Community > Posts By > raiderfan_32

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 10:09 PM
please listen to Robert Reich's Words on what he considers to be the way the health care system should look like in this country.

These are the words of Robert Reich, Obama's Labor Secretary

"We have the only health care system in the world that is designed to aviod sick people."

"You young healthy people, you're going to have to pay more."

"We're going to have to, if you're very old, we're not going to give you all that technology and all those drugs for the last couple of months. It's too expensive. So we're going to let you die."

"Also, I'm going to use the bargaining leverage of the Federal Government... medicare, medicaid.. to force drug companies and insurance companies and medical suppliers to reduce their costs but that means less innovation and that means less new products and less new drugs on the market which means that you're not going to live that much longer than your parents."

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 09:33 PM

the issue isn't keeping them in prison.. the issue is putting them in an environment where they can prosthelytize to a captive audience of felons and spread their anti-American hatred..

why throw braer rabbit into the briar patch?
Not a problem in max security prison]

maximum security.. you mean where they keep the most dangerous and violent felons...

sssuuurrreee.. no problem there..

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 08:54 PM
the issue isn't keeping them in prison.. the issue is putting them in an environment where they can prosthelytize to a captive audience of felons and spread their anti-American hatred..

why throw braer rabbit into the briar patch?

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 08:37 PM
pela has a great point! No one would be talking rehab if it were a man that had done this!! What hypocrasy! what a terrible doub;e standard!! And to what end would need to be rehabilitated? So she could bear another child to torture?

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 08:04 PM

lock her up and throw away the damn key:angry: can you imagine what those babies went through? Oh gosh how horrible.

no.. no.. I positively disagree.. she shouldn't be locked away..

she should be dragged to the middle of the street, downtown, with all neighbors, familiy anf friends gathered and television cameras rolling, broadcast to every television in America, made to beg for her life and shot between the eyes.

and I am deadly serious..

hey not a bad idea, first make her ashamed of what she did, hell she probably doesn't have a conscience to feel guilty.

don't these bleeding hearts make you sick.ill what the hell do they propose they do with her. oh my gosh!

I makes me sick to my stomach what this woman did. I can't bare to think about what those kids must have been feeling.

But we are not savages in this country. We are no better than her if we do such disgusting things to her, even if deep inside we think it. And beleive me it already crossed my mind.

perhaps.. but country justice has its place.

as for getting her help, she's waived that privilege as far as I'm concerned..

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 07:08 PM

Man that is really scary,what could you do?

hope you brought enough rifle...

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 06:57 PM

If one drop of Semen has more life than one drop of blood, why don't vampires suck dick instead?

I think they did in those Anne Rice novels. They were pretty gay. I should know.

I got into a heated argument with a girlfriend and her cousin over those movies because I said they had a lot of homosexual overtones and her cousin wanted to kick my ***.

how come "dick" didn't get bleeped but *** did?

that seems odd..

but on topic..

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I think I know that girl!

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 06:50 PM
Merry Christmas from Chiron Beta Prime

Where we're working in a mine

for our robot overlords

Did I say overlords?

I meant "protectors"

Merry Christmas from Chiron Beta Prime!

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 06:48 PM
Anyone heard of this guy? He came up on my Pandora.

Too funny. positively hysterical!

check out this video

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 06:24 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Thu 10/15/09 06:25 PM

lock her up and throw away the damn key:angry: can you imagine what those babies went through? Oh gosh how horrible.

no.. no.. I positively disagree.. she shouldn't be locked away..

she should be dragged to the middle of the street, downtown, with all neighbors, familiy anf friends gathered and television cameras rolling, broadcast to every television in America, made to beg for her life and shot between the eyes.

and I am deadly serious..

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 02:27 PM

:cry: It's a missing child case :cry:

there.. fixed it..


raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 02:04 PM
waste of bandwidth..

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 01:21 PM
Nah, you don't get it..

This is like a eco-maniac civil war

One group of tree huggers at odds with a group of animal rights looney toons.

too funny!!

drinker drinker drinker drinker

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/15/09 12:21 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Thu 10/15/09 12:47 PM
Stockholm's bunnies burned to keep Swedes warm

Published: 12 Oct 09 14:46 CET

The bodies of thousands of rabbits culled every year from the parks in Stockholm’s Kungsholmen neighbourhood are being used to fuel a heating plant in central Sweden.

Vacant pet store filled with dead animals (22 Sep 09)
'Keep Swedish cows indoors': dairy farmers (9 Jun 09)
Painted chicks lead to abuse charge for Swedish magician (5 Jun 09)
The decision to use Stockholm’s rabbit cadavers as bioenergy to warm Swedes living in Värmland doesn't sit well with Stockholm-based animal rights activists.

“Those who support the culling of rabbits surely think it’s good to use the bodies for a good cause. But it feels like they’re trying to turn the animals into an industry rather than look at the main problem,” Anna Johannesson of Vilda kaniners värn (‘Society for the Protection of Wild Rabbits’) told the local Vårt Kungsholmen newspaper.

