Community > Posts By > BHawkins

BHawkins's photo
Thu 05/19/16 06:08 AM
Edited by BHawkins on Thu 05/19/16 06:11 AM
To the beach!

Sitka would melt if she left Alaska happy I'm going to Quezon end of this year or early next't wait! I've only been out of my state to see family in Chicago. Never really left my corner of the world. I'm gonna sign my own freedom papers...Django Unchained coming to the provinces! ....the white version :wink:

BHawkins's photo
Wed 05/18/16 07:55 AM
Edited by BHawkins on Wed 05/18/16 07:59 AM
"We can now understand our relation to our schoolmasters. These men, not all of whom were in fact fathers themselves, became our substitute fathers. That was why, even though they were still quite young, they struck us as so mature and so unattainably adult. We transferred on to them the respect and expectations attaching to the omniscient father of our childhood, and we then began to treat them as we treated our fathers at home. We confronted them with the ambivalence that we had acquired in our own families and with its help we struggled with them as we had been in the habit of struggling with our fathers…"

The Oedipus complex, in narcissistic terms, represents that an individual can lose the ability to take a parental-substitute into his ego ideal without ambivalence. Once the individual has ambivalent relations with parental-substitutes, he will enter into the triangulating castration complex. In the castration complex the individual becomes rivalrous with parental-substitutes and this will be the point of regression. In 'Psycho-analytic notes on an autobiographical account of a case of paranoia (Dementia paranoides)' Freud writes that “disappointment over a woman” (object drives) or “a mishap in social relations with other men” (ego drives) is the cause of regression or symptom formation. Triangulation can take place with a romantic rival, for a woman, or with a work rival, for the reputation of being more potent...........Or maybe they just turn you on? Why question it? Answers sometimes ruin the beauty of the question :wink: Especially if you ask Freud....he's a real sick **** with those mother theories. It's the feet people who make me feel uneasy biggrin btw...we have a forum regular here who LOVES these threads:laughing: Maybe she'll chime in

BHawkins's photo
Wed 05/18/16 07:05 AM


Damn straight! You tell em Siddy!drinker

BHawkins's photo
Wed 05/18/16 07:00 AM
Edited by BHawkins on Wed 05/18/16 06:59 AM

hi dear I'm sexy chat my whataap no is

Get out while you can Farooq! You're gonna get waffle stomped like a turd in the shower by these brutes! :smile: Just so you know ...I'm the sensitive/angelic one around here...:angel: I only say nice $ heed my advice mouth breather!

BHawkins's photo
Wed 05/18/16 06:53 AM

not that I care butt what do you all think 1 to 10 scale on overall profile 1 - 10 on the pics. I'm only females welcome

Since you really don't care... I won't be as nice as I usually am.

Well the main profile picture shows that you have a messy room big turn off to most women... so -1

The second picture looks like you need to go to the bathroom or you have something caught in your pants. Not flattering.. sorry so since you are dressed and the background isn't too bad 1

Last picture is okay not bad nor is it great so I will give it a 3

so if we add up these numbers and then divide by 3

The scale is 1.1.bigsmile

Have a great day and Welcome to Mingle
Best wishes to you in your search

God DAMN she's brutal!biggrin So thankful I never asked for a rating when I had my profile filled outnoway No ****s given in these threads. NFG territory!

BHawkins's photo
Wed 05/18/16 06:47 AM

Just joined today and my first message was filthy. Really no need

I wasn't being filthy ...I was referring to the sheep & the midget in a whimsical manner.....I'm misunderstood yet again :wink:

BHawkins's photo
Wed 05/18/16 05:59 AM
Edited by BHawkins on Wed 05/18/16 06:02 AM
I guess only a couple of us weren't taking this literal. I think she was just being witty & not actually accepting applications for the "no reason love" position ohwell

BHawkins's photo
Tue 05/17/16 11:14 AM

I'd suggest STOP looking for a man...especially when the relationship you just left isn't finished (separated)..focus on yourself (without a man) and your kids....we're all stupid anyway

If you guys are just separated then Isaac makes a very valid point.. execpt his last sentence, speak for yourself ...personally I'm what would be hatched from Gandalf's butt if he were molested by Merlin....A f**king prodigy!biggrin

BHawkins's photo
Tue 05/17/16 10:37 AM

slaphead What does "interesting" mean to you, as it pertains to the opposite sex in personality and physical attractiveness?

AND...How does one become interesting?

think what biggrin

To me this tells more about the descriptor ...not the one being described by them. The answers in this thread reveal an ungodly amount of insight into the people responding..... so many obviously inadvertent "tells"indifferent indifferent

BHawkins's photo
Tue 05/17/16 10:13 AM
So many questions but there are WAY more answers. Just go and get what you want with the healthiest possible balance of head & heart while being always protective & catious for those 2 little ones. Trust me, ending up with violent father figure can force a good hearted child to spend his life using their good heart to battle demons that were introduced through that father/father figure.
Remember, almost every monster will hide their face from you until they feel that control over you.
Be careful, be patient, protect your angels & hell yes the best things are possible. Believe it & you've already done the hardest part ...the believing.
All the best to you, if you deserve it, then there isn't much in your way. Don't allow yourself to see it as unattainable or even complicated.

