Community > Posts By > brugmansia
Double edged sword
finish my sentence - part 32
A new method was needed.Seals are warm but bad tempered when
Sink the pink
Edited by
Wed 02/25/15 04:23 PM
jesus and the mary chain
finish my sentence - part 32
F..king holes in the snow which were cold,unresponsive and
Jesus here. I would like to say that I am utterly sick of seeing my image nailed to a cross.It was not fun and I would rather not be reminded of it constantly. Most of the stuff they say I did is utterly inaccurate. I did not cure the blind,I simply directed them to spec savers. It all gets blown out of proportion. As for the money lenders. I purchased some weed.It was not dry,underweight and inferior. I simply got tired of the travesty and threw my toys. Again that got blown out of proportion. Also,and this really hits home the inaccuracies of my so called christian followers,I was not blonde with straight shiny hair.Neither was I fair of skin.My hair was dark,curly. Didn't any of you think it strange that I hung around with loads of geezers mostly? Why would I of all people be anti gay. We were the original village people. It was in fact me that wrote YMCA. Bet you didn't know that. Please stop arguing over me. I only wanted to sing,dance and buy some weed that was dry,of good quality and on weight.It all went Pete Tong and I ended up getting nailed to a poxy cross. I didn't die for your sins.I died because some fu..ers nailed me to a cross.If anything I died for being a little different.It was that simple.Sorry to disappoint but as my Father used to say.**** appens mon. |
singles holiday
Anyone had any experience of singles holidays. I don't want to end up with a old crowd (no disrespect ) (No disrespect) does not automatically absolve someone from being rude. Age is relative anyway.I have met 18 year old women who are a mess and there are alot of older women who are just gorgeous. It must work both ways surely. You are no spring chicken yourself and seasons pass fast.(no offence) As long as the brackets are there it isn't rude.() Wrong. |
Hit the road Jack
Edited by
Wed 02/25/15 01:50 PM
REVOLUTIONARY BUSINESS IDEAS __________________________________ Alright .. well it would appear that my Candle Repair Shop business is floundering in the fast paced world of Franchising .. I think what happened was that I underpriced it. Prospective franchisees were hanging up in droves in the middle of my telephone interviews with them .. they just could not believe I was going to give them the benefit of my expertise or system design for only $9.99. RATS ! Oh well .. live and learn. So .. I got to thinking .. what to do with all of my rather large wax inventory ? I was showering this AM .. I dropped the soap, when I looked down .. it came to me in a FLASH ! TESTICLE HOT WAX TREATMENT ! ! ! Watch for it soon .. I will be in your neighbourhood organizing home T - HOT WAX parties in an effort to get this new thing up and running. Hmmm.. wonder what I should price the damn thing at .. Vitsec As a business model it will have a limited market but certainly there.I would advise not restricting your hot wax treatment to balls only.How about a heated funnel for a hot wax colon treatment with the benefit of your very own sculpture after use. Put the fun back in funnel.The hot and fast colon cast.Everyone who likes extreme pain will want one. They are out there. |
Shiny metal death
Crushing the ore,
Extracting the gold, Chemical whore, Another ring sold, A poisoned river, Toxic greed, All that was left, Was a slag heap to keep, Iron oxide red of the river that bled, Mercury made the land mad, The gods did nothing, They never do. I spent hours planting flowers, To counter your ugly flow, My garden blooms with delightful fumes, That is all I need to know, I smell the beauty, You smell the greed, You will spread poison, But I will plant seed, Nothing beautiful will grow in your poisonous flow, For you it's too late, It is all that you know, The gods will do nothing, They never do. So the next time you lust for that shiny ring on your finger, Remember natures sorrow of the poison that lingers, Turn up your middle finger to the poison unseen, It costs too much, The Gods will do nothing, They never do, Shiny metal death, Making you feel pretty and special, If you need that to feel wanted, You are lost. |
Hi PT. I am a sucker for a nice neck. If that is your neck,it is a very nice one. Hello again ;)
I like the way your head puts words together.Definitely unique with a style that is your own.Dark,real and a slap in the face.Nice.
