My Mamma told me......
So break me down if it makes you feel right.
And hate me now if it make you feel right. So you can break me down if it takes all your might. Seether |
what is your passion?
My passion is
1 my 2 little girls, they are my life. 2 my family 3 Demoltion derbys, nothing like building a car and than going out and crashing it to get rid of alttle anger |
Yes I would. But all my friends know that I would and seem to come to me to ask about there lives. Because they know I will tell them the truth
Nope. I did it once.
I did for 9 years. once the ex left I found out how much I had missed. It will never happen with the next person
My profile
Is there anything I need to add to my prifle to make it better
Theme one???
All American Rejects
Hope it gives you hell |
Have you or would you?
Been there done that.Would do it still with the right person. The ex and I had a lot of pics and video. I still have them.
The first thing you notice
I would have to say there eyes. you can tell alot by someones eyes
I did not hurt said person untill they hurt me. Still trying to fix it for the kids but the ex does not seem to work it out. when ever I try to talk to her she does not want to talk. So not sure if it will ever get fixed
oops my bad
telling the truth
Always tell the truth, If they dont like it than they are not right for you. As they say the Truth shall set you free.
Howdey people. new to all of this and just saying Hi
howdey. Cambridge city here
both love sick and sick of love. Depends on the day
its a big problem for me. even after my ex wife cheated on me 5 times and moved in with another man and left me the kids and realy does not act like she cares about any of us, I still care for her in some ways
SINGLE or TAKEN? - part 11
single and alone
Living through new divorce
I know what you are going though. Out of no where my wife of 9 years asked for divorce. She gave me the house the new truck and our two girls (ages 7 and 9). she moved an hour away with her new boyfriend. I never saw it coming. Let me see if any of this makes any sense to you. You feel alone and lost, dont want to eat, cant sleep. You feel like a part of you is missing. Everytime You think you can handle this you speck or see the other person and you feel like you are back to the start of all the feelings. You love them and want them back and cant seem to move forward. you want to know what happend and the answers you get from them just aint enuf. If any of this makes sense and you would loike to talk just hit me up!
After 11 years togather (9 of them married) My ex left me and the kids for another man. I thought our life was going good than bam. She asked for a devorice. We did not go to court she agreed to every other wensday and thursday. It had to be thoses to days because of her work. She has been gone now for 2 months and only kept the kids one night. She only comes done to see them at my house one day a week and only stays for 2 to 3 hours. She has agreed to everything I ask with out a fight. It seems like the kids are just in her way now and she is haveing more fun with out them. So here I am just trying to move on. The kids (2 girls) are doing ok and seem to be happy. The only thing they ever say to me about what is going on is when is mommy coming home? I just tell them not for a long time.