Getting Old Ladies Swearing
If you want to see them cuss like sailors let a man yell bingo first
Getting Old Ladies Swearing
True sooooo true
Johnboy's playroom
its almost late enuff for all the crazys to come out
hi all
Smile and take care
ladies and gentlemen
Did you know
I think hes in my computer????
I havent drawn a picture good enuff yet to have it put on my body YET!
Sit on my butt or was asleep,just a lazy day for me.
what do you think?
leave it to your kids would be my opinion,not the EX
I like getting about 6or7 people lined up and chuck clays past the line and see who cracks them first,We do have a tendency to waste a few more shells but its a rioute. Some people cant hit the braud side of a barn but atleast they can try and have some fun making noise,and one thing to remember is shooting targets IS NOT KILLING something.I have taught a few people to shoot that wont hunt (dont want to kill animals(girls and guys both)) but love to shoot targets,
congratulations young lady
Would you ever consider.....
heck NO,,I know I am scary looking as it is,why have film of it
stay away from my coffee Gamma ,I have enuff trubble keeping my kid out of it
I think this is the best topic to come up in a while and usually when I get dune shooting those golfballs there isnt a hole lot left I have this problem of wanting to make sure they are dead overkill is my favorite on golf
What would you do????
I would have to come up with some of my own good question
Golf is fun shooting at those little white balls with 22s is fun,its wild watching take off if you hit them just rite
I will let you shoot one of mine I'm not scared of woman shooting,my own sister can out shoot me as long as its clays,I just wont shoot against my mother though,I know she can kick my but hunting or otherwise Anybody want to go and chase Daffy around the swamp with me
nobody will let me have a gun....go figure |
Stop looking at my profile!
sweet dreams all I have to try and sleep Good night all
Stop looking at my profile!
sombody say stalker,as long as its Zanne I will do it me me me I will do it Smile Zanne,I just couldnt resist trying to make you smile and if I'm real lucky maby even laugh a little