Farewell to you poets,
I have written enough, I wish you all well, From me,peace and love. |
Wowza ! Wee bit of angst and anger goin on in that .. very good write. No anger at all actually mate.Just sadness regarding the human condition.We are all afflicted. To get bored of another person is a horrid thing but it seems as if it is a natural progression.Now that I am older and a little wiser,I am less inclined to be led by my mind.It gives us all of these loved up chemicals with someone and then takes them away.So you search for reasons.You blame yourself and eachother.Because it must be someones fault right?Alas no. Now I am questioning whether it is healthy to allow yourself to fall in love only to do battle with the loss of the euphoria again.Inevitable. Love is tricksy. I would like to be able to love more people without jealousy playing a part. Why should we have to lose out on the euphoria if that is the best bit? Lots of questions and no clear answers.That is why I write this boll.ks. But aren't there worse things than losing the euphoria of those initial stages and isn't the real point to embrace this time for the glorious event that it is by staying in the moment and being brave enough to deal with the consequences not matter what happens later?...Just thinking out loud Brug...Your writes do that to me!... ![]() I agree wholeheartedly.The good thing about figuring it all out is that the next person benefits from it all. |
Wowza ! Wee bit of angst and anger goin on in that .. very good write. No anger at all actually mate.Just sadness regarding the human condition.We are all afflicted. To get bored of another person is a horrid thing but it seems as if it is a natural progression.Now that I am older and a little wiser,I am less inclined to be led by my mind.It gives us all of these loved up chemicals with someone and then takes them away.So you search for reasons.You blame yourself and eachother.Because it must be someones fault right?Alas no. Now I am questioning whether it is healthy to allow yourself to fall in love only to do battle with the loss of the euphoria again.Inevitable. Love is tricksy. I would like to be able to love more people without jealousy playing a part. Why should we have to lose out on the euphoria if that is the best bit? Lots of questions and no clear answers.That is why I write this boll.ks. Younger man!*wags finger* Don't ya know "Drug pushin'brain" is infatuation And love? an ebb 'N' flow As sure as the Scottish tides She needs to come and go Love has many layers Don't you know? It can take a whole life time To grow and grow and grow Sure the brain cuts you off.. to put you in stride That's the human condition.. that keeps us alive We can't sustain that pace very long She'll start getting fat And I....a sore dong Yes it does make us tired and lazy If the brain didn't cut us off We'd be all pushin'daisies. You remind me so much of myself with the soul searching. I remember finding myself at the library some years ago searching for answers. To understand that the transition is normal but noboby is really educated and thinks they fell out of love. The pattern I ran into was the female wanting you, begging you, crying for you And soon as I'm there it seems they're going the other way. (Landing stage) leaving you both to believe there is something wrong? There's someone else? Did they/you fall out of love?does she have surface love, she's a lier, the only thing a woman wants is what she can't F___n' have! She play with my emotions. I think "Drug pushing brain isn't fooling us but confusing us as we have been ill prepared in the past.Don't chase the high because a house of whores always becomes a house of horrors. I believe almost always, infactuation can lead to deep love. Education,preparation,masterbation, strength,patience,and belief. Cool topic~ very interesting for me. I have tried to start threads on the subject and thought it would be good but the things I think would be good...people won't engage. So what do I know...well if we start one I'll PM you...or maybe you want to start? You have to post the masterpiece ..BTW-I would like to keep. I almost did and may start a thread on the Human psyche which could cover this and more as it was based on an observation on "Rate my profile" as one had requested "female only please" well you could guess what happens.5 guys marching in saying "good luck with that one" Got me thinking Had he said Men only, not one strait man would have shown up giving him 'what's for'(not that the advice was wrong given by one) reminds me of the old cliche "The harder you chase the faster they run..The faster you run the harder they chase. (So true) This could be your answer: As much as I love sex with past girlfriends,If its with a woman that wants it 3-4 times a day,it's going to be taken for granted week of that and the "third party" has a mind of his own. This is a temporary condition And if it's pulled back you want 'HER' BAD..Real bad. It's all about how much candy shes dishing out and how much you do To much sugar doesn't last long and makes a hard crash Peace <> out Pony 1. Infatuation. “OMG, I just met the love of my life.” “He is perfect. I want to