Community > Posts By > nosoulmate68

nosoulmate68's photo
Sun 02/22/09 04:52 PM
wow did not think i would get so many replys to this ,thank you to the ones who post to what i said !
thank you


nosoulmate68's photo
Sun 02/22/09 04:45 PM
Edited by nosoulmate68 on Sun 02/22/09 04:46 PM
I would like to get emails from woman here in santa cruz and the surounding areas,out of state ones kind of deafeat the the whole ieda!
Miles the most less then 100 ,thats pushing it for me ,why i say this i do not drive.

Inless the person who ,lives like in L.A. And san fran., over 200 miles well that is up to ,the person to drive to meet me!

just saveing time and money for both of us.

Thank you

Mingle 2 ,seems to be doing well for so far then any other sight i have try...