BHawkins's photo
Tue 05/17/16 09:58 AM
Why can't I see pleasant things like you guys?! Every experience I had with such things were flat out 100% dark,menacing, evil $hits. I swear the strangest part is that I'm never scared. It's the hardest feeling to describe but it's how I'd imagine a person with amnesia being around close friends. You know something feels very off but there is always that faint, far away feeling as if these figures are looking at me & waiting on me to wake up & remember or realize that I was or am one of them.
Yes I know ...sounds completely stupid & ridiculous, but when I even get a hint of a possibility that someone out there , might even half way get it, or have experienced something similar, I always end up being way too honest ....

Case in point ⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴⤴

BHawkins's photo
Tue 05/17/16 07:58 AM

Kind of strange we went from the UK side to the American side..offtopic

See? damn humans...we don't need reasons for the $hit we do. :wink: If this thread makes it to the 9 page range, I'd place a bet it'll turn into a younger guy/cougar discussion or 20 posts resembling this " Is site on I can has find love haha"

BHawkins's photo
Tue 05/17/16 07:52 AM

True that but ...heritage runs deep .

Very true!

BHawkins's photo
Tue 05/17/16 07:45 AM

UK werewolf sightings

pffft. I'd pull guard on his a$$, throw on an omaplata while snapping a high res pic of his face. The equation works like this [transitional chain Jiu Jitsu > Mythical Beasts] grumble

History is full of Mythical Beasts . I live near the Appalachian Mountains , and part Cherokee :wink:

Foke lore has some truth ...

Fortunately we have the most complex, blood hungry, multi-layered beast ever in existence. Righ out in the open to be studied....=the human. Breed a unicorn with a dragon & their offspring would still be less fascinating than people. The reason the creatures of folk lore stay so well hidden is probably because they are terrified of us.....& I would not blame them :wink:

BHawkins's photo
Tue 05/17/16 07:20 AM

It can happen.

I was with someone 10 years, and we planned to marry. We really got along fantastic with one another, and it was obvious we both loved each other very much, and thought the idea of spending our lives together was just too good not to enjoy.

She lived in Singapore and I lived here. She came to see me four times, and I flew to see her once. It was never about the distance, it was about the time. I took some bad risks and it cost me dearly, and i lost her because she got tired of waiting. I don't blame her for that at all.

Anyway, it can happen.

You just have to let it happen.

Very inspiring story. I really hoped the ending would have been different. Made me a little sad knowing it could have went the other direction. Just more proof that people should go all in & say to hell with the risks, if it's for someone you believe is your soulmate. Thanks for sharing. I'm sorry it didn't happen for you two.

BHawkins's photo
Tue 05/17/16 06:59 AM

UK werewolf sightings

pffft. I'd pull guard on his a$$, throw on an omaplata while snapping a high res pic of his face. The equation works like this [transitional chain Jiu Jitsu > Mythical Beasts] grumble

BHawkins's photo
Tue 05/17/16 06:46 AM

Will you????

Sure ...I never do anything with a reason. Why start now right?

BHawkins's photo
Mon 05/16/16 07:57 AM
Edited by BHawkins on Mon 05/16/16 08:02 AM

Welcome to Mingle. I have French, Chinese, Native American and Poblano native. People tell me I look Korean lol. Ho Chi Min! Welcome Vietnam! Join us on the forums.

Me too. I never thought you are in Texas, Rob. Haha, i thought you are FilAm lol

I honestly thought he was mulattoohwell People have thought I'm Mexican a few times lol & I'm 100% white devil pitchfork ...I think

I think you looked younger in that picture of yours Hawkins flowerforyou

And its true I never thought you are american haha.

Actually I look identical to the way I looked 16 years ago in the pics from then. I have to show my license to everyone who asks my age, as if I'd lie and add years ....its weird, maybe I'm not a white devil...maybe a vampire instead :wink: my sister is 50 and looks 30. Maybe we have some sort of Chinese/Pinoy/Korean in our tree. My father never met either of his parents & my mothers side is a big mystery too. So anything is possible I guesswhat As for me..born in Chicago Illinois & raised in north Alabama.

BHawkins's photo
Mon 05/16/16 06:23 AM

Your's is gooooood

I agree with Sacha Baron Cohen

BHawkins's photo
Mon 05/16/16 06:22 AM

Welcome to Mingle. I have French, Chinese, Native American and Poblano native. People tell me I look Korean lol. Ho Chi Min! Welcome Vietnam! Join us on the forums.

Me too. I never thought you are in Texas, Rob. Haha, i thought you are FilAm lol

I honestly thought he was mulattoohwell People have thought I'm Mexican a few times lol & I'm 100% white devil pitchfork ...I think

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