Insomnia sucks
No their just as funny looking as me I hope you do get some sleep .I'm off to bed.sweet dreams if you do go to sleep young lady
Insomnia sucks
smile young lady,and do have a good evening,I'm going to try and sleep again,Full belly syndrome I'm hoping will help
Insomnia sucks
yes that one,and you can come by anytime ,but if you see those other 3 of me tell them where I'm at.maby I might get some sleep
The JSH Resistance
lay off the drugs,they are starting to affect my mind
Time for some shuteye
sweet dreams
who mmmmmmmmmmmeee
Insomnia sucks
I like your red rose picture the best.and if do see them run,you never know what those 3 are capable of,I almost think their as nuts as me.I kind of wounder if theywere the ones who caused my not to sleep oh what the heck,time for coffee
Insomnia sucks
I think the only way I'm going to sleep tonight is to eat again and leave the door unlocked just incase those 3 fools come back
Insomnia sucks
I'm between lost and found and have not seen Me,Myself,and I in ages.If you see them will you please tell them I'm looking for them
Which picture...
you on the phone with cat watching you.Thats the real you.thats the one I like best anyway.
Lay off the beer and you might not have nightmares like that anymore
Decisions, decisions
one easy way to look at it,What do you need and want in your life?,A life or constant pressure?You said you already have deals with custemer flow in,if you take on more what will happen to your reputation with your presant custemer base???
hey everyone
I geuss I'm alive?????My name wasnt in the obits again today so I geuss I have to go to work again
roll call time once again
I think I'm here
usualy as soon as I am dune eating I wash them so I dont have to hassle with them later.
The one in my house lissens just like my dog,it wont shut off the lights or bring me more coffee,it douse keep drinking it all and never leaves me enuff for a full cup.There is no way I'm going to tell it or the dog where I'm hidding my whisky !!!!
Jason Bourne
I wounder if it will really end up like the 007 movies.I like the first 3,but a forth will have to out do the first3 and I think that could be a real tough job to do.
HI Coco
Driving me crazy ...
we all have our own opinions,but the person that can respect the others and try and see the other persons veaw point are few and far between.This is just my opinion though
dogs and sex
Thank god I named mine Runt