Community > Posts By > Harvey_Denton

Harvey_Denton's photo
Tue 12/09/08 06:58 PM

I understand that, however to avoid baby mama drama, and the ex husband shuffle I refuse to. To this point in my life, I am unmarried with no kids. To me it's a sacred vow, "Till death do you part." If you truly love someone IMHO (again just an opinion) you will not marry again. Why should I settle for less than the first time experience for both parties when it comes down to something like marriage. I'm not asking for a virgin, just someone who has the same common background. I have dated women with children, and women with ex husbands and again in my experience, it's not something I want to deal with.

Understandable. Anyhow, good luck with your search.

But I just gotta say one thing, just because I have been married and I have a child.

My ex-husband and I were friends after we split, then he was killed. My sons father is 26 and has turned out to be a great person for my son. No drama, just coolness.smokin

Just saying, everyone is different, so just keep an open mind.:banana: Some people feed off drama in their lives, and I'm talking not about the ex's here, but the people that have the ex's. Crazy girls are what you need to avoid.:tongue:

Ok I need to just shut up and quit rambling.laugh

You are totally right. You said what I've been thinking. Crazy girls is why I'm here. I'm young, successful, and devoted and I deserve someone nice. For every gorgeous crazy girl there's one guy out there that's sick of dealing with her.

Harvey_Denton's photo
Mon 12/08/08 10:41 PM
i already got vibrator :P

Harvey_Denton's photo
Mon 12/08/08 10:40 PM
I win?

Harvey_Denton's photo
Mon 12/08/08 10:39 PM
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depreciator, depredator, depurator, deputator, derogator, desecrator, desiccator, designator, desolator, determinator, detonator, detoxicator, devastator, deviator, dictator, differentiator, dilapidator, dilatator, dilator, disarticulator, disceptator, discriminator, disintegrator, dispensator, disseminator, dissertator, dissimulator, dissipator, divaricator, divinator, domesticator, dominator, donator, duplicator, educator, edulcorator, ejaculator, elaborator, elevator, eliminator, elucidator, emanator, emancipator, emasculator, emendator, emigrator, emulator, enervator, enumerator, enunciator, epitomator, equator, equilibrator, equivocator, eradicator, escalator, escheator, estimator, evacuator, evaluator, evaporator, evocator, exaggerator, examinator, excavator, excheator, excitator, excommunicator, excusator, execrator, exonerator, expatiator, expectorator, experimentator, expiator, expilator, explicator, explorator, expostulator, expropriator, expurgator, exsiccator, extenuator, exterminator, extirpator, fabricator, falsificator, federator, felicitator, fellator, flagellator, formulator, fornicator, fulminator, fumigator, gator, generator, gesticulator, gladiator, glossator, graduator, granulator, gyrator, habitator, hallucinator, hesitator, hibernator, hydrator, hypothecator, illuminator, illustrator, imitator, immolator, impanator, imperator, impersonator, implorator, importunator, imprecator, impropriator, improvisator, inaugurator, incapacitator, incarcerator, incinerator, incorporator, incriminator, incubator, inculcator, indagator, indemnificator, indicator, individuator, infiltrator, inflator, inhalator, initiator, innovator, inoculator, insectator, inseminator, insidiator, insinuator, inspirator, instaurator, instigator, instilllator, insulator, integrator, intermediator, interpolator, interrogator, intimidator, invalidator, investigator, invigorator, invocator, irrigator, isolator, jaculator, joculator, jurator, justificator, lachrymator, laminator, 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predator, predestinator, predicator, premeditator, premonstrator, preparator, prestidigitator, prestigiator, prevaricator, probator, procrastinator, procreator, procurator, prognosticator, promulgator, pronator, pronunciator, propagator, propitiator, protestator, pulsator, punctator, punctuator, purificator, pyrolator, qualificator, radiator, ratiocinator, recapitulator, reciprocator, reconciliator, recriminator, rectificator, recuperator, recusator, refrigerator, regenerator, regrator, regulator, rehabilitator, relator, remonstrator, remunerator, renegotiator, renovator, repudiator, resonator, respirator, restorator, resuscitator, retaliator, revelator, reverberator, rotator, ruminator, rusticator, sacrificator, saturator, scarificator, scintillator, scrutator, sectator, senator, separator, sequestrator, sermocinator, serrator, significator, simulator, somnambulator, sophisticator, spectator, speculator, spoliator, stator, stimulator, stipulator, stridulator, subcurator, subjugator, substantiator, suffragator, sulphurator, supinator, supplicator, syndicator, tabulator, tergiversator, terminator, testator, testificator, thermoregulator, titrator, tolerator, totalisator, totalizator, tractator, translator, transmigrator, transubstantiator, triangulator, triturator, tronator, turbogenerator, urinator, vaccinator, vacillator, valuator, vasodilator, vaticinator, venerator, ventilator, versificator, vibrator, vindicator, violator, vitiator, vituperator, vociferator, volator,

Harvey_Denton's photo
Mon 12/08/08 10:39 PM
Edited by Harvey_Denton on Mon 12/08/08 10:41 PM
I win?

Harvey_Denton's photo
Mon 12/08/08 10:35 PM
I understand that, however to avoid baby mama drama, and the ex husband shuffle I refuse to. To this point in my life, I am unmarried with no kids. To me it's a sacred vow, "Till death do you part." If you truly love someone IMHO (again just an opinion) you will not marry again. Why should I settle for less than the first time experience for both parties when it comes down to something like marriage. I'm not asking for a virgin, just someone who has the same common background. I have dated women with children, and women with ex husbands and again in my experience, it's not something I want to deal with.

Harvey_Denton's photo
Mon 12/08/08 10:07 PM
Looks like yards here, but ugly, since you're from Michigan. OH - IO!

Harvey_Denton's photo
Mon 12/08/08 09:29 PM
Wow very quick responses lol! Thanks for the feedback.

Harvey_Denton's photo
Mon 12/08/08 09:12 PM
Sounds like a service pack gone wrong. Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> Click "show updates" -> Uninstall either service pack 2 or service pack 3. (Don't shut off, you will blue screen.) After finished, run you're updates again with windows update. Problem fixed. This is more than likely a bad service pack 3 install. More than likely an issue with DCOM. This should fix it. Post again if you need more instruction, those were pretty brief.

Harvey_Denton's photo
Mon 12/08/08 09:08 PM
I work with Unix Servers all day long and have had my hands deep in the open source world for many years :-)

Harvey_Denton's photo
Mon 12/08/08 09:06 PM
Just made my profile, tell me what you think. Is it too linear? Am I likely to meet someone, what are your experiences? Really liking the site!