i have not recieved or been giving a good response to this question
by anyone that actually has to work for a living.(alot of why we shouldn't) CAN ANYBODY give an good thought about this? |
I'm Still waiting for my check too.
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![]() several will tell ya soon....i'm just here to watch |
No one offered to bail me out that night I spent in the cell running from Bubba.
we thought you wanted to be there peccy
we thought you wanted to be there peccy |
I must have missed something, what's a gay person have to do with anything in here?
lol not sure...i was referring to him being in jail
i have not recieved or been giving a good response to this question by anyone that actually has to work for a living.(alot of why we shouldn't) CAN ANYBODY give an good thought about this? Banks <-> government | Stores/Businesses <-> Share Holders | You (worker) Banks can't pay the shareholders and neither can lend money to stores and businesses, --> Businesses unable to produce products or deliver services and stores unable to buy products ---> you will have bankrupt stores and businesses --> Not enough production ---> lay offs, firings --> you go home hungry and have no job. This would be the logical explanation i can come up with, but what I see tells me otherwise, that there are much much more to this, including the stock market, various bank and business connections or influence in the government, dollar trading, oil trading, so it's a big big big mess and bailouts are a joke anyhow..they are short term "injections", which "tries to jumpstart" some businesses, but if you ask me, if this is even "beating a dead horse" , those beatings re very small and insignificant , regardless that the horse is dead anyway. |
Big business gives money to politicians.
Politicians raise taxes for those big businesses, and their owners and shareholders. Intervenes in their work with stupid regulations. Controls. Does this make sense? Of course, not. Politicians authorize huge bailouts. This is how they pay back for the money to get elected. These money bring in more profits than taxation can ever remove. Now, the circle is complete. This is how it works. There is more how and why, details, so to speak, but in essence, this is it. |
i have not recieved or been giving a good response to this question by anyone that actually has to work for a living.(alot of why we shouldn't) CAN ANYBODY give an good thought about this? Maybe because we're in the worst recession since the Big Depression and many top economists think it could help us. I have noticed that other countries are doing it too. |
i have not recieved or been giving a good response to this question by anyone that actually has to work for a living.(alot of why we shouldn't) CAN ANYBODY give an good thought about this? Maybe because we're in the worst recession since the Big Depression and many top economists think it could help us. I have noticed that other countries are doing it too. Here's what's funny... Many top economists that happen to work for these companies that "need bailouts" say we need bailouts. All the other economists seem to think that the whole bailout idea was foolish. Interestingly enough, they could truely expain how it was a foolish idea, and applied to to a bigger picture. Those for the bailout could only explain how it would help in the next few months. Here's something to bear in mind about the bailout. From what i can understand the House voted the original bailout down when it was just a four page idea. Their solution to this is turn it into 800 pages, add a bunch of pork and push it through before everyone can read it. Now they are "mad" because it sanctioned all these CEO's bonuses. Funny how doing shady things can bite you in the a$$ huh? (Or has it?) Another funny thing is how long people focused on these bonuses instead of focusing on the real issues. Like the economy as a whole for instance... Something is not adding up... |
Edited by
Thu 04/02/09 08:10 AM
Yes, Drivinmenutz,
I have seen some top economists agree with the bail out and some top economists disagree with the bail out. I look at it as something similar as doctors having different opinions about a cure for something. I think that people are looking at the bonuses and the economy. They're intertwined. |
i'm still does giving more and more money (that we don't have) to these companies help?
i have not recieved or been giving a good response to this question by anyone that actually has to work for a living.(alot of why we shouldn't) CAN ANYBODY give an good thought about this? Maybe because we're in the worst recession since the Big Depression and many top economists think it could help us. I have noticed that other countries are doing it too. that's the " Great Depression "...the " Big Depression " what Obama's been layin' on us for the last few months...for that matter the last few years... ![]() |
i have not recieved or been giving a good response to this question by anyone that actually has to work for a living.(alot of why we shouldn't) CAN ANYBODY give an good thought about this? Maybe because we're in the worst recession since the Big Depression and many top economists think it could help us. I have noticed that other countries are doing it too. that's the " Great Depression "...the " Big Depression " what Obama's been layin' on us for the last few months...for that matter the last few years... ![]() It was a big depression to my grandparents. ![]() I just woke up when I typed that, btw. ![]() I haven't heard Obama say anything about a big depression. I hear him talk about a recession. |
did you see that British Prime minister drooling over Obama...telling him what a great job he's doing...this coming from a Socialist...what does that tell ya'...Obamas over their selling out his own country...blaming America for all the ills in the the way...if you watch him'll now understand why he reads
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did you see that British Prime minister drooling over Obama...telling him what a great job he's doing...this coming from a Socialist...what does that tell ya'...Obamas over their selling out his own country...blaming America for all the ills in the the way...if you watch him'll now understand why he reads ![]() Ummm...Our President is over there speaking to our ally as did every President before him. I did see him speak in St. Louis. He's a great speaker. |
did you see that British Prime minister drooling over Obama...telling him what a great job he's doing...this coming from a Socialist...what does that tell ya'...Obamas over their selling out his own country...blaming America for all the ills in the the way...if you watch him'll now understand why he reads ![]() Ummm...Our President is over there speaking to our ally as did every President before him. I did see him speak in St. Louis. He's a great speaker. he was reading it... |
Edited by
Thu 04/02/09 08:59 AM
i'm still does giving more and more money (that we don't have) to these companies help? Winx, this one is to you as well: As Winx cleverly brought up doctors to analyze this i am going to add to it. The analogy i think was very accurate. In order to understand why intelligent economists are both for and against the bailouts you have to understand the system and how fiat currency works with the fractional reserve banking system. Bailouts help keep us above water in the short run, but in the long run it will hurt us more. Different docs have different philosophies. I will use "depression" as a topic since i've looked into the subject medically. Take someone who has clinical depression followed by mild anxiety. The economists that are for the bailouts i believe are like the doctors that would prescribe Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin, although an antidepressant, would help in the short run, it is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor which would make the anxiety much worse causing need for an antianxiety pill. Unfortunately you have side affects with both pills and the long-term affects aren't well known. Other economists, on the more fiscal conservative side, are look at a bigger picture. Like the doctors that would monitor the depression patient's eating, and health habits. Maybe they find a vitamin k deficiency, or b complex deficiency, etc. and/or find that a change in diet, followed by regular exercise would treat the problem without the use of meds. The big difference here, is the fact that the more natural and noninvasive method must be treated with a change in lifestyle. But the long term affects are much, much healthier than those of being dependant on prescription drugs. Our system relies completely on inflation. We need constant inflation, and to spend, spend, spend, to keep the system going (or to keep the "bubble" inflated). Big wigs decided that should be the case because they were already established, and lots more spending ultimately gives the elites much more money. Inflation is also a nifty way to tax you and i without us even knowing it, through the devaluing of our money. I say again, short term, to keep a temporary system going, bailouts make perfect sense. Long term, it's like giving a drug addict more heroine to prevent withdrawl. |