I'm fortunate to be able to forgive very easily because I'm able to put myself in the position of others and to see all perspectives of a situation. I believe everyone deserves a second chance. That does not mean it doesn't hurt. Where are you on the forgiveness meter? Are you able to forgive and let go or do you want revenge, wish bad upon one who you feel has screwed your over...hold a grudge? i let go...for my own personal sense of well-being. forgiveness does not equate forgetfulness. |
how many of you
my mom's the eldest of twelve. all of them were pretty prolific, as well...
family reunions are a freaking blast. |
now thats pretty sad
i admit to tears when the squirrel lay down next to the fallen one...
first, i'll qualify by saying that i did NOT visit the link...however, i have a bit of knowledge as to "unschooling". it does NOT mean a lack of education. unschooling is a philosophy that includes letting a child learn what their natural curiosities lead them to. a child is interested in the past? hit the museums and dig up some dirt. they like animals? take them to the zoo, on a hike, in the forest...hands on with dirt and animals and nature. they like music? concerts. art? museums and painting classes. english? theater and writing... they write on what they learn...they explore the world around them. the kids i've known that have grown up this way have very involved parents and are quite well-developed. I am sure everyone has different experiences. IT just seems to me that a CHILD has not the development to know what it is they will NEED to know even if they may be inclined to know what they WANT to know. I dont know where this leaves a child when they get out on their own or if something happens to the support system that has earned a living by being competitive in a workforce which requires basic math and reading and writing and reading comprehension. I question any approach which raises a child to think the world will revolve around their interests alone...although I do see a tremendous benefit in allowing children to follow their interests IN ADDITION to educating them on those things they will need... it's also more expensive. i certainly didn't need to learn to play kickball, or who won what battle. i didn't need to take shop, or learn to sew a shirt. knowing which river is which...not so much. knowing about rocks...still not so much. i'd've been one of those students that would have FLOWN with the unschooling. i was absolutely insane about learning. to be able to direct the course of my own studies...would have been amazing. i wouldn't have sat through AP classes, bored to tears. |
first, i'll qualify by saying that i did NOT visit the link...however, i have a bit of knowledge as to "unschooling". it does NOT mean a lack of education.
unschooling is a philosophy that includes letting a child learn what their natural curiosities lead them to. a child is interested in the past? hit the museums and dig up some dirt. they like animals? take them to the zoo, on a hike, in the forest...hands on with dirt and animals and nature. they like music? concerts. art? museums and painting classes. english? theater and writing... they write on what they learn...they explore the world around them. the kids i've known that have grown up this way have very involved parents and are quite well-developed. |
What did you wanted to be when you grew up? |
robert the doll
he may not be...but he's certainly creepy as hell.
or maybe his owner was. maybe he was schizophrenic or something... dolls seriously bug me. |
i'm always here, just mostly quiet.
love and hugs, luis. |
2010 Rainbow Gatherings
in my opinion, these are some of the strangest people out there...
my aunt, uncle, and son are rainbow peeps. they've been living in their "communities" for several years. when my uncle passed, they held his service at a biker bar...we had to beg to pick up his body and bring it home. veeeeery out there, and completely full of drugs. at least, these are the ones that i've personally been around. |
We don't limit you to ten messages per day; the limit is on new contacts. Once you've established a communication relationship with someone, you can email them as many times as you please.
As others have noted, the limit is to protect our members from scammers/spammers. We're here for people to seriously connect, not to send form letters out to hundreds of folks in a day. Should you have any questions, please let me know. Be well, Lori Lead Moderator for Mingle2 |
active time
When you access their profile, look to the right.
If it says, "Last seen over a month ago", move on. If it says, "Last seen within the last day" or "Last seen within the last week", give it a shot. Hope this helps. Lori Lead Moderator for Mingle2 |
2010 census
it's very important to fill it out...even if it feels like an inconvenience.
took me five minutes, tops. however, i listed all of as "human" for race... |
...groomed? i'm more interested in comfort. |
wow...i'm on it.
