Topic: Depression support - part 3 | |
Well, he called me this morning..good thing too cuz I forgot to set the alarm so I could get my son up for Anyway...we talked, and he has been depressed, said he doesn't like that I can't be there with him all the time, asked me to consider relocating out his way, job market is better out there than it is here, and he told me he loves me ![]() ![]() They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Sounds like you have made an impression on him and getting to him. It could be that he had to have some time to think over some things. Sounds like it isn't just an one-sided relationship and he making an attempt for you two to be together. I would call it that he is trying to make a compromise. I hope it works out. ![]() Thanks Roy things did work out, he asked me to marry him this weekend. I said yes! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I am glad you are doing better, Jackie. I like the chocolate flavored granola bars. Granola has different types of candy bars.
Wow, Mommy. That is awesome. I can tell you are excited. He really did have some stuff to think over. I wish you two the best. ![]() |
Congratulations Ruthie - I wish you both the best, I truly do, you do deserve the best you know. If he hurts you, you know Snugs and I will be on a plane and kick his azz. Glad it worked out. Sounds like you have some decisions to make, where to live, etc. I really do wish you the best.
Jax, - glad the panic attacks are under control, hang in there. Karen - thanks for the info, glad you are hanging in there. Roy - appreciate all your insight and support in here. You are the best. Everyone have a great week, take care, be safe and have fun if all else fails. ![]() ![]() |
![]() (((Roy))) ![]() Yep, lots to work out. We did talk about that this weekend as well, and i'm gonna be moving out to where he is. He's already working on finding a bigger house for all of us! ![]() |
(((Ruth))) (((Marie)))
I have gotten a lot of insight and help in here, too. Have been told by people that my house is too small for other than me. There must be something to that. I guess if I really do get serious enough to have a relationship that I should either make this place bigger or move to a bigger place. For me though it is quaint and big enough but I can understand why one should maybe consider a larger place. I mean I guess everybody collects stuff and one should have enough room to have lots of stuff. I have been trying to thin out some of my stuff because a lot of my stuff is like junk. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Mommy, wow, you lucky lady! Congrats! I know I havent been posting much but I do pop in to read and Im very happy for you.
Well folks, time for me to say, Ive been hiding out. I was attacked several weeks ago, and have been quite the hermit. Im not allowed to have a gun in the state of Cali since Ive been 5150'd at some point in my life, but, I am having the form to request my rights be returned to me through a court hearing. In the mean time, I have a 1,000,000 volt stun gun that looks like a cell phone and some tear gas pepper spray with UV dye in it. If I spray them, not only will they wish I didnt exsist, but they will glow like a x-mas tree under a black light, which helps police identify them. I am buying myself another and one for my daughter on the 1st. These will be 2,500,000 volts and have a hand strap as well as belt clip. Then they cant take it from you. Im also looking into the best self defense classes in the area. So, if I haven't been around this is why. It is sooooo much more complicated than this, but this is really all there is to it as the readers digest version. (hmmm, I used to like Readers Digest. Wonder if they are still around?) HUGS! to everyone...lubya all and glad to hear everyone is ok and doing ok. |
Karen - have missed ya, but we have talked. Hope things are getting better for you. Darn girl, take care of yourself and be careful with those "toys." You know how I feel about guns and I know how you feel about them and why. I am so sorry you are going through all this crap, wish it was over and you had your life back. Take care.
You have the right to protect yourself, Karen and I am glad you are taking measures to insure that.
I am not fond of guns either, Marie. During hunting seasons around here it can sound like a war zone around here. Adapting to the hermit lifestyle has been a struggle for me. But in a way it has encouraged me to clean my house. I was sleeping on the couch for a while so I wouldn't be a recluse in my bedroom. I used to isolate in my bedroom and had my computer and television back there. My world began to shrink though and just became too small. But last night I thought I am tired of sleeping on the couch. It just isn't as comfortable as my bed. I got up even though tired and cleaned off the bed. I thought my bed does have a purpose and slept better than I have for some time. It got me back into cleaning because I want to enjoy my whole house but still yet I don't want to feel like a prisoner in any part of the house. I am getting where I like being outside, too. That has really taken some time to get used to. It is a beautiful day outside. ![]() |
ok, im not sure what the deal is, but...found him on myspace, profile set to private, main pic of him and some other chick... I sent a friends request, he got on this morning and denied my friends request. Why the hell would he do that if he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me? Why the hell did he ask me to marry him for? Why did he sit there and make plans with me for everything else? I am just so confussed right now, I dont even know what to do.. He wont return my calls, emails or texts
Ruthie - I am so sorry, he sounds like a jerk and may have been using you. I would stay put. I hope you haven't made too many plans to move, quit your job, etc. I am so, so sorry he is doing this. You deserve so much better.
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You go Roy. I wish I had your energy, I still have a lot to sort in this house, have my parents and a lot of my daughter's stuff to go through and get rid of yet. Gets old fast, doesn't it.
You are moving ahead, good job. Take care. |
Ruthie - I am so sorry, he sounds like a jerk and may have been using you. I would stay put. I hope you haven't made too many plans to move, quit your job, etc. I am so, so sorry he is doing this. You deserve so much better. ![]() No, I haven't made any plans to move just yet, good thing too huh? I dont have a job, so that's not an issue. I'm sorry too, wish it could be differnt, but it's not. Just gotta pick myself up and keep on goin.. I got a lil guy here that depends on me. ![]() |
I am sorry to hear this Ruth.
![]() You are a very nice lady. Is there anything I can do to help? |
Edited by
Wed 08/27/08 09:43 PM
I am sorry this happened to you, Ruth. When stuff like that happens it can give one trust issues. I hope you two can resolve it. I am glad you didn't have to find out the hard way like I did with one relationship where I made the long move and then found it wouldn't work. Sometimes when something bad happens we still have to count our blessings. I have found that the worse thing to happen to me is to lose friends. I am glad you still have your little friend with you there; The lil guy.
I wish I had my energy, too, Marie. ![]() ![]() |
I am sorry to hear this Ruth. ![]() You are a very nice lady. Is there anything I can do to help? thanks (((marie))) i'll let ya know if there is anything you can do! ![]() (((Roy))) you're right, and I already have trust issues. Don't know if there is anything to work out. seems like he just used me...and i'm sure you know how that feels |
Mommy/Ruthie.....I am sorry to hear that he did this to you. I do know what it's like to be lied to and kicked to the curb, used and con'd. Just be safe and leave this one go. If i had left things go like I should have, I might not be in the position I'm in now. Just be safe.
If they will lie to you, they are capable of anything. You have a your dear lil guy to take care of and who loves you to bits. Watch out for him. What ever happens to you, happens to him. I know you love him, and you just listen to those instincts. You can never be too careful. Hugs! Karen |
Really, Karen. I can see where you are coming from. Have you heard where if you give someone enough rope that they can hang themselves with it? His non communication is what is hanging him. What else is she to conclude? By him not trying to at least explain himself to her he has already let go. He could have taken the rope to save himself by explaining his side of the story but evidently that wasn't done. All is left for her to do is let herself go. But once someone lets themselves go then they are free to pursue else where because then both are free. Free can be scary but it also can feel good.
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Yes, I'm in the process of giving someone some rope and have no doubt he will hang himself in front of the detectives. I have to rien myself in and not contact, even as angry and upset as I am. He will be his own undoing and Ruthie.......he is hanging himself as Roy said.
Don't play his games. Just iggy him and try to lick your wounds and carry on. I know it hurts, but your are a strong person and there is someone wonderfully suited to you out there. Always carry your rope and you will always be able to see whats happening. I know it sucks to have to always be on guard, and it seems scary that you might lose a nice person because of it, but the right one will understand that. No need to tell them that. They will figure it out on thier own thus the rope. Dole it out and see who comes to you. You are a wonderful, beautiful person and deserve the best! Hang in there and know that my mailbox is always open. |
Edited by
Thu 08/28/08 03:36 PM
Well, he called me this morning..good thing too cuz I forgot to set the alarm so I could get my son up for Anyway...we talked, and he has been depressed, said he doesn't like that I can't be there with him all the time, asked me to consider relocating out his way, job market is better out there than it is here, and he told me he loves me ![]() ![]() They say absence makes the heart grow fonder. Sounds like you have made an impression on him and getting to him. It could be that he had to have some time to think over some things. Sounds like it isn't just an one-sided relationship and he making an attempt for you two to be together. I would call it that he is trying to make a compromise. I hope it works out. ![]() Thanks Roy things did work out, he asked me to marry him this weekend. I said yes! ![]() ![]() ![]() |