overflow backing up their typist. Thank goodness I have that to fall back on, especially if my workload is going to crash again. Take care and have a great week. |
Things are tolerable right now, Marie. Last night the nurse warned me that she was on her period. I should have known something was up. She had asked me to stay over and work some of third shift. Like you I need the money. I stayed for two hours. My coworker had went home early because she had diarrhea. I really can't go to the front office and complain about her being a bytch because I think the queen bee would laugh me right out of the office. I find it hard to argue with someone when they are right so I just try to adjust. It really smarts some though sometimes. The nurse told me if I wanted to go back on third shift I needed to tell the queen bee. She said the queen bee would approve of me going back to third shift but she can't go on hearsay. So I am waiting for my phone to charge so I can call the queen bee. It really sucks to be just a drone sometimes.
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Wed 09/17/08 03:07 PM
angie if it were me and that azz calls u again id just tell him that he is complaning to the wrong person.... that you dont beleive in negativity on the jobsite to take his complaints elsewhere... then let him know if he does it again u will report him... that he needs to worry about his job not yours...
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I really miss my meetings. That is another reason I want on third shift. I left a message on her phone.
Social anxiety, Spinal? Welcome to the thread. I signed up for working half shifts on my days off. |
Thanks, I've been telling him for 5 months that he's been complaining to wrong person, but he doesn't seem to get (yet I'm the incompetant one) and I've reported him.
I did get in touch with my HR department again and they told me that they are working on it, but he is a state employee and we know how fast the state works at getting anything done. They also told me that if it happens again just to hang up on him. I should have thought of that one myself, but the guys honestly has me so intimidated that I just sit there and take it. In the meantime, I had an interview for a new job today. Its very close to what I'm doing now for the same money, but working for a company that understands that safety comes first. There's also a lot more potential to move up in the industry. It was just a first round interview, but we'll see how it goes. |
You know, I have yet to meet someone who likes being intimidated.
I think that part of the reason I'm having such a hard with this is because he's treating me like my ex-husband used to. Emphasis on the word ex.
Oh well, at least I've learned to get help sooner rather than later. It just makes me so mad because he is the park ranger and he knows that I have a protection order against my ex. |
I had an ex like that. What you just said makes me wonder if your ex and him aren't in cahoots. My charge nurse told me I needed to learn how to be more assertive at one time. She was telling her daughter if she didn't stand up for herself that people would walk all over her. I have one resident I have had to learn how to be assertive with or I will never get out of her room from all the things she would want me to do. The thing is if I do everything for her then she won't do anything for herself. I still have trouble with her because she told me another aide told her that she could do it herself and she told me the other aide wouldn't help her. Sometimes one just has to not buy into the guilt associated with being intimidated.
Wow! I'm gone a week and we have new people ! WELCOME! Very kewl.
Angie, sweetie, tell that dikchead to fukc off and hang up on him. What's he going to do? He ain't got no power over you, so stand up to him and hang up on his ass. It will make you feel better! Hey spinal, i also have social anxiety and had to take the train to get to my parents house in Oregon. 12 hrs each way with problems on the tracks that lasted way too long. Thank God for iPods, hee hee......great for iggying ppl. Glad to hear you are hanging in there. glad to hear you got some extra work. And want you all to know that my parents finally got buyers for the property and will not have to deal with forcloser. They will get what they want and have enough to buy a new place in town. Roy, wow again. Drone on seem to be really great at what you do and hang in there with the best of them in your life struggles. Kudos! Thanks for the support buttons! I think asses need some kickin too. As for me, I had a reasonable time with my parents for my b-day. It was ok, but not what I expected. Did have a great time crabbing tho. Ate fresh dungoness crab for b-day dinner. Yum! The train ride sucked and I hope I never have to do that again. Normal problems with meds and Dr's and am losing my hearing due to something to do with my sinuses....have to see yet another Dr. UGH.......sighhhhhh Things have to get better right? hahaha Hugs to you all, sorry if I missed anyone.....just glad to be back home in my cave. |
Happy Birthday Karen, sorry I missed it. Glad you had a good time, even though it involved the long train ride. I have never been on a train, but would like to take one some time.
I am meeting the guy from the other site tomorrow and am really nervous. Don't know how it will go. He is telling me he cares about me already, I am much more reserved. Will see what happens. Hope everyone has a great weekend. Dang, I will go into withdrawals being off here. Take care. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |