Community > Posts By > devildog123
I didn't read any detail in the op nor did I say anything about her race(not sure the op did either) so perhaps that's not MY hangup ![]() I don't know her family situation either, and a new car is a very healthy investment for reliable transportation with kids,, I just got one myself and the difference is UNBELIEVABLE from the clunkers I was used to,,,, I KNOW I can safely get my daughter anywhere I need to and no reliance on anyone else,,,,its quite amazing really I cant imagine the 'quality' of having to wait around on a bus in an area where people are shooting kids? can you? or worrying about breaking down in some clunker in such a place? and I don't know what funds were used for what, which was the original point so If I am donating, to me, it should be out of the goodness of my heart, and if there is some left for something else for that person, Im not the type who is going to consider it sweat off my back ' ,,that's just me, whatever race the recipient is,,, yes, until that " recipient" fly's by you in a nicer car then you Lol... BTW...She's black, and yes you did know don't pull that "I didn't know the race BS".. Like you did when you stated that you didn't know most football player were black... Lol.. that actually cracked me up... you may have tunnel vision.. but your not blind, right? But just in case you really didn't know ( no chance), Hockey players are all white. Basketball... black... ( except the coach and some token white European players) Baseball... mostly Latin.. so , there ya go... your PC incorrect lesson of the day, compliments of Devildog. Lol... ;) |
WTH does black on black crime have to do with a cop klling an unarmed or handcuffed citizen? exactly my point,,,,keep pandering on about all our failings,, whatever helps you feel better,,, I will continue to give 'predictable' and TRUE responses to the predictable 'improve your own culture' rhetoric that is used to distract from realSYSTEMATIC issues,, my 'responses' are no less reasonable in a public forum than the constanat 'responseses' others contribute,,, Was this post about a unarmed person being killed by cop or a black thug killing a kid in retaliation of his father being in a crime gang??.. did I miss something??. Your responses are pure black.. tunnel vision... evident to all.. but you. ( except the Cosby thing where you had the common sense to eventually bow out).. but keep the pace up... your on the verge of 47,000 posts... or open the blinds and windows.. let some air in or better yet, go outside... there is a whole world out there.. non cyber.. actually real.. real flesh and blood folks.. try it some time.. its nice :) posts evolve I respond to the posts I read case in point, the FIRST Page was about this boy, and I was responding to that when I posted how tragic it was but at the BOTTOM of the first page , there was a lengthy post about peoples response to SPIKE LEE to which I responded that people often get upset with others 'in the community' when they hold a mirror up to things that need to change I also added my support of BOTH that mirror being held up within communities and between communities to which, a smart *** preaching session began completely ignoring the 'between communities part' for more holier than thou rhetoric about what black folks NEED to do,,,,and how they basically don't care and their leaders dong care...blah blah blah,,, I am black, so I guess my responses wont be anything but so long as they aren't the 'yessir, we will do better' junk some seem to fish for around here,,, I have made my opinion known about BALANCE, if you want to harp on one side and accuse ME of having the tunnelvision,, go right on Lol... balance my ***.. you are as pro black as they come.. the only one who doesn't see that is...YOU.. and this is not the first time you have heard this MS.... You have heard it for years... from scores of people... scores. So as long as you see things one way.. and only one way, there will be people who call you on it.. me for one... but gotta run... have a dinner meeting... with humans.. that MS .. IS Balance..Bye Bye :) |
as I said , I don't know their financial situation money is money, and whether I have 5 of my own and 7 of another or 7 of anothers and 5 of someone else,, it still means I have 12 and its futile to pinpoint if the four I spend was from my five or their 7,,so I don't play that game, when I don't know anothers financial situation you don't play that " game" because it was a black woman. Fact is she used donations meant for a totally different reason ( to bury her kid) and brought a nice new car. Those funds would have not been better served on her remaining kids... their welfare and quality of life? Nothing like that new car smell... wouldn't you agree. |
its better than one you have to constantly worry about breaking down im sure many drive to funerals in new cars,, as long as they are handling payments for both, its no sweat to me,,, Hey, I have no problem driving new cars...who doesn't. but I actually buy them.. with my own money. I don't piggy back it off a terrible family tragedy..or donations of other who intended the money to go to a proper burial of a kid. That's kind of in very bad taste.. wouldn't you say?... no?.. well I guess I am in the minority then. I think most others would not have chipped in if they knew it was going to a car. Do you really think those who donated intended it to be used for a new car?.... would you donate to that cause?.. now come on.. tell me you would...Lol.. Escalade.. anyone? |