it's strange though, it's not correct. while my address is, my legal name isn't, neither is my household or what i do for a living...can you see me as a clerical service worker? and it says i have no central heating or air. i'd die without them, lol. |
Gays don't have any more rights than any other American.It's a lifestyle that is chosen to live.If gays have special rights in the Constitution or the Bill of rights I would love to read about it because I don't remember reading it anywhere. We do however have the freedom of religion...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF.That means if the gays and the ACLU are demanding we lose our faith and values because of what they tell us to do they are violating our rights to express our freedom of Religion.We have the rights it is in the Bill of rights. I don't see much difference between Hitlers way of thinking and the Gay mafia.They both wanted religion destroyed and freedom of speech and thought re-written to suit their needs.Gays love to speak of tolerance but show nothing but hate to those who oppose them. They don't have near the rights a straight person does..... examples of a right 'straight' folks have which 'gay' folks do not please? How about Marriage for starters then the right to serve in the military and defend our country OPENLY. We have been over the gay marriage issue in here several hundred times in here.Marrige is not a right to anyone.It has always been a PRIVATE institution not one run by government.Marriage is not even mentioned in the Bill of rights or the Constitution. Serving in the military is also not a right.Nobody has a right to serve in the military.Among the other things that will not allow you to serve in the military are Sleepwalking,bedwetting,criminal records,diabetes,age,bad eyesight,overweight,too,tall,too short,thoughts of depression or suicide,drug use,alchohol problems,not being able to read or write,failure to perform a minimum number of push ups and sit ups,no high school diploma,felonies,and about a hundred other things I can't think of. Anyone can get married.You can go get married in a drive through in las vegas by Joe nobody.In order for it to be official you need a marriage certificate by the state.It is still a private institution and not one that is,or never has been a program run or offered by the Government. um, i'm not the one that brought up the emancipation proclamation. |
but this is a case of majority rules,but i assume we live in a democracy.what some consider wrong others don't....to be honest i don't see nothing wrong with a lesbian wanting her lesbian friend to go to the prom with her, but if the majority rules then well,it is what it is.its like telling the shriners to stop doing what they do cause if you ain't old you can't join....whatever how would we have ended slavery if we went by majority? just because the majority thinks one way...doesn't make it ethical. |
Sorry for all the 'personal freedom' and 'gay rights' positions, but it's the SCHOOL's policy, property, and responsiblity (remember that word ... ?) She has the court-mandated 'right' to be gay - she does NOT have the right to tell or expect everyone else to agree, support, or make her choice a 'special rights' case. She loses. Life's a ***** sometimes ... learn it - love it - live it. |
but this is a case of majority rules,but i assume we live in a democracy.what some consider wrong others don't....to be honest i don't see nothing wrong with a lesbian wanting her lesbian friend to go to the prom with her, but if the majority rules then well,it is what it is.its like telling the shriners to stop doing what they do cause if you ain't old you can't join....whatever how would we have ended slavery if we went by majority? just because the majority thinks one way...doesn't make it ethical. |
Gays don't have any more rights than any other American.It's a lifestyle that is chosen to live.If gays have special rights in the Constitution or the Bill of rights I would love to read about it because I don't remember reading it anywhere. We do however have the freedom of religion...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF.That means if the gays and the ACLU are demanding we lose our faith and values because of what they tell us to do they are violating our rights to express our freedom of Religion.We have the rights it is in the Bill of rights. I don't see much difference between Hitlers way of thinking and the Gay mafia.They both wanted religion destroyed and freedom of speech and thought re-written to suit their needs.Gays love to speak of tolerance but show nothing but hate to those who oppose them. They don't have near the rights a straight person does..... examples of a right 'straight' folks have which 'gay' folks do not please? How about Marriage for starters then the right to serve in the military and defend our country OPENLY. We have been over the gay marriage issue in here several hundred times in here.Marrige is not a right to anyone.It has always been a PRIVATE institution not one run by government.Marriage is not even mentioned in the Bill of rights or the Constitution. Serving in the military is also not a right.Nobody has a right to serve in the military.Among the other things that will not allow you to serve in the military are Sleepwalking,bedwetting,criminal records,diabetes,age,bad eyesight,overweight,too,tall,too short,thoughts of depression or suicide,drug use,alchohol problems,not being able to read or write,failure to perform a minimum number of push ups and sit ups,no high school diploma,felonies,and about a hundred other things I can't think of. |
Gays don't have any more rights than any other American.It's a lifestyle that is chosen to live.If gays have special rights in the Constitution or the Bill of rights I would love to read about it because I don't remember reading it anywhere. We do however have the freedom of religion...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion,OR PROHIBITING THE FREE EXERCISE THEREOF.That means if the gays and the ACLU are demanding we lose our faith and values because of what they tell us to do they are violating our rights to express our freedom of Religion.We have the rights it is in the Bill of rights. I don't see much difference between Hitlers way of thinking and the Gay mafia.They both wanted religion destroyed and freedom of speech and thought re-written to suit their needs.Gays love to speak of tolerance but show nothing but hate to those who oppose them. They don't have near the rights a straight person does..... examples of a right 'straight' folks have which 'gay' folks do not please? How about Marriage for starters then the right to serve in the military and defend our country OPENLY. to walk down the street without being assaulted or spit on or called names? to receive promotions based off of ability and not their sexual partners? to adopt? to freaking live life like everyone else does? |