Every year, the city of Stockholm kills off thousands of rabbits in an effort to protect trees and shrubbery in the city’s extensive network of parks and green space.

According to Tommy Tuvunger with the Stockholm Traffic Office, the agency responsible for controlling the city’s rodent and wild animal population, part of the problem rests with delinquent pet owners who decide to release their rabbits into the city’s parks.

“Many of the released rabbits are tame,” he told the newspaper.

Animal control authorities employ a special rifle to shoot the excess rabbits, with most of the culling taking place at dawn when the animals peek out from their holes.

The city usually steps up its rabbit hunting efforts in the autumn as leaves begin to fall from bushes and trees, making it easier to see the rabbits.

Tuvunger explained that it doesn’t take many newly released rabbits to do what rabbits are known for doing, much to the detriment of Stockholm’s efforts to control the size of its rabbit population.

“People who think that the bunnies are cute and cuddly suddenly don’t think they’re as fun anymore and put the animals outside. They think: ‘there they can play with the other rabbits’,” he said.

Last year marked a new record for Stockholm’s rabbit cull, with nearly 6,000 rabbits, mostly from Kungsholmen, being removed from Stockholm’s parks.

But rather than simply disposing of the dead rabbits, the city instead froze them for eventual transport to a special heating plant in Karlskoga in central Sweden, where the bunny bodies are then burned as a form of bioenergy.

According to Johannesson, Sweden’s animal control authorities aren’t interested in pursuing other options besides killing the rabbits.

“We want to see them start looking at other solutions for the rabbits,” she said, citing the Finnish capital of Helsinki, which employs sprays to make park plants unappetizing as well as a network of shelters for various domesticated animals.

“In Helsinki, where they have the same problem, they’ve come much farther,” Johannesson told Vårt Kungsholmen.

David Landes ( 8 656 6518)

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 10/14/09 04:24 PM

This video has been removed due to terms of use violation.

awwwww and I wanted to see too

I saw it on

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 10/14/09 03:45 PM
And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make them stop printing money!!

It's destroying the Dollar!!!

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 10/14/09 03:44 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Wed 10/14/09 04:38 PM
Nevermind the unconstitutional mandate that the forthcoming law will place on individuals to purchase insurance under threat of financial penalty which could ultimately land someone in prison if they fail to meet this new obligation..

Establishing a new buearacracy and forcing people to spend their money in a particular way is the polar opposite of the way that conservatives would like to see this handled..

Make deductibles, premiums and copays, cost of prescription meds tax deductible.

Enact meaningful tort reform.

Eliminate the Federal Restrictions that keep people from being able to purchase and carry their health care insurance across state lines.

Do these things and It's guaranteed that costs will come down

But for God's sake, take the foot of the government off the throats of the American People!

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 10/14/09 03:12 PM
Edited by raiderfan_32 on Wed 10/14/09 03:20 PM

We have a monopoly right now in insurance. and as for:

'Empowering and encouraging individuals by making certain healthcare expenses tax deductible, promoting **actual** competition by eliminating the federal restrictions preventing you and I from purchasing and carrying insurance plans across state lines, carry out meaningful tort reform.. Those are the things Republican would like to see occur and they are relatively passive'

These are all things that are being considered right now. I also believe we need tort reform badly but not so badly that we turn it completely around and leave people in danger from bad doctors etc.

There are "monopolies" by virtue of FEDERAL LAW.. That can go away TOMORROW if they just repeal those laws.. There's no need for government interference in the business of insuring people.. Just allow those companies to compete across state lines..

Business owners shop for new coverage every year or so.. to get a better deal, to save money, to get better coverage for their money..

Tell me why it would be ok for the government to offer insurance in all 50 States but no one else.. why?

The fact is, rather the very legitimate fear that people have is, that the purpose of the Democrat version of healthcare reform is: 1) to affect redistribution of wealth (a plainly, explicitly stated objective of Obama, and the lynch pin of his political philosophy) 2) to continue the government take-over of private industry 3) ultimately to make our system a carbon copy of European Socialist single payer healthcare systems where government (whether you want to admit it or not) has the final determination in who gets what treatment (all of which are stone-cold BROKE, by the way!) and 4) to continue to entrench the class warfare mentality and to make more progressive the already highly-progressive the income tax system..

Nearly all of the provisions in the proposed bill works to one or more of those ends.. "Public Option", subsidies for the "poor" (which includes people earning into the $75,000 - $80,000 range) while taxing "Cadillac" plans, placing the full weight of the Federal income tax burden on less than half of all wage earners in America..

Democracy fails when people make their vote an instrument of plunder.

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 10/14/09 02:29 PM

Now Rahm Emanuel has democratic senaters in a locked room working on combining their 2 bills.

No repulicans were invited. There goes bipartisanship OUT THE WINDOW!
And what happened to that whole TRANSPARENCY thing?