WTH does black on black crime have to do with a cop klling an unarmed or handcuffed citizen? exactly my point,,,,keep pandering on about all our failings,, whatever helps you feel better,,, I will continue to give 'predictable' and TRUE responses to the predictable 'improve your own culture' rhetoric that is used to distract from realSYSTEMATIC issues,, my 'responses' are no less reasonable in a public forum than the constanat 'responseses' others contribute,,, Was this post about a unarmed person being killed by cop or a black thug killing a kid in retaliation of his father being in a crime gang??.. did I miss something??. Your responses are pure black.. tunnel vision... evident to all.. but you. ( except the Cosby thing where you had the common sense to eventually bow out).. but keep the pace up... your on the verge of 47,000 posts... or open the blinds and windows.. let some air in or better yet, go outside... there is a whole world out there.. non cyber.. actually real.. real flesh and blood folks.. try it some time.. its nice :) |
WTH does black on black crime have to do with a cop klling an unarmed or handcuffed citizen? exactly my point,,,,keep pandering on about all our failings,, whatever helps you feel better,,, I will continue to give 'predictable' and TRUE responses to the predictable 'improve your own culture' rhetoric that is used to distract from realSYSTEMATIC issues,, my 'responses' are no less reasonable in a public forum than the constanat 'responseses' others contribute,,, |
its hard to assume what others finances are , and it does take money to pay for a funeral hopefully the boy is laid to rest without much more drama,,, Well at least Mom drove to the funeral in a new car...priorities... or lack there of. |
What is the point of life?
Having a moment with that special person, ending the day with a movie and popcorn. What is the point of life? Who the f*** knows.. just ride the wave and don't think so much. |
those who do not live "within" are not all.. they call it the way it is. They call what they see. Which in turn, those who live " within" do not like to hear. The core breakdown in basic fundamental behavior evident in these "within" areas were brought on by those "within". and have been handed down from generation to generation... which is fact. And until the leaders of those "within" actually start leading instead of B/Sing and blaming others, it will continue. But by all means continue to look in that rose colored mirror of yours and keep peeking out the window for the 10,000 solders of X.... You know, the ones being sent to teach those " within" how to act as a respectable humans, not steal, sell drugs, carry guns, murder their own, ect. or how to actually be a father... not just father kids and abandon them... you know 74%... is a very high number.. that is not a breakdown in moral values.. that is a total collapse. BTW, where do these 10,000 X Men live..." within?".. if so, it doesn't appear that they have had much affect.. but I am sure that will change,, right? the point is they are ignorant because they dont SEE,, they only 'listen' to whatever is reported and embrace the tunnelvision to believe thats ALL that happens so they can remain comfortably on their pedastal preaching with their assumed moral superiority,,, its not about 'rose colored glasses' those of us who live lives as black people with black families are more than aware of the things hiappening in the 'family/community',,,, but we are also aware of how all too comfortable it is for others to feel morally superior by throwing up the same FALSE distractions whenever we want to discuss others and their interactions with our family/community/family members the same alleged 'generation to generation' alleged moral failings are often used as a response to ANY type of grievance the black community has,, but yet those same people ask that those failings be suddenly turned around overnight just clinging to anything the media edits about Farrakhan, or Sharpton, or Jackson, so they can lay all responsibility and expectation upon them,, and continue to avert any part the larger society may play,,, keep believing what you wish, and preach on,,,,,,it wont quiet us from correcting whats wrong in our own home, or in this country and how it interacts with us,,, Well, God's speed!!.. let the corrections begin!!... we would ALL love to see you stop killing yourselves.. (and taking out innocent people in the cross fire)..and we would all like to see you stop blaming others ( and your government) for your own self inflicted shortcomings.. And you are most certainly correct in the pecking order of corrections to be done It ALL starts in the Black household.... fix that first. as soon as everyone elses gripes about the system, the government, the politicians, etc,, require their families to be perfect models,, we may take the advice until then,, enjoy that pedestal, up where its safe and warm and so 'untouchable' as long as any of the inferiors need fixing ,,,, Its no pedestal MS... its a normal life, which was built.. by me. I was taught right from wrong from my parents.. Them from theirs and not from a "silver spoon" country club burbs, Actually 1 of 8 kids, and Dad was a longshoremen in a nasty part of NYC. Ya see.. its called hard working for what you want. Same story played out for 100's of millions of people from most every other ethnic group on the planet, which they then wove themselves into the American society. built their families, raised they kids, made sure they went to school. They worked their way into society. Does the Black community really need advice on how to do that??.. really? no, its a pedastal,,,,anytime someones response to anothers grief or mistreatment by others is 'make sure your family is perfect and then we will listen' , basically they are sitting on a very pompous pedastal.... Black on Black crime is self inflicted mistreatment MS.. And regarding pedestals.. you seem to have placed yourself right on the top of your own.. as the self appointed black spokes person... agenda included. Who is very predictable in her responses.. and must always get in the last word. Haha.. so, go to it,... I have work to do ;) |
