Community > Posts By > ImperfectPoet

ImperfectPoet's photo
Thu 05/29/14 11:54 PM
Set My Heart Free

I stare into your sightless scars as blood, like pain, comes raining down
And try to understand the reasons you have thrown yourself away
Mistakes befall us all, and you can't say that it was all your fault
Because a cruel bastard kept you subject unto fear and pain
And oh, I wish that I could take away from you those years and scars
And take upon myself the task of causing your tormentor pain
But some things just cannot be done when miles keep us separated
Words are all there are to offer and it's driving me insane
I turn my tear-streamed face into the maddened bliss of red descending
Letting crimson flows dissolve the salty stains of agony
Wishing I could find a way to say that you've been long deserving
So much more than you have come to let yourself believe
And there I see, above it all, a heart so full of grief and doubt
Consumed with so much hate for self, forgiveness cannot penetrate
Memories that every day betray and cast their chains of slavery
Keeping your heart prisoner, allowing thoughts to devastate
I reach out with my very soul, embracing your imprisoned heart
And summon all the love that one can possibly command
Concentrating every effort on the breaking of the chains
So you will not deceive yourself, and let yourself be damned
And oh, the woeful chorus of the angels who are now descending
Circling about you as I try to break the chains that bind
There I see the crimson rain is falling from the eyes of heaven
As the efforts of those very angels and my own combine
They sing of sweet forgiveness, and of letting go of pain unending
I wrap your heart more tightly in my love for you, both heart and soul
Angels whisper, "Oh dear heart, we're doing all that we can do.
It's up to you to break the chains and let your pain and self-hate go."
I shout above the choir, "Can't you see that you are loved?"
Praying you will understand that you have always had the key
Let it go, this pain and hate which you have fashioned as your cell
I can't lose you, my Angel.��Can't you see you are the heart of me?

Daniel Smith - Imperfect Poet

This was written several years ago for one of my best friends who at one time I was deeply in love with, but after a failed relationship, we saw that we were better as friends, and our friendship is now as strong as it ever was, if not more so. She had been through horrible circumstances, and was on the verge of giving up, as I had been at times, myself.

ImperfectPoet's photo
Mon 05/26/14 07:40 PM
This Is Me

Internal self narratives dreaming and waking
The well runneth over and dry
The only thing easy is so complicating
As luck sees fit not to comply
I've two left feet, and I stumble so clumsy
My rhythm defies elegance
Define to deny your indecision
Take a mistake, make a chance
Watching or riding enlightening lightning
While striking throughout every gale
Finding a smile, even in something frightening
True beauty will always prevail
A laugh and a tear in each strength and each fear
Sometimes falling can feel oh so grand
Plain as day or unclear, only always sincere
Who am I? I am who? Who I am.

Daniel Smith - Imperfect Poet

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 05:39 PM
Thank you =^)

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 02:20 PM
Excellent write. Never give up on your dreams.

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 02:03 PM
Excellent write. Beauty from what seems tragedy. I hope there is silence and peace. Thank you for sharing =^)

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 02:00 PM
It is an honor to have been able to read such a beautiful truth as you have expressed it here. Thank you for sharing =^)

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 01:57 PM
An amazing and beautiful write =^)

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 01:56 PM
Ttruth, beautifully spoken =^)

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 01:41 PM
I completely agree. A beautiful sentiment, beautifully spoken =^)

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 01:34 PM
I love this. Thank you for sharing =^)

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 01:31 PM

The heart is like a puzzle, it is broken from the start
Pieced together incorrectly, then it’s torn apart
Scattered, mismatched pieces only make a hollow shell
It’s the middle that’s the riddle. This is why we suffer well
Broken, jagged edges lock in place from time to time
But, the picture’s so much bigger, with some pieces hard to find
Scattered out upon the surface, wandering and estranged
Longing just to be complete, they beg to be arranged
To pump more than a numb, and sometimes bitter, tragic wine
That leaves our souls hung over from the picture undefined
Trying oh so vainly to place pieces left ajar
As the picture in our heads still differs so from who we are
Sometimes the missing pieces are what paint the picture true
Each one cut so differently, to different depths and hues
Paragraphs and chapters in the story of our lives
Each one placed can bring a smile or carve us like dull knives
Until they are residing in the place they need to be
Coinciding with the pieces of what was and what’s to be
For broken hearts cannot be whole until they’re incomplete
For seldom do we realize just what it is we seek
Merely waiting for the one who finally chances to pass by
Who sees the very pieces they've been missing in their lives
For it’s the very pieces that we share with one another
Which make whole our broken hearts, and the broken hearts of others

