Community > Posts By > davo3

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:24 PM
did you know that its perfectly plausible for people to live under your floor?

in some parts of georgia, they had a small trend of people coming through the floor and kidnapping women.

people didnt know what the hell was going on because the doors and windows were locked up tight.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:21 PM
you said you were open to suggestions. i gave you probably the most honest and bull**** free assesment of your profile and all youve done is insist that nothing is wrong with it.


davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:18 PM

I am never alone because the presence of God is always with me.


lmao youre dumb. if youre having THAT kind of relationship with god, i think you should know that He has had a ton of partners.

id wash your hands after you pray. or wear some rubber gloves or something.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:12 PM
no answer the door. it might be the clown from IT.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:09 PM

no body ever says hi to me grumble

youve got one of those cranky faces i was talking about.

frown frown frown

haha wow thats the same reaction i get when i say that IRL

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:07 PM

ok i pinpointed it.

while youre not coming right out and saying it in your profile, youre desperation and frustration are definitely shining through in the text.

Not desperate, just straight to the point. Frustrated, yes. I do NOT assume all men are sex offenders until proven otherwise. I treat each person with full trust unless or until they prove me wrong. I'm confident in the fact that I deserve to be happy, therefore bullsh!tting saying other things that I really don't want to say is pointless.

you obviously dont think you look desperate because you had no problem making it a part of your profile.

but it looks desperate, lady.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:06 PM

no body ever says hi to me grumble

youve got one of those cranky faces i was talking about.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:02 PM
ok i pinpointed it.

while youre not coming right out and saying it in your profile, youre desperation and frustration are definitely shining through in the text.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:00 PM

I do have to wonder why it is when a woman knows what she wants and says it she's a b!tch, or picky, or somethin negative. When a guy knows what he wants he's "ambitious".

give me a break with all that. guys on dating sites all considered sex offenders until proven otherwise so dont tell me anything about double standards.

your profile comes on way too strong. youre mapping out too much of a niche and emphasizing commitments like marriage too much. the same way you feel repulsed when a guy you barely know says he wants sex is the same way guys feel when you start talking about marriage too soon. its just icky and kind of scary.

this isnt a fear of commitment thing on a guys part. its a fear of some potentially psycho chick being too needy around him when they meet.

less is definitely more in this case.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 08:50 PM
thats so weird how lorena bobbit is a hero amongst women.

if some some guy cut off his cheating girlfriend's tits and guys championed Floyd The Tit-Chopper, girls would freak out.

damn double standards. >;(

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 08:45 PM
^^ quote of the year.

people are so damn sensitive online. if you dont want to see the mean ol' ugly thread, then dont click on it, dumbass.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 08:42 PM
what am i going to do this summer?

2 chicks at the same time, man.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 08:41 PM
Edited by davo3 on Wed 06/04/08 08:41 PM
some girls just have faces that look super pissed off until they smile. i think they call those "scowls".

but what generally trips guys up is that when a guy approaches a woman, and shes been hit on alot in her life for whatever reason, she'll throw up a "b*tch sheild" to automatically deflect loser guys with stupid pick-up lines.

i used to think that all girls were mean and conceded, but ive found that alot of chick throw up this sheild as an autopilot response. you also get this same kind of reaction from girls with low self-esteem.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 03:39 PM
what exactly are YOUR qualifications, lady?

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 03:37 PM
heres the hard truth.

lying is lying. you can try to catagorize and minimize certain lies and attempt to soften their impact, but theyre still lies no matter how you **** with them.

and everyone lies. especially the people who say they never lie.

just like everybody poops and breathes and sneezes, everybody lies.

you just have to take it for what it is because it will never change and you cant control it.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 10:58 AM

Davo~ I've been reading here and can't help but say you are being rude, insulting, and attacking.

If I were the OP, I'd report you.

thanks, but just because i don't like what he says doesn't mean i am going to report him.

now theres something i can respect.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 10:57 AM

Davo~ I've been reading here and can't help but say you are being rude, insulting, and attacking.

If I were the OP, I'd report you.


awww you no likee the words the stranger is typing? so sowwy.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 10:51 AM
Edited by davo3 on Wed 06/04/08 10:51 AM

its not like shes maintaining her virginity here (thats a whole other bunk concept). shes just withholding sex for the sake of withholding sex. its not making anything more pure. its not making anything more "right" or good or nice. its just a self defeating habit that shes blaming men for.

theres nothing here to be respected.

you took it out of context. i choose to not have sex because i want to be pure for my marriage. the second point is that a good man would wait.
you jump to conclusions without reading everything properly.

youre not making anything more pure.

and only a dumb and emasculated man would wait a year or more to have sex with someone only to marry her.

if anything youre ensuring that youre going to have crappy novice sex on your honeymoon.

the point here is that youre the one with the issues and not the men.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 10:39 AM
Edited by davo3 on Wed 06/04/08 10:40 AM

yeah but my convictions make SENSE.

witholding sex for a year or more because "its god's will" and expecting a guy not to be unsatisfied or annoyed with it makes absolutely no sense.

Your convictions make SENSE, huh?

What good would it do the young lady to get an STD, pregnant or simply used for sex by some guy not interested in marriage? To someone who wants to be makes perfect sense to wait until marriage. Only guys who are interested in marriage would wait for sex, which would eliminate undesirables from her dating pool.

enjoy being alone.

Enjoy life with a woman who knows you are only with her because she puts out.

i dont know what dirty, leaking penises youve been touching, but i make liberal use of condoms and mutual masturbation.

and knowing that sex is an important part of a healthy relationship isnt the same as using someone for sex. having sex with your girlfriend is something that well-rounded, mentally healthy guys do. if she were using the no-sex thing to weed out "undesireables", then its a stupid system because theres alot of really good guys who dont have dumbass head-issues about sex that she would be weeding out.

its not like shes maintaining her virginity here (thats a whole other bunk concept). shes just withholding sex for the sake of withholding sex. its not making anything more pure. its not making anything more "right" or good or nice. its just a self defeating habit that shes blaming men for.

theres nothing here to be respected.

davo3's photo
Wed 06/04/08 09:45 AM
yeah but my convictions make SENSE.

witholding sex for a year or more because "its god's will" and expecting a guy not to be unsatisfied or annoyed with it makes absolutely no sense.

enjoy being alone.