i am looking sexy woman
I am bangladeshi .i am stay uttara . Wouldn't it be funny if your wife replied to your post..Haha.. I would love to see that some day.. |
What is it with women not liking shirtless pictures of guys? I mean what female made this so bad, that the rest of the females had to follow it? I mean what is it with this dislike for shirtless pictures? Like the guys that women meet with their shirts on treat them better? Is that it? What a guy is not suppose to be proud of his hard work? He is not suppose to be proud and let others see it? I would really like to know why most females think this is such a bad thing? I mean would you rather a guy meet you weighting 300lbs and not looking like his picture?? I just would like to here a good explanation to why guys shirtless pictures are so bad online? Its called being Vain. It sends a message to people.. like you feel that's the best part of you.. that is what you are showcasing. like that's all you got. After that novelty wears off.. and it will.. then what... new hair style each week? |
hi although ,am not from Illinois but i will definately be your comforter So the plan would be to move from Africa to Illinois? And tell the Government what?.. that you are here to comfort? good luck with that. |
those who do not live "within" are not all.. they call it the way it is. They call what they see. Which in turn, those who live " within" do not like to hear. The core breakdown in basic fundamental behavior evident in these "within" areas were brought on by those "within". and have been handed down from generation to generation... which is fact. And until the leaders of those "within" actually start leading instead of B/Sing and blaming others, it will continue. But by all means continue to look in that rose colored mirror of yours and keep peeking out the window for the 10,000 solders of X.... You know, the ones being sent to teach those " within" how to act as a respectable humans, not steal, sell drugs, carry guns, murder their own, ect. or how to actually be a father... not just father kids and abandon them... you know 74%... is a very high number.. that is not a breakdown in moral values.. that is a total collapse. BTW, where do these 10,000 X Men live..." within?".. if so, it doesn't appear that they have had much affect.. but I am sure that will change,, right? the point is they are ignorant because they dont SEE,, they only 'listen' to whatever is reported and embrace the tunnelvision to believe thats ALL that happens so they can remain comfortably on their pedastal preaching with their assumed moral superiority,,, its not about 'rose colored glasses' those of us who live lives as black people with black families are more than aware of the things hiappening in the 'family/community',,,, but we are also aware of how all too comfortable it is for others to feel morally superior by throwing up the same FALSE distractions whenever we want to discuss others and their interactions with our family/community/family members the same alleged 'generation to generation' alleged moral failings are often used as a response to ANY type of grievance the black community has,, but yet those same people ask that those failings be suddenly turned around overnight just clinging to anything the media edits about Farrakhan, or Sharpton, or Jackson, so they can lay all responsibility and expectation upon them,, and continue to avert any part the larger society may play,,, keep believing what you wish, and preach on,,,,,,it wont quiet us from correcting whats wrong in our own home, or in this country and how it interacts with us,,, Well, God's speed!!.. let the corrections begin!!... we would ALL love to see you stop killing yourselves.. (and taking out innocent people in the cross fire)..and we would all like to see you stop blaming others ( and your government) for your own self inflicted shortcomings.. And you are most certainly correct in the pecking order of corrections to be done It ALL starts in the Black household.... fix that first. as soon as everyone elses gripes about the system, the government, the politicians, etc,, require their families to be perfect models,, we may take the advice until then,, enjoy that pedestal, up where its safe and warm and so 'untouchable' as long as any of the inferiors need fixing ,,,, Its no pedestal MS... its a normal life, which was built.. by me. I was taught right from wrong from my parents.. Them from theirs and not from a "silver spoon" country club burbs, Actually 1 of 8 kids, and Dad was a longshoremen in a nasty part of NYC. Ya see.. its called hard working for what you want. Same story played out for 100's of millions of people from most every other ethnic group on the planet, which they then wove themselves into the American society. built their families, raised they kids, made sure they went to school. They worked their way into society. Does the Black community really need advice on how to do that??.. really? |
My blue panty picture
I posted my picture here wearing a blue panty. I want to know is it safe to do it here. I am model struggling for bikini photoshoot projects so any producers contact me please... Don't feel bad, me in my "Home of the Whopper" underwear got the fast hook too |
Is it true that I can get one here I mean woman Did you try ordering one thru the home page yet?.. this is just the forum section, you have to scroll left on the main page to get to the ordering section. click order... then follow the fill in menu of choices, hit enter and then just follow the prompts. |
I think that Jim Pasco, executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police was out of line to make those statements.