Daniel Smith - Imperfect Poet

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 01:19 PM
An Experiment in Psychopractic Wordslinging

Come whisper in the listen I now long to hear you see
Of my odd interpretation of the lesson in this session
Surely spewing wicked somethings in disorder as it feeds
Agonizing ramblizing far too soon to fail to mention
Incorporating lonesomeness complexities in legions
Is there no unserpentizing the enlightening of strange?
Misuncircumstancing as the reader finds no reason
In such savory salivations of the misconcepted change
Unknowingly still growing far beyond the closest measure
Into raging inconsitencies that weep unto the page
Bleeding such intuitive progression never severed
In the thrust of youthful fluencies in such a weary age
The gladness of the madness strikes within the battered shore
Not but a hair above comparisons so folded in the fray
Enticing bold imperatives unsweetly through the outer core
In air of uninheritance that creeps the numb at play
Parading the tirading of such unsubstantial ecstasy
In such an unconventional impression of insane
Always sometimes never far within the tragic synergy
Of answers unbegotten for the rottening of sane
The murderous disorder in infectious undisease
As such sporadically chaotic posthypnotic juices flow
Now lost in such emphatically irrational absurdities
That pour out further twistedly insistent as I go
Shattering the view and boundary bordering abnormal
In this morsel of a mouthful seen before its time had come to go
Reaching destinations in displacement so unformal
In the storming of the forming verbalating undertow
Bringing order to the chaos of this psychopractic babble
In a lesson of the breaking of the rules amidst the flow
With intention of confusion that makes sense within the rattle
It is only when we break free that we find where we can go
In creative inspiration as this invitation I extend
To all who may so dare to violate the rules of play
Embracing utter lunacy in oddest infestation
As I show what can be done when mental limits melt away

Daniel Smith - Imperfect Poet

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 01:14 PM
Edited by ImperfectPoet on Wed 05/21/14 01:25 PM
Patiently Impatient

Be it ever so elusive
Be it ever hard to gain
Be it ever one step further
Be it one more ounce of pain
Be it somewhat inconclusive
When I want to know for sure
It is still not so intrusive
When my dreams become a blur
For if I never stopped to wonder
If I never stopped to think
On each tough or tender morsel
On each sip of such I drink
How could I still undiscover
Such a dark, yet lovely truth
Sometimes we will grow much older
Reaching for the dreams of youth

I am ever so impatient
I can wait a few more years
I sustain myself with smiles
While I drown myself in tears
I look forward to tomorrow
As I've yet to seize the day
Every time I dare to reach out
Something always blocks my way
I'��m so tired of being surrounded
I'm so tired of being alone
I'm so tired of being so tired
When I'm inspired to the bone
Such depth in shallow waters
How I soar with broken wings
Finding something in each nothing
As I tread the in-between

Daniel Smith - Imperfect Poet

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 12:57 PM

Are you using a mobile device to generate text?

I am. Is that the culprit?

Yup :-)
You are just lucky it does not misread the words
themselves, then change them around.
I do not have one, so I cannot advise :-)

Thank you again, soufie =^)

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 12:53 PM
Exxcellent write, and I love how you have laid it out =^)

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 12:47 PM

Are you using a mobile device to generate text?

I am. Is that the culprit?

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 12:44 PM
Thank you, carebear =^)

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 12:38 PM
Thank you, CrystalFairy =^)

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 12:36 PM
Thank you, Shy. I am glad that I was able to make you smile, specially as you have made me smile, as well =^)

ImperfectPoet's photo
Wed 05/21/14 12:35 PM
Thank you, franky =^)

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