Not sure how you have bipartisan with one side voting no one everything and doing everything they can to prevent it in the first place.

boo do you not think the repubicans would be more wiling to vote yes on something if they could be involved in the debate and what is out in the bill.

Aren't the democrats voting no on everything the rebulicans want to add by not allowing them in on the debates. And being in a locked room while they merge the two democratic bills together?

What do I know? I'm just a liberal bleeding heart socialist communist [DEMONRAT]... any other labels I missed?

No matter what I say it will be called propaganda or some thing worse.

Nobody called you any thing. And you didn't answer my question.

I asked if the democrats coulld be called the party of no because they are in a locked room merging the 2 democratic bills. No offer was made to any repulicans to join in this meeting.

Damn I posted a whole lengthy reply and it didn't post cuz my dial up went down.. argh

Anyway when people call democrats, [Democrats] as Raider did and say they only want to tie the hands of the opposition that's just plain ignorant. Because people are democrats doesn't' mean they are unwilling to work with the other side. But in the case of health care those against it is pretty telling when you find out who they are really standing up for, namely the insurers themselves. I have been watching cspan where the lawmakers themselves are debating. I can't get any information worth anything on the news frankly. So from that point of view it is the republicans mostly fighting this tooth and nail and the blue dog conservatives on the left.

Why closed doors? I have no bloody idea, I would like to know if that is how it works or if it's by design or if the Dem's figure if the republicans don't want to actually participate why let them in. I don't know. I would like to see a list of the most important parts of the combined bills and then see who voted yes and who voted no. But that final bill is not here yet.

Conservatives on left and right are Both saying no, but so far from what I can tell it's always no on specific things. If we can't compremise here at mingle, how do we expect them to do it in washington.

I make the distinction between democrat and Democrat with a capital 'D' because I object to the way the media uses the term "Democratic" to describe the Democrat Party.. as if to say the opposition isn't democratic, don't follow or honor the priciples of democracy...

They are the Democrat Party.. not the only party representing democracy..

The 'Demoncrat' was just a typo at first but it seemed appropo and I stuck with it..

You can't say the Republican "don't want to participate". That's a specious assumption. Of course they want to participate. Of course they want to help reform the health care system is the United States. But they have very different views on the ways in which it should be done.

Empowering and encouraging individuals by making certain healthcare expenses tax deductible, promoting **actual** competition by eliminating the federal restrictions preventing you and I from purchasing and carrying insurance plans across state lines, carry out meaningful tort reform.. Those are the things Republican would like to see occur and they are relatively passive

Opposed to the way Democrats want to do it which is by creating a massive new, massively expensive government bureaucracy which will promote it's own dominion and monopoly over the system..

How can you call it "choice and competition" when the only entity which will be available to compete in all 50 States will be the so-called "Public Option".. one which inherently is operated by the regulating entity..

That's not choice and competition.. that's a monopoly..

I'll make you an analogy.. Let's play a game of one-on-one basketball.. but here's the deal. I get to be referee. I get to make the rules. Oh and I get to change them whenever I want to and apply them as I choose..

who do you think will win that game?

raiderfan_32's photo
Wed 10/14/09 01:51 PM

Now Rahm Emanuel has democratic senaters in a locked room working on combining their 2 bills.

No repulicans were invited. There goes bipartisanship OUT THE WINDOW!
And what happened to that whole TRANSPARENCY thing?

Not sure how you have bipartisan with one side voting no one everything and doing everything they can to prevent it in the first place.

boo do you not think the repubicans would be more wiling to vote yes on something if they could be involved in the debate and what is out in the bill.

Aren't the democrats voting no on everything the rebulicans want to add by not allowing them in on the debates. And being in a locked room while they merge the two democratic bills together?

What do I know? I'm just a liberal bleeding heart socialist communist [DEMONRAT]... any other labels I missed?

No matter what I say it will be called propaganda or some thing worse.

Nobody called you any thing. And you didn't answer my question.

I asked if the democrats coulld be called the party of no because they are in a locked room merging the 2 democratic bills. No offer was made to any repulicans to join in this meeting.

they don't want to answer any question tto which they know the proper answer is self incriminating..

The right side of the isle has been completely left out of the process.. none of the ideas that Republicans have offered have been given any consideration at all, despite the fact The One said he'd consider any ideas no matter who they came from.. well, we all know that means, "you can have ideas and we might pay them token attention but they have no chance of getting into any bills we'll consider"

the only people they're concerned about working with are already half way Democrats to begin with..

But I'll ask again since no one answered..

Why should they vote 'yes' on something their constituents are vehemently opposed to? Why should they vote 'yes' on something they are philosophically opposed to?

Put in some measures that conservatives believe in, like tort reform or tax deductibility for health care costs or take the restriction on flexcare accounts, and you might get some to go along..

but asking people to go along with things they don't agree with and then whining about lack of cooperation.. give me a break.. go back to the kiddie pool

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