I would have taken what he said as a threat.. and that in my opinion is where he crossed the line. While he may not agree with Tarentino's words.. it is still America and Tarentino has the right to say what he wants. As does Pasco. But when you represent 300,000 professional men and woman, and you are not speaking solely for yourself. you should choose your words very carefully. |
those who do not live "within" are not all.. they call it the way it is. They call what they see. Which in turn, those who live " within" do not like to hear. The core breakdown in basic fundamental behavior evident in these "within" areas were brought on by those "within". and have been handed down from generation to generation... which is fact. And until the leaders of those "within" actually start leading instead of B/Sing and blaming others, it will continue. But by all means continue to look in that rose colored mirror of yours and keep peeking out the window for the 10,000 solders of X.... You know, the ones being sent to teach those " within" how to act as a respectable humans, not steal, sell drugs, carry guns, murder their own, ect. or how to actually be a father... not just father kids and abandon them... you know 74%... is a very high number.. that is not a breakdown in moral values.. that is a total collapse. BTW, where do these 10,000 X Men live..." within?".. if so, it doesn't appear that they have had much affect.. but I am sure that will change,, right? the point is they are ignorant because they dont SEE,, they only 'listen' to whatever is reported and embrace the tunnelvision to believe thats ALL that happens so they can remain comfortably on their pedastal preaching with their assumed moral superiority,,, its not about 'rose colored glasses' those of us who live lives as black people with black families are more than aware of the things hiappening in the 'family/community',,,, but we are also aware of how all too comfortable it is for others to feel morally superior by throwing up the same FALSE distractions whenever we want to discuss others and their interactions with our family/community/family members the same alleged 'generation to generation' alleged moral failings are often used as a response to ANY type of grievance the black community has,, but yet those same people ask that those failings be suddenly turned around overnight just clinging to anything the media edits about Farrakhan, or Sharpton, or Jackson, so they can lay all responsibility and expectation upon them,, and continue to avert any part the larger society may play,,, keep believing what you wish, and preach on,,,,,,it wont quiet us from correcting whats wrong in our own home, or in this country and how it interacts with us,,, Well, God's speed!!.. let the corrections begin!!... we would ALL love to see you stop killing yourselves.. (and taking out innocent people in the cross fire)..and we would all like to see you stop blaming others ( and your government) for your own self inflicted shortcomings.. And you are most certainly correct in the pecking order of corrections to be done It ALL starts in the Black household.... fix that first. |
those who do not live "within" are not all.. they call it the way it is. They call what they see.
Which in turn, those who live " within" do not like to hear. The core breakdown in basic fundamental behavior evident in these "within" areas were brought on by those "within". and have been handed down from generation to generation... which is fact. And until the leaders of those "within" actually start leading instead of B/Sing and blaming others, it will continue. But by all means continue to look in that rose colored mirror of yours and keep peeking out the window for the 10,000 solders of X.... You know, the ones being sent to teach those " within" how to act as a respectable humans, not steal, sell drugs, carry guns, murder their own, ect. or how to actually be a father... not just father kids and abandon them... you know 74%... is a very high number.. that is not a breakdown in moral values.. that is a total collapse. BTW, where do these 10,000 X Men live..." within?".. if so, it doesn't appear that they have had much affect.. but I am sure that will change,, right? |
ty, every community has them not every community is used to any mirror being held up to the world to show them,,, then the black community should really start taking a good hard look in that mirror and start to actually do something to change their " ugly truths". Instead of blaming everyone but themselves for their problems. Its called responsibility for ones own actions and raising your children right, hell actually being a father and being around your kids would be a good start. Just ask the 74% of black families being raised by Mom alone. If this guy had not MADE the decision to join a criminal street gang.. his kid would be alive today. the fact of the matter is, this boy is dead and your black leaders are silent about it. None willing to turn that mirror around to their flock and tell them to take a real hard look at themselves and to actually DO SOMETHING about it. So, in the meantime the black on black crime will skyrocket.. your hero's will say and do nothing about it. Because they are holed up in their " action rooms" waiting to find reason to blame others. neither Al, X or Jackson commented about this murder...or will do anything of substance to try to correct these self inflicted issues .. the fundamental break down of values in the black community. that MS is fact. God know, they have had 1,000's of chances to. |
ugly truths in black communities,,,
-------------------------------------------------- ya got that part right |