Community > Posts By > Southernborn29

Southernborn29's photo
Thu 01/08/09 06:30 PM
agreed totally but damn i always at least talk to a person at least once before decideing.I mean my god the phone call is not a curse,and how will you know what someones about if you never give them lead way.Alotta people are single not b/c their arent good people out here just that we have such a high bar and no room for comprimise....Everyone deserves a chance,b/c even myself have been shocked by women who at first wherent my ideal

Southernborn29's photo
Thu 01/08/09 06:25 PM
i mean i still think a reply back saying im not intrested is called for here.They are being nice still but not driveing you crazy by saying nothing at all.I agree to take this one on the chin but it really does suck to feel amazing after getting a number and feeling the rush.Only later to get tore down that ur not my type.Avoidance is total disrespect in my book and we all outta have the backbone, to say hey im too shallow to speak to you if thats how it is!

Southernborn29's photo
Thu 01/08/09 05:47 PM
yeah well shes not responsive so i will take the hint thanks for the advice.It still sucks anytime you get rejected but to give a person false hope is even worse.Thing is she wasnt drinking when we started talking and she approached me going in the door.Last night she did reply to txt "i should add" only to say "who is this" to my txt After i explained who i was no reply back was heard ,which should be obvious.Except she was flirting even before the drinking began.
I mean id rather she just drop a txt and be rude than dodge me and say nothing.It leaves too much room for error that txt didnt go through or she was busy...A good rule is be straight up,honest and screw making a person mad...At least they know and u didnt lead them on..-

Southernborn29's photo
Thu 01/08/09 05:04 PM
i feel you mirror the crazy thing is if she wasnt into me then why give me her real number???

Southernborn29's photo
Thu 01/08/09 05:02 PM
i did it went to voice mail and i left a message....But no call back.I know it was her number b/c i recognized the voice on her message box intro.Thing is i dont wanna give her a bad vibe by being too presistant,but at same understand people get busy and might forget after hrs pass to hit u up..

Southernborn29's photo
Thu 01/08/09 04:58 PM
I just got a number at a bar last night and although it is the correct number.Was kinda wondering if any ladies had any personal takes on how to address this matter.I mean i txt her after leaving the bar since she had been drinking and i wanted her to have a reminder in the
Thing is she has been unresponsive today and i wish not too over do it so ive laid back a bit.
I wanna catch up with her again,but dont wanna blow her phone up like crazy till i reach her...
Now women in your oppinion A would you give a guy ur real number if you had no intrest?B if you had how much is enough intrest to show without it being excessive and last how can i guage if this is a lost cause without giveing up too soon....Real advice needed plz

Southernborn29's photo
Mon 01/05/09 03:53 PM
no just sick of how guys get bashed for being all the same is all.....And expressing that why would men want to do better if it goes unnoticed or wanted in first place

Southernborn29's photo
Mon 01/05/09 03:42 PM
I recently see the dateing crowd jammed packed with way alot of women that want to take a bad boy that they find attraction in ,and attempt to make him a good guy.But yet overlook a good guy that isnt about the games, heartache or drama and more settled.Its not good men dont exsist in all cases, but that you may be attracted sometimes to guys that thrill you in one area but hurt you in another.My point is what you are looking for in a man is available,but maybe not in the make or model you are use to shopping Not to step on toes but think about your past heartaches and honestly dont they follow similar traits???