Community > Posts By > monkey127z

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Mon 04/13/09 12:58 PM
i've tried many times to have platonic relationships

but attraction always come from one side or the other

what really sucks - is trying to discover the truth.
problem: if he's lied about not liking you - but the gf thinks he lying to you?

ok - i'll quit being the devil's advocate

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Mon 04/13/09 12:49 PM
honestly platonic relationships are EXTREMELY rare among friends

there's a good chance he's given the bat-sh|t-crazy chick reason to suspect that he likes you.

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Mon 04/13/09 12:44 PM
i want to see the guys all start cat-fighting for popularity

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Mon 04/13/09 12:40 PM
keep it safe for now

odds are she's jealous of you. any idea why this could be?
maybe he talks about you alot?

odds are she's crazy....its a common trait (sadly)

best of luck though

be brave little toaster

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Mon 04/13/09 12:17 PM
^ word!

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Sun 04/12/09 10:25 PM
i thought this thread would be about kissing a small moon...

"wait, that's no moon. its a battle station!"

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Sun 04/12/09 10:24 PM
homies before honeys man

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Sun 04/12/09 10:21 PM
Edited by monkey127z on Sun 04/12/09 10:22 PM
(conversations like this are what drove me away from christianity in my youth) frown

back to the point - there's as much proof that jesus existed as there is proof that mohammed existed.

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Sun 04/12/09 09:42 PM

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Sun 04/12/09 09:20 PM
Nothing like calling the religious types ignorant while debating a book you say don't exists using it as a referance for your defense

grammar? I'm not sure what you're going for here buddy. what spock

Looks like you're very sensitive about the topic. Even after reading an honest post that specifically said "no offense"

Maybe its best that you take a breather and come back later with more of a receptive attitude.

again... no offense drinker

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Sun 04/12/09 08:59 PM
lol - anti-gun nuts give me the giggles :)

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Sun 04/12/09 08:53 PM
unfortunately - none of these stories (as nice as they sound) would pass for proof.

Ever read an american history book? great read!
now read a history book written by another nation and you'll discover an ocean of differences. and these are "creditable" materials.

i'm an atheist that would turn 180 degrees in an instant if ANY religion could prove itself

part of me is happy to be unblinded and atheist, though to be honest - i'm partially jealous of those blissfully ignorant religious types (no offense)

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Sun 04/12/09 08:40 PM
Edited by monkey127z on Sun 04/12/09 08:41 PM
^^ 50 million elvis fans believed he was alive years after his death :wink:

^^ literally all of the world believed our planet was flat at one point

(following the crowd isn't a very wise idea) - unless your Pascal drinker

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Sun 04/12/09 08:35 PM
there's as much proof that jesus rolled around as there is that Muhammad rolled around doing his thing

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Sun 04/12/09 08:26 PM

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Sun 04/12/09 08:09 PM
this thread is in the rocks!

i think...? =oP

welcome to mingle buddy - have fun!!

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Sun 04/12/09 08:07 PM
^ sounds like your "in the closet" about an addiction to the disney channel

(kidding) =o)

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Sun 04/12/09 07:59 PM
is it bad that i don't know many disney characters at all?

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Sun 04/12/09 07:54 PM
if you want something done right - do it yourself

or just take the lazy approach and tell the guy what
he can do to help you out

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Sun 04/12/09 07:48 PM
you can take 2 views on this

1 - it sucks to always be the teacher and deal with their inhibitions and crap

2 - at least you can teach them right the first time ;)

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