marry him.” “I can’t believe we have so much in common.” “He is great in bed.” “I cannot wait to see him again.” “Oh I should eat something. I am going to vomit.” Oh, the sweet, syrupy stage of infatuation. It's so wonderful and so difficult to resist. Hormones and logic rarely coincide, so we find ourselves doing things like checking email 12-24 times an hour, not eating, going to get our nails done at midnight, buying pajamas to match our bedsheets… Infatuation makes your dopamine levels soar, producing a full-body euphoria that causes humans to seek out sex again and again. To wit, brain scan studies show that the brain during orgasm is 95 percent the same as the brain on heroin. Your brain cannot, biologically, maintain the high of infatuation: You will fry. The infatuation will ebb and flow at different points. The sex will not always be that good … it may get better, or it may get worse. But all those lovely feelings of that first initial swim in the cool crisp pond of falling in love: How many movies could we watch about that? Billions. It’s pure poetry. Love magnified; a revisit to the warm womb of security. Then, the negotiation between security and autonomy, that life-long struggle, crawls in and we begin to land. 2. Landing. The landing from that fantastic flight can be the scariest part. We see things a lot more clearly. There is a great article along the lines of, “The day you wake up and say you have married the wrong person is the day that your marriage truly begins.” Meaning, this is the day where the veil of infatuation has lifted and the 20/20 vision of everyday living comes in. “Wow, she is neurotic.” “OMG, he tells the worst jokes.” “I didn’t think about him at all yesterday. I hope we are okay.” The landing can be light and sweet, or rocky and discombobulating. But eventually the clock strikes midnight and Cinderella must run home before the stage coach becomes a pumpkin and her dress returns to rags. Landing! Oy, so bittersweet. 3. Burying. This stage happens when all the to-do lists of life come toppling into the relationship and before you know it, conversations are focused on things like who’s doing the laundry, your boss, or the crazy mother-in-law. During the burying stage, other things — like, oh, life — begin to encroach on your beautiful oasis of a relationship. Burying is not always bad; it’s a sign that the relationship is real and weaves into your everyday existence. The important thing to remember here is to “unbury” yourselves. Take tango lessons, go relive your first date, go have sex in public, buy some sex toys, tie yourselves up to bedposts, grab the whips … Do something that allows real life to take a break and the gentle, sweet intimacy to resurface, bringing us to the next stage. More from YourTango: 3 Reasons Why We Rush into Relationships 4. Resurfacing. Resurfacing is the stage where you turn to your partner, and say to yourself, “Wow. I forgot how hot he is,” or “She is stunning,” or “I love him so much.” Resurfacing is the resolution of a relationship: “She is a mixed bag, but so am I.” “He sits on the toilet for an hour reading comics, but I pluck my chin hairs.” And you start thinking things like: “I can’t wait for our next date.” “I can’t believe I have such a sweet person in my life, who always has my back.” It can be triggered by a massive problem that you two resolved, a great date, an especially good night of sex, almost losing the other person, or good couples therapy. Anything can jolt us awake; maybe a death in the family or even a birth. And then we hit the last stage. 5. Love. This is what it’s really all about, right? The part where we look across the dinner table, fight over the remote, or go on a great trip to Chinatown and think … “Oh, I have it really good.” “I am blessed.” “I love him/her more than I could ever imagine.” Here, the sex is (usually) better than it has ever been. True love blossoms around year five. The rest is a rotation — sometimes rapid and sometimes slow — of the other stages. For me loving is superior to in love.I understand the love junkie tricksy brain and trust it not.Nice words. |
Silvered and glistening,
The moon on your skin, Lying there naked, Basted in sin, Free of trepidation, No holding back,no fear, As you straddle my face, Peddling at top gear, As we ride to the heavens, On passion we feed, More than mere lust,desire or need, It is all about trust and the need to be free, As I become you and you become me, Why do we need to be one and be frantic? To escape from ourselves is fantastic. A short and sweet bump to you Lady Leigh.One love |
I have no anger left in me .. I feel deep peace all of the time .. but the effect of controlling people in the exterior world still continues .. and so I write about it. Anger is not something I feel either.I fear that I have lost my innocence and with it my ability to see over my walls.I haven't worked out if that is good or bad yet.I will just keep writing this nonsense until the answer presents itself.I have no wish to control or be controlled.Is that naive?Or inevitable.Is the only way to not be controlled to stay away from love?Is cause and effect any different from control.I know nothing. |