Community > Posts By > deke

deke's photo
Tue 04/14/09 09:02 AM
and just think obama is just starting what do think he'll be doing 6 month's from now?

deke's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:57 AM

i see your point clearly
how about this one:companies and the gov can put spy ware on your computer but if you do it to them it's illegal!!!!
does that make sense? LOL

Because, you are the enemy of the state, until your last day, free American.

The bureaucrats and the brown-nosers are the friends of the state.
oh that hURT lol(sad but true)

deke's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:52 AM
you deserve even more :heart:

deke's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:44 AM
any man would be LUCKY to have a woman such as you

deke's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:41 AM
i see your point clearly
how about this one:companies and the gov can put spy ware on your computer but if you do it to them it's illegal!!!!
does that make sense? LOL

deke's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:36 AM
you look like an exceptional woman, and that would be anywhere in the southeast.
from savannah to jax fl
but i like to chat with almost anyone

deke's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:34 AM
yep from bad to worse!!

deke's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:31 AM

"Religion of Evolution" would be the appropiate term for it...

I assume you are talking about "Creationist Religion"?

(All 3 Major Religions... Judasim, Christianity and Islam are "Creationist Religions"...)

Evolution is promulgated strictly as an ideology, and has never been shown to be anything other than a "Theory"...

Not one "Missing Link" has ever been provided to "Prove" Evolution beyond a shadow of a doubt.

"Creationist Religion" and "Evolution" aren't compatible...noway

There is "Diversification" within the varied Species, but that IS NOT evolution.

:smile: Evolution is based in scientific theory that can be independently verified. :smile: That is the difference. :smile: That other stuff is just fairy tales with no evidence.:smile:

bigsmile Charles Darwin was a scientist and not a theologian.glasses
darwin a scientist?
he went to bible college and after that he studied birds for five years.have you ever actually read anything on this nutcasefrustrated

deke's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:26 AM
are there ANY woman here?

deke's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:19 AM
do we have any?
where are they?

we elect polticians that fall in line with the federal gov instead of fighting for states rights!!!

deke's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:16 AM
opps capps
some company will buy the rights and stick it in the vault never letting the public know of it.

it all comes back to what has ruined the country (GREED)

deke's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:02 AM

Hi Winx

It's only an example. I would like to believe we can cure the common cold with advances in medicine and technology, but it takes funding and research. In headlines today I read about some new developement in alzhiemers treatment, why not allergies?

My post was to comment on the priorities dictated to us.

It's been proven we are in 2 wars based on lies, yet we continue to support them, and terrorist enlistment has actually grown since we have.

It's been shown that an oil based economy is a thing of the past, that supplies are also deminishing. There are proven technologies that make oil passe', but they will not allow the technology as long as oil rules. (Research "The Venus Project")

Again, it's about priorities, controlling, not peanuts.

Thank you as always for your comments.

what's sad is that most illnessness can be cured but why would the fda or gov allow that(no money in cures)

deke's photo
Tue 04/14/09 06:13 AM
we keep giving the gov more and more power soon we will be a socialist country and most don't have a clue!!!!

your right if most people actually knew what it meant they would be appalled. this is so close to marshall law it's scarey!!
know what that is don't you?

deke's photo
Thu 04/02/09 09:21 AM
i have read the posts o here as well as other places and i cann't find anyone that agrees with this bailout crap except people who make more than 250,000 a yr.don't people realize that the average american home makes less than that and it's those people that actually keep this country going not the rich that invest in corporations only to benefit their own pocket.

who do you think all big contracts are going to be givin to?
obama is proven it's bussiness as usauall in washington and we are so
ignorant that we are letting him!!!!!!!

