Community > Posts By > monkey127z

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Sun 01/18/09 12:44 PM

well Voluptuous, you are a whole 2 years older than me... 'mature' old lady >:o)

lol - i kid, i kid


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Sun 01/18/09 12:37 PM
criticism anyone?


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Sun 01/18/09 12:33 PM
in my use of the words -

cute - used more to describe a persons actions. when it comes to looks - i'll say that little kids are cute - but i won't use "cute" to describe a woman physically unless her face has very child-like qualities

sexy - almost always used to describe a person's expression (a 'look' or a pose.

gorgeous - reserved for older women, or more mature looks

hot - generic word to describe a woman's complete body.

smokin - i don't use this...when i hear "smoking" i think of a bad habit or finding an extinguisher =o)

pretty - i don't use this word

beautiful - a reserved word - i rarely use this to describe women - i think it adds more weight to the word if its not over-used

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Sun 01/18/09 12:18 PM
most rap music isn't my bag at all

but neither is polka

still - both music types are still around because they have an audience... /thread

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Sun 01/18/09 12:04 PM
if both parties aren't willing to 'give a little'

then the argument is a COMPLETE waste of time...

-- -- -- -- --

that said - i normally get on the internet to waste time. so if you're like me --> then have fun :smile: :smile:

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Sun 01/18/09 11:53 AM
in an effort to keep the peace....

seriously gang - if you're not honestly willing to bend on your point-of-view... then arguing is completely useless

no photo
Sun 01/18/09 11:45 AM
i'm interested in your feedback...

i'm taking the quick / honest route

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Sun 01/18/09 11:43 AM
this sounds more like a blog post than a forum topic

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Sun 01/18/09 11:29 AM
anyone that can't understand what makes people atheists would GREATLY benefit from reading Einstein's essay on religion

its sad that science has out run religion (to quote MLKj), but this should be expected. this represents progress for our societies

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Sun 01/18/09 11:25 AM
interesting - i've never considered using the 'guilt trip' approach to land a date...


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Sat 01/17/09 10:36 PM


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Sat 01/17/09 10:23 PM
i represent that to a "T"

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Sat 01/17/09 10:22 PM
i've never seen it.


but there's always hope =o)

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Sat 01/17/09 10:10 PM

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Sat 01/17/09 09:44 PM
for me: christianity is a religion like any other

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Sat 01/17/09 09:39 PM
tried that once

epic failure

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Sat 01/17/09 09:37 PM
if you're like me - any piercing will get accidently ripped out or tugged at due to some bad luck or clumsiness.

get inked. its a lot easier to cover up.

and better still - design it yourself. there's less room for regret that way.

but be warned - they're addictive ;o)

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Sat 01/17/09 09:28 PM
any date that involved activity (especially outdoors) will trump an evening of sitting still

i save those "sitting still" ideas for a rainy day

(as if i have a long line of dates set up! LOL) laugh

no photo
Sat 01/17/09 09:20 PM
hiking and camping in the winter is great! there's nothing like sitting around the fire when its snowing.

another good idea - get lost! seriously - pick a cardinal direction and aim to find places for adventure or great pictures.

or --> act like a kid again.
go play on some swings or climb a tree.

- -- -- -- --

generally, if you smile a lot - and make an effort to laugh and be positive - you'll have a great time.

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Sat 01/17/09 08:58 PM
excitment ftw

granted - what's "exciting" is relative

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