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Topic: MEAN WHILE back at the hall of justice
wiley's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:02 PM


You know they sell pills for that. Over the counter even! laugh

izzie's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:02 PM

So just out of Curiosity...

If Woman Wonder's jet is invisible, and doesn't show up on radar...

How in the hell does she have any flippin idea where she parked it last? noway noway noway

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
womans intuition.. never doubt it.

wiley's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:03 PM
I see....bigsmile

gammalight6000's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:05 PM
poop pills:tongue:

wiley's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:10 PM
Yes gamma. Over the counter even! :tongue:

Fade2Black's photo
Mon 03/31/08 07:11 PM

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