BTW: we keep the the gov more and more control when we except crap like this

headed for a socialist nation folks

deke's photo
Wed 04/01/09 08:21 PM

i have to dissagree with you.

tell me if your a humanist how do you tell right from wrong?
if you actually believe you are a humanist then you believe you come from animals and animals have no apparent morals and the biggest and strongest rule.

i know from your parents and so on but where did morals start in the humanist point of view?

it's easy for me THUS SAYS THE LORD.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21
If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Yep, that's a good thing to do...
try quoting something from the new testiment!!!!!
besides if humanism is what we should think then i guess it's alright to rape murder and steal because without the bible people wouldn't have a clue as to right and didn't answer my question, where do you get em?
there was another thread about this very thing

You do realize that there are several passages in the bible that endorse rape as okay, right?

Here is your NT for you:
"Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it."
people like you amaze me why don't you read the whole chapter and then put it in context.instead of taking verses that are negitive to you and putting ur thoughts to it instead of what it meant to be. all you see is me against you and the meaning is follow Christ or you won't be worthy of forgivness

besides you still didn't answer the main question

deke's photo
Wed 04/01/09 08:13 PM

and what book do non-believers use?

The Origin of Species

Actually Darwin wrote the Origin of Species WITH God in mind because he was a religious man but he likewise was a truth seeker and a scientist who used Empirical Method in his studies and subsequent authorship of OoS. He was not out to debunk God with it. Even he says that he "seen method in what on the surface seemed like God's madness."

Darwin was not an atheist by any stretch of the imagination. He was a scientist though and a real one for his day!
a scientist? huh
read some, he went to bible college to study to be a preacher and when he graduated he traveled to study birds before he started preaching.while on his trip he read a book from a know GOD hater by Charlse lyal it was called the principles of geology trying to say that earth was millions of yrs old(b/s) and slowly changed his faith

deke's photo
Wed 04/01/09 08:00 PM

i have to dissagree with you.

tell me if your a humanist how do you tell right from wrong?
if you actually believe you are a humanist then you believe you come from animals and animals have no apparent morals and the biggest and strongest rule.

i know from your parents and so on but where did morals start in the humanist point of view?

it's easy for me THUS SAYS THE LORD.

Deuteronomy 21:18-21
If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son, which will not obey the voice of his father, or the voice of his mother, and that, when they have chastened him, will not hearken unto them Then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him, and bring him out unto the elders of his city, and unto the gate of his place; And they shall say unto the elders of his city, This our son is stubborn and rebellious, he will not obey our voice; he is a glutton, and a drunkard. And all the men of his city shall stone him with stones, that he die: so shalt thou put evil away from among you; and all Israel shall hear, and fear.

Yep, that's a good thing to do...
try quoting something from the new testiment!!!!!
besides if humanism is what we should think then i guess it's alright to rape murder and steal because without the bible people wouldn't have a clue as to right and didn't answer my question, where do you get em?
there was another thread about this very thing

deke's photo
Wed 04/01/09 07:52 PM

I wonder if it is not the Cannabis, itself, but moreso because pot, like Alcohol, is often the gateway drug to harder substances (like Cocaine, Heroin, Meth, Crack, other Opiates, and Benzos).

wow the only one who see's the obvious truth

unless it for medical they should throw ur asses in jail
yes i know ALOT about weed

FACT:it makes people STUPID AND LAZY and americans are sorry enough as it stands

if it where legal kids would be even dumber than they are now and it's hard enough to keep kids away from other legal many teens and preteens have tried alchohal because mommy or daddy refuses to lock the booze cabinet or just flat leaves it out.

deke's photo
Wed 04/01/09 07:37 PM
i have not recieved or been giving a good response to this question
by anyone that actually has to work for a living.(alot of why we shouldn't)

CAN ANYBODY give an good thought about this?

deke's photo
Wed 04/01/09 07:28 PM
i have to dissagree with you.

tell me if your a humanist how do you tell right from wrong?
if you actually believe you are a humanist then you believe you come from animals and animals have no apparent morals and the biggest and strongest rule.

i know from your parents and so on but where did morals start in the humanist point of view?

it's easy for me THUS SAYS THE LORD.

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