Topic: Free Spirits vs Nerds .....
Fade2Black's photo
Mon 04/07/08 01:08 PM

There is a financial advisor who compares:

NERD (someone who budgets to the point of being anal)


FREE SPIRIT (one who runs thru $$$ with a 'La la la la la" attitude)

So I think that's true with life anyway.

Now in case you don't know me ... I'm a FREE SPIRIT. :tongue: LA LA LA ....laugh

I mean so much so my Vice President would love to string me up from the nearest tree for it ........ laugh laugh laugh He HATES how carefree I am. I LOVE that it annoys him actually.

But what do you consider yourself to be .. financially or in life in general or both?

Financially and in life I'm in between free spirit and nerd.

I always make sure my bills are paid, and try to set a little aside every once in a while, but sometimes I have to treat myself to something good. Sometimes I'll be care free with my money, but most of the time I like to watch what I spend.

In life, I can be over cautious at times, but then there are times where I should have been more careful.

All in all, I'm a pretty complex person. :tongue:

What we HAVE HERE is called (((((( BALANCED )))))

Tameka's photo
Mon 04/07/08 01:13 PM
Free spirit

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 04/07/08 01:38 PM
okay so are you guys HAPPY with who you are ????

I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a free spirit ... to me there's no other way bigsmile

mommyof1's photo
Mon 04/07/08 01:40 PM

I LOVE bein that way!! is there really any other way to be??

Goofball73's photo
Mon 04/07/08 01:49 PM
Well hell, you can't take it with you when you die, so I am all about spending my money. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

But I am a Nerd. Now, who is up for some online HALO3 action?:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh

missy51970's photo
Mon 04/07/08 01:51 PM
Definately a free spirit!!! LA LA LA LA :wink:

no photo
Mon 04/07/08 01:51 PM
Ive been told by a few people in my life that i was a free spirit.....never could figure out what that meantnoway laugh But no Im not a spendthrift.....I budget wiselybigsmile

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 04/07/08 07:17 PM

Well hell, you can't take it with you when you die, so I am all about spending my money. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

But I am a Nerd. Now, who is up for some online HALO3 action?:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh

Well that kinda nerd is cool :tongue:

brooke007's photo
Mon 04/07/08 07:20 PM
a lil of both!!
:smile: :smile:

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 04/07/08 07:32 PM

Ive been told by a few people in my life that i was a free spirit.....never could figure out what that meantnoway laugh But no Im not a spendthrift.....I budget wiselybigsmile

well the financial advisor was just using the term in relating to finances. You can be a free spirit in life in general. :tongue:

OneOfAKind4U's photo
Mon 04/07/08 07:37 PM
iam me nothing more,and my money no ones bussinessdrinker

OneOfAKind4U's photo
Mon 04/07/08 07:37 PM
iam me nothing more,and my money no ones bussinessdrinker

bastet126's photo
Mon 04/07/08 07:40 PM
<----pays all my bills and then fReE sPIriT bigsmile

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 04/07/08 09:21 PM
nice .. drinker

Totage's photo
Mon 04/07/08 09:22 PM

okay so are you guys HAPPY with who you are ????

I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a free spirit ... to me there's no other way bigsmile

I love me.

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 04/08/08 05:46 AM

okay so are you guys HAPPY with who you are ????

I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a free spirit ... to me there's no other way bigsmile

I love me.

We love you too Totage ............... now SMILE d*mn it laugh

eskimo_nell's photo
Tue 04/08/08 05:48 AM
free spirit not only do i sing la la la la people think im a bit la la laugh laugh

MyrtleBeachDude's photo
Tue 04/08/08 06:00 AM
At work I have a 24 million dollar budget and I am pretty strict on spending. In my personal la la la la go figure

MrMxyzptlk's photo
Tue 04/08/08 06:08 AM
In business, I'm forced to be somewhat frugal, so it carries over into my personal life to some extent, but when I've got money, I'm not afraid to spend it on things I need and want. The bills are always paid, and so are the guys, so whatever's left is........well, let's just say, you can't take it with ya'! bigsmile

Fade2Black's photo
Tue 04/08/08 06:13 AM
Nell ... I totally relate with the "la la la la la" .... my kids even tell me that. I just hate anything that nails me down.

Myrtle & MrMxy ... makes sense that you are stricter with the business than the personal life ........drinker

That said ....... I'm not an employee of yours so

((((((((((((((( PARTEEEEEEEY )))))))))))))))))

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