I feel like social media is ruining all kinds of relationships. It is making us more shallow and many are lacking morals. No body is perfect but it seems as time goes on we are becoming more selfish. People curse more, violence popular these days, and sex before marriage seems to be at an all time high and marriage itself don't seem popular. We started going downhill after God was taken out of our schools. Do you agree ?
Now I'm not a big Bernie or Hillary fan but I think Hillary should win. Trump rhetoric is dangerous you can vote for whoever you want but just think hard.
She is probably pulling your leg. How do you know she is real and exists? Could be someone pulling a prank. Aim for someone your own age as you know this is a waste of time and will get no where. I once played games with a scammer for a bit of fun to annoy them because they are criminals breaking the law in fraudulent activity. I got him to meet me close to where I live for a coffee. He did not know I lived close by. He did not show up and I enjoyed a cup of coffee, cake and read the paper. Then I blasted him. The next email he was in the army overseas. Someone got their wires crossed. Exposed him and reported him. Gone from site. It was hilarious to catch them at their own game. You be careful though and don't play games with this disgusting adulterer. Thanks for all that and the advice |
I probably won't do it
Let's see 30 year age spread here and personal trainer.. hmmm so she is wanting a young pup to make her feel good about herself. I hope you don't think it would be anything more. She is married and well I am willing to bet you aren't the first and would take be the last. Hubby is the sad part. .. I have a SIL that would do this when my brother was working long hours. Sad really. Wouldn't believe anyone that she could or would ever do that the ugly part came in when he came home early. Lol Your faith is against it then you know the answer LT, not gonna happen and even personal trainers don't look quite as good with out the wrappings. I personally would run.. Bottom line in all honesty sounds like she is feeling her age and you are the current elixir to give her the fountain of youth boost. I'm kind of ok with that. Losing my virginity to some with experience is not bad. I guess t comes down to morals ect |
Humm even though I would not even go for anyone with that age spread. To each their own... The issues I see that needs a bit of thought is she is married. How would you feel if you was the other partner.. Not only that it's a man he may whoop up on you if he finds out or heck he might want to join you Anytime you have a gut feeling with second thoughts there is a reason for it.. So up to you what you do... not my cup of tea nor my ballgame~~ Ya most likely I won't do it. It goes against my faith but then again it could be awesome since I'm a virgin and would like the experience |
I know it seems disgusting but how wrong would it be. If she's a personal trainer and looks like she's in her 30s ect ? Also if she's married but open to it. I'm very hesitate due to the married part. Your thoughts ? omg, what is this almost 50 year old woman thinking? 30 years difference in age and on top of that she is married? You are probably younger than her kids. I think she needs some byatch slapping from your mother. Someone here went through the fantasy experience this wicked woman is offering you. He said it fkd up his life. I hope he reads your post. Good luck, kiddo |
I know it seems disgusting but how wrong would it be. If she's a personal trainer and looks like she's in her 30s ect ? Also if she's married but open to it. I'm very hesitate due to the married part. Your thoughts ?
My severe Shyness