Rec'd message not there
I see that you are strictly using the mobile site, SassyEuro. Are you mistaking a nudge for a mail, perhaps? On the mobile tab, nudges and mails are lumped into the same number.
Thank you. Is it safe to assume this is only an issue on the iPhone (i.e., when you use the app)?
We appreciate your patience here. We fixed the problem yesterday evening, so you should once again be getting the sent notifications. If you are still not seeing them, then you may need to empty your cache and possibly reset your Mingle2 cookies.
some messages not being sent
Thanks to all for your patience. We fixed the problem yesterday evening, so you should once again be getting the sent notifications. If you are still not seeing them, then you may need to empty your cache and possibly reset your Mingle2 cookies.
Thank for your patience, Ruagoodmatch. What iOS device are you using, exactly?
Dead out
Welcome, Daz2k. What do you mean by dead and what iOS device are you using, exactly?
App issues
It could be a reason, yeah, but we want to make the app as backward-compatible as possible. Thanks for the information.
Pics not showing ?
I like the word stalemate, but it's not a battle. lol In any case, it's good that you were able to upload at least one of the photos. A reboot might help your Android's cause, as it does mine when uploading is spotty.
App issues
Did you download the latest version of the app, Texx510? If you have and the problem persists, then what exact iOS device are you using?
instant message not working
Thanks for your patience, liljohnny0830. At this time, it appears that you have sent an email on the site and that your IM is working (although it may take a while to load).
some messages not being sent
soufiehere is correct; the only thing that has changed recently is that the sent notification may be missing (our apologies). This should be fixed early next week.
Pics not showing ?
I can relate to you a bit, but it is important to know what you are dealing with when trying to upload photos. It could be the pixel-density, as suggested above, because you're right that the format would be the same from the same phone.
Pics not showing ?
Thank you. If you are sure that the photos are the right type (.gif, .jpg, or .bmp format and no more than 10 million pixels), then what exact Android are you using?
Are you using the iOS app, littlemissbusy? If you are, then what exact iOS device are you using?
Pics not showing ?
Did you get a system email saying that they we deleted them, Justfun_1?
TxsGal3333 summarizes the block of another member nicely, but I also see your point, jwende and debbie1980. We will either edit that text or change the nature of blocks a bit.
Multiple mail msgs.
It seems to be older browsers that are having trouble with the drop-down notifications, and we are currently looking for a solution.
not getting messages
I just checked your account, PaulaAmi, and your chat was hidden. Please try now and a bit of patience can be required when chat is loading.
Success Stories
We hope you two turn into a success story, Txbleu!
Have you tried to download the app with the fix since your post yesterday, marievhanna? If not, please try once more.