With the many atrocities in the name of God that has been reflected in the history of mankind, I cannot understand how anyone can follow such a idealogy in the first place regardless of what the religion or faith it comes from. There are truly people who can live peaceful amongst each other who are non religious or spiritual that have better belief systems then the gods that many have worshipped. Clearly a mediterrenean mythology as harmless as it may look is truly as dangerous as history has told it. When people start screaming "Because God whilsts it" then it is already a lost cause as we know in history people have lost their lives just because they are from a different culture, belief system, or lifestyle that is not adapted to the religion that seeks to spread across the globe by any means necessary. I admire those spiritual paths that do not seek by any means possible to influence their idealogies onto others, but instead practice for their own well being and inner happiness. Those are the people we should admire and follow and only few have made in the books of history as we know it. You are blaming religion for the people who abuse it. Do you think prescription drugs are evil? Lot's of people abuse them. Stalin killed millions in the name of Atheism. Does that make all people who do not believe in God evil because Stalin was? The way to my inner happiness and well being is to not follow anyone, and I don't admire anyone for their philosophies. It's their actions I admire. I couldn't care less what they believe. Why is it, that when someone mentions the evils that were done so, in the name of religion, then you(or someone else) flies in here with the claim that you cannot judge a religion based on those that "abuse" the beliefs of that religion, to cause harm. But, then you will make the completely incorrect statement that those killed in Stalin's Russia were killed in the name of Atheism. So, why are historically accurate cases where Religion/religious beliefs was the main cause behind one's actions not allowed to speak for all religion, but killings where the main cause is Socio-Political, you are allowed to make a blanket statement condemning something that you don't agree with, and/or choose not to understand? |
360 or PS3?
Like Canary said, at this point it really comes down to whatever console-exclusive games you want.
My 1st Xbox 360 died twice, the second time it died, was on my birthday, and not wanting to go the rest of my birthday without being able to play, I just went out and bought a new one. Haven't had a problem with the new one, and it is well over one year old now. I almost picked up a PS3, but just when I was about to, Sony lost the F1 license, and Codemasters picked it up, so now there really aren't any PS3-exclusive games that interest me. |
Edited by
Sun 03/01/09 05:49 PM
You know why your wrong and it's not a theory.....Because God shows people everyday of his existence....and just because your eyes and ears are closed....well that is who's fault...And there is so much history....there has never been any denying that Christ existed......and as far as history.....tons, artifacts....tons.... 1. "Tons" of artifacts? where are they? 2. People cannot accurately place Jesus in history. Most people belief he lived between 0 and 33 AD, but there are also many that feel he was "lived" about 100 years earlier. Again your only defense is that the Bible is written by man......well pick it up and read it sometime....every one of those men....and they were educated men....says that it was God that inspired them......so try again.
As I have stated on here several times before,(but hey, it's not like you read anything that contradicts you little view of the world) I was raised as a child of Christian parents, so as I have read the bible. Also, "inspired" by God does not equal written by god. Various cultures have had conceptions of a flat Earth, including ancient Babylon, Egypt, pre-Classical Greece and pre-17th century China.
So not just ancient Christian people....... We aren't talking about ancient Christians. We are talking about 16th Century Christians. |
Edited by
Sun 03/01/09 08:56 AM
Theory the operative word.....God no theory, Christ no theory, the Bible no theory.....hmmmmmmmmmmm nuff said. Actually, Since God's existence cannot be proven, God is very much a theory. Since many of the Gods from the Mediterranean region from 1000 year before Christ have very similar(if not exactly the same) stories as Jesus. Combined with the fact that Jesus himself cannot be accurately placed in History, Jesus is also a theory. The only thing about the bible that is not theory is that it was written by man. Not to mention the fact that Christianity has a history of being wrong... ("The Earth is Flat" "The Sun/planets revolve around the Earth"....) |
![]() Also, when dealing with someone who truly believes that Evolution is the work of Satan, they will never be objective enough to actually learn the facts, and instead will cling to the fundamentalist "understanding" to continue to refute it. |
Edited by
Fri 02/27/09 07:17 AM
As soon as I run into presumption and supposition attempting to masquerade as fact - there's no reason to read on. That is a pretty funny line coming from a Christian. Most likely for the same reason you won't read anything by Kent Hovind unless it's from someone attempting to discredit him.
It's not that hard to discredit Hovind. Basic Scientific fact does that all on it's own. |
Well I am informed and I have shown throughout this thread and debunked all of the theories.....And have done this for more then 10 years...so the lil boys that say I don't know about it...wrong...Haven't you noticed that when I put up evidence....it's skipped over and then I am personally attacked...I am so used to it...that it just make me laugh... GOD INFINITE You haven't proven anything other than your own willingness to be ignorant, and to cling to outdated beliefs from the bronze age. |
Again, All you have proved is a relationship between a plant and an animal. Now, here is a link with some information, and more links, about how orchids(the plant family that vanilla belongs to) help prove evolution. http://www.juliantrubin.com/bigten/darwininvent.html BOOOYAHHHHH!!!! Creationists 0 Evolution 127,256 GOD INFINITE EVOLUTIONIST THEORY ANYTHING ELSE DOESN"T AMOUNT TO A HELL OF BEANS......yea thats the ticket....sorry but nothing you boneheads think will change what IS.... GOD IS, WAS, AND ALWAYS WILL BE PERIOD END OF STORY And your a man that believes in science and vampire.....nuff said. And this is coming from someone doesn't believe in Santa Claus, but believes in one man hearing everyone murmur to him all at once. |
Oh lier where did I say God told me science is wrong....you are warped....Make fun darling but see this is the difference between someone knowing God....and someone wanting science to have all the answers... So, you call him warped, but then make the same assumption that he made. Science doesn't have all the answers, yet. Science will most likely not have all the answers in our lifetimes, but Science does have more real answers than religion ever will. |
Creation is not a theory..... Creation is not a theory because it's not Science! Creation cannot be tested, it can't be proven, it's just a statement. Creation doesn't explain anything, it just gives people a reason to remain ignorant. At this point(as I have posted before) it has been proven, that Creationism/ Intelligent Design is nothing more than an attempt to force religion into the public school system. Ohhhh this is to priceless.....interesting though....as it is not allowed at all into the public schools... Yes, Creationism/ID is not in school, but it has attempted to force it's way into schools, thru the legal system. Each time, it's attempt has failed. |
Creation is not a theory..... Creation is not a theory because it's not Science! Creation cannot be tested, it can't be proven, it's just a statement. Creation doesn't explain anything, it just gives people a reason to remain ignorant. At this point(as I have posted before) it has been proven, that Creationism/ Intelligent Design is nothing more than an attempt to force religion into the public school system. |
Again, All you have proved is a relationship between a plant and an animal. Now, here is a link with some information, and more links, about how orchids(the plant family that vanilla belongs to) help prove evolution. http://www.juliantrubin.com/bigten/darwininvent.html BOOOYAHHHHH!!!! Creationists 0 Evolution 127,256 Some people will believe anything. Isn't that the evolutionist's mantra to disprove Creationism. That article is crap. It explains nothing but Pretext. And all your "proof"(I use that term VERY loosely), and reasons have explained, what exactly? |
Would we as a world society be better off without religion? Do you think religion is essential to maintain order and peace in the world? Do you believe religion is long overdue and should come to an end? What do you believe to be true and what do you believe needs to be done to bring a better understanding amongst people in general? Don't we have Stalin's Russia as a prototype for this Hypothesis? Stalin's Russia wasn't a prototype of the world without religion, it was more of making the state the religion. I find it funny, how when one points out the many flaws in religion, you will claim that those flaws aren't in everyone's beliefs, but when we talk of a world without religion, you make the rather broad generalization that it would equal Stalin's Russia. You like to make the statement, that those who kill in the name of god, "aren't true" to their religious beliefs, yet here you are making they statement that lack of religion(or Atheism) was responsible for the evils that Stalin committed. Yet, even basic research will prove that there were other factors, and other, non-religious beliefs that were behind it. |
I found the documentary that the quote is in.
Richard Dawkins quotes Weinberg in his BBC Documentary "Root of All Evil?" pt. 2. |
Edited by
Thu 02/26/09 04:38 AM
It's really quite simple, for creationism/I.D. to be proven, someone needs to find an organism that is irreducibly complex. Simply, for ID to be correct, you need to find an organism, or a system within the organism, that if you take just one part of that away, it will no longer work. Each and every example of this that the ID camp has trotted out with, Science has disproven the Irreducibly Complexity of the organism/organism system. I find it hard to believe that you actually watched all the videos, and didn't get a single answer.. That one's easy. Vanilla. It can be demonstrated that we will no longer get vanilla if the melipona bee goes extinct. That doesn't prove anything is irreducibly complex, it proves mankind's dependence on the Melipona Bee, for Vanilla. And Vanilla's dependence on the bee for survival. So how does Evolution get around that. And by the way - explain how evolution explains how we got Vanilla in the first place?
And... How are you going to now get out of my just using your example to prove Creationism? Again, All you have proved is a relationship between a plant and an animal. Now, here is a link with some information, and more links, about how orchids(the plant family that vanilla belongs to) help prove evolution. http://www.juliantrubin.com/bigten/darwininvent.html |
Well except for new people that come in.....that I still get e-mails from. I would really like someone to show me something legit that has evolved....I know they say that it happens according to them over billions of years...so something in the past 500 years has to have evolved....otherwise I would say that the point of evolution has not been proved it is still a theory and creation has more credibility. And every time someone brings forth such evidence, we get a response out of you like: So this is the point.....if this is what your bringing me as evidence of evolution that the platypus was anything but a platypus...I say no try again.
Which is why a number of us have given up. You're not being objective, what you are looking for is an answer that fits with YOUR definition of evolution, and as it has been stated by a number of different people, the "proof" you are looking for, that would prove your definition of evolution, would actually disprove the whole theory of evolution. Well what would you like me to do.....say yippy skippy to the answers that to me have not proved evolution....but more have proved the awesomeness of the God that created the platypus or other such creatures. It's not a matter of being objective here....it's a matter of give me something that is crediblle. I do believe in evolving within a species, but like I said so many times when your only evidence is that of teeth and skull that onlyy prove my point that the platypus has evolved within itself and gotten smaller and has no teeth......I would just say you have not proved evolution in the sense that you people are talking about.... Yet, again, all your words do, is prove that regardless of the evidence that we have posted, evidence that overwhelmingly disproves the "theory" of Intelligent Design, needed by your god... The only reason you don't find the evidence posted in these threads, by myself, Bushido, and others, is because it does not fit your definition of "Evolution", which, you have been told, time and time again, that your definition is incorrect. Religion = Ignorance. |
Do you believe in destiny??
I feel things are predetermined for everyone yet can be changed through hard work. If something can be changed, it is not predetermined. I don't believe in destiny, because all it truly is, is just another reason why the actions of man aren't man's fault. |
If the Ancient Egyptian Civilization never existed, I'm sure Jesus would have a different story, since the story of Jesus mirrors, almost perfectly, the story of Horus, from the Book of the Dead.
Well except for new people that come in.....that I still get e-mails from. I would really like someone to show me something legit that has evolved....I know they say that it happens according to them over billions of years...so something in the past 500 years has to have evolved....otherwise I would say that the point of evolution has not been proved it is still a theory and creation has more credibility. And every time someone brings forth such evidence, we get a response out of you like: So this is the point.....if this is what your bringing me as evidence of evolution that the platypus was anything but a platypus...I say no try again.
Which is why a number of us have given up. You're not being objective, what you are looking for is an answer that fits with YOUR definition of evolution, and as it has been stated by a number of different people, the "proof" you are looking for, that would prove your definition of evolution, would actually disprove the whole theory of evolution. |
what is attractive to you in a lady? not physically, but more her inner spirit or soul? Other than looks, what I find attractive in a lady is a sense of humor, and knowledge. I want to have someone who can verbally spar with me, who can make fun of me, and can handle being made fun of. Someone who can have an intelligent conversation, and who can stand up for their beliefs